LYRIC (Aces MC Series Book 6.5)

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LYRIC (Aces MC Series Book 6.5) Page 11

by Aimee-Louise Foster

  "I got you a shandy and a diet coke." TUGS placed both drinks onto the table along with his pint.

  He sat opposite me and clasped his hands together to lean onto the table.

  "Do you want the umbrella up?"

  I shook my head, "Not yet, I'm enjoying the sun."

  "Oh yeah, I forgot that you're used to the sun after living in Spain." TUGS picked up his pint and took a couple of gulps.

  "Yeah, you've gotta make the most of the hot weather here." My phone flashed catching TUGS's eye.

  "You not gonna text him back?" he asked referring to my dad who had just messaged me.

  I shook my head as I picked up my phone and turned it over.

  "I'm angry and some things are best sleeping on. I may feel differently tomorrow."

  "Exactly, that's why I wanted to bring you out away from the club. To give you time to think about the situation." He picked up his pint again.

  "Some of the guys don't want me around." I traced my finger along the grain of the wood on the picnic bench as I sat contemplating my words.

  "A very small majority."

  "Even so I don't want to stay where I'm not wanted." I had worked hard this week, putting together a suitable routine for Poppy, considering her needs. I had also visited a school with Lyric and had taken Poppy shopping to purchase clothes and her favourite food.

  "You're being silly."

  "Not at all. Lyric was rude towards me, if he doesn't trust me he won't want me looking after Poppy anymore." His spiteful words flashed in my mind once more.

  "He was just jumping on the bandwagon, he'll be fine." TUGS tried to play the situation down again but I couldn't see a way out of this apart from leaving.

  "That doesn't change who my dad is."

  "No but you're not your dad."

  I laughed, "That's very true." I picked up my glass and took a swig of the diet coke before placing it back onto the table.

  "So what is the issue between my dad and the club?" I needed to understand what had gone on.

  "You gotta remember that I'm new to the club but from what I've heard, he has just taken a dislike. He has made it his life's work to interfere with club business and to make things difficult for us."

  "But I don't understand why he would do that. Surely there are criminals out there that he should be arresting, not you lot."

  TUGS smiled and I couldn't understand why.

  "I'm not going to lie babe but we haven't always been angels. The club has been involved in some dodgy stuff over the years but now under Duke's leadership, we are clean."

  I hadn't thought about it up until now. I had heard the rumours over the years but it wasn't anything that concerned me. They were just a group of men that enjoyed their motorcycles.

  "Okay so has my dad found anything on you?" I took another swig of my drink and held the glass as I waited for TUG's response.

  He shook his head, "No. Absolutely nothing. Again, I can't speak for all of the guys but I know that he has it in for Spike."

  "Spike?" I was confused because from what I had observed and heard, Spike was a lovely bloke.

  He laughed, "Yeah, it's a running joke at the club. O'Neil definitely has it in for him."

  "Well we need to convince him otherwise." My dad had upset me but I wasn't about to cut him out of my life completely. I just needed to change his mind regarding the ACES.

  "Why do you care? You're not hanging around long enough are you?" I noticed a small smile before he picked up his pint to take a swig.

  "Well I can't have my dad thinking that you're a gang that deals in illegal stuff if that isn't true." I was firm with my words, it was as if I had a new purpose.

  "And that's the only reason that you'd want to stick around?"

  TUGS stared at me making me squirm under his scrutiny.

  "Of course, is there any other reason that I should consider?"

  He smiled and shook his head, "No not that I can think of."

  "Well I'll stick around long enough to convince him and then I'll evaluate my situation here." Again, I played it cool. In a different situation maybe there was hope for me and TUGS but with my current employment and the situation with my dad, there was no chance.

  He nodded slowly, placed his glass onto the table and leaned forward cupping his hands.

  "Could you do me a favour though and just tell the guys to go easy on me until this is sorted." I didn't want to seem vulnerable but I needed them to lay off me.

  "Already done," he replied calmly.

  I drew my brows, confused by his response. "What do you mean?"

  "Like I said, already done. I told them to go easy on you." TUGS smiled as he mimicked my words.

  "And why would you do that?"

  "You just asked me to do that," he scoffed.

  "Yes but why would you do that before I had asked you to do that?"

  TUGS shook his head in despair, "That's such a woman's logic."

  "What do you mean?"

  "I help you before you need help and now it's my fault for helping you."

  I analysed what he had just said and nodded, "Yes that's about right."

  TUGS laughed hard and gained the attention of several people as they glanced in our direction. I couldn't help but join in. I was being rather petulant but I couldn't stay cross with him for long even though I was playing.

  "Okay, well it's getting rather later so I'll go and see my dad tomorrow. Explain a few things and then we'll go from there." I didn't know how my dad would respond. He was rather angry in the yard today.

  "Do you think he'll listen to you?"

  I shrugged, "Who knows, he was rather rude earlier."

  "Has he ever spoken to you like that before?" TUGS asked with concern.

  I shook my head, "Nope, which means he was rather upset about me being there."

  TUGS laughed, "Not just being there but the idea of being with one of us."

  I rolled my eyes but not at him, at the thought of my dad getting annoyed thinking that it was an issue if I were dating one of the ACES.

  "I hadn't realised that he had such a problem with the club otherwise I wouldn't have..." I trailed off hoping that TUGS wasn't really listening.

  "Please finish!"

  I shook my head, "No really it's nothing."

  "You were going to say that you wouldn't have taken the job."

  I bit the inside of my mouth, analysing what to say next. I didn't want to offend anyone but it was the truth. If my dad had told me that he despised the ACES so much, I wouldn't have considered an interview but his anger towards them had intrigued me. They seemed like a friendly bunch of guys. I wasn't stupid to think that they couldn't handle themselves but on the whole, I think they were the good guys.

  "That may have been the case so I suppose it was good, that I went to the interview before I had time to speak to my dad."

  "Otherwise you wouldn't have met me!" TUGS extended his arms wide.

  I nodded, "Very true."

  I couldn't quite work him out. I didn't know if he was being friendly or this was flirting. I did enjoy the banter and I knew that I would very much like to kiss him although I didn't want to mess up my position within the club.

  "You still haven't told me why you're called TUGS." His eyes widened and I noticed some hesitation. "Well by your reaction I am even more intrigued," I sniggered.

  "An ex gave me the name from my days as a Prospect and it's just stuck."

  "Go on." I stated encouraging him to tell all.

  "I was called Bear originally because I'm so hairy," he pointed to his beard and then his chest. "A member of the club is already called Bear so it couldn't stick."

  "What's that got to do with an ex?" I asked intrigued.

  "Bears are carnivoran mammals of the family Ursidae, that's the U in TUGS."

  "And the T, G and S?"

  He almost looked embarrassed. "The Got Skills."

  "The Ursidae's Got Skills."

  He slowly nodded.

bsp; I smiled, "So what skills have you got?" If an ex had said that he had skills, I wanted to know exactly what they were.

  TUGS leaned across the table, "I have an incredibly long tongue and know exactly how to use it." His breath on my skin made my hairs stand on end.

  I moved away slowly looking deep into his eyes, "Are you flirting with me?" I asked trying to break the tension with a light hearted response.

  "No, I'm just trying to get into your panties." He smiled and I slapped him playfully on the arm.

  "You're such an arse."

  TUGS's phone ringing ended our conversation. He smiled as he reached for it on the table.

  "Hi Lyric." I saw his expression go from happy to concern in a matter of seconds.

  "No I'm at the pub." TUGS stood and I knew that we were wrapping this up for as something had gone on.

  "Yeah, I'm leaving now. See you shortly."

  He ended the call and placed it firmly into his pocket.

  "What's up?" I asked stepping from the picnic bench.

  "They can't find Des and Troy and wondered if I had taken them with me."

  "They wouldn't have both wandered off surely!" I questioned following him closely as he marched through the garden towards the car park where he had parked his motorcycle.

  "Exactly so where are they?"

  I heard his concern and quickened my pace. There had to be a reasonable explanation. Both dogs had probably found a nice resting place and had fallen asleep.

  I yanked the helmet onto my head and fumbled as I fastened it under my chin. I tried to rush but in doing so I was taking longer. TUGS was already sitting and waiting for me to join him.

  "Sorry," I cocked my leg and nestled myself onto the seat behind him. As he pulled away, I placed my feet on the footrests and held on tightly.

  We couldn't talk because of the lack of mics but I had a feeling that he wouldn't be up for much of a conversation as he was worried about his dogs.

  We made our way quickly to the clubhouse. This time he weaved in and out of the traffic and drove at speed unlike the journey to the pub earlier.

  TUGS drove directly in front of the clubhouse and dismounted as soon as the keys were removed.

  "Any luck?" he asked walking towards Spike and Diesel.

  "No. They were here wandering around eating all of the leftovers and food that people had dropped and then they had both disappeared. We've looked everywhere, that's why I asked Lyric to give you a call to see if you had them." Spike was concerned which made me think the worse.

  "Have you checked the clubhouse?" I asked joining TUGS's side.

  Diesel nodded, "Yeah, a few of the guys are checking the grounds and out on the street also."

  "They wouldn't just run off especially if there was food about for them to munch on." TUGS glanced around his surroundings as did I, trying to think of where they may have gone.

  A commotion at the front gates of the yard made us turn to see two young men wearing Prospect badges. They were holding both dogs and it didn't look good.

  "What the fuck!" TUGS shouted running to meet them half way.

  "They were both down the street by the park. A couple of teenagers found them and were about to call the police when we got there." Buster said emotionally.

  "What the fucks wrong with them?" TUGS checked them over, looking into their mouths and lifting their eyelids.

  One was breathing heavily and the other looked lifeless.

  "Get them in my 4x4. There's a Vets on the high street, we'll take them there." Spike ran to his vehicle and opened the back doors. The two guys holding the dogs jogged towards it and both sat in the back seats.

  "I'm coming with you." I saw the strain on TUGS's face. He loved those dogs and would do anything to make them better.

  Spike jumped into the front seat and started the engine quickly before racing from the yard. We stood around motionless as we watched them pull into the main street and no one said a word. I immediately felt uncomfortable feeling like it wasn't my place to be here. My one champion had now left which made me feel vulnerable.

  I stepped back slowly and turned heading for the clubhouse before anyone picked up on me being around. I wasn't ready for a discussion about my dad and why I hadn't mentioned it. I was prepared to speak to him and try to change his opinion of the club as best I could but then I wasn't sure as to what to do. I could stay and help Lyric out with Poppy. She was a sweet little girl and just needed love and attention. At this stage, she needed more than just Lyric in her life because he wasn't mature enough to deal with her emotions. I would happily help if he wanted me to but even after TUGS expressing that everything was okay, I very much doubted it.

  I strolled through the clubhouse noticing that everyone had gone home apart from a few club members sitting at the bar. I had single handily ruined their open day and groaned at the thought. Months of preparation and hard work had gone to waste.

  "I think I owe you an apology."

  I looked up to see Lyric leaning on the doorframe of the corridor that lead to my bedroom. I couldn't just ignore him as I needed to get past.

  "An apology isn't needed, you're entitled to your own opinion." I placed my hands onto my hips as I stood in front of him. His comment had hurt my feelings but I wasn't allowing him to know that it had.

  "I need you." He stated quietly.

  "I'm sorry?" I had heard what he had said but I wanted him to explain.

  "I need you. I can't cope with Poppy by myself so I need you to help me, to show me what to do." I heard the pleading in his voice.

  "I would prefer if you wanted me." I knew I was making him work for this but I wanted us to clear the air and say what we needed to say.

  "They're the same thing aren't they?"

  I shook my head, "There is a big difference between need and want."

  I saw him analyse what I had just said so I continued.

  "You need me to help out, that is true but that implies that you need someone to look after Poppy which anyone can do. You want me is different because that means that you want me to stay because you know my worth. This may be because of my skill set or that you feel that I am the right person to look after Poppy."

  "Okay, I'll rephrase. I want you to stay to help me with Poppy. She likes you and if she's happy then I'm happy."

  I smiled, "That makes me feel better but what about my dad?"

  He shrugged, "Like TUGS said, you're not your dad."

  I raised my brows, TUGS had said something to him then. "Indeed. Well I'm going to contact him to try and explain the situation."

  "And how do you think he'll react to that?" Lyric folded his arms.

  I rolled my eyes, "Well after his little performance earlier, who knows?"

  Lyric pushed from the doorframe allowing me room to pass.

  "Where's Poppy?"

  "In her room, fast asleep."

  "Okay I'll check up on her before I settle in for the night." I didn't know whether she had heard our argument earlier and if she had, I needed to clear the air and explain.

  "Thank you."

  I strolled down the corridor making my way to Poppy's bedroom. I was pleased that she was at the back of the property as she was away from most of the noise.

  I gently turned the knob and pushed the door open to peer through the small gap. Poppy was on her side facing the door. She was snuggled up tight in her duvet and looked peaceful. I closed the door quietly and backed away trying to keep the noise to a minimum.

  As I turned Recon startled me. "Sorry I didn't realise you were there." I tried to squeeze past him but he extended his arm and rested his palm on the wall to block my exit.

  "We don't want any trouble around here." His monotone voice was menacing.

  I gulped hard, "I haven't brought any trouble, just a misunderstanding by my dad and I plan to put it right."

  "And how are you going to do that?"

  "I'm going to speak to him and put his mind at rest." I was convinced that if my dad was
open for a discussion then I would be able to change his mind.

  "By telling him that you're not fucking one of us or that we're not any trouble?"

  "Both! Now if you don't mind, I'd like to get to my room."

  Recon grinned and lifted his arm, freeing my path. I brushed past him and made my way down the corridor in an orderly fashion although inside I was in pieces.

  When I made it to my door, I scrambled around trying to get it unlocked. Recon made me uneasy, I suppose that's why they used him as the enforcer.

  My suitcase was still on my bed from where I had started to pack earlier. I closed the top and placed it onto the floor so I could crash on my bed. I was exhausted. It had been a long day and the altercation with my dad had zapped what energy I did have.

  I removed my phone from my pocket. I couldn't put it off any longer, I needed to call him and explain. I didn't want to argue with him but I wouldn't be pushed around either.

  I scrolled through my contacts and hovered over his number as my heart rate increased.

  "Stop being stupid Victoria," I said aloud and pressed the screen.


  "Hi Dad." I replied softly.

  "I thought I told you to come home." His aggressive nature just pissed me off and got my back up.

  I sighed, "Dad please don't start all this again. I've called you this evening to try and sort it out."

  "There's nothing to sort out. I want you home and you're not. It's simple you've made your decision."


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