PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Shapeshifter Romance: The Vampire's Stolen Bride (BBW Fantasy Alpha Male Romance Books) (New Adult Vampire Fun Mature Young Adult Billionaire Steamy Love and Romance Novella)

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PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Shapeshifter Romance: The Vampire's Stolen Bride (BBW Fantasy Alpha Male Romance Books) (New Adult Vampire Fun Mature Young Adult Billionaire Steamy Love and Romance Novella) Page 47

by Sophia Hunter

  The two of them dressed and held on to each other as they walked back to the camp. Once they were close enough that they could see people, they knew they had to let go of each other, but Aaron pushed Paula behind a tree, sneaking just a few more moments alone with her.

  He wanted to lift her dress up right there and shove his already growing cock into her but knew it was too risky. Instead, he settled for a kiss and slid his hand up her dress for just a few seconds, teasing her clit. He wanted to make sure that when she went to bed that night, he was the only thing on her mind and that he would get to spend another day like this with her.

  The two of them walked back to the field hospital and Paula could tell that Aaron was in pain. As soon as she walked him back to his cot, she got him a glass of water and medication to help him relax. Paula gathered his food and made sure that he was comfortable before she got her own. The two of them ate and talked about life outside of the war: what they wanted to do when they got back home. Aaron was surprised to find out that Paula actually had no plans.

  When she had signed up to help with the war, she never thought she would make it out alive. It was a time in her life when she did not know if it mattered if she was alive and figured that at least in death she would be able to do something that would have made her parents proud.

  Back in the States, Paula lived on the streets. It was a completely different life than Aaron had ever expected her to live but she did not want his pity. He talked to her about finding a place to live and using the money that the government would give her for serving to help with her future. For the first time, she actually had some hope about living a happy normal life.

  He told her that he would give her his address and when she found a place he wanted her to write him. He promised that he would do anything he could to help her, but Paula did not believe in fantasies. She smiled as he talked and pretended that she believed what he was saying to her, but in her heart, she knew once he went back home, she would be nothing more than a memory to him, just as he would always be a memory to her. She was not going to fool herself by thinking that there would be anything more than that.

  The two of them talked late into the evening until Aaron’s medications kicked in and he began to fall asleep. Paula made sure that he had water next to his cot in case he got thirsty and that he had all the blankets he needed to keep him warm during the night. As Aaron fell asleep, he wished that Angela took care of him as well as Paula did. He resented Angela a lot and knew that he needed to make a decision about his future that was right for him and that was not based on what his family thought was right for him. Deep down, he knew that he had to end his relationship with Angela but felt guilty knowing that she had no idea what was coming when he came home.

  Paula made her way to her own cot, her body was exhausted, her eyes hurt and it was difficult for her to walk without pain. Her body was not used to having sex and as the day had progressed it seemed that she was more sore than when she and Aaron had been in the woods together. She knew that if she was ever going to have sex on a regular basis this was something she would have to get used to and she hoped that eventually he body would adjust. She didn’t care how much pain she was in, being that close to Aaron and seeing the love that was in his eyes as he made love to her was worth every ounce of it.

  The next day Paula was awoken by the sound of a missile that had landed very close to the camp. As she jumped out of her cot, she heard the soldiers yelling and running around the camp. She quickly dressed and went to find out what was going on.

  It turned out that several men had been hurt in the attack and they were being taken into the field hospital. Paula rushed to the hospital to help prepare for the men. It took several weeks for the men to become stable enough to not need constant care, and in that time, Paula had not been able to spend time with Aaron.

  It broke her heart every day as she had to rush in and out of other men’s rooms, but never had time to check on the one man that she really cared about. Aaron would walk through the hospital just to get a glimpse of her. Standing off in the distance, he would watch her take care of the soldiers.

  Aaron was not jealous and he did not feel as if she did not care for him. He knew that she was busy saving lives and when she looked at him, he could see how much it pained her to be apart from him. They were lucky if they got to spend any more than a few seconds together each day, but Aaron was creative and he loved stealing kisses from her when no one was around.

  He loved seeing the smile on her face when he would pop in and surprise her as she quickly ate her lunch or when she was preparing medication for the other soldiers. There was always a sparkle in her eyes when she would see him and that was enough for him to know that she still cared.

  Paula had told Aaron that she would be able to spend time with him in the next few days knowing that all of the men were recovering well, but Aaron had not told Paula that he had been given his release papers. In just a few short days, Aaron would be back on a plane on his way back to the States and he would have to make a decision about what he really wanted in his life.

  He did not want to get shipped back home without having time to spend with Paula and decided that he was going to sneak over to her tent and surprise her. Paula was still working at the hospital when Aaron stuck out and hid in her tent. He lay on her cot waiting for her to return and wondered what he would say to her.

  He knew that it was going to break her heart when she found out that he was going home, and even though he wanted to tell her to join him when she was able to, he knew he could not do so. He had still not decided what he wanted to do about Angela and his life back home.

  There was a part of Aaron that knew if he went home and married Angela, he would always be thinking about Paula. He knew that Angela could never make him happy. In fact, she would probably make him very miserable. Paula, on the other hand, was everything he could ever ask for. He also knew how his parents would react if he broke off the engagement with Angela and how disappointed in him they would be.

  He had always wanted their approval, and for the first time he began to ask himself if the sacrifices were really worth it. He lay in Paula’s tent and imagined a life where the two of them moved far away from everything they knew and started a new life. One where he was able to give Paula all of the things that she had always dreamed of. He wanted her to have a real family in a nice home and he wanted to be the one to give her those things. Aaron shook his head completely confused about what he should do.

  In the meantime Paula went about her duties, she checked on all of the patients making sure that they were comfortable and had everything they would need for the night. Her last stop was Aaron’s room and when she saw that he was not in his bed, her heart sunk. She had looked forward to seeing him all day and she felt like crying when she could not find him.

  She wondered if he had given up on her and taken another nurse to their special place in the woods. She considered going there to look but it was dark and she was tired. She headed to her tent telling herself that she would talk to him the next morning.

  As Paula entered her tent she saw the dark shadow lying on her cot which caused her to jump. She was not sure if she should scream or run away, but as she watched the figure sit up she immediately knew who it was. She ran over to the cot and threw her arms around Aaron as she kissed him passionately. It was her turn to want to rip off his clothes and throw him down on the cot, but Aaron pushed her away before she could.

  Paula looked at Aaron confused. She thought that he would be happy to see her, that he would want to make love to her again since it had been so long. For her, he was all that she could think about, and she wanted to feel his body against hers again. She did not understand what she had done to make him push her away.

  Aaron could see the hurt in her eyes and could tell that she felt as if he had rejected her.

  “Paula,” he began slowly, “I’m going to stay with you tonight but before I do, we need to talk.”

p; Paula sat on the cot looking at Aaron. She had no idea what he was about to tell her, but she could tell by the look on his face that it was not going to be pleasant.

  “I have my release papers,” he said as he looked down at his feet. “They are going to send me home in a few days.”

  Paula took a deep breath. She had thought about what she would do when this day came many times, but nothing could have prepared her for it. She sat on the cot looking off into space feeling as if she were in a bad dream. Tears welled up in her eyes as she thought about going through the rest of her life not seeing Aaron and even the thought of going into the field hospital and him not being there broke her heart.

  She felt anger towards the soldiers that had taken up all of her time over the previous weeks and even though she knew it was not their own doing, she blamed them for the time that she had not gotten to spend with Aaron. A tear fell down her cheek as she wished that they had just a little bit more time together.

  “You know I would stay if I could,” he whispered to her. Even though it was dark in the tent, he knew that she was crying. He placed his arm around her and he could feel her muscles tighten as she tried to control her emotions. He wanted to break down and cry as well, but knew that he had to be strong for her. He had spent many hours thinking about what his future held and how he would manage without her by his side and he was still not able to come up with the right words to say to make her feel better.

  Paula wiped a tear from her face and turned to Aaron. “I know you would,” she said, trying to catch her breath and refusing to let her emotions take over. “I am just glad we had the time together that we did.”

  That was not enough for Aaron and at that moment he knew what he had to do. “Paula, when I get back home, I am going to break off the engagement to Angela. I don’t love her and I don’t want to spend the rest of my life with her. I love you, Paula,” Aaron was looking at Paula as he spoke, but he could tell that she was lost in her own thoughts.

  Paula turned to him. “Aaron, we both knew that this was going to come to an end at some point,” she said bluntly. “You are going to go home and live your life the way that you had planned it and I am going to go about my life. We had our time together and it is coming to an end.”

  Aaron shook his head, refusing to accept that as her answer. He wanted her to come home to him when she was released and he needed to make sure that she understood that. “Paula,” he said gently as he took her hand. “I don’t think you are hearing what I am saying. I am in love with you. I don’t care what anyone has to say about my life or my future. I want to be with you and only you for the rest of my life.”

  Paula refused to believe that Aaron knew what he wanted. She assumed that he was simply caught up in his emotions and was doing whatever he could to ease her pain. She was not going to get her hopes up because of a promise that she was sure he would not keep.

  “Let’s just enjoy the little bit of time we have together right now,” she whispered, not wanting to waste the precious little amount of time they did have. She saw no point in arguing with him about what he was saying and did not want to part on bad terms. She wanted to remember the love that the two of them shared for the rest of her life, and when Aaron looked back on his time in the hospital, she wanted it to be full of happy memories. She did not want him to remember them arguing just as he was about to go back home.

  “Okay,” he whispered, knowing that she did not believe him. He did not know what he could do to make her see how serious he was, but he wanted to make her happy. “I have to ask one thing first though,” he continued. “I am going to leave my address with you. I want you to write me every day and when you are released I want you to promise me that you will come home to me. We will build a life together. You will see, Paula.”

  Paula sighed and looked at the man sitting next to her. Her eyes had adjusted to the darkness inside of her tent and she could see the pain on his face. “Aaron,” she began. “I will write you every day, and if you want me to come to you when I am released,, then I promise that I will. But if you get home and you realize that you are in love with your fiancé and you want to spend your life with her, I promise that I will not be angry with you. I am just happy that I got to meet you and that we had the time together that we did.”

  Aaron knew that he was not going to get a better answer than that. He loved Paula but he knew that she could be pig-headed at times. She had suffered a lot in her life and she knew how to protect herself. It hurt him that she thought she needed to protect herself from him, but he vowed to prove to her that he was telling her the truth.

  “When you come home,” he said, smiling. “We can take the money that the two of us have, and we can move anywhere. I will open a shop and we will have an amazing life together.”

  As he spoke, Paula thought about what he was saying and it was hard for her not to smile at the thought of spending the rest of her life with him. She loved the idea of the two of them finding a place to call their own and building a real family together, but she shook her head refusing to let that fantasy into her mind.

  Aaron pulled Paula close and kissed her on her neck. “I want to sleep here with you tonight if that is okay,” he whispered. “I want you to know what it feels like to wake up in my arms so that when I am gone you have something to look forward to.”

  Another tear fell from Paula’s eye as she listened to him speak. She wanted to sleep next to the man that she loved because she knew that she would have to remember what it felt like for the rest of her life.

  Paula stood in front of Aaron and began removing her clothes. She wanted to have one last night with him before her entire world fell apart. She did not know how she was going to go on without him, she knew that before she had met him she did not feel as if she mattered to anyone in the world and she did not want to feel that way ever again. Instead of focusing on what she knew was going to happen she decided to focus on the moment and enjoy every inch of the man that she had fallen so deeply in love with.

  Once she had removed all of her clothing she looked down at Aaron, who was staring up at her body. She could see the love in his eyes and wanted to remember that look forever. She pulled him to his feet and began gently taking his clothes off of him. She removed his shirt and let it drop to the floor of the tent before she placed her hands on his shoulders and slid them down his arms over his thick muscles.

  She loved the way his body looked. His pecs stuck out from the rest of his chest and he had a beautiful six-pack that she wanted to kiss every inch off. She gently kissed Aaron on the neck as she moved her hands to his pants, and as she kissed her way down his body, she slowly removed his pants. When she had finally pulled them down to his ankles, she was on her knees in front of him. Aaron stepped out of his pants and looked down at her. Her face was inches from his cock that pointed straight into the air.

  It only took her touch to turn him on and there was no way for him to control it. He smiled at her as he thought about their future and wondered how he would ever accomplish anything with a woman like that in the house. He imagined that he would not be able to keep his hands off of her long enough to get ready for work let alone run a business.

  Paula was looking up at him as she opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out. He felt the warmth of her breath on his shaft, which caused his heart to race. No woman had ever sucked his cock and even though he had heard about it and dreamed about it, they all acted as if it were something disgusting that they did not enjoy doing.

  Paula flicked her tongue on the tip of his cock causing pre-cum to begin dripping out. It was obvious to her that he wanted her just as badly as she wanted him, but she wanted to give him a night that he would remember for the rest of his life.

  Paula placed one hand on the head of his cock gently lifting it out of her way, allowing her to place her tongue on the base of his shaft and work her way back up to the tip. As she got to the tip of his cock, she wrapped her lips around it and began flicking and circling i
t with her tongue.

  Aaron couldn’t help but let out a moan, even though he was trying to ensure that no one else in the camp heard them. Paula pushed her head down onto his shaft until the head of his cock hit the back of her throat. Aaron placed his hands in her hair entangling his fingers with the dark silk.

  He held Paula in place for only a second as she gagged a little on his cock before he let her slide her mouth all the way back down to the tip. Paula quickly began to bob on his cock with a steady pace and before Aaron could stop himself he exploded into her mouth. Paula was not phased but continued to bob on his cock swallowing all that he had for her.

  When Aaron had stopped coming, he released his grip on Paula’s head. He had not realized that he had grabbed her so tightly as he came and wanted to make sure that he had not hurt her. Paula slid her mouth off of his cock and looked up at him with a smile on her face as she licked her lips. Paula stood and Aaron wrapped his arms around her pulling her body close to his.

  The feel of her breasts pressing hard against his chest had him wanting her all over again. As his cock grew it slid between her legs, allowing him to feel the wetness that was building. Aaron pressed his lips against Paula’s and kissed her hard. He wished that the two of them were already back home on a soft bed making love, but he knew that day would come soon enough. He had things to take care of before Paula came home to him, but he was not going to let a woman like her slip through his fingers.

  As Aaron kissed Paula he slid his hands down her back and grabbed her ass. He had so many things that he wanted to show her that night and as his cock throbbed he could not wait to get started. Aaron turned and pushed Paula gently down on the cot, spreading her legs as far apart as he could. He stood between them, slowly rubbing his cock and contemplating what he wanted to do to her first.

  Aaron moved closer and slid his cock up and down her slit, teasing her clit with the head of his cock with each stroke. Paula wiggled underneath him and he could tell that she wanted more, but he was content with teasing her for the moment. After a few more strokes Aaron quickly slammed his cock into her pussy, causing her to lose her breath.


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