LYRIC (Aces MC Series Book 6.5)

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LYRIC (Aces MC Series Book 6.5) Page 8

by Aimee-Louise Foster

  I sniggered again, "Are you herding me?"

  "No, I'd be slapping your arse if I wanted you to move quicker." I heard the humour in his voice and smiled. TUGS and I were definitely on the same wave length.

  TUGS turned off the light to the bar as we reached the corridor and followed closely behind me. I placed my hand onto the wall to help my balance. I hadn't drunk much this evening but I was a lightweight when it came to alcohol which was the reason I didn't usually drink.

  "This is me, thank you for walking me to my room." I turned and smiled brightly.

  "You're a funny little thing." He replied and his comment confused me.

  TUGS leaned closer and my eyes widened unsure of his intentions. I felt his breath on my cheek and tilted my head to give him better access. His lips brushed gently on my sensitive skin before he placed a lingering kiss on my cheek close to my mouth. I closed my eyes hoping that he would kiss me again but I felt his breath leave my skin. I opened my eyes, his expression unreadable as he stepped back creating space between us.

  "Good night Victoria." He smiled and turned on his heels to stroll down the corridor.

  I leaned against my door unsure what to think of the kiss but was quickly distracted when the bathroom door flew open.

  Recon glanced down the corridor to see TUGS before looking back at me.

  "Go to bed it's late."

  I couldn't help but laugh. I was twenty-eight years old and hadn't been told to go to bed since I was a child. I gave Recon a small salute before using my keys on the door to unlock it. I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard the click and quickly twisted the handle. I pushed the door open and stepped into my room. As I turned to close my door, I noticed Recon still standing in the corridor watching me.

  I gave him a little wave, "Good night." I quickly shut the door and placed my ear against the doorframe. I eventually heard him walk down the corridor and his bedroom door shut.

  Recon made me feel uncomfortable. I didn't want to make an enemy of him but he also needed to understand that I was twenty-eight and this was my home also but that would have to be a conversation for another day as it was getting late and I had a very early start.

  Chapter 7


  I pulled up outside the tallest tower block on the Yardley Lane estate knowing that the sound of my Harley would draw attention. I quickly cocked my leg over the seat and unfastened my helmet.

  "Can we help you?"

  I removed my helmet and placed it onto the handlebars before turning. I gazed in the direction of the teenager before looking him up and down. He looked like a model from an Adidas advertisement as he stood boldly in his matching tracksuit, trainers and cap.

  "Nah, I'm good bruv." I sidestepped him and strolled towards the stairwell that would take me up to the first floor where Tyreese lived but someone stood in my way.

  He kissed his teeth, "Where do you think you're going?" The tall mixed race teenager was joined by another boy of similar age.

  "To see Tyreese. Now would you kindly move out of my way I'm kinda in a rush."

  The young lad pulled up his t-shirt to reveal a semi automatic weapon held in the waistband of his joggers.

  I shook my head slowly and smiled. Did he honestly think, that was going to stop me getting to my destination?

  I moved slowly and pulled my cut to one side to reveal my glock. "We can stand here all day discussing that mines bigger than yours or you can let me through to speak to Tyreese."

  "Saffie, let him through." I glanced up at the balcony and saw a man in his thirties leaning over the side to shout his orders.

  The teenager stepped aside, "Thank you." I smiled sarcastically before I made my way up the staircase taking two steps at a time.

  I felt the hostility as I strolled down the balcony towards Tyreese's flat. We didn't mix with the Dyers if we could help it. They would shoot first and ask questions later, which was everything that we opposed to.

  I passed several members of the Dyers and held my own, not looking afraid as I neared the door. I was too angry to even give a shit and if this was to be my last day on this planet, I was going to say my piece and go down in a blaze of glory.

  A girl of around fifteen years pushed on the front door of the flat allowing me the room to enter the small entrance hall.

  "Tyreese," I bellowed glancing around my surroundings. I made my way up the narrow hallway and into the living room.

  As I entered, I made sure I looked around the room working out where the possible exits were and how many people were in the room but I was surprised that it was just Tyreese and Max. They were reclined in their armchairs watching football on the widescreen TV attached to the wall.

  "Grab a beer Lyric and take a seat."

  Tyreese didn't turn around to look at me, he just pointed to the coffee table where several unopened beers were.

  "Nah I'm good."

  "Please yourself," he took a swig from his can and continued to watch the game.

  "Poppy is now living with me." I blurted awaiting a response.

  He placed his beer on to the table and turned towards me, "Okay, you have my attention."

  The man didn't show any emotion as he stared in my direction. "Poppy is living with me until Adie is released."

  "We both know that won't be happening." His response was blunt.

  "It's not up for discussion, that's what's happening." I'd had enough of him dictating what could and couldn't happen. My sister was now an adult and could make her own decisions but Poppy was now my responsibility.

  Tyreese raised his brows. "And why should I allow this?"

  I shook my head in disgust, "You're not exactly a role model are you."

  Tyreese placed his hand onto his chest, "I'm hurt." He stated earning himself a snigger from his friend.

  "Well that's what social services want so that's what's happening. We can sort out the finer details of visitation when Adie is out of prison." I wanted this meeting to be short and sweet and needed to get to the point quickly to prevent staying here any longer than what was needed.

  "Well she's going down for a long time Lyric." He seemed too cock sure about the situation.

  "I'll get her the best solicitor money can buy." Adie only had me and I needed to get her out.

  "Even so the amount of drugs she had in her car will send her down for a very long time." Tyreese's calm exterior unnerved me.

  "You seem to know an awful lot about the amount of drugs she had in her car." It was all falling into place, the bastard had set her up.

  He smiled, "No one crosses me and gets away with it."

  "Explain yourself?" He was fucking me off with his snide comments and cryptic clues.

  "She was planning on leaving me and taking Poppy with her. Not that I care much about the kid but I say when I've had enough of my bitches, not them."

  I quickly removed my glock from the waistband of my jeans and pointed it at him, to hear the click of a barrel as it was placed at the back of my head. I quickly weighed up my options. Could I possibly put a bullet in Tyreese before I was shot?

  "You kill me, Shelby kills you, now where does that get us?" Tyreese slowly stood. "We need to work together, after all we are family." I wanted to punch the slimy grin from his face but thoughts of Poppy entered my head. Who would she have if I weren't around?

  I slowly lowered my glock wanting to hear what he had to say. "What are you thinking?"

  "Well, we could possibly work with your club. You've got the numbers and vehicles to distribute."

  "We're clean now. We don't deal with that shit." I stated bluntly, cutting him off.

  He smiled, "Everyone has a price."

  "Not Duke."

  Tyreese grabbed a beer from the table and passed it to me. "At least think about it, stick around for a bit and take in the sights. You might even like what you see."

  I had to think quickly. This could possibly work to my advantage. I could stick around and maybe earn their trust. If I
could get enough evidence including a confession, I may even be able to get my sister out.

  "Come with me, let me show you something."

  I placed the can that Tyreese had just given me back on to the table. I couldn't drink. I needed to keep a clear head.

  Tyreese slowly made his way from his flat and I reluctantly followed. I didn't want to be in his presence more than I had too but I knew that I would need to do this in order to help Adie.

  We walked in the opposite direction to which I had come and made our way down the narrow stairwell.

  "114 is ours." Tyreese pointed to the ground floor flat that was at the end of the block but attached to a disused building.

  I followed him as he strolled towards the door. Tapping a combination of different rhythms on the glass of the door, it clicked open. Tyreese pushed on the door and stepped into the flat. It was a hive of activity with children dominating the space.

  I drew my browse not understanding what was going on. A woman who looked to be in her early thirties was in charge. She gave out instructions to the children and they did as they were told without any issues. She disappeared through a door in the sitting room with several children following her.

  "We also own the building next door. This is our hub where the magic takes place." Tyreese strolled towards the door and I followed noticing that the children moved out of his way quickly.

  Although the building looked unused from the outside, inside was a different matter. It was clean, tidy and organised. There was a bar to my right and past that, clearly marked toilets. Centrally there stood a sorting area. Children were taking rucksacks containing what only I would assume were drugs or money and set about their way with a mobile in hand.

  "Sorry Tyreese you've caught me at the change over, I'll be done in 10." She held up both hands with her fingers spread wide.

  "That's Katie. She is a god's send. The children trust her which means I have a happy workforce."

  I nodded taking in everything that was happening around us.

  Katie glanced in my direction, our eyes met and I smiled trying my best to stay impartial. She worked her way down my body towards my cut and I noticed her eyes widen once she saw my colours.

  She obviously hadn't had any dealings with an MC before. Katie stepped back to assess the group. Most of the children now had rucksacks and were making their way eagerly from the building.

  "Babe, I want you to come and meet Lyric."

  Her shoulders slumped before she turned to face me. Plastering a fake smile she walked towards us and extended her hand.

  "Hi," she stated.

  I couldn't seem to place her but her demeanour had now changed and she most certainly knew who I was or at least the club.

  "This is Lyric, we may be working together soon so I wanted to introduce him."

  I shook her hand out of politeness but I could tell that she felt uncomfortable. Tyreese hadn't noticed the awkwardness and continued speaking.

  "So this is us." He waved his arms around pleased with his operation.

  "Okay well that's enough of the pleasantries. You go back to your boss and ask the question. Tell him to name his price. I'm sure that we could come to a compromise."

  I nodded, "I can only ask the question and see what he says."

  "Well hopefully he will come around to our way of thinking." Tyreese smiled.

  "And Poppy?" I asked. I didn't want her put through the courts because he finally developed a conscience.

  "I'm happy for you to take care of her. I have no space in my life to be dealing with little kids."

  "And Adie?" I needed her out of prison and Tyreese had the power to do that.

  "See what your boss says first." He had me by the balls.

  Tyreese glanced in Katie's direction, "Keep up the good work." She smiled but it didn't reach her eyes. She maintained eye contact as if to be analysing something in her head.

  Tyreese placed his arm around my shoulder and directed me from the building into the flat next door and out into the street.

  "She is so off limits mate, you touch her and you'll have no dick and that's if you're lucky." He said this with humour but meant every word.

  "Who's her old man?" I asked intrigued.


  I slowly nodded knowing that he was at the top of the food chain.

  We strolled towards my Harley and I noticed a couple of his boys snigger as I approached.

  "You better not have touched my Harley." I stated boldly to the Adidas model.

  He smiled and glanced at his mates as I approached my motorcycle. On closer inspection, it looked fine and the tyres weren't deflated. I cocked my leg to sit comfortably on the seat. I started the engine before I grabbed my helmet and noticed something sloshing around. On closer inspection a huge turd greeted me. As I stared contemplating what to do I heard the sniggers directly behind me. I wasn't letting the punk get the better of me, I moved my hand to cup the bottom of the helmet before I turned and threw it at the teenager. It hit him directly in the chest disposing the contents before bouncing to the ground. A clump of shit clung to his white tracksuit as the brown water stains dripped slowly down the material.

  I raised my hand, "I'll be in touch soon." Tyreese smiled holding his hand up to stop Adidas from retaliating.

  I sniggered to myself briefly as I rode down the street and out of the estate. I went to see Tyreese to get answers regarding my sister but came away with a business proposition and the possibility of releasing my Adie.

  I knew that Duke was never going to agree to anything involving the Dyers. He had worked too hard in order for the club to go legit and wouldn't do anything to jeopardise that but it wouldn't hurt in asking him. At worst, I would need to hang around the Dyers to find out as much information in order to release my sister.

  Chapter 8


  "Hi, thank you for fitting me in this afternoon."

  I sighed, "Why are you saying it like that Dad? You know I've been busy lately."

  He picked up his shandy to take a sip and placed it back down onto the table.

  "You're always too busy for me these days," he responded snarkily.

  I laughed, "Stop it, stop it now. If you've come here to snipe and be horrible then I'm going." I picked up my handbag but my dad grabbed my wrist. "Please sit, I'll behave."

  I sighed loudly and sat back down on the bench beside him.

  "I have honestly just been busy dad. Poppy, the little girl that I'm looking after is adorable. She's had a shit start to life but maybe my influence can change all that." I stopped talking and looked directly at my dad to see his smile.

  "What's that look for?" I asked not understanding his response.

  "You're certainly passionate about your job."

  I nodded, "I am dad. I can make such a difference. People think that I'm a babysitter but that couldn't be much further from the truth."

  "Well explain it to me Victoria. I want to know more about your job." This was the first time that my dad had ever paid attention to my work.

  "Really?" I asked still unsure.

  "Yes, please tell me."

  I felt a little more comfortable sitting with him now that his shittiness had stopped.

  "I'm responsible for her day to day care, including setting routines but I also get a say about her room, schooling and clothes."

  "It's like being a parent then." He responded not fully understanding.

  "I suppose it is in a way but I get to give her back." I chuckled.

  "What happens if you develop feelings for her?"

  "I'd be worried if I didn't. That comes with the job, it makes it difficult when I finally go but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it like I have with the other children that have been in my care."

  "Well that must be difficult." He seemed sincere.

  I nodded, "Indeed but it comes with the job."

  "So how long could you possibly work for this family?" His questions were now coming thick
and fast.

  "Well Poppy is school age but her story is a little more complicated. She'll need some stability and that's why they want me to look after her." I smiled at the thought, Poppy was a lovely girl.

  He scratched his beard deep in thought. It was as if my dad had rehearsed these questions beforehand.

  "So is there anyone significant in your life at the moment?" My dad stared at me deeply.

  I laughed, "Why is this starting to feel like a quick fire round on a game show?"

  "You wanted me to take an interest in your work and that's what I'm doing." He spat.

  "Work or love life?" I knew that was the reason for this meeting this afternoon. He wasn't genuinely interested, he just wanted to know whether I was in a relationship with anyone.

  "It doesn't hurt to ask, to make sure that you're okay." He reached over to place his hand on my forearm and gave it a light squeeze.

  "I have a very kind employer, nothing more nothing less." I stated clearly.

  He nodded as if accepting my response. "And what about anyone else? Has anyone turned your head?"

  I rolled my eyes, "I won't be mixing any business with pleasure and to be honest, I don't have any time for a relationship." I removed my arm from his grasp to swoosh away a fly.

  "I just want you to be happy Victoria, is that so much to ask for?"

  "Then you've gotta give me space Dad. Sometimes you can be so full on that I feel smothered." I didn't want him to know who my employer was because I knew he would kick off so I was very careful in hiding the truth from him. I didn't want to be deceitful but it was easier if he didn't know.

  "Okay, well I'll try to give you the space needed but you need to make regular contact to put my mind at rest."

  I nodded, if that meant he would ease off with the protective father act, then I would make sure that I checked in from time to time. My mobile bleeped indicating that I had received a message. I removed it from the table and turned it over to look at the screen.

  How long are you going to be?

  I had told Lyric that I needed to run a quick errand knowing that I wouldn't be much longer than an hour.


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