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Killian Page 7

by Brenda Rothert

  Barb wasn’t at her desk, so I approached Sid’s door and knocked. I could hear footsteps inside and then the door opened.

  Damn, did she look good today. Her gray slacks emphasized her tall, lean figure. The top two buttons of her silky black blouse were undone, revealing her ivory skin. And her hair was loose around her shoulders. My hands belonged in that thick, dark red hair.

  “Hi,” she said, a hint of pink showing on her cheeks.

  “Hey. Want some company?”


  She stood aside and closed the door, and we both remained in place right behind it.

  “You look gorgeous,” I said, letting my gaze wander down her body.

  Her bright green eyes went right to my crotch and I gave her a satisfied smile.

  “You like seeing what you do to me?” My low voice was the only sound in the silent room.

  She licked her lips and my control sailed away.

  “I think you need to feel it, too,” I said.

  When I turned and backed her against the door, she let out a small sigh. I cupped her jaw in my hand and leaned down, connecting my lips with hers. Her mouth was soft and tasted sweet, which brought a deep groan from my chest.

  I kissed her hard and deep, my tongue exploring hers. When I pressed my hips against her, my erection met up with her flat stomach. I hiked her up, my hands under her ass, and my hard cock found the sweet cleft between her thighs.

  “God … Killian,” she said in my ear.

  “This is what you fucking do to me. I can tell you want it bad, too, baby.”

  She rolled her hips and wrapped her legs around my waist.

  “Fuck,” I muttered.

  She tipped her head to one side and I accepted the invitation in an instant, diving into her neck to kiss the soft white skin that had been tempting me since day one. I wound a hand into her hair at the same time, tugging it as I kissed her collarbone and neck.

  She moaned, her hips still rocking against me. I had her pinned to the wall with my hips, so I took my other hand away from her ass and wove it into her hair. My mouth needed more of hers. I lost all control when I kissed her soft lips this time. The harder I pulled on her hair and the deeper I kissed her, the tighter she squeezed her legs around my waist.

  We clung to each other, tasting and touching and groaning. Her hands moved up and down my back and shoulders, my t-shirt worked up so her fingers could touch my bare skin.

  My breath came fast and hard, all rational thoughts forgotten. All I could do was feel, but this feeling was like nothing I’d ever experienced. I was drowning in Sidney, and I never wanted this kiss to end.


  This was the kiss I’d been waiting for my whole life. The one that knocked me off balance and made me dizzy with desire. I’d always assumed a kiss like this was just a myth from a fairytale. But I was wrong; it was possible to be set on fire from head to toe by a kiss. It was happening to me right now. Killian’s lips would ravage my mouth one second and then tenderly caress the skin of my neck the next. I was tasting him, feeling the powerful muscles I’d been admiring from afar and realizing it was actually possible to take part of another person into yourself.

  The more I took, the more I wanted. If we didn’t stop this, we’d be screwing against my office door within a few minutes. I closed my eyes, memorizing the feel of his lips on me for a few more short, sweet seconds.

  “We can’t do this,” I said, breaking away from him against my will.

  His hands released my hair and he stepped back. My feet dropped back to the ground. We were both panting as our sanity returned. His shirt was still tangled around his chest and his hair was sticking up in every direction on top.

  He blew out a breath and I saw an apology in his icy blue eyes.

  “I wanted it,” I said. “More than you know. I’ve just worked too hard for too long to be a team owner who fucks her own players right in her office.”

  “Can we fuck somewhere else?” The corners of his lips turned up playfully.

  “Dammit, stop tempting me, Killian.”

  “You’re the one tempting me,” he said, accusation in his tone. “Wearing your hair down like that, and that shirt with two buttons undone.”

  I glanced down at my chest. “You can’t see anything. My cleavage is completely covered.”

  “But your collarbone and chest are sexy. They were begging to be kissed.”

  “I hope you understand that if attraction was my only consideration, I would be on my desk with my legs spread right now,” I said.

  “Christ, woman,” he muttered. “If you want me to keep my hands off you, stop saying shit like that.”

  “I’m trying to do the right thing, even though it’s really hard.”

  “It’s rock hard, baby. And much larger than average.”

  I couldn’t help it. My eyes went down to the bulge in his pants again, which was now standing at full attention, his workout pants tented around it. I didn’t even need to see it to know it was a lot larger than average.

  “God damn, it turns me on when you look at me that way. My balls are gonna be Flyers blue soon, but I won’t push. I don’t want you to do something you’ll regret.”

  I sighed sadly. “It’s really unfair that the one person I crave is off limits.”

  “You crave me?”

  “So much,” I admitted.

  “Will you do something for me? I promise things won’t escalate if you do.”


  There was a note of pleading in his voice. “Will you unbutton your shirt? I just want to look at you.”

  My body responded with a powerful throbbing between my legs before my lips could form an answer. He wanted to look at me. Could he possibly make me feel any sexier?

  “Just my shirt?”

  He nodded and slid his hands into the pocket of his workout pants.

  “My hands won’t leave these pockets ‘til I leave this office.”

  Taking a step back, I reached for the first button, my eyes locked on his. I unfastened it and moved to the next one. Irrational thoughts like firing him, screwing him and then giving him his job back were running through my mind.

  Cool air brushed across my bare stomach and goose bumps broke out on my skin. When I opened the final button, I opened the shirt. Killian’s eyes roved over my lacy, pale gray bra.

  “You are absolutely perfect,” he said, reverence in his tone.

  I drank in the compliment, my body buzzing with sexual tension. When he closed the distance between us with one big step, I took a step back, not trusting myself.

  “No hands, Sid. I promised.”

  He stepped forward again and I stayed in place.

  “Slide the straps down your shoulders,” he said.

  Was this going to be a full strip tease? I knew I wouldn’t refuse him if he wanted it. I was holding him in the palm of my hand right now, and I didn’t want to release him.

  When I slipped the straps down, his eyes darkened into a deeper blue. He wanted to look, and I wanted to show him. I slid the straps further, freeing my breasts from the cups of my bra.

  Killian’s exhale was rough. He leaned in, brushing his nose against my cheek. The minty, masculine scent of his hair intensified the throbbing between my thighs. When he brushed his scruffy cheek over my jawline, a small, helpless sound escaped my lips.

  My arousal was almost painful. It had built to an unbearable level, and I needed a hot, hard release. Instead I was being slowly tortured by Killian’s restraint.

  His face dipped down to my breasts and I let my head fall back. The dance of his warm breath over my skin was a more erotic caress than his hands could ever have provided.

  I wasn’t sure I could take any more, and then I felt his tongue, hot and wet on my exposed nipple. He circled it with the tip of his tongue until it was a tight, hardened pebble.

  “God, that feels good,” I murmured.

  “You are exquisite,” he said, sucking on my nipple
for one mind-blowing second. “I’ve never in my life used that word, but there’s no other word that fits you.”

  I was about to combust on the spot. His mouth was going to get me off, and I was fully clothed.

  He repeated the swirling and sucking on my other nipple. When he tugged it between his teeth, I let out a loud cry of pleasure.

  “You like it rough, baby? I’m damned good at that.” He bit down harder and I moaned his name, lost to reason. As his tongue soothed the burn away, I decided ethics were overrated.

  I was about to ask him to take me right on my desk when he covered my lips with his in a soft, sweet kiss.

  “Someday, Sid,” he said. “Not today, but someday I’ll make you mine.”

  He turned and left me there - a hot, panting mess with my boobs hanging out, my nipples still soaked from his mouth. I wanted someday to happen very soon.


  I swore loudly, knowing what the ref was about to call before he even said it.

  “What?” Lucas Watson demanded from the ref. Watson was my right winger tonight. Bennett, looking on miserably from behind the bench, was sitting this game out with a sprained wrist.

  “Goalie interference,” the ref said.

  “Are you kidding me?” Watson yelled, slamming his stick onto the ice.

  “Settle down,” the ref cautioned.

  “How did I interfere?” Watson skated after the ref and I rolled my eyes and took off after him. “There was no way I could stop myself. You want me to fuckin’ fly or something?”

  The ref turned and I grabbed Watson by the shoulder. “Shut your fuckin’ mouth before I shut it for you,” I said in a low tone.

  He shook his head, but raised his hands in the air and retreated.

  “That was bullshit,” he mumbled.

  “Do your time in the box and get focused,” I said sternly.

  Was this what I’d been like at twenty-three? I hated to admit it, even to myself, but yeah, I’d been even worse. I’d been a hothead with no impulse control for a while. I’d mellowed in time and advanced to captain. So why had I only recently had the sense to mellow out my personal life?

  My answer was sitting in the owner’s box right now. I looked up there, hoping she could see me even though I couldn’t see her.

  From the time my skates hit the ice for a game, I was thinking about her watching me. It created an uncomfortable tightness in my chest. The only person who’d ever come to a game just to watch me play was my mom. And even though Sid was here as the team’s owner, I felt her eyes on me when I was playing.

  If we slept together, would I hold her interest anymore? I wanted her so damn bad, but the thought of her having me and then moving on didn’t sit well. My only hold on her was our intense physical attraction. I wasn’t successful enough to keep her for anything more.

  And since when did I want more? As I fought for control of the puck, I was still thinking about Sidney watching me. My shoulder bounced off the glass after a shove and I didn’t even feel it. My drive to impress Sidney propelled me, and I eased the puck to Liam, who took off with it.

  She was right. Us sleeping together was a bad idea. She already had a hold on me that seemed to grow stronger every day. Every look between us sent me deeper into a hole I couldn’t climb out of. Not that I wanted out. In fact, I was willingly diving deeper.

  Our attraction was intense. Since kissing her, I’d had vivid dreams about her body. The sounds of desire she’d made when my mouth was on her still rang in my ears.

  She’d wanted more, and she’d wanted it bad. But if we slept together, there wouldn’t be any more. She’d move on to some suit with a tiny dick and a huge bank account.

  If that happened, I wouldn’t be able to see her every day and keep my sanity. I’d blown my shot at the big league, but I was still a professional hockey player, and I wasn’t giving that up. Not even for Sidney Stahl.

  Chapter 6


  Excited chatter and a sea of blue filled the Flyers’ largest VIP suite. This idea Keri had come up with for a post-game meet and greet between the players and season ticket holders was genius.

  Every player was chatting with the fans. I’d overheard several conversations about our winning streak. Some fans were using the time to get pucks and other merchandise autographed. And Shuck was having an animated back and forth with a fan about comic books. If that rang his bell, it worked for me.

  Even Killian and Liam were doing their part. Killian wore a charcoal suit with a pale blue dress shirt that was a perfect match for his eyes. I pictured him in my bedroom, sliding off the jacket and hanging it over the back of a chair. I could see him loosening his tie and slowly pulling it off, his eyes fixed on me.

  I took a deep breath and forced myself to engage in the group conversation I was having with the owners of a local car dealership.

  Killian and I had been avoiding each other since he left me at the peak of sexual frustration in my office yesterday. We didn’t look at each other, which took a deliberate effort on my part. I knew my growing feelings for him would show on my face if I even glanced his way.

  And what were we going to do now, anyway? Make small talk about games? It wasn’t like we’d kissed accidentally and made things awkward. He’d sucked and bit my nipples in my office and I’d been panting for more. I’d not only felt his arousal pressed between my legs – I’d dry humped it.

  His words had been on replay in my head since yesterday. Exquisite. Rough. Someday.

  “Sidney, are you feeling okay?” One of the business owners put a hand on my shoulder and gave me a look of concern. “You look flushed. I hope you aren’t coming down with something.”

  I offered a reassuring smile, grateful she didn’t know what I’d come down with.

  “You know, I was in meetings and conference calls all afternoon and I never had lunch,” I said. “I’m starting to feel light-headed, so I think I’ll go grab some food.”

  “That’s a good idea.”

  I went to the buffet line and stacked a plate with veggies, cheese and crackers. I’d eaten one bite when a burly man in a Flyers cap and jersey approached me.

  “Sidney, I’m Stan Pemberton.” He extended his hand. “I’m the CEO of Elecsys in Indy. I’m sure you’ve heard of me.”

  I hadn’t.

  “Your name does sound familiar, Stan,” I said, nodding with feigned recognition. “I’m thrilled to see you in a Flyers jersey. How’d we manage to steal you away from the major league team in Indy? I’m sure you could as easily be a season ticket holder there.”

  “That’s true, but Fenway’s my hometown. Lifelong Flyers fan right here.”

  “Glad to hear it. Have you gotten a chance to meet some of the players?”

  He nodded. “I’m more interested in talking to you – you know, executive to executive.”

  “Sure thing.”

  He crossed his arms and gave me an all-business expression. “What’s your plan for your goal tender? Shuck might make a solid backup, but that’s about it. You’ve firmed up the second line well, but defense is important too, you know.”

  “I agree. Bruce is our defensive coach, and I know he’s working extra with Shuck and his other guys. We’ve changed the philosophy of the team, and some people just need time to get on board.”

  Of its own accord, my gaze wandered across the room to Killian. I was listening to Stan with half an ear as I watched a woman snuggle up to Killian’s chest, her arm in the air with her phone held high for a selfie.

  “…and trust me, clearing ‘em all out is the way to go sometimes,” Stan said. I turned back to him and nodded my acknowledgement.

  “I know what you’re saying,” I said.

  “I was VP of Operations at a major manufacturing company for four years. Leadership involves making those tough calls and sticking to ‘em.”

  “It sure does.”

  I glanced back at Killian. The fan, who barely looked eighteen, still had her arm around
his waist. I located both of his hands. Neither one was on her. That was something, but I still felt a burning stab in my chest over knowing she was groping either his lower back or his ass beneath his suit jacket.

  “When can I expect you to makeover the D?” Stan asked. His brow was furrowed impatiently.

  I crossed my arms, matching his stance. “All major decisions about our roster are made by Orion and Bruce. I’m not a coach, I’m just the owner. I hired them because I believe in them, and they handle all hiring and firing.”

  Stan grunted dismissively. “I’ve tried talking to Orion. He just blows me off.”

  I forced myself not to smile. “Well—”

  “Now, listen here,” Stan continued. “I’ve been leading people in the corporate world for more than twenty years. Played hockey in high school, so I know a thing or two about that, too. You probably spent more time in a sorority house than you have running companies.”

  My spine tingled as my fight response kicked in. “With all due respect, I’m a self-made success. That success allowed me to buy a hockey team and run it as I see fit. And I see fit to hire outstanding coaches and let them run their team. They’re doing a pretty outstanding job of it.”

  “No need to get defensive,” he muttered.

  “No need to insult my capability. I was no sorority girl in college, not that I didn’t have some smart friends who were. I was busy making my first million before I graduated.”

  Keri appeared beside me. “Hi there. So sorry, but I need to take Sidney for a quick interview with a radio station.”

  I extended a hand to Stan. “It was a pleasure. Thank you very much for your support and passion for the Flyers. We don’t have to agree on everything for me to consider you a friend.”

  He squeezed my hand in his massive one, pumping it enthusiastically. “You’re a real peach, Ms. Stahl.”

  Keri led me away.

  “Thank you,” I whispered. “That was getting a little tense.”

  “I wish I could take credit for that save, but you actually do have to do a radio interview,” she said.

  I snuck another look at Killian. His eyes met mine. He’d been looking at me, which filled me with a heady sense of power. The teenager with the cell phone was still gazing adoringly at him, but her hands weren’t on him anymore.


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