The Death Mask

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The Death Mask Page 19

by Tom Raimbault

  Again, the teary eyes would beckon from Amber's imagination. Amber knew things in her heart. She knew people for who they truly were. For this matter, Amber knew that Paulette said not a word of her suspicions or of the things heard on the night Alex disabled the lift.

  Soon it became impossible to dispel the realization. Paulette truly was innocent, but had been senselessly tortured by having her legs scalded and then her head submerged under water. What happened to Amber? Why was she seemingly possessed by a sudden, evil force?

  Years ago, Amber sat at that very bathtub with tears in her own eyes, asking Paulette to give her a chance, suggesting that the two could become friends. And Paulette did become a friend of Amber's. Of course due to the unusual circumstances, there was often some rocky ground. But the two laughed and cried together. Paulette listened attentively to Amber's own life stories. In a way, she allowed Amber to become her new mother, all for the sake of sanctifying the love between Amber and Father.

  And how did Amber thank Paulette? In recent years, she let her go unbathed for a few days with greasy hair, scummy teeth and in the same sleepwear so that Paulette could smell her own stench. And if that wasn't bad enough, Amber was seeking clever ways to keep Paulette confined in solitude to her own room. This morning's treatment was by far the worse. How Amber began to hate herself more and more as the morning passed.

  Some time after lunch, under further guilt, Amber began to speculate a new theory of Michael's awareness. His question of Amber having a man in the house while away came shortly after his visit to Linsey's chamber. Of course! It was the blasted statue-head that tormented Amber for eight, long years. Although nothing more than a morbid piece of art, the relic gave Michael the power of clairvoyance; most likely brought on by the guided spirit of Linsey.

  Linsey was the cause of discord in the home, she did it all. How ungrateful the deceased woman was. Amber rescued Michael and Paulette in one of their darkest hours. She adopted Paulette and cared for her in the best way that a stranger could. And in witnessing the ugly, physical and mental changes in Michael that were brought on by old age; Amber did something far, less damaging than leave her husband. She merely found a male companion to substitute the lack of closeness and affection that she so desperately needed. Did Linsey really think she could have done any better? How would she have reacted if still alive and married to the horrible beast that Michael had become? What an ungrateful, troublesome bitch Linsey was!

  The time had come to end Linsey's reign of terror. That thing underground was so unhealthy for Michael, anyway. But Amber wouldn't waste her time in only wishing for Linsey to go away; hope for a strong gust of wind to blow through a chimney in the cave and knock the statue-head over. Amber desired the long-fully yearned pleasure of killing Linsey with her own two hands. Aside from that, doing the job any other way would only prove how fearful she was of the relic. The time had come for Amber to venture alone into the dimly-lit chamber, and face Linsey with all her resentment.

  Always bring a flashlight when venturing into the cavern. That was the most important rule given to Amber on that morning of December 24th, some eight years ago. After flipping on the industrial-sized light switch, Amber was certain to reach for the flashlight and test it before trekking down the fifty foot, declining hallway that was illuminated by industrial track lighting.

  While following the illuminated path in the cavern, Amber was sure to take note of the recognizable and most prominent rock formations to use as a guide for returning. “Yes Linsey, Michael taught me well. He showed me, exactly, how to get to your chamber. I still remember.” Amber continued to follow the illuminated path downward while speaking out loud to Linsey. “You just couldn't enjoy your own chamber where Michael would come visit you. You had to interfere with our marriage.”

  Past two chambers and three more to go, the depth and spiraling darkness of the cavern began to play with Amber's imagination. Often she would pass some small rock formation or grotto that would remind her of the silhouette of the statue-head. This would further remind her of the nightmare of the statue-head growling and flashing its teeth. At some point, the memory was nearly hallucinogenic as she could see with such clarity a vision of that frightening dream. The sound of remembered growling echoed in Amber's head. The sensation of terror returned, exactly as felt on a winter's night some eight years ago. Was it a warning to go away? Was Linsey speaking to Amber through visions? Perhaps this was the clairvoyant effect that Michael experienced.

  But Amber was stronger than that! She called out, “I'm coming for you, Linsey! You dead, rotten bitch; I'm coming for you! You've screwed with my life long enough!” Her voice echoed throughout the cavern, then drowned under the sound of echoing water.

  Deeper and deeper Amber hiked as her anxiety grew. Surely the statue-head would be alive as in the dream. It would take sight of Amber entering the chamber and begin to growl. Perhaps it would speak criticism in its final moments. “You pathetic excuse of a woman: you consider yourself to be a mother and wife? You're nothing more than a selfish, little tramp that neglects her children and deceives her husband.”

  These words would only be lies. Amber knew she was so, much more; only going through a difficult moment in her life. The hurtful words would be such bold statements, made by a helpless head that could do nothing but watch as a smash to its face is given.

  Ah, but what if Linsey wasn't inanimate? What if through the years she had gained more power? What if through the spirit of Linsey's intervention, the head could roll off the grotto and along the floor to chase Amber? Her sharp teeth could bite at Amber's legs and tear away flesh. It would be such a terrifying moment, causing Amber to run out of the chamber. Linsey might even be able to roll all the way up the cavern and back into the wine cellar with Amber only a few feet away. Hopefully Amber could close and lock the door before the thing made its way through. But then it would continuously roll against the door as-if knocking. Michael would discover Linsey there. And in all the power of that relic, it would give account to Amber's attempted murder.

  Amber stopped just past the fourth chamber. She didn't have much traveling left to go, but there was still time to turn around and avoid a terrifying encounter with Linsey. The thing truly was powerful. The deeper Amber traveled, the more she realized how much life the relic possessed. It created irrational fears, and provided negative insights into Amber's own life. The statue-head of Linsey was nothing short of evil.

  But Amber pressed onward. “I'm coming, Linsey! Your final moments are near!” She picked up her pace to a light jog in an effort to tolerate the heart-pounding adrenaline. This was not going to be an easy fight.

  Finally, Amber noticed the soft glow through an arched entryway. Michael must have lit jumbo, devotional candles in the chamber. “I'm here, Linsey! I'm here!” She walked through the entryway and took sight of the statue-head. Linsey sat on the medium-sized grotto that was surrounded by several candle fixtures. Through the dim, flickering light, she looked as alive as ever and wearing a scornful expression.

  Amber merely extended her fornications to Linsey. She wouldn't allow Linsey to get the best of her. She approached the grotto, and noticed that Michael had set several picture frames near the statue-head. They were pictures of her and Michael in younger years; pictures of a family vacation—probably the last one before Linsey became ill—and a picture of when Linsey was very young, probably around the time when she and Michael started dating. Linsey definitely resembled the young Amber at that age.

  Amber looked up at the statue-head. Now it wore a peaceful expression, relieved to have finally had her talk with Amber. “That's all it is, Honey… that's all he wants… it's not easy, I know; but you can be so much better… do you understand, now?”

  Of course Linsey would change her story, try to put Amber at ease. The evil relic could wear any expression, and the kindness at that moment was its best defense. As far as Amber was concerned, that thing had caused more than enough grief in her life. It wou
ld continue to torment Amber had she turned from the chamber and walked back to the wine cellar. To prevent this, Amber grasped Linsey by the back of her long, strawberry-red hair; raised the statue-head so that her face suspended high above Amber's and then threw her down—face first—onto the floor of the chamber. The statue-head broke into three pieces.

  But Amber wasn't done, yet! Only broken into three pieces wasn't nearly enough damage to compensate the years of grief Linsey caused. Amber pulled a candle fixture from the ground and repeatedly smashed it against Linsey's head until she was broken into a dozen small pieces. Amber would have liked to have ignited Linsey's hair with the candle flame at first impact. But the movement caused the flame to die out. That was okay; there were other candles lit in the chamber. She reached for one and slowly brought it close to Linsey's long, strawberry-red, beautiful hair. But the blasted wig was fire retardant! Amber resorted to angrily smashing open the picture frames on the grotto and then burning each photo, one-by-one. There could be no remnant of Linsey in that chamber by the time the job was done.

  As the last picture burned, Amber stepped back to examine the horrible murder. Satisfied, she turned from the chamber and head back for the wine cellar.

  * * *

  Tonight was a special night. Only one week from Independence Day weekend, Amber and Alex decided to celebrate the holiday, as being together would most likely be impossible the following weekend. By 9:30, both Trista and Paulette were in bed for the night. Outside, Amber had a roast-leg-of-lamb rotating on the grill. In the refrigerator, vegetable shish-kabobs marinated in a container. When the roast was nearly done, Amber would put the kabobs on the grill. Amber even went so far as to make a tiramisu for desert. Alex was a great guy, and he deserved a wonderful meal!

  It was no longer necessary to reach for Alex's business card for a late night call. Amber had his number preprogrammed in her own cell phone as she texted him throughout the day. At 9:45, she gave his number a call. “I need you to come over and check out my plumbing.” Of course this was said seductively!

  A half-hour later, the plumbing van pulled into the oversized horseshoe driveway of the Dickly castle. Tonight, Alex was dressed sharp; clean and shaven, and carrying a small bouquet of roses. Alex was such a sweet guy!

  Living in the Dickly castle brought with it the luxury of a fully-stocked bar in the basement. Any Fourth of July party starts off with some drinks. After passionately kissing Alex in the foyer, Amber invited him to the bar in the basement. “Let's start you off with a drink.”

  Halfway through their first round of long island iced teas, Amber suddenly had the crazy idea of showing Alex the secret cavern of the Dickly castle. “I want to show you something; follow me.”

  The two entered the wine cellar, and Alex was immediately impressed. “Whoa! You people drink a lot of wine!”

  “It's mostly my husband's. We used to open a bottle every night, but that hasn't happened in quite some time.”

  “Do you mind?” Alex motioned towards the wine rack, indicating his desire to crack open a bottle.

  “No, go ahead! There's a couple thousand bottles in here. Michael will never notice.”

  Alex looked around and pulled a bottle. “Pinot Noir…” Outside of Merlot, Alex didn't know the first thing about wine. Pinot Noir sounded sophisticated and high class. Little did he know that it was Linsey's private reserve. On one of the tables of the wine cellar sat a cork screw that was usually used to open a bottle of Pinot Noir whenever Michael visited Linsey. Now, just hours after Linsey's murder, Alex used it to open and take a swig from one of Linsey's bottles.

  Feeling Alex was satisfied with his bottle of wine, Amber announced, “This isn't what I wanted to show you.”

  Alex was surprised, “No? You have something else?”

  Amber opened the small door that led to the declining hallway, flipped on the industrial light switch and grabbed the flashlight. “Follow me.”

  Alex paused at the entryway of the cavern. “Whoa! What's down there? You got some kind of kinky torture chamber?”

  Amber smiled, “You'll see.” She continued to descend the hallway.

  When finally at the bottom, both turned left. It took a few seconds for Alex to realize what he was seeing. “You've got a cave!”

  At that very moment, a taxi cab pulled into the entrance of inclined driveway of the Dickly castle and made it's ascent up the miniature mountain. Michael sat in the backseat, dressed in casual clothes with a grave expression on his face. He announced to the driver, “Listen, I want you to do me a really, big favor.”

  “Sure, what's that?”

  “When we get close to the house, can you turn your headlights off? My driveway has lights, so you can still see.”

  In his years of driving, the cabbie had seen plenty of interesting behavior from people. This same scenario had been played out at least once every few months. He knew Michael's story all, too well. A traveling businessman suspected his wife of being unfaithful. He staged another out-of-town trip, and was coming home early to surprise his wife. The cabbie winked to Michael in the rearview mirror, “Gocha… let me know when you want me to turn out the lights.”

  “Sure; and if you can drop me off before reaching the horseshoe driveway, that would be great.”

  It wasn't necessary for the customer to explain further. He wished not to alarm his unfaithful wife at the sound of a cab door closing. “Absolutely… whatever you need. And I hope everything works out for you.”

  Soon, the taxi cab reached the top of Dickly Mountain. Michael called out, “Okay, can you kill the lights? Let me out here.”

  “Sure!” The cabbie parked and took payment from Michael. “Best of luck to you, Sir. You want me to wait here, just in case?”

  “No, that won't be necessary.”

  Michael exited the cab, and immediately took notice of the plumbing van parked near the house. “Plumber, huh?” He walked up to the well-lit, grand entrance; hoping no one had taken sight from inside. Then he slowly opened the front door and stepped into the grand foyer.

  Outside of the kitchen, much of the lighting in the house was off. Surely Amber was in bed with the plumber. That's where every other scenario of a similar nature ends. It made perfect sense for Michael to tiptoe up the stairs.

  But no one was in Michael's bed with his wife. No one sat, naked, in the master bath hot-tub with champagne. Michael further investigated the other rooms on the second level. Where were Amber and the supposed plumber?

  Back on the main level, he heard the faint sound of the motorized spit, rotating on the grill. Was Amber outside with her boyfriend? Michael carefully opened the back screen door and smelled the delicious aroma of a roast nearly done. Out of curiosity, he approached the grill and took sight of the tempting, juicy, roast-leg-of-lamb that slowly rotated above the flames. There was definitely a late night party happening at the Dickly castle, and Michael was not invited. To combat his hurt feelings, he reached for a small knife that rested at the edge of the barbeque, turned off the motorized spit and then helped himself to a slice of lamb. Of course it was necessary to blow on the meat while carefully taking a bite. But it was roast-leg-of-lamb, grilled outside, and something Michael wasn't invited to enjoy. How good it felt to crash their little party. Now if Michael could only find them, the party-crashing would be all the better.

  Was Amber in the basement with the plumber? Perhaps they went downstairs to mix up some drinks. Chewing the remains of the slice of meat, Michael went back into the house and towards the basement. Sure enough, it appeared well-lit while approaching the stairwell. Amber was probably naked and bent over the bar while the plumber bounced off her behind. It was best to slowly and softly descend the stairs and then clear his throat at a moment when the two could finally see him.

  But outside of two partially finished drinks, no one was at the bar. No one sat or lay on the sofa or chairs in the well-furnished basement. Michael did notice, however, the door to his wine cellar was open. He though
t for a moment that perhaps he should hide and only come out when the party livened up. But it was awfully quiet in the wine cellar. Maybe Amber and her boyfriend were making out in there—possibly more.

  No one was in the wine cellar, but Michael immediately noticed that the small door to the cavern was wide open. In addition, the flashlight that normally hung on the wall was missing. Not only did Amber have a man in the house, but she invited this stranger into Michael's sacred, private world. Michael journeyed further, down the declining hallway, in search of his unfaithful wife.

  He speculated that perhaps his timing was poor. What if Michael only discovered Amber and the plumber, hiking along the illuminated trail of the cavern?

  Upon discovery and in a jealous rage, Michael would ask, “What are you doing down here, Amber?”

  “What? I'm just showing my friend the cavern. I thought he would like it.”

  “Why do you have a man in the house while I'm gone?”

  “He's a friend, Michael; just a friend! You don't have to draw any conclusions.”

  When taken at face value, Amber wouldn't be doing anything wrong. She could argue this for many hours. There is no crime for having a friend who just so happens to be a man. If Michael persisted, he might look like a jealous and possessive husband. Was he doing the right thing by surprising Amber in the cavern?

  Ah, but Michael certainly did the right thing! Much to his surprise, Amber was naked and bent over a large boulder that was off the side of the trail. With his pants down to his ankles, the plumber stood behind Amber, thrusting and slamming against Amber's behind. Apparently, desert was being had before dinner.

  If seeing Amber scream out in pleasure wasn't hurtful enough, Michael also took notice of the bottle of wine that the plumber occasionally took a swig from. Even from a distance, Michael could see the words, Pinot Noir. Not only was the plumber banging Michael's wife, but he found a way to defile precious Linsey as well.


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