LYRIC (Aces MC Series Book 6.5)

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LYRIC (Aces MC Series Book 6.5) Page 20

by Aimee-Louise Foster

  As we stood deep in thought, a vehicle approached and we both turned to see a police car pull into the yard.

  I walked towards it trying to stop whoever it was in their tracks. This gave me the time needed to quickly rack my brains, hoping that we had covered all of our tracks regarding the drugs and Fazer.

  I groaned as I saw O'Neil and knew that this couldn't be good news.

  He stepped from the vehicle and slowly removed his sunglasses. "Mitchell, I hope that you are well."

  "Is this a social call or have you come here to falsely accuse another member of my club?" I asked with an element of sarcasm.

  "We brought Dave in for questioning on the evidence we had at the time." He placed his sunglasses into his trouser pocket and stepped away from the vehicle. "But that's not why I'm here, I'd like to sort of make amends."

  I quickly glanced at TUGS before returning my attention to O'Neil. "What do you mean sort of make amends?"

  "Exactly that. Apparently I may have been wrong about the club." He couldn't make eye contact and it was obvious that he felt uncomfortable.

  "Whoa! Is this an apology?" This may have been my only opportunity to get him back for the years of harassment and I intended to make him squirm.

  "I suppose. I've had an in depth conversation with my daughter and she's made me see sense. Anyway, I came to tell Dave that he has approximately," O'Neil paused to look at his wristwatch. "Twenty minutes before Victoria leaves my house for the train station."

  TUGS stepped forward looking puzzled. "Where's she going?"

  "To visit friends in Scotland. She said that she had a lot to think about." O'Neil placed his hands on his hips waiting for a response.

  "But she can't. She has a job here, Poppy loves her being around and I thought, well I hoped that..." TUGS trailed off deep in his own thoughts.

  "Don't tell me, tell her." O'Neil passed TUGS a slip of paper. "That's my address. If you're quick, you'll make it in time but don't speed."

  TUGS took the note and opened it to read the address before glancing at me. "I need to go." I nodded understanding his predicament. Who was I to stand in the way of love?

  TUGS stepped forward before returning as he patted down his cut. "Here take these, you decide what you want to do with them." He emptied his pockets of the burner phones and handed them to O'Neil before jogging towards his Harley.

  O'Neil held the mobiles in his hands and glanced at me questioningly.

  "We had some trouble with the Dyers. These are the burner phones used by their runners on the county lines." O'Neil raised his brows. "Up to you what you do with them."

  "Well thank you, I appreciate these." He held them tightly.

  "We haven't turned informant. It's just one good deed for another." I wanted to make it clear that I weren't a grass.

  O'Neil smiled and turned to get into his car.

  "Is everything okay?" Kate had joined me outside in the yard as I watched O'Neil do a U turn and drive towards the gates.

  I held my arm up encouraging her to come closer. She didn't hesitate and snuggled into my chest.

  "It is now gorgeous. I've waited twenty years to have you by my side and I'm not going to let you out of my sight." Kate sniggered but it was true. She wasn't ready to talk but I appreciated that she needed time to adjust. She had been gone a long time and a lot had changed over recent years. It hurt knowing that she left because of how her family had made her feel but I was prepared to do everything within my power to make this up to her, even if it meant accepting the possibility of her and Lyric having a relationship.

  Chapter 16


  What the fuck was I doing? I stepped back from the front door and waited to see whether she answered. I never chased women but here I was standing on Victoria's doorstep hoping that she would have time to speak to me before she left for Scotland.

  The old couple next door were outside tending to their garden. The man in his eighties smiled politely when I caught his eye before returning to prune his bushes. The neighbourhood was lovely. People cared about their properties. As I glanced down the street, I noticed people outside their homes washing cars, cleaning windows and going about their business.

  "Victoria is in. She was out here an hour ago telling us about her plans." The sweet old lady leaned on the wooden fence that separated the two gardens.

  I stepped forward to knock on the bright red door again but it flew open. Victoria wore a bright blue summer dress with her hair high in a ponytail. She looked lovely but harassed.

  "What you doing here?" she asked surprised to see me.

  "Your dad's been to see me. He said you're leaving." I was hurt that she was taking off without an explanation or even a goodbye. Victoria didn't owe me shit but it would have been nice for her to acknowledge our friendship.

  Victoria glanced to her left and smiled. I turned to see the old couple staring in our direction with intrigue. "Hello again Christine and Alan."

  "Hi dear. Is everything okay?" Christine asked gazing between myself and Victoria.

  "Peachy!" Victoria returned her attention towards me and stepped back to open the door. "You better come in." I smiled and accepted her offer. As I entered the hall, I noticed the large suitcase at the bottom of the stairs and a rucksack placed on the sideboard. It looked like she was all packed and ready for her trip.

  She closed the front door and caught me looking at the luggage as she turned. "I'm going away for a while. I thought I'd visit some friends in Scotland." She explained sheepishly.

  I shrugged, "You've gotta do what's right for you but it would've been nice for you to have told me."

  "You weren't exactly around when I made my decision." She folded her arms defensively.

  "Okay, I'll let you have that one but that wasn't my fault." I felt the frustration building but wanted to keep the exchange amicable. Ideally, I wanted her to stay to see whether our relationship could develop into anything further but the fact that she had organised this trip in the first place, didn't fill me with much hope.

  "What was I suppose to think? You were taken in for questioning regarding a rape TUGS." I saw her hurt, which meant she cared.

  "It's all circumstantial. The woman didn't pick me out in the line up and there is absolutely no evidence but you would've known that, if you had stuck around to find out." I raised my voice through frustration. She had hurt my feelings and I couldn't understand why it was pissing me off so much.

  "Why did you come back to the clubhouse with cuts on your hands?" Victoria wanted answers and I knew that I would have to give them to her, if I stood a chance of gaining her trust.

  I let out a loud sigh as I rested my back against the wall. "I had just found out that someone had poisoned my dogs. I was angry and I wanted to lash out at something or someone." I paused briefly, remembering the feelings provoked by some cunts immoral actions. "I went to the park, not looking for trouble but needing some space to sort my head out but there was a couple having an argument. I saw him lash out at his girlfriend and I lost it. I took my anger out on a piece of scum and I hurt him Vics, I really did give him the hiding of a lifetime." I despised bullies especially ones that hurt women.

  Vics uncrossed her arms and stepped towards me. "Why didn't you tell me that on the night you came to my room?" she asked softly.

  I shrugged, "I'm not proud of what I did. I didn't want you to think that I was a thug. Your dad had already decided that we were and I didn't want my actions that evening to alter your perception of who we are, who I am." I patted my chest trying to convey how I felt.

  "So why did you come to my room that evening?" She now stood in front of me so close that I could almost touch her.

  "Look, I'm not going to beat around the bush Vics, I fancy you big time. I think we get on, I like your company and I want to see if something could possibly develop between us." I pushed from the wall and wrapped my arms around her waist gently. "I don't chase women because I don't have to but for some reason, I'm he
re asking you to consider giving this ago. I think we may even have your dad's blessing." I scoffed.

  Victoria smiled sweetly and brushed her hair from her face. "We had a long chat today and I think he's come around to my way of thinking."

  "You must've been very persuasive. Your dad has been so full of hate but he actually turned up at the clubhouse wanting to make amends."

  "I'm pleased he did, he said he was going to and he hasn't disappointed."

  I nodded, "Well I don't know what you said but whatever it was, it worked."

  "I may have mentioned that there was a certain someone that I would like to get to know better."

  I pulled her in closer and swayed her gently from side to side.

  Victoria smiled, "Let's take it slow and see where it goes one step at a time."

  I nodded, understanding that she still may have some reservations. Like she stated, I had been taking in for questioning regarding a rape but it was the girlfriend of the man I had attacked that had accused me. Victoria didn't need to know the finer details as the young woman had now dropped the case and rightly so. The police were still investigating but the woman was a joke. If she wanted to stay in an abusive relationship then that was up to her but she shouldn't be dragging anyone else into her fucked up life. I was the one that tried to protect her.

  Vics looked up at me, she licked her lips and I took this as an invitation. I leaned down and placed my lips upon hers. The softness of her full mouth against mine urged me to take it up a notch and I gently used my tongue to part her lips. Vics reciprocated and before I knew it, we were holding each other tightly and enjoying our first kiss.

  A loud knock on the front door startled me. I broke the kiss and opened my eyes.

  "That'll be my taxi." She stepped back and my hands dropped from her waist. She looked beautiful with her flushed face and swollen lips.

  Victoria turned and hurried towards the door. "I'll be out in 5." She stated to the taxi driver as she leaned on the opened front door.

  "No rush I'll sit in the car." The taxi driver briefly smiled before walking towards his car.

  I snaked my arms around her waist and cuddled her from behind. "How long are you going for?" I placed a kiss on the top of her head.

  "I had planned to stay there for around a month but that was before I had something to come back for." Victoria turned to face me with a shy smile.

  "I'm not going anywhere. Go to Scotland, see your friends and have a great time. If on your return, you want to meet up, then come and see me. You know where I live." This would give her the time needed to decide what she actually wanted. She may decide that she wants to travel and see more of the world but hopefully she would have the desire to come back home so I could take her on a few dates to see if we had a real connection. If these last few weeks had taught me anything, it was that life was too short and you needed to spend it with the people you loved. I had my dogs and the club members, the only thing missing was my partner in crime and hopefully Victoria would feel that void.



  "Oh my god you're good." I lay back onto the soft mattress and stretched my arms above my head totally spent from my orgasm.

  Lyric slowly crawled up my body, placing light kisses upon my sensitive skin. "I'll give you 5 minutes to recover before I start round three." I felt his large grin as he returned his attention to my body.

  I was too exhausted to argue so I allowed Lyric to nip and lick my skin but knew that I couldn't possibly perform again.

  My phone rang, pulling me from my happy place. I groaned as I stretched my arm towards the bedside cabinet to find my phone. "Who the fuck is calling me at this hour?"

  "Leave it, they'll call back tomorrow."Lyric had worked his way past my abdomen and was now playing close attention to my puckered nipples.

  I grabbed my phone and pulled it towards me. "It's Duke!"

  "Ignore him, he knows we're on holiday." Lyric stated between kisses.

  "I can't, he'll worry." I swiped the screen. "It's late Mitchell." My tone was a combination of annoyance and humour.

  "I know but I wanted to make sure that you're okay." I heard the sincerity in his voice and it gave me a warm feeling inside.

  "I'm fine, Lyric is taking good care of me." I chuckled as he sucked my nipple into his mouth.

  There was a slight pause before Duke continued. "Okay but when are you planning on coming back?"

  I wanted to remain in bed forever with Lyric using his skills on my body, only to resurface for food and water when needed. I sniggered at the thought but refrained from voicing my thought to Duke.

  "We're thinking of heading back on Friday but I'll keep you posted." I hurried to get the words out as I bucked my hips to rub my pubic bone against Lyric. He was now sucking my nipple harder and stretching my skin to its full capacity.

  "Well remember that Lyric has a job to get back to." His words were stern as if telling me off for keeping Lyric away from his duties.

  "Uh huh!" I placed my hand at the back of Lyrics head pulling him closer, encouraging him to take more of my breast into his mouth. He obliged making me squirm with pleasure.

  "What are you doing? Are you listening?" Duke continued to witter. I extended my arm and the phone fell onto the mattress. "Kate!"

  Lyric entered me with ease and I naturally wrapped my legs around his body holding him in place tightly. No one had ever paid me such attention. I loved every moment of it.


  I heard Duke shout and quickly patted the mattress trying to find the phone but Lyric had beat me to it. I opened my eyes to see Lyric hold the phone to his ear with a devilish smile. "She's a little preoccupied with my cock deep inside her. I'll get Kate to call you back tomorrow." Lyric ended the call abruptly and threw the phone onto the mattress.

  My mouth dropped open shocked by what he had just said.

  Lyric shrugged, "Well it's true."

  I sniggered, "He'll make you pay for that."

  "I'll worry about that Friday. Now shut your mouth otherwise I'll find something to fill it."

  My eyes glistened with excitement. After years of mistreatment, I had finally found someone to put a smile on my face. It was early days and we were just having fun but who knew what the future held. We were having fun but it could possibly turn out to be more. I was ever the optimist and rightly so, why couldn't it be my time to be happy?

  Recon - Aces MC Series Book 7.5

  Recon - Book 7.5 in the ACES MC Series, will be available from Amazon in January 2020.




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