The Death Mask

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The Death Mask Page 10

by Tom Raimbault

  “Lonely, small town girl in search of a nice guy for conversation, friendship and possibly more.” Amber hit the backspace button to erase “and possibly more”, as this might have suggested the wrong thing to whoever was out there. She looked at Paulette, “We don't want you to seem desperate.”

  Paulette's photo was finally uploaded, and the entire ad submitted so that it could be browsed by whoever was out there.

  * * *

  Michael called that evening, as he would do throughout the entire week of his absence. With Trista and Paulette sleeping upstairs, Amber sat in the family room on the cozy sofa where she and Michael made out on Thanksgiving night. At least his voice was with her, enough to allow further acquainting of the man she loved. But after an hour it was necessary for Michael to retire for the evening. When he traveled on business, it was necessary to rest up for the following day. But he reminded Amber the days remaining before he returned. He would do this every night as the days remaining reduced in number.

  Now alone, Amber turned on the large-screen TV and flipped through the channels. But she couldn't help but notice that blasted statue-head of Linsey. Amber thought to herself, “Would you like to retire and go to bed for the night, Linsey?” Poor Linsey certainly looked tired, appearing to have wished for nothing more than to rest her weary head on the pillows. But Amber wouldn't dare touch the statue-head, or carry it upstairs. What if she dropped it and broke it? Michael could never forgive her!

  Trying to focus on the TV screen, Amber couldn't help but notice that Linsey continued to glare at her. At some point, Amber could actually feel it, as-if a real person was in that room and maintaining an intent gaze. Linsey wasn't tired or wishing to go to bed. Linsey had a serious bone of contention with Amber!

  This was Amber's family room, now! It was her house and her man. Although Amber would never claim Paulette to be exclusively hers and no longer Linsey's, she had it in her heart to be the motherly figure, maybe even earn the name of Mom. Linsey had no right to dictate to Amber of what was right or what shouldn't be done. And Amber had quite enough of Linsey's presence. She stood up, walked to the kitchen and pulled a clean dishtowel from one of the drawers. The dishtowel wasn't large enough to cover Linsey's entire head. Instead, Amber draped it over the statue's forehead so that Linsey's face would be covered.

  Finally, Amber was the woman in the home. Of course the dishtowel would be removed in the morning before Paulette came downstairs.

  Chapter Twelve

  It wasn't such an inconvenience for Amber to quickly run downstairs in the morning and remove Linsey's veil from her face. “Good morning, Linsey. It's nice to have you with us today.” Already Amber was establishing that the house and family belonged to her. Linsey was merely a guest, but certainly welcome.

  The usual routines were followed for the morning; changing Trista's diaper, giving her a bottle, washing Paulette and dressing her. And breakfast was made for Amber's girls; French toast with bacon along with freshly squeezed orange juice. Yes, Amber was a fine mother and housewife who could care for the home and children so very well.

  One could easily see that Paulette had something on her mind. It was almost as-if she anticipated in uncontrollable excitement.

  Amber smiled, “Just look at you! You want to go upstairs and see if you have any messages from the online dating.—don't you?”

  Paulette smiled and nodded in return.

  “Alright, let me clean up after breakfast and we'll go back up to the computer.”

  Fifteen minutes later, the wheelchair was loaded on the lift so that Paulette could return to her bedroom. Once upstairs, Amber dialed online and opened Paulette's mailbox.

  “Ha! You've got a message!”

  Excitement glistened in Paulette's eyes.

  The header of the email, delivered from the online dating site, provided a summary of the interested person. Amber read the key items. “Let's see… twenty-nine years old… occupation, electrical engineer… interested in women, friendship and dating. He's not bad looking, either!” Amber turned the monitor towards Paulette so that she could view the profile picture. He was a good-looking guy; no one that Amber would have been interested in. But for Paulette, it was a guy who had interest in her advertisement and probably her profile image. The morning definitely had some excitement for Paulette.

  “Do you want to go ahead and read his message?” Amber scrolled down to the opening paragraph of the email.

  Paulette nodded, yes.

  Both women read the message on the screen that served as a brief introduction and an invitation to continue correspondence. "Hi, my name is Todd. I'm 29 years old and I work as an electrical engineer at a robotics development company. But don't let my career fool you into thinking that I'm some kind of nerd. I'm into bodybuilding, martial arts, and spend my weekends cruising the highways in my ninja crotch-rocket. I'm looking for someone to sit behind me and enjoy the roads and scenery.

  I saw your picture and your ad. You definitely seem like someone I would like to get to know, hopefully be your friend—maybe more. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.


  Paulette provided a look that suggested being unsure of what to do next.

  “Well, do you like the guy? Would you want to make him your pen pal?”

  Paulette nodded her head, yes; but still maintained a look for guidance.

  As for Amber, she pieced together her initial impressions of Todd. Throughout his introductory email, Amber thought to herself that although not a bad-looking guy who looked slightly toned from exercise and cruised around on his motorcycle, he apparently had problems maintaining—possibly starting—relationships with the opposite sex. Why else would he have been seeking romance online? There should have been plenty of women to choose from where he lived. The fact that Todd was an electrical engineer, and the fact that he insisted, “Don't let my career fool you into thinking that I'm some kind of nerd.” suggested to Amber that perhaps Todd was a once-nerd who had gone badass—more like gone attempted badass as she could sense an exaggerated, self-perception from his email. It's such a shame that we draw conclusions and judge a book on its cover based on prejudices. And it's such a disappointment to know that someone like Amber would have labeled a guy like Todd in a harsh, cynical way. But her impressions weren't entirely cruel. She also assumed him to be a good-natured person, simply hid behind his struggle to maintain an image of something that he was not. Amber further concluded that both Todd and Paulette had some obstacles in life that prevented them from enjoying a relationship with the opposite sex. The two were good for one another, at least in the provided limited medium. Aside from that, Amber believed that Todd couldn't hurt Paulette. He lived hundreds of miles away. How could he possibly hurt a teenage girl through nothing more than words?

  “Well, whatever you do, never give him your address or telephone number; okay?”

  Paulette nodded.

  “And you don't want to seem desperate or too eager to strike up a friendship with him. Let the guy work a little for you. Why don't we just tell him something like, 'Thanks for responding to my ad… You seem like a really, nice guy… I'd be interested in hearing more about you…' Stuff like that. You know what I mean?”

  Paulette nodded.

  “Do you want to write it out yourself?” This meant that Paulette would peck the reply on the keyboard with pencil in mouth, and then hit the send button.

  Again, Paulette nodded.

  “Ok, but don't say anything about your physical condition just yet. You don't want to give too many details.” Amber paused for a moment before continuing, “Do you think we should keep this a secret from your dad?”

  Paulette provided a blank expression that gradually turned into, “I never thought of that.” Then she slowly nodded her head, yes. Surely, Father wouldn't have allowed such a correspondence.

  And so Paulette pecked out her initial reply to Todd, being careful not to seem too eager as Amber suggested, but leaving the door
open for further correspondence. She was still unsure and unfamiliar with the situation, and did exactly as Amber suggested. But surely it would only be a matter of time before Paulette's emotions made her very familiar with the situation and desiring so much more. Amber had no idea how things were about to spiral out of control.

  * * *

  The following morning, after breakfast, Paulette's wheelchair was loaded on the lift so she could return to her bedroom and check for an email from Todd. Amber dialed online which was followed by the annoying scream and pulses of the modem.

  “Ha! You've got an email!” Amber took the liberty to open the message from Todd and read the few paragraphs in silence, just to see what sort of communication he intended with Paulette. It was merely some more details of his background; education, where he attended college, where he was working. And then he went on to explain the much heartache and disappointment that was experienced through dating. According to him, it appeared that women were unable to appreciate a guy with a “heart of gold”. Todd was hoping that becoming acquainted with a nice girl across the miles and online would prove successful.

  Todd didn't seem like such a bad guy to Amber. “Well, he's nice. He has my approval. Tell you what; from now on, I'm going to let you have your privacy. Those emails are addressed to you and I won't bother reading them. But if you need help with anything, just let me know.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Exactly one week from the day that Michael left, he returned to the Dickly castle. It was Thursday afternoon at a half-past one o'clock. The small family sat in the family room, waiting for the appearance of a limousine or the possible sound of a toot from a musical horn that would announce Michael's arrival. Although Paulette was eager to see her father after his weeklong absence, she had other things on her mind; in particular, her boyfriend who had written her every day from hundreds of miles away. Paulette would have never imagined that her soul mate was truly out there and destined to meet her through (what was considered at the time) the unusual medium of the Internet. And although she maintained her physical condition a secret from Todd, hope continued to live in her heart that her soul mate would accept the obstacle in their love.

  While waiting for her future husband to return, Amber glanced over to Linsey to ensure that the dishtowel used to cover her face each night was not nearby. Tea with Linsey was followed every afternoon, so the book of matches and candle were in their rightful places. But Amber couldn't help but look upon Linsey with jealousy. Although Amber and Michael would surely do some much needed cuddling and romance that night, Michael would most-likely sleep with Linsey afterwards. How much longer would Amber have to endure the competition?

  Amber suddenly announced to Paulette, “I suppose your father will want to have tea promptly at two o'clock. I'll make some.”

  While Amber left the family room for the kitchen, Little Trista remained near the monstrous Christmas tree, playing with the ornaments that dangled from the bottom. In recent days, it was necessary to rearrange the ornaments at the bottom of the tree so that no breakables would suffer at the hands of the little one. The entire house was decorated for Christmas; lit and waiting to greet Michael with holiday cheer.

  As the burner was ignited underneath the teapot, the musical toot of the limousine horn could be heard. Michael was home! Amber ran into the grand foyer and was seconds from opening the entry door. But she turned towards the family room and whispered out to Paulette, “Remember, don't say anything to your father about your boyfriend!”

  Paulette nodded from across the room. Amber was more than a mother; she was a friend who could keep a secret.

  The door was opened as Michael approached from the horseshoe driveway, so handsome in his business suit with trench coat draped across his arm. Behind him the limousine driver unloaded the luggage.

  When lovers lock eyes their pupils dilate, and the whites nearly radiate a soft pink with an unmistakable glisten. A week apart was such a long time. Michael and Amber embraced so that their beating hearts would finally touch. And how good it felt to be in Michael's warm, loving arms and to receive his kiss.

  “You decorated the house.”

  “Uh-huh; do you like it?”

  “It's beautiful; you did a great job.”

  Then Michael announced, “Where's that daughter of mine?” Surely she was in the family room, waiting for Father's return. He entered while taking sight of his teary-eyed girl. Paulette was happy for his return. It had been his first trip away since Mother died.

  “So I trust everything went well while I was gone?”

  Amber reassured Michael that everything was fine, but he kept his eyes on Paulette as she nodded in agreement with Amber.

  Amber continued, “We went out last Friday for lunch in Sillmac… visited the winter wonderland in town… shopped for some winter clothes for Paulette, CDs and some movies…”

  “Good!” Michael turned his attention back to Amber. “It sounds like you ladies got along really well.” Then he glanced over towards little Trista who stood near the Christmas tree. “And how's the little one been?”

  “Oh, we had to rearrange the Christmas tree. She loves playing with the ornaments.”

  Just then, the teapot whistled on the stove.

  Amber exclaimed, “Oh, the water is ready. I was just making afternoon tea.” She walked back into the kitchen and prepared the tray with teacups as she did every afternoon. While doing this, Amber had to wonder if Michael and Paulette exchanged secret conversation of whispers along with nods of Paulette's head and blinks of her eyes. What would Paulette mention of the week alone with Amber? Outside of Paulette's secret boyfriend, Amber believed she had nothing to fear.

  Several minutes later, the family sat in the family room while tea bags steeped in cups of hot water. A candle was lit near Linsey as usual with the first cup offered to her.

  Michael brought in his briefcase and mentioned gifts for everyone. “Now ladies; it isn't Christmas, yet. This is just a little something to let you know I had been thinking of you.”

  A small box was brought over to Paulette and opened. She smiled and looked up to her father as if to say, “Thank you”. It was a small Christmas tree pendant, slightly decorated with jewels as the ornaments and lights. Secured to a thin, gold chain; Michael placed the holiday jewelry around his daughter's neck. “There, now you look like you're in the Christmas spirit!”

  Michael returned to the briefcase and reached in a plastic bag for a stuffed animal kitty. “Trista?”

  She knew there was some surprise at the mention of her name.

  “Look what I got for you!” He extended the adorable stuffed animal towards the child while bringing it to life by slightly tilting the kitty's head.

  Trista was delighted as she smiled and quickly toddled towards Michael. Finally hugging the soft, furry toy was the only way she understood of how to take it.

  Finally, a small box was presented to Amber. She opened it to reveal a set of earrings that may have been similar to Paulette's pendant. They were two, small Christmas trees, decorated with tiny jewels. The earrings were small enough to be modestly displayed on the lobes.

  “You have your ears pierced, right? At least I think I noticed them being pierced?”

  “Yes and thank you! They're beautiful.” Amber stood up and kissed Michael, followed by a hug.

  * * *

  Late in the evening, after Trista and Paulette had gone to bed, Michael and Amber sat in their usual places on the sofa, cuddling to the sounds of the evening news that softly murmured in the distance. Amber's new earrings were in. She was sure to proudly display them before dinner.

  “I sat here every night while talking to you on the phone. Tonight, you are finally back.”

  Michael gave his young and beautiful Amber a kiss. He missed her equally the same while he was gone. But there was some sad news that would break the warm and fuzzy mood of lovers reuniting. Michael sighed, “I'm going to have to go out of town again in a couple of w
eeks. I'll be leaving on the 19th, but will be sure to return by the 23rd. That'll be the Friday before Christmas Eve. After that, there won't be any travel until after the first of the year.”

  Amber was disappointed, “Again…?” But she understood that Michael had a business to run.

  “Yes, again; I'm sorry. It's just the nature of my job. It requires meeting people and travel. A lot of people seem to think that a job like this is bad for a marriage. Linsey and I stayed close all those years. It just takes commitment and patience along with making every moment together quality time.”

  Amber smiled and probably flushed near the cheeks. Michael's mention of marriage was probably unintentional. He was only citing an example of a romantic relationship that survived through his years of running the company, and hoped it would apply to the current romance. But what if? What if he was implying something more? Amber wasn't about to raise her hopes beyond their current elevation. She only reassured her future husband, “I'll be sure to make every moment with you quality. And I know your job requires travel.”

  Michael would certainly need her services as housekeeper and mother to Paulette. But just to verify, Amber briefly asked, “Same deal as before? You want me to stay here with Paulette?”

  “Of course! And I want you to keep the house nice and warm for me when I return.”

  For the young woman of only twenty-two, it was the greatest moment of love, ever. But it was harshly interrupted after Michael's sudden reminder, “Linsey will continue to watch over things while I'm gone. Which reminds me…” Michael pulled from his warm cuddle with Amber and stood up from the sofa. “I got something for Linsey, too.” There were some remaining bags at the grand foyer which hadn't been removed since Michael returned home that afternoon. In one of the bags were two bottle of Pinot Noir, Linsey's favorite. Wasn't that nice of Michael to remember a gift for his deceased wife?

  And of course a bottle was opened with the first glass poured for Linsey. As usual, Michael and Amber would enjoy a glass-and-a half of Pinot Noir; and whatever Linsey wouldn't finish, it would be dumped down the drain. It is, after all, unbecoming to drink another's unfinished glass of wine.


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