Be Your Brand

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by Regan Hillyer

  Be Your Brand

  From Unknown to Unforgettable in 60 Days

  Regan Hillyer

  Copyright © 2015 by Regan Hillyer International

  All rights reserved.

  This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created in Bali, Indonesia and brought to you, wherever you are in the world.

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  Get in touch with Regan Hillyer:


  Email: [email protected]







  As I sit here writing this in Bali, Indonesia, it really all feels like a blur. 60 days ago I was in a place where I was confused, overwhelmed and seriously lacking focus when it came to my personal brand. The biggest reason was, simply, because I didn’t have a personal brand!

  I was the person who could have gone in 20 different directions. Should I be this? Should I create this? Should I launch this? What if it doesn’t work? The questions were endless.

  Fast forward 60 days and I sit here with a well-established brand that is already in profit, clearly defined by physical results.

  And I’m here to tell you that you can do this, too.

  Amongst the confusion and the questions and the lack of clarity, there’s one thing I know for sure—you ABSOLUTELY have a personal brand that just hasn’t been established yet.

  You are an incredible, unique, amazing individual, unlike any other person walking the planet right now. You have a message, a voice, and a soul. Yet here’s the challenge right now. You’re not branded. Or, you’re not branded well.

  Because here’s what’s interesting: 60 days ago, I was the same “me” as I am right now. I was still Regan. I had the same values, the same beliefs, the same mission and the same voice. I just wasn’t positioning myself right, or, at all. I wasn’t stepping 100% into my greatness, simply because I didn’t know HOW.

  Now, if you’re someone who is a little afraid (or hugely afraid!) to step 100% into your greatness, that’s normal and you need to get to work on YOU and your mindset, but that’s not what this book is about. This book is designed to give you the strategy. The step-by-step system as to how I went from being globally unknown to now being unforgettable, in just 60 days.

  We’re talking being in thousands of dollars of profit, connecting with key people of influence, being picked up by huge media outlines internationally, speaking on international stages, tripling social media presence, having a much bigger impact than ever before and playing a much, MUCH bigger game.

  The question is, are YOU ready to “Be Your Brand”?

  Sit back, relax, enjoy the book, then take massive action.



  Regan is a “serial entrepreneur”, coach and an educator. Regan has founded several companies, invested in real estate and has transformed the lives of thousands across many different industries.

  For over a decade, Regan has been obsessed with what makes people successful. Her mission is to help you unlock your true potential, become wildly successful, and make an impact in this world.

  Regan’s expertise falls in several different areas, including training, empowerment, music, real-estate, mindset, and education. She feels extraordinarily fortunate to have the freedom and excitement that she experiences in every area of her life. It’s authentic, extensive, and complete. She feels strongly that everyone deserves to have what she experiences day-to-day.

  However, it wasn’t all fun and roses in the beginning for Regan. She tried to do everything right. She went to a great school, worked really hard, got good grades, yet she never truly felt that she was doing what she was put on this planet to do.

  After moving alone to the UK following an unsuccessful attempt to figure out her life’s goal, Regan completed a degree in Architecture, only to remain unfulfilled and uncertain about what her future held.

  It soon became apparent to Regan that there was a deep longing inside her to create success for herself in all areas of her life and lead others so that they are able to do this as well. This spurred a large amount of personal development and training, engaging in some of the world’s top mindset and wealth coaches to shift Regan from where she was, to where she wanted to be.

  Regan now runs international programs, helping thousands of people reach their true performance potential. The feeling she gets from impacting these people is so empowering, it is what drives her to continue to pursue this purpose.


  Our motivated, hungry, and passionate team spans from Bali to Auckland, Victoria, New South Wales, The Cook Islands, California, Florida, and Arizona. We are fueled by your success and are extremely passionate about our tribe, our vibe, and getting extraordinary results daily.

  We are powered by a vision where every human has the ability to unlock their greatness and achieve extensive financial and personal abundance. Our mission is to disrupt the world’s version of “normal”, and help YOU become wildly successful, right now.

  If you want to get in touch with us, the best way is to email us at [email protected]. Or check out We’re constantly focusing on increasing our standards and we’d love to hear from you.

  If there’s anything we can do from our end to improve your experience with our brand, or if you have ideas to share with us, let us know!

  If you want to be kept in the know with what’s going on, sign up for our free newsletter here:

  Make sure, if you are interested in hearing more about The Be Your Brand LIVE Masterminds (In Person and Online) then you send the team a message through

  Plus, our tribe has the coolest, most passionate, edgy vibe—we know you’d fit right in here.

  See you at the top!

  Regan and the team.


  Hi! I’m Regan Hillyer.

  My mission is to unlock your greatness, disrupt your version of “normal” and let you know that you can become wildly successful, now. A world traveler at heart, I pride myself on making a massive impact in this world and showing people that they can be extraordinary, because there’s lots of room at the top!

  I am a best selling author, an international speaker, entrepreneur and coach. I have founded The Be Your Brand Mastermind LIVE, The Online Empire Builder, Your SuccessHub Weekly Success Coaching, amongst other incredible live events and online programs. Everything I do gives back and supports the Lumière Project, with the mission to help people ignite their flames and unleash their true message on the world.

  I am an expert when it comes to working with people 1:1, as well as in small mastermind groups, and I would love to help you create a business and a life that you love, allowing you to “have it all” in every area of your life, on your terms!

  A Kiwi girl who tried to do it all right - go to school, get good grades, go to university… And one day I figured out that there was definitely more to life. With a ridiculous work ethic, a heart of service and a laptop, I’ve created my socially conscious empire from scratch. With a global approach to success and development, I’m here to tell you that you really CAN have it all…

  I don’t do labels, but if I had to have one, it would be a
“serial entrepreneur” because, like you, there are many things that I love taking to the next level.

  I believe that you need to bring your complete game to the the business table and if you want to stand out and be successful in today’s world, then that includes your personality, your vibe, your tribe and, most importantly, your hunger to succeed. I’m known to deliver high quality, out of the box, say it like it is, break the rules, business and personal development training.

  Your success is what drives me to help you get better and better results! I’m always creating, and I’d love for you to join my newsletter to get first access. You can subscribe over at

  My commitment to you is 100%. To always bring you the very best of what I have and what I’m learning, and to keep it real and raw as I go.

  Make sure you subscribe to

  You can learn more about me here: .

  And make sure you connect on Facebook over here:

  Check out Your SuccessHub weekly success coaching and find out how I can help you do the inner work required to take your life and your business to the next level at

  See you at the top!

  And remember, you absolutely can have it all!

  Regan x

  Table of Contents


  A Note from the Author

  Professional Bio

  About the Brand

  About the Author

  Table of Contents



  Getting Clear on What a Brand Is

  Reasons for Creating Your Own Brand

  Who Are You?

  Getting Clear on Your Vision


  Discovering Your Driving Values

  What is Your Passion?

  The Power of Your Unique Story

  What Makes You Stand Out?

  The WOW Factor

  Creating Exceptional Perceived Brand Value

  Authority Positioning

  Where Are You Headed?

  5 Steps to Create a Compelling Competitive Advantage That Will Make Your Brand Stand Out

  Competitive Advantages - #1 Service

  Competitive Advantages - #2 Pricing

  5 Steps for A Winning Competitive Advantage Statement

  Your Brand Logo

  The Success Model Check

  Attracting Your Ideal Tribe

  Establishing Your 12 Month Plan

  Personal Brand Success Stories to Learn From


  Professional Photos

  Professional Website

  Brand Positioning

  Going Global

  Having Converting Landing Pages

  A Word On Social Media

  Invite Your Tribe to Be Your First Fans

  The Like Is More Important Than the Link

  How to Get The “Like”

  Sales Now Vs Like Now

  Brand Recognition and Building Credibility

  Getting Seen Online

  Ensure You Become a Best Selling Author


  The Little Things Matter

  Making Selling Easy

  Just Be You

  Utilizing Direct Messages

  Utilizing Online Videos

  Everybody Loves to Feel Heard

  The Benefits of Listening: Why Does It Really Matter?

  Listening Versus Monitoring

  How to Listen

  Accelerating Your Social Media Audiences

  LinkedIn: For Maximum Impact, Target Professionals Only

  Forget Demographics: Targeting On Twitter

  Know Your Ideal Target Audience / Your Ideal Tribe

  Put an End to Wasteful Spending

  Think and Act Like Someone in Your Tribe Would

  Understanding What Your Tribe Really Wants

  How to Make Edge Rank Work for You

  Understanding What Your Tribe Loves

  Engaging Your Tribe

  Get Back to Your Core Values

  Building Tribes and Communities Around Trust and Loyalty

  Customers Solving Customer Service Issues

  Dealing with “Negative” Public Comments

  Embrace What You Can’t Control

  The Do-Not-Delete Rule

  From Complainers to Supporters

  From FOE to FiOS to Fan of FiOS

  Accept that Complaints are Unavoidable, React Quickly, and Your Customer will Accept You

  Respond to Good Comments

  Develop Your Social Personality

  Chill Zone Sets Tone

  Activate Your Brand Ambassadors

  Full Disclosure

  Truly Valuing All Your Customers

  Be an Improv Show, Not A Musical

  Develop an Authentic Voice

  Regulating Discussions

  The Authentic Celebrity

  Building Trust: Transparency Is No Longer Negotiable

  Just Like Dating: The More Open You Are, The Better

  What is the Marketing Value of Questions?

  What is the Insight Value of Questions?

  Getting Your Message Out There, Consistently!

  Stories Bring Your Company to Life

  How You Started

  Build Word of Mouth into Your Products and Services

  Social Media Is Not Just Marketing

  We Live in a World of Instant Gratification

  Speaking to Leverage Your Results

  Online Leveraged Speaking

  Price Point Increases

  You Can’t Do This All On Your Own

  Keys to Hiring a Successful Team

  Developing Joint Ventures to Accelerate Results


  How Can Regan Help You Further?

  About the author

  Did you love this book?


  This book is a step by step guide as to how I built my global empire from scratch.

  It is broken into three simple sections:

  Developing Your Brand

  Launching Your Brand

  Accelerating Your Brand

  Here’s what I know for SURE!

  You ALREADY have a brand, you may just not be “branded” yet.

  Or, you may own a company, but quite possibly you do not have a personal brand.

  How do I know you have a brand?


  You have a heart beat.

  You have a deep message that you are called to share with this world.

  You are destined for greatness.

  And last time I checked, there is only one version of you, so when you do develop and launch your brand, it will be entirely unique, entirely, well, YOU!

  It’s just a matter of unlocking “that” and making a choice to make a massive impact in this world…

  This step-by-step guide ignores many traditional rules in business. And if you’re someone who’s in love with the “right” way or the “secret system” then I suggest you stop reading right now, as this book will most likely do nothing other than frustrate you.

  However, if you are a rock star, an artist, an individual who KNOWS that you have something powerful to unleash on the world, then this will be right up your alley.

  So sit back, relax, and dig right in.

  And if at any point you’re itching to connect with me, please head on over to, or connect with me on social media because I am a real human and I love connecting with people who get my vibe.

  Now let’s get cranking…


  This section is all about unlocking your greatness, encouraging you to take massive action and ultimately make an incredible difference in this world.

  Hold your horses.

  I know you’r
e excited.

  I know you want to dive straight into this.

  I know you’re ready to unleash your true message on the world.

  But let’s get real, we have some work to do first!

  We need to firstly get very clear on what you’re looking to achieve, what your true message to the world actually is and begin to form a realistic, doable plan before we launch you into the big bad world!

  Here’s the first thing you need to know:

  Brands are an asset. They should be created, developed, and managed with great care and due diligence. Having an overall process to create a successful strategy for a brand is essential to achieving long-term positive performance. Finding out who you are in the most authentic way is the groundwork for creating and building genuine personal brands. The process for building personal brands is a science, combined with a lot of artistic license.

  Now here’s the thing. When it comes to personal branding, YOU are your brand. So ultimately, your brand should just be an extension of yourself. You, sharing your thoughts, beliefs, talents, fears, failures and successes with the world.

  Let’s examine what it means to think like a brand. Genuine brands clearly follow a strategy so that they will be perceived as distinctive from other choices, more relevant to their customers, consumers, associates, and influencers; and they offer superior perceived value.


  To be sure we are on the same page, let’s be clear on what exactly a brand is. A brand is emotions, reputations, sounds, your name, a design, or anything that separates you from everyone else. For example, the golden arches of McDonald’s became the brand symbol and separated this product from any other restaurant of fast food. Even kids recognize the golden arches, unfortunately! (But don’t get me started on a huge chat about health and what we should be feeding our children!)

  It is common to brand on the level of business. However, on a personal level, branding is becoming just as important. After all, businesses are merely people working with people and that is what makes it a valuable relationship. It is from this point of view that your personal brand should be created.


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