The Lost Mage 2

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The Lost Mage 2 Page 8

by A L Issett

  “I cannot see which one you are talking about” Jon said shakily as he thought he saw Simone’s nipples stiffen. It was a little cold in his room right now as Jon thought he also saw gooseflesh appear on her body.

  “Well then bring your head closer, they aren’t going to bite you” the merchant said as Jon leaned in closer. Before he knew what was happening the merchant grabbed his head with both of her hands and pulled him towards her while thrusting her breast in his face. Jon was shocked but not so much that he had no idea what to do when a woman’s breast was in his face. Jon let him mouth engulf her chest as Simone began to shake a little. The fact that Jon had seen Geoff fawn all over the merchant sealed the deal, Jon made up his mind that he would fuck her to get a little payback from Geoff. Jon suckled at her breast and lifted the girl up, Jon thought he heard her squeak a little, probably surprised by Jon’s strength. Jon walked her over to his bed and sat her down on it as he removed his mouth from her breast. Jon instead slid down and spread her legs wide as he moved the material out of the way until he found what he was looking for. Jon dove his face into her sex, licking and kissing as she arched her back so he could access it better. Simone started shaking a little at the feeling and started to cry out as Jon raised his hands to her lips as a signal for her to be quiet. When that seemed like a losing effort, Jon painlessly severed her vocal chords, leaving her confused at first until he gave her a smile reminding her of his talent. Jon hit all her sexual nerves then, giving her an orgasm so explosive that her body wracked in an unusual position like she was in pain after the wave came over her. Jon tried to bring her back down but she had snapped out of it and wanted his clothes off, carelessly fumbling at his belt. These clothes were new Jon thought, as he carefully took off his garments as the merchant looked at him with hunger. As soon as his pants were removed she practically flew over and took his stiff member in her mouth, unlike Lax she was relaxed, going up and down his shaft in a nice slow pace. Jon would have exploded inside her mouth if not for his magic and she had only been down there for moments. Drommul cried out in his head to take her, and Jon needed little prompting as he turned her around and entered her from behind. She was moist and ready as his member slid deep inside her with a little resistance on the account of how large he had made his cock. As Jon pulled out a little he liked the feeling on how her sex gripped him tight like it did not want to let go of its prize. Jon entered her deep again and soon got into a rhythm, the merchant joined in this by arching a d relaxing herself to Jon’s rhythm ensuring he could go in nice and deep. Jon grabbed her around the hips and was going to shoot his load into her when she pulled away and quickly spun around as Jon’s seed first landed on her face, then inside her mouth as he held her head still and let her enjoy her meal. When it was over she got up slowly and began to get dress silently as Jon did the same, but not before restoring her vocal chords.

  “You never got to that mole” Simone teased. Jon didn’t feel comfortable thinking of her as the merchant after what he had just received.

  “I guess I didn’t, what was this all about anyway?” Jon asked.

  “I often dress down to visit one of my businesses in the poorer part of town to see how my supervisors are treating my workers” Simone said as she flashed Jon a smile, this time actually showing teeth instead of her half grin. “You were close so I wanted to see what you were all about, you fixed my crooked teeth. I knew you were not the type to help the rich but I did not want to be in your debt”.

  “So this was all about repaying a debt?” Jon asked.

  “That was part of it” Simone replied. “The other part is that this doesn’t have to be a one-time thing, but I have to get back before anyone gets curious”.

  Jon watched her leave as Drommul was sending him congratulations on his conquest. Jon had to agree with the demon as he sat down and soon found out he was sleepy despite the fact it wasn’t even midday. The rest of Jon’s day went by relatively easy, he wasn’t invited to the noonday meal and that was fine by him, he preferred to stay in his room anyway. The trouble started later that night when he heard his guards talking through the door about the King’s arrival.

  Jon was not bothered in the morning, or at the noonday meal but was summoned by the King to meet with him in his quarters later in the evening after supper. When Jon got there he could see Gwendolyn was already there looking a bit confused.

  “Jon” King Jafe said as if something was on his mind that made him a little bit happy. “I was angry when I first heard about you healing the common rabble instead of the nobility, as many of them felt strongly enough about it the told me on my way here to surprise my wife. Right now the public is singing my praises, talking about how the King and Queen sent his own healer to help them out for free. I cannot afford for one of my rivals to gain such a following” The king then paused and looked towards his daughter. Gwen I proposed to marry you off to the Mage Vulcan, he has already found a sight for demon summoning and has joined Joff on the battlefield. A match between you and him would be beneficial regardless of whether he was born a noble or not. He is in charge of Tinder, our new fire Academy and will be paid accordingly for his work. He is the strongest mage found in centuries and your children would not only be noble, but insanely powerful as well. I am canceling this though; you will wed Jon at the new moon”.

  Jon thought he could feel his heart stop as the news was delivered. Jon had no feeling or desire to marry Gwendolyn. Her mother had talked her up as being different but this was still Jafe’s daughter. She would be a horror to be around every day.

  “Gwen with Jon you get someone closer to your own age” the King said as he grabbed his daughter’s hand. “Before long whoever loses out on Geoff would have been asking of his marriage plans, especially since they would eventually know I named him Baronet Tinsley. His power is such I would be a fool to let some other family enjoy the benefits for generations. Go now and let me and your mother talk a bit more concerning your wedding”.

  Jon shakily walked out the door careful not to look at Gwendolyn. This was something unexpected, the King claimed he was going to marry Jon off but that should have been done much later on in the war, Jon expected on side or the other to concede defeat before such arraignments were made. Jon was going to simply flee to whatever country offered the most protection from Ket if they won, or was going to travel to Juan’s country if Magus won. Drommul for his part was laughing so uncontrollably that Jon had to dominate his conscious to the point where he couldn’t hear him anymore. Drommul saw this as an important first step in a grab for power, marry the princess then kill off the brothers before they had the chance to reproduce. Jon walked shakily back to his room where his guards began to look at him like something was wrong.

  “Are you alright healer” Wren said as he grabbed Jon’s arms to steady him.

  “I-I am fine Jon stammered” as he let the guard steady him.

  “That is bullshit” Davila said as she grabbed Jon’s chin and looked into his face. “He looks like he is ready to fall over at any minute. I’m not going to be the one to tell the king we let his healer die after we were in charge of his wellbeing. Someone go summon one of the healers from the city and make it quick and be silent about it”.

  Jon didn’t have the energy to fight them, he allowed himself to be led to his bed as he felt his boots come off. Jon laid down in his bed, his mind racing, when should flee? Where should he go when there was an army outside the borders to the south? If he went north perhaps he could have a chance at staying hidden, but he knew that was not his lot in life when he was so powerful. He would heal all and gain the public’s trust then present himself to one of the king’s there. Jon fell off to sleep briefly, when he woke he had apothecary Nicks standing over him with another man Jon had never seen before but who was obviously a healer.

  “Drink this boy” Nicks said as he dribbled something hot and tasting of honey into Jon’s mouth. Jon drunk slowly but felt as if his body was being attacked, this was no feel
good cure, this was poison. Drommul’s body was resistant to it though and started healing immediately. Jon needed to know Nick’s endgame, Jon knew he wasn’t sick just overwhelmed at the time.

  “The boy seems fine” the other man said as he pressed his hand on Jon’s forehead. “But perhaps he needs to learn his place and stop attempting to put the healer’s guild out of business”.

  “What?” Jon said dumfounded.

  “All healers in the Ket belong to me” the man said sternly. “For a small percentage of the profits, I set our rates and ensure knowledge is widespread, the same services you receive in the capital you can receive in any backwoods town that has a guild healer. Your foray into the town has cost the guild money. Not only that you have also cost the apothecary guild money. People work hard to pay for medicine, often doing twice the labor for bonuses. Women prostitute themselves out for a little extra money to pay for medical expenses for a loved one and you took all that money out of their employers’ hands when you went on your healing spree. I will ask you to either join the guild, or limit your healing to the extremely affluent”.

  “Healing poor people is not a crime” Jon said as he sat up. “Your prices must be outrageous if healing costs so much. But you have nothing to fear, I think my healing days in Ket are over”.

  “I expected more resistance from you boy” the other man said. “Nicks are you sure he attacked you?”

  “I remember leaving my office to tell him to stop healing the slaves when I ran into trouble from his guard, then being struck by him” Nicks said as his face scrunched up trying to remember what had happened. “The next thing I knew I woke up in my office perfectly fine, none of the palace guards said they saw anything, but I know it was this boy”.

  “Well now we won’t have to worry about him stepping out of line anymore” the other man said triumphantly. “In your body you just drank Idolbane, it is not dangerous if you take the cure, once every week”.

  “The cure is of my own design and you will not find it anywhere” Nicks laughed a little. “If you do as you are told you won’t have anything to worry about, if you try and tell the King then my death will be yours also”.

  “I won’t have to tell the king anything” Jon said as he looked over by the door. “You just told him yourself, someone is always listening to my room”.

  “Perhaps” Nicks said with a smile that seemed like he knew something. “But I am willing to take my chances. Jon watched the men as they left and could not let it go unpunished. He consciously constricted their bladder which would over time make them have to pee often while loosening the elasticity of their bowels to the point a strong sneeze or a fart would inadvertently open the flood gates. Jon smiled as he imagined their embarrassment but was still worried about what he would do next concerning Gwendolyn. Jon bedded down to sleep and thought no more of it until the morning when he was awakened by Gwendolyn in his room.

  “Wake up” Gwendolyn said as Jon noticed she looked well rested and that she had been up for some time, it must have been later than he thought. “I am going to show you our Estate, it is a day and a half’s ride from here”.

  Jon stood up out of his bed and had a small headache, he had gotten better at suppressing the need to change and quickly willed the pain away. Gwendolyn handed him some clothing then walked out of the room to give Jon a chance to freshen up. When he finished he stepped outside his room and noticed Geoff was there with a girl Jon had never seen. She was tall and blonde, like most noble women and she was obviously a mage, refusing to wear regular dress but instead had a fine slim fitting robe made of some clingy material that hugged her lithe frame in all the right places. This woman was older, maybe around 19 summers Jon thought based on her development. Still she had the face all nobles make, the face that said she was better than everyone else. She would be a perfect fit standing next to Geoff, he was handsome and she beautiful and both could kiss Jon’s ass he thought. They both had their staffs, Geoff’s of course was made of ebony wood while the girl’s staff was made finely, but was not on the level of any of the twins.

  “Where is your staff” the girl asked in a haughty tone that made Jon hate himself because she still sounded beautiful.

  “He doesn’t need a staff, he is only a level one mage” Geoff said triumphantly. “All he can do is heal anyway, if we run into any trouble on the way I can handle it”.

  “And if you are injured will he be just a healer then?” Gwendolyn retorted surprising Jon that she of all people would stand up for him.

  “Me, injured?” Geoff laughed. “I am a level seven fire mage with the best staff money can by. Any peasant trash out there that want’s a tangle can get one, you saw what happened last night when me and Venom put that peasant down”.

  “I admit that was my first time watching an execution, it was exhilarating” the girl said as Jon could see the obvious excitement on her face. “Your familiar crushed the life out of him slowly but let up just in time so you could show off your fire magic. That is what that peasant deserved for trying to free slaves”.

  Jon felt a little anger bubbling up in his mind when to his surprise Gwendolyn placed her hand inside his in an effort to calm him. The act caught him off guard and left him flummoxed. Jon followed Geoff and whoever this woman was outside where a carriage was waiting along with an honor guard of rough looking men that seemed to be armed to the teeth with armored horses.

  “Venom is already on board, would you like to see him up close?” Geoff said as he looked back at the girl. “I have had him since he was a hatchling”.

  “Timber is coming with us, he hates that snake” Gwendolyn said sternly.

  “Well then Timber can ride in the supply wagon with the help” Geoff said dismissively.

  “If Timber is riding in the supply wagon then so is that damn snake” Gwendolyn said angrily.

  “Calm down Gwen” the girl said as she placed a hand on Gwen’s shoulder. If Jon knew anything about females, he knew never to tell an angry one to calm down.

  “My title is Your Highness” Gwendolyn said through gritted teeth as the girl instantly removed her hand.

  “Really Gwen, Katherine is going to be your sister in law, you can’t expect her to keep calling you Your Highness all the time” Geoff said as he stepped up into the carriage. “You don’t see me being nasty to your peasant, at least my betrothed is a noble. Jon saw Gwen about to practically boil over, Jon had not known they fought amongst themselves, they normally seemed as thick as thieves . One look at Gwendolyn though made the Katherine girl hurry to get out of her way. Jon surprised himself by being the sole voice of reason to calm things down, he was going to leave any way and he was far more likely to escape if they were away from the palace.

  “Well I don’t think I have ever met Timber or Venom” Jon replied. “At least not formally, Timber I have met in passing when he attempted to chew my face off after our slight disagreement” Jon said giving Gwendolyn a smile. “I wasn’t allowed to have a familiar so I know nothing about them at all, I only about demons”.

  Jon saw a large snake suddenly dart at him from inside the carriage and stop inches from his face, making him jump a little as Geoff laughed. Jon grabbed the snake by the head, forcing its mouth shut and gave it a kiss before tossing it back into the carriage leaving Geoff in silence.

  “I think it likes me” Jon said as he helped Gwendolyn inside the carriage where the angry snake was coiling itself possibly preparing to strike. “I wish I could have something like that, it must have cost a fortune Your Highness” Jon said as he mentally kicked himself for calling Geoff by title when he really wanted to rip his head off but as Drommul warned, we had all the time in the world. Jon could see Geoff and his snake relax though at the comment, Jon’s attempt to stroke Geoff’s ego made the princeling calm down a bit.

  “Well Venom costed a lot of money, Vipers are not pets and strike all who come around them” Geoff explained to Jon as if he were talking to a child. “Many peasants died trying to
get an egg, but their sacrifice was well worth my comfort. That should be every peasant’s lot in life, to die for the prince”.

  “The snake is still not staying in here” Gwen replied a little calmer.

  “Alright Gwen I was just teasing anyway, Venom’s cage is being brought out with the supply wagon” Geoff replied. “Now sister we are supposed to take this trip to acquaint ourselves better with our future spouses, at least that is what mother said”.

  Jon watched as Venom slithered out the door as Gwen shut it behind the serpent, a look of disgust evident on her face. Gwen’s face went blank for a while, as did Geoff’s Jon noted then they were back to reality. Jon had noticed Gaea’s face did the same thing when she was talking to her familiar and figured the twins were sending their animals where ever they would ride to travel. Gwendolyn spoke as the carriage began moving.

  “Now that we are leaving, tell me how you found out” Gwendolyn said to her brother.

  “Mother means well but she was trying to saddle me with plain looking women on the account they had a big heart” Geoff replied with a look of disgust. “Mother means well but what would someone of my stature and good looks do with some plain peasant lover? It just isn’t right, father was trying to make match after match for me but mother stubbornly refused all of them. She did the same thing to you, you could have been a rich woman and continued your extravagant lifestyle but instead she saddled you with a peasant. I heard father talking and mother thought you would do better with someone your own age. He quickly conceded if he could pick out my wife. Father had seen Katherine and knew she was beautiful although her father was just a minor noble, Katherine was born gifted. Mother from what I heard hit the roof but gave in in the end. Jon and Katherine have hit the jackpot, Jon was granted a title when he had none and a beautiful noble wife while Katherine elevated herself to the Duchess Tinsley”.


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