Ted Saves the World

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Ted Saves the World Page 40

by Bryan Cohen

  Chapter 40

  When Erica watched Nigel carry Ted out the door, she wondered if she'd lose him just like she lost William. While Ted's capture was a conscious, strategic move, William had been taken in the middle of the night, and she would never have known he'd been brought back as a dark soul if he hadn't attempted to kill her at the altar. Erica could still feel the cuts on her wrist from when she'd protected her throat from William's knife.

  Ted's trade of his life for Jennifer's was a bad one, but it would split Nigel's gang in two. If she and Dhiraj could get away from the school quickly, perhaps she could keep Ted and the entire world alive. Dhiraj was lying down face-first on stage with Stucky's boot on his back. Jennifer and Faraday were up there as well, with Jennifer in bad shape from being on-and-off choked for the last 15 minutes. Erica didn't like the looks of the symbol on her friend's arm and what it might mean if she died.

  "Isn't this a fun little party?" Faraday straightened his posture. "I have half a mind to kill your friend now and make this three-on-two."

  There was no way odds were going to be in Erica's favor in this situation. But speed was of the essence.

  "How about we make this interesting? You two vs. me, for everything. If I lose, you kill them both."

  Stucky and Faraday glanced at each other.

  "And if we lose?"

  "Do you really think that's going to happen?" she asked. "But if you're not up to the challenge...."

  Stucky hopped off the stage with ease.

  "Now that you mention it, I've been wanting to hit you ever since you walked in."

  Faraday threw Jennifer to the ground.

  "I'll be back in a second," he said as he joined Stucky in the aisle. "I haven't been in a fight since grade school. I won that one, too."

  The two of them walked toward the cheerleader. The ground almost shook as they moved up the incline.

  There's no reason you can't do this, she thought. Just think of... Ted.

  Erica was surprised that Ted came to mind instead of William. Her lasting love for her fiancé had been deep but unrequited. Before they could share any more than one kiss beneath the stars, he'd been turned into a weapon bent on killing her. Ted, on the other hand, had been the love of her former inhabitant's life, even though she didn't realize it. She thought of their childhood together, remembering a moment when Ted fell from a tree in her backyard. She'd broken his fall, and the two of them laughed together for 10 minutes straight. Saving Ted wasn't about giving herself a second chance with someone who resembled a long-lost love. It was about giving her former inhabitant another opportunity to treat Ted the way he deserved.

  For love and country, she thought.

  Erica clenched her fists. Stucky and Faraday were only a few feet away now.

  "And, scene," Faraday said.

  He was the first to approach. He reached for Erica, but she quickly ducked and landed a shot to his ribs. As he went to grab for her again, she jumped and kicked her legs into him as hard as she could. He stumbled into the seats as she landed in Stucky's midsection. Stucky seemed stunned for a second before putting his arm around her throat. Before he could grip her, Erica kicked her leg to the ceiling and nailed Stucky in the face. That got her enough room to turn around toward him. When Faraday stood up and approached her, she leapt into the air in hit both of them in the chest with a split kick. Faraday stumbled back into the seats. Stucky growled.

  "You know, your friend tossed me through a car. I think I might return the favor."

  As Stucky went to reach for her shirt, Erica rolled onto her back, harnessed Stucky's momentum and used a backward roll to toss him in Faraday's direction. The two collided with a snapping sound.

  Erica had only a second to look on stage. She saw Jennifer recovering from her ordeal, but Dhiraj was missing. She would have started looking for him if Stucky hadn't sprung forward with speed she didn't expect. She tried to block him with her forearm, but he landed a clean shot to the head. A massive follow-up kick to the chest knocked her backward and onto her stomach. She felt the worn carpet on her face.

  "Not so fast now, are you?"

  Erica rolled onto her back and kick-flipped herself up. Stucky moved at her as she ran toward the opposite side of the aisle, leapt off one of the chairs and spun around with a kick that knocked one of Stucky's teeth out. They both watched it fall harmlessly to the ground.

  "I hear you should put that in some milk before you take it to–"

  She hadn't noticed Faraday sneaking behind her. Before she could finish her quip, he grabbed her arms behind her.

  "Brevity is the soul of wit," he said.

  He had all the leverage and she couldn't shake herself free. Stucky ignored his dental needs and began to punch Erica in the ribs. Each blow stung, but the third and most powerful one really seemed to jostle one loose.

  "I felt something break on that one," Stucky said.

  Erica gritted her teeth.

  "You know, this fight was your decision," Faraday said. "If you were in my class, I'd give you an A for ambition, but–"

  The auditorium went dark. Faraday stopped and the room was both silent and pitch black.

  "Lights out, suckers!" Dhiraj’s voice echoed through the auditorium.

  The distraction was all Erica needed. She slammed her head back into Faraday's jaw. That gave her just enough room to use Stucky as a wall, running up his body and flipping backward to get behind the drama instructor. She gripped his neck and shoulder and snapped his collarbone. Faraday screamed in pain and crumpled to the ground. Stucky tripped over his partner and Erica ran up the ramp. When she opened the door to the lobby, light streamed in, illuminating Faraday writhing in pain on the ground.

  "Come and get me." Erica gestured Stucky toward her.

  "Coming, dear," he said.

  Something was telling Erica to go into the lobby, which was really just the main hallway and exit to the school. She no longer had the element of the dark to work with, though a fundraising banner hanging above her head grabbed her attention. As Stucky reached the auditorium door, it was clear he was starting to get winded.

  "I'm tired of you moving around," he said.

  "You could just give up," she said.

  Stucky snorted. He reached to his left and ripped a sizable glass display trophy case off the wall. Erica thought the feat of strength may have even impressed him. Unflapped, he tossed it her direction. She flipped backward three times to get enough distance, but Stucky was on her as soon as she landed. She blocked two punches with her forearms and stepped back to avoid his best attempt at a roundhouse kick. He grabbed her arms, pulled her toward him and sent a knee right into her stomach. That left her open for a punch on the back of the head. As she tried to collect herself, he kicked her square in the face. She felt the pain in her cheek and eye socket. A bruise began to form.

  "All your little flips and tricks aren't going to save you now."

  Then a trophy clanged against the back of Stucky's head.

  "Hey!" Stucky turned around. "That stung."

  Jennifer and Dhiraj crouched by the auditorium door with a handful of trophies and plaques. The distraction gave Erica enough time to get to her feet. Then she sensed a different kind of presence. Whatever it was, it was fast and approaching.

  "You think that stung? Just wait for this."

  Erica leapt into the air and grabbed the banner as the sheriff's truck barreled into the building, nailing Stucky and sending him crashing into the wall.



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