In A Wild Moment (Billionaire In Love 1)

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In A Wild Moment (Billionaire In Love 1) Page 4

by Ava May

  “Was that it?” Mandy asked, still eager to hear more.

  “No,” Scarlett said, and was then unsure of how much she should reveal to Mandy. But it was burning up inside her and she had to tell someone. “We ended up kissing.”

  Mandy looked at her in shock. Scarlett, still with her head in her hands, moved her eyes to look at Mandy.

  “That's um... wow, you are certainly going to be the envy of the office.”

  “No... no no no. You can't tell anyone about this. I mean, what if it gets out? I don't want to be seen as the office slut. I've already got a bad image as it is. No, it was just… I don't know. It just happened. I was resting my head on his shoulder, and then I looked at him and he looked at me, and before I knew it we were kissing.”

  “What was it like?”

  “Amazing! Oh my God, it was just... one of those kisses where time seemed to stand still and it made me feel all tingly all over.”

  “Did you, you know...?” Mandy said, making an expressive gesture with her eyebrows. Scarlett shook her head and finally leaned back in her chair, sighing heavily.

  “No, he left pretty much right after it happened. Said that he didn't want to take advantage of me in the state that I was in. So... yeah, I can imagine that he doesn't have the best opinion of me right now. I mean, it’s my first week and I've already gotten drunk at work and made out with the CEO.”

  “It's one for the record books, that's for sure,” Mandy said, and Scarlett made a face at her.

  “Still, at least he rarely comes around here. I doubt I'll ever have to see him again, not that I wouldn't mind seeing him again... I can't get that kiss out of my head,” Scarlett said, a wistful look in her eyes.

  “I hate to break it to you, but he's going to be around for the next few days. I'm surprised he's not in yet, actually. He must have another meeting or something,” Mandy said. Scarlett felt her heart fall in her chest and wished the ground would open up and swallow her whole.

  “Well, that's it. My reputation here is officially ruined. There's no coming back from this.”

  “Are you kidding me? People are going to want to talk to you to find out what happened. We've all wanted this. Even I'm envious of you. I mean come on, it's Jack freaking Keyes! He's the type of man that every woman wants to be with and every man wants to be. You know what people would give to make out with him? I can't believe I'm actually sitting here with someone who kissed him!”

  “Well, don't get too excited. It was just one of those things that happened.”

  “You never know...” Mandy said. Scarlett dared to dream for a moment but then quickly pushed the thought out of her mind. The last thing she needed right now was an unrequited crush on an unattainable man. It was just a kiss—an amazing kiss—and she would leave it at that.

  The knock on the door made them both jump. Scarlett opened it.

  “There's been a delivery for you,” the receptionist said, and handed Scarlett a big bouquet of flowers. There was a look of curiosity in the receptionist’s eyes, but Mandy told her to go back to front desk as Scarlett closed the door. Before she did so, however, she noticed that people were staring at her. Her heart raced as she took the flowers and smelled them. The bouquet was a flurry of colors and sweet smells, and was a delight to the senses.

  “You don't think they could be from him?” Mandy asked. Scarlett shrugged, but it would certainly make the day better if they were. She didn't have time for an unrequited crush, but if he returned her feelings then who knew what could happen...

  With deft fingers she pulled out the crisp card. A pattern of purple vines ran around the edge of the card and she opened it, wondering what message was held inside. But her hopes were soon dashed and she flung the card away, then pushed the flowers off the desk into the bin.

  Confused, Mandy questioned why she reacted that way and picked up the card.

  Good luck at the new job. Matt.

  “Your ex,” Mandy said softly.

  “He needs to stop this,” she said. There was another knock on the door, this time summoning Scarlett to the conference room for an impromptu meeting. The distraction was welcome.

  “I'll get rid of these,” Mandy said helpfully. With a dark cloud hanging over her head, Scarlett went to the conference room, and collapsed into a seat near the end of the table, folding her arms and blowing a frustrated breath out of her mouth to clear away her hair from her forehead. Then she saw him sitting at the head of the table and her insides went queasy. Jack looked at her and a playful smile tugged at the corners of his lips, meant only for her.

  Chapter 6

  Scarlett crossed her legs and tried not to look at him, but it was impossible. Her stomach swam with nerves and she tried her hardest to keep from flushing crimson with embarrassment, but she knew she failed. She heard faint whispers and her mind was rampant with paranoia. Surely they were talking about her. And now she was stuck there. Sam was sitting beside Jack and it felt like she was in a nest of vipers, just waiting to feel the effects of the venom.

  Jack looked relaxed throughout the meeting. He leaned back in his seat wearing a black suit and shirt, which was open at the collar, providing her with a teasing glimpse at the thick bed of chest hair that sprouted from his skin, more evidence of the sheer masculinity that oozed out of every pore. His long arm was stretched forward and his fingers lightly tapped the table. Sam began talking, and others joined in, but Jack never took his eyes off Scarlett and although they were in a room filled with people it felt incredibly intimate, like they were the only two people that mattered.

  Scarlett couldn't concentrate because of him. Everything inside was screaming at her to run across the table and fling herself into his arms, but she managed to restrain herself. She averted her gaze, hoping that this would lessen the impact of his presence, but her mind was alive with wild thoughts and fantasies, and she could still taste him on her lips. The connection between them was intense and electric, and she wondered if anyone else could sense it.

  The others all engaged with Sam and presented their ideas. The meeting went the same way as all the others had gone and Scarlett wasn't surprised. It seemed like Jack was the only one that was actually paying attention to her. When it came to the end of the meeting, Sam wrapped things up, and everyone else started to gather their things—when Jack spoke. His voice was soft like velvet, but it carried a tone of authority that commanded everyone, and they sat back down.

  “I'd like to hear what Scarlett thinks. You neglected to ask her, Sam. I thought this was a committee and we listened to everyone's ideas,” he said. Scarlett didn't know whether to be thankful for his interference or not, because now the pressure was on her. Every eye turned to her and gazed at her expectantly.

  “I... um... actually I had a few ideas,” she said, and flicked open the file that was in front of her. At first her voice was shaking and tentative, but as she looked up and saw that everyone was actually listening to her, she felt a swell of confidence and the work began to speak for itself. She also felt Jack's gaze upon her, and from this she gained strength. A few, including Sam, seemed put out by Jack's request, but they had to begrudgingly accept that Scarlett's ideas were worthwhile.

  “Right. Well, I think there are some good things to work with there, Scarlett. I'm sure that leaves you with some things to consider, Sam, and I hope that you'll incorporate some of the ideas. After all, we did hire her because she's a rising star and I don't like to think of talent going to waste. I'm not paying her to sit at a desk,” he said, and left.

  Scarlett heard a few grumblings as she left, but she wore a beaming smile. She felt like she had actually accomplished something at work and she didn't care what Sam or any of the others thought because she had the backing of Jack, and that meant a lot to her. She strode through the office with newfound confidence and didn't pay any attention to the looks that other people were giving her. For the first time, she felt like she belonged in the office. Now that they had seen what she could do, she hop
ed that they would give her ideas the attention she deserved. And she was excited about Jack as well. It definitely felt like there was something between them, and the fact that he had been impressed with her ideas thrilled her. It was a wonder she had been able to talk at all, because just being in his presence gave her the feeling of being speechless, and it was only a shame that he had retreated to his office, because she wanted to see him again. The possibilities of what may happen both excited and scared her, but now that she had seen him again, the kiss was at the forefront of her mind. And she wanted a repeat.

  For the following hour or so, she didn't get much work done as her mind was occupied with fantasies. She was glad that she had her own office so that she could drift away into the land of make-believe without suffering any consequence. She was sure that the kiss had been merely a product of the moment in the break room and didn't hold any significance. After all, Jack was a billionaire and could have any woman in the world. He didn't have to settle for some wreck of a woman he met at a party that cried on his shoulder before she even knew his name. But it was a fun thought to entertain, and there was no harm to it. Then she glanced at her computer as it beeped, telling her that she had a new e-mail.

  It was from Jack.

  I want to see you in my office.

  Chapter 7

  It was a simple, short message and yet it held within it so much possibility. Scarlett's eyes danced over it a number of times and she smiled with glee. She adjusted her appearance and ran her hands through her hair to make herself look as good as possible. Before she left the room she toyed with the idea of undoing her top button as well and give him a peek at her plunging cleavage, and after first deciding against it, she thought 'what the hell' and popped it open.

  As she walked over the floor in the direction of Jack's office she smiled wryly to herself because she knew what everyone must have been thinking, and enjoyed knowing that they all looked upon her with envy.

  Scarlett rapped her knuckles on the door and waited for him to call out before she entered. She closed the door behind her and knew that the office was going to be alive with gossip at this latest turn of events. The office was much like hers, although bigger and more organized. From the way everything was placed she could tell that Jack was a man who liked things in a certain order and was very particular about where things were placed. He stared at his computer, typed out a few things, and gestured for her to take a seat. The room was filled with the scent of his aftershave and Scarlett felt intoxicated again. She couldn't take her eyes off him, but was aware that she was staring too much and tried her best to avert her gaze. Now that it was just the two of them alone, she felt vulnerable and worried about the way she had acted at the party.

  “Are you all right?” he asked.

  “I'm fine.”

  “It's just that at the party... I wanted to make sure that you were okay about things.”

  “Yeah... about that. I was a little worse for wear at the party. I didn't mean to go off like that and, well, I didn't know that you were... you.”

  Jack chuckled. “I want my employees to be happy and I'm sorry that you found your start here so difficult, but after the meeting today, I hope that things will be better.”

  “Yes, thank you for that. It meant a lot to me.”

  “You do good work, Scarlett. That's why I recommended we give you a promotion.”

  “You recommended me?”

  “Of course, Scarlett. I may not always be here, but I always take an interest in my company.” Hearing her name on his tongue made her melt and knowing that he'd been keeping an eye on her performance made her feel special. She blushed.

  “Your ideas today were quite astute,” he said, and she thought it fortunate that she had notes prepared in that meeting, because she found it difficult to think straight when she was in his presence.

  “Listen, I don't want this to be awkward, but I thought we should talk about what happened at the party. I have a strict rule when it comes to my employees and what happened between us was a lapse in judgment. I didn't intend for it to happen and I'm sorry it did, because you were in no fit state and I feel like I took advantage of you. That's why I left so quickly. Although I felt bad for it, because it seemed like you could have used someone to talk to.”

  “It's fine, Mr. Keyes…”

  “Call me Jack.”

  “It's fine... Jack. A lot of men wouldn't have stopped. And I think, like you said, it was just a moment we shared. I was as much to blame as you, so I don't feel like you took advantage of me at all. I'm just glad it's not because you got a better look at me and thought I was ugly,” she joked, trying to lighten the mood and alleviate the tension.

  “I could never think that,” he said, and again looked at her with those piercing eyes. Scarlett felt her heart flutter and knew that the attraction between them was a dangerous one.

  “Well, I'm glad we got that sorted. And yes, let's just put it down to one of those things that happened.”

  “It just wouldn't look very good as a CEO if I was found entangled with an employee,” he said, and as he spoke about it her mind whirled with desire. The room was alive with tension and there was nothing she could do to diminish the levels of attraction that she was feeling for him. Although she knew that she should leave she couldn't. They continued to talk about idle matters for a while, but there was a strong undercurrent of tension simmering, waiting to boil over.

  “How long are you going to be in town for?” Scarlett asked out of idle curiosity.

  “Oh, just a few days I think. I have a lot of other interests around the world, so I can't usually stay in one place for too long,” he said, and she found herself wanting him to stay in the city. She wanted him badly, but she had to deny it. They'd both agreed that it wasn't going to happen but she couldn't bring herself to leave his office, not yet anyway.

  However, eventually it had to happen. Soon, the conversation between them died down and all that was left was the heated stare between them. The sexual tension was palpable and Scarlett knew that she had to leave soon before it boiled over. She rose from the chair and teasingly leaned forward as she did so, letting her shirt hang down so that he could gaze at some of the treasures of her body. But as she was trying to be alluring and sexy, she ended up knocking over a few things off his desk. Horrified, she frantically dropped down to her knees to try and pick them up quickly, apologizing all the time.

  “It's okay, it doesn't matter. They're nothing important,” Jack said, as he too moved down to the floor. As they both scrambled to pick up the fallen sheets of paper and put them back into order, their hands met and electricity surged through them once more. They stopped and moved their heads to look at each other and they were locked in an inexorable grip of lust and desire. Scarlett knew there was no turning back and she didn't give a damn about the rules. All she wanted was Jack, and nothing was going to stop her.

  She leaned in and kissed him frantically. The passion seized their souls and neither of them could control themselves.

  “We shouldn't be doing this,” he moaned as she bit his lip and drove him wild. His hands were all over her beautiful curves, feeling his way around her while her lips ardently pressed against his. Their breath mingled in short bursts in between their kisses. Their eyes were clamped shut as they let their instincts guide them.

  “I'll stop if you stop,” she challenged, but neither of them were able to resist the desires that were burning in their bodies. Their hearts beat frantically and sweat prickled on their skin. Scarlett's hands cupped Jack's cheeks as she moved him around so that he was sitting with his back against the desk. She threw her thighs over him and straddled him, squeezing them and pressing her body against his tightly. His arms rested on the curves of her hips and then ran around her back, pulling her into him as they kissed so fiercely she thought that her lips were going to bruise. Her senses were alive with passion and were almost overloaded with the sensations that were coursing through her body. His big biceps t
ensed as he enveloped her in his masculine heat, and she welcomed every second.

  Delight danced in her eyes and a wicked smile flickered across her face as she felt a bulge swell and harden in his crotch. She moaned lightly and dragged her hands down his neck, making him gasp as she leaned back and began to unbutton his shirt slowly, watching the buttons pop out one by one, before she pushed his shirt away and rested her hands on his broad chest, running her fingers through his bed of chest hair. As she leaned back, Jack reached up and pulled out her ponytail, letting her hair cascade down like a river of flames. Goosebumps rippled over her body as she twisted with delight and felt his hands come all over her torso, squeezing her breasts.

  Her body writhed and shuddered as she dragged her nails down his chest. His hands moved across her body and ripped open her shirt. A few buttons pinged in different directions as he pulled her shirt away from her body and pulled her close to him. His kissed her neck and she tingled. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head as she became overwhelmed with passion. Jack slipped the straps of her bra off her shoulders and kissed her bare, exposed skin, moving his mouth along her body. He pushed her back gently and then his lips found her breasts, kissing and sucking on them softly, teasing her erect nipples with his tongue, soaking them in his saliva and then blowing on them coolly, making her shiver with exquisite delight.

  A low, guttural moan escaped her lips as his arms pressed into the small of her back and then ran down, grabbing at her ass. Her hips thrust into him and felt him get harder with every second until he was raging, and her hunger was ready to devour him. She leaned in and let her red hair fall over his face, drowning him in the coconut smell of her shampoo and the strawberry taste of her kisses. Their tongues found each other and the passion that had been building up since their first kiss was released. The desk was hard behind them and Jack was brimming with energy. He used his strength to throw Scarlett on the floor, and she grinned at the whirlwind sensation. They kissed passionately. Jack took her wrists and pinned them above her head, and she willingly submitted to her control.


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