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Killian Page 13

by Brenda Rothert

She was a woman who was always in control. She was the boss. The one charged with making tough decisions. I knew part of my appeal was that in the bedroom, I took control. I gave, and she took. It was the one area in her life where she could let go. Nothing was off limits.

  I slid onto the ice, leading the team around for a lap. The crowd was a sea of blue. I took in their energy, knowing we’d bring them a win tonight.

  For once, I hoped Sidney wasn’t in her owner’s box. I imagined her laying on a table at a fancy salon, hot wax warming her delicate skin. She’d be such a sexy sight with a bare pussy. I had a flash of jealous anger as I made the final turn around the rink. Had any other man eaten her soft, smooth pussy? I wanted her to discover how much more sensitive it was this way with me.

  I slid to a stop and waited for the announcer’s pre-game introductions. I had to get my shit under control – there was no way I’d be able to focus with a raging boner.

  But my imagination was still running wild. Would she buy a thong? I wanted to run my fingers over the strap on her ass and tug on the back of it to create friction against her clit.

  Or maybe she’d buy lacy panties. I’d lick her pussy through the fabric, then rip them in half and take her from behind.

  “How’s it goin’?” the ref asked me.

  I shook my head, forcing the images away. “Uh … good. How ‘bout you?”

  “No complaints.”

  He looked at the other captain, a guy who’d been stuck with the unfortunate name of Reggie Roach.

  “What’s up, Roach?” he asked.

  He shrugged and smirked at me. “Looking forward to an easy win.”

  “Let’s go, old man,” I said. Roach hated jabs about his age.

  “Speaking of easy, tell your mom thanks for last night,” I said, grinning. Roach was an old school trash talker. It was one of the things I liked best about going up against him.

  He was about to issue a comeback that probably would’ve had me rolling, but the ref dropped the puck. We both swung our sticks, jokes forgotten.

  It was game time, but the real fun would come later.

  Chapter 10


  By the time I heard Killian’s key turning in the lock to my front door, I was beyond ready. I’d been in a state of constant arousal since our encounter in my office earlier.

  He walked into the bedroom, his tie loose around his neck. The fire in his smoky gray eyes matched the burn between my thighs.

  I drank in his gaze as he studied me from head to toe. I’d chosen classic black lingerie – a lacy bra and skimpy panties to match, complete with garter belts.

  “Perfect,” he said, tossing his coat on an open chair.

  “I’m glad you like it.”

  “Strip for me,” he said, sitting down in the chair he’d thrown his coat on.

  I took a deep breath, wishing I’d had time to prepare. YouTube videos would’ve at least helped me know where to start.

  I’d have to wing it. I approached him, stopping close enough that he could see me well but not reach me. Then I turned my back to him and slid my bra straps down one at time, my head turned so I could see his reaction.

  When I reached around to unhook my bra and toss it to the floor, his eyes blazed. I cupped my breasts in my hands and tossed my hair back.

  He had a hand on the fly of his dress pants and I saw him massaging his erection as I bent to slide the garters off. I pushed the panties halfway down my ass, wiggling it for his benefit, and then turned to face him as I slid them the rest of the way down.

  “Wow,” he said, his gaze fixed between my legs. “So fucking hot. Come closer.”

  I stepped out of my panties and approached. He brushed his thumb over the exposed skin of my pussy. Moaning, I eased my hips forward to increase the contact.

  He reached into his pocket and took out a condom, holding it out.

  “Put it on me,” he said.

  I took the foil package in my hand and bent to unbutton and unzip his pants. I worked them down just enough to free his erection and then tore open the package.

  He groaned deep in his throat as I rolled it on. The throb between my legs was all I could think about, and I gave a small cry of satisfaction when he put his hands on my hips and guided me to his lap.

  I straddled him, bending my knees to lower myself onto his rigid arousal. Just as his tip brushed my opening, he gripped my hips, stopping me from going any further.

  “You want me?” he asked in a low tone.

  “Yes, please,” I said, my hunger for him almost unbearable.

  “Ride me hard, Sid. Hard and fast or I’ll stop you.”

  “Oh, God.” I looked up at the ceiling, his voice driving me into a frenzy.

  With no further warning, he pulled my hips down, slamming himself into me.

  “Ah, Killian,” I cried, grabbing his shoulders for support. He was deep inside me, and my bare skin against his felt better than I’d imagined anything could.

  I rode him with no inhibition, his words still ringing in my ears. He was thrusting up into me at the same time. It was the deepest sex I’d ever had, and within a couple minutes I threw my head back and screamed his name, coming so hard I was lightheaded for a second.

  He was right behind me, gripping my shoulder and wrapping his other arm around my waist as he groaned loudly through clenched teeth.

  I collapsed against him, breathing hard. He kissed my neck softly, humming a noise of satisfaction against my skin.

  “You take orders well, Sid,” he said. “Very well.”


  I pushed up on the sides of the tub to ease myself to a standing position. The burning in my thighs and ribs made me pause halfway up and I held onto the grab bar for support. The ice bath had helped some, but I was still sore as hell. The game tonight had been brutal.

  Bennett was nearby, and he held out an arm to steady me as I got out of the tub. I winced as I lifted one leg, and then the other, over the edge of the bath.

  “We got a shitload of ice time tonight,” he said. “My legs are on fire, too.”

  We were currently ranked second in the league, and we’d played the number one ranked team tonight. The whole game had been a street fight for the puck. The fans had loved every minute, and I had, too. But now I was moving like an old man.

  I took a quick shower and dressed in my suit, my body still aching from the simple act of getting dressed.

  “You coming out tonight?” Felix Mercer, our new goaltender, was trying to get a group together for dinner and drinks. He was only nineteen but the kid was a phenom, and I could tell he’d be in the big league soon.

  I shook my head. “Nah, I’m beat. But drink one for me, man. Great game tonight.”

  He grinned happily. We’d barely scraped out a win tonight, and it wouldn’t have happened without him. Felix had the young, hungry attitude we needed if we were going to sustain ourselves and get into the playoffs.

  When I walked out of the locker room, a reporter approached me for a quick interview. A flash of dark red hair nearby caught my attention. Sidney was talking to some of the guys, congratulating them on the win.

  The reporter turned to see what was distracting me.

  “What do you think of the Ice Queen?” he asked, sticking a notebook in his pocket. “Off the record, of course.”

  If only he knew. I tried not to smile.

  “I think the turnaround of the team kind of speaks for itself, right?” I said. “We haven’t been anywhere close to a second place ranking in the four years I’ve been here.”

  He nodded. “Yeah, you guys keep this up, you’ll be in the playoffs.”

  “One game at a time,” I said, taking the hand he offered and shaking it.

  I forced myself not to look over when I walked past Sid and the group of guys surrounding her. I didn’t need to text her anymore – it was understood that we’d meet at her place every night we were both in town.

  I knew that Fenway wasn’t really h
er home, though. She was living in temporary accommodation in a place that was pre-decorated and furnished. Her permanent home was waiting for her back in New York. She already spent a fair bit of time going back and forth between the two places and I wondered how long she planned to stay here.

  I walked down the hallway, saying goodnight to a few of the guys, and as soon as I opened the door and walked outside, a rush of cool night air washed over my face. I’d forgotten my coat and was hoping to get to my car as fast as my battered body would allow.

  “There he is. Killian!” a female voice called. I looked over and saw two women I vaguely knew heading my way, both dressed in tall leather boots and tight pants.

  “Where have you been?” one of them asked, opening her arms and hugging me. I patted her back once, hoping we could call that a return hug.

  “We never see you at Brewster’s anymore,” the other woman said, frowning.

  “Just been busy, you know?” I said.

  “With who?” The first one asked. I gave her a look and she laughed her question off.

  “Come out tonight,” the other woman said. “We miss you.”

  I barely remembered these two, but when you spend more nights at a bar than anywhere else, the faces start to blur after a while. I’d been that guy before meeting Sid.

  “Ladies, I’m sorry,” I said. “That game kicked my ass and I’m just not up to it.”

  “Next time?” one of them asked hopefully.

  “Ah…probably not. I haven’t been to Brewster’s in a while.”

  “Boo,” she said, frowning again. “You have a girlfriend, don’t you?”

  “I am seeing someone, yeah.” I rubbed my hands together for warmth. “I’ve gotta go, guys. Have a good night.”

  I cranked up the heat in my car and ran through the game’s clutch plays on the drive to Sid’s. Tonight’s win had been a tough one and I had some ideas about how we should handle the next game. I’d talk with Orion about them tomorrow.

  I arrived at Sid’s first, so I let myself in with the key she’d slid to me over breakfast yesterday. She hadn’t said a word, so I’d picked it up and pocketed it silently. Once inside, I hung my suit jacket on a kitchen chair and opened a bottle of wine, pouring a glass for each of us. I was chopping omelet ingredients when Sid walked in.

  “Hi,” she said, smiling. “Amazing game, Killian. I’ve never been so excited about a win. You were just…magic out there.” Her eyes were bright with excitement. I loved her enthusiasm for the game, and her enthusiasm for me felt pretty damn good, too.

  “Felix was on fire,” I said. “That kid’s something else.”

  She took the glass of wine I handed her and sipped it, leaning a hip against the counter while I continued with my dinner preparations.

  “He was great tonight,” she agreed. “But you lead the offense. I had tears in my eyes by the time that last second ticked by on the clock.”

  I leaned in to kiss her and she cupped my cheek in her hand.

  “And, to top it off, you’re cooking dinner,” she said. “Mmm, I’m starving. Will you do me a favor and take off the shirt and tie? I love it when you cook with just your suit pants on.”

  I started to comply, moving my sore arms gingerly.

  “Oh, you’re hurt,” she said softly. “Here, let me.”

  When I turned to her, she loosened my tie and slid it off. I watched her fingers work on my shirt buttons, her nails a dark, shiny red.

  “I have to go to New York tomorrow,” she said. “For a couple of days.”

  She unfastened the last button and I felt the warmth of her hands on my stomach. Leaning forward, she kissed my chest, her hands sliding around to my back.

  “You feel good,” she said, laying her cheek to my chest.

  “So do you.” I ran a hand over her smooth, soft hair.

  She looked up at me with a hopeful gaze. “I got a call from Indy today. They want you for that roster spot.”

  With a deep sigh, I turned back to the stove. “I don’t know, Sid.”

  “Just think about it, OK? It wouldn’t happen for another two weeks. I probably shouldn’t even be telling you they’re interested, but I want you to be prepared when the call comes.”

  The first thought that sprang to my mind wasn’t about hockey. It was about the end of our omelet and wine nights. The end of waking up wrapped around Sidney and starting our days with sex and a shared pot of coffee.

  But that didn’t seem to be a consideration for her or, if it was, she didn’t let on.

  “This is a great opportunity for you,” she said. “I know that once you get called up, they’ll want to keep you.”

  And we’d be over. Between my travel schedule for the new team and her balancing work in Fenway and New York, we’d rarely see each other.

  “I’m gonna change and just respond to a couple of text messages. I’ll be back in a sec,” she said, walking away.

  I wanted to tell her to stop. I wanted to ask her if she had any emotional investment in our relationship, or if it was just great sex to her. But I couldn’t bring myself to say the words. What if her reputation as the Ice Queen wasn’t just about owning a hockey team? What if her heart was off limits, too?

  We spent the rest of the evening talking about the game, eating dinner and drinking wine, but my mind was elsewhere, and so was Sid’s. I knew she had a lot going on right now. I kept thinking about what a move to Indy would mean to me…to us. I turned in early, telling Sid my body hurt too much for sex. That wasn’t a total lie, though. Weak as it made me feel, it was actually my heart that was hurting.


  I was starting to feel the pressure of trying to keep all the balls in the air—managing three different business ventures was not always easy. This morning I had to squeeze three hours of work into the two hours I had before my flight left for New York. I walked into my office, dropped my bag on the credenza and took a deep, cleansing breath. I sat down and opened my email.

  “Sid,” Barb was poking her head into my office. “You have a second?”

  “Uh …”

  “I know you don’t, but it’s important.”

  I waved her in and she closed the door behind her, walking over to my desk and handing me a tall cup of coffee from my favorite coffee shop.

  “Thanks for this. What’s up?” I asked, sliding on my reading glasses.

  “You need to call Henry Walsh.”

  “Ugh. Right now?”

  Henry Walsh was a billionaire real estate investor whom I liked and respected. But I didn’t want to call him in my current frenzied mood.

  “Henry’s very upset. He’s left multiple messages for you and has never gotten a call back.”

  My mouth dropped open in shock. “Henry? Henry Walsh? What the hell? Why didn’t I get those messages?”

  “Nicole and I divided up some tasks last week so she’d have more work. One of her jobs is managing phone messages and return calls.”

  Elbows on my desk, I let my head fall into my hands. “I wonder what other messages haven’t been delivered.”

  “I’m sorry, I should have given her something else to do,” Barb said. “Managing your calls is important. I goofed up.”

  I looked up at her. “Important, yes, but also very easy. You’re sure Nicole knows this was expected of her? That she knows how to handle the task?”

  Barb slid a sheet of paper toward me.

  “I laid out responsibilities for both of us in writing and we both signed it and we each kept a copy.”

  “Oh, Barb,” I said. “This whole thing has been so stressful for you.”

  “Sidney, I’ve been putting this off, but you and I need to talk. You have high standards for yourself and for your employees. I’ve always liked that about you. It makes all of us bring our A game to our job. Do you know how many people would love a shot to get in the door to work with you?

  I knew where this conversation was headed and I was mad about not having initiated it myself.

  “She doesn’t deserve to stay, Sidney.”

  I nodded slowly, feeling deflated. “You’re right, Barb. I hired her because her mom was a mentor to me, and I wanted to do something to help her daughter get a leg up in the business world. I’ve put up with too much for too long because of it. But, worse than that, I’m sorry for the stress it’s created for you and everyone else in the front office. I’ll fire her. Today.”

  “Good. Just remember, you aren’t doing anyone a favor by condoning her behavior. She’s been given plenty of opportunities to straighten up. This is the right decision.”

  Relief was already setting in. “Thank you, Barb. I’ll remember all of this at bonus time.”

  “No,” she said firmly. “Sidney, I don’t have your back because I want more money. You pay me extremely well. You’re dear to me, Sidney, and we’ve worked together for a long time. You’re a very good woman. I tell my daughter all the time that you built this all on our own. No handouts. She’s in college, and I want her to know she can do anything she sets her mind to. Just like you.”

  My throat tightened with emotion. “That means a great deal to me. I needed your honesty. Thank you so much, Barb.”

  She nodded and stood, saying, “I’m not going to say another word about this. It’s between you and me.”

  “Thanks, Barb. Now let me get this over with. Please, send Nicole in.”

  I closed down my email while I waited for Nicole to arrive. When I had to fire someone, I liked to have time to think about what I’d say beforehand. I’d have to wing it this time.

  Nicole’s expression was impassive when she walked in. I gestured at a chair and she sat down.

  “This is never an easy conversation,” I said. “We got off to a rocky start and things never seemed to get better. I have to let you go, Nicole.”

  Her eyes widened in shock. “Fired? I’m fired?”

  “Yes. I’ll pay you two weeks’ severance and any holiday pay we owe you.”

  “This is bullshit,” she muttered. “Why? I don’t understand.”

  “We’ve talked about this before—failure to perform the duties assigned, a poor attitude, unwillingness to follow rules—”


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