American Hunks

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American Hunks Page 15

by Adam Carpenter

  The crowd gathered around the bar area, where Colton himself did the honors, refreshing drinks, serving Matt and Anton each a flute of champagne. As Matt waited for the fizz to subside, he stole a look around the remaining grounds, his eyes on the lookout beyond the manicured foliage for any stray guests that might have wandered away from the gathering. But he saw no one. Not Freddie, not Jake. He felt deflated, and not even a sip of the energetic bubbles could lift his sudden shift in mood. The most important day of his life, and his best friends were nowhere to be seen? Hadn’t Freddie promised that he and Santo were already in Italy, and that they would be driving across the border? Perhaps they had hit a glitch and were still on their way. And Jake, just what had become of him? Matt had checked his phone before coming down, and it was silent. No text messages, no missed calls.

  Just then Matt felt Colton approach him from behind, taking hold of his hand, leading him away from the guests, all of whom were drinking and chatting and enjoying the sunshine. Matt saw Anton being absorbed into a conversation with Gilly and Biker, but he looked back and smiled. One of contentment that Matt shot back at him.

  Colton led Matt beyond the pool, where the second level of the patio rose up higher than the rest. Matt remembered this view, as it offered up sweeping vistas of the Mediterranean, where waves crashed down upon a beach you access by climbing down a series of sharp, slippery rocks. Back when he had stayed with Colton while he was nursing his broken heart over Anton, Matt and Colton had shared several intimate nights in just this location.

  “Colton, I still can’t believe we are here. That this day is here…well, that tomorrow is near. So near. When Anton proposed, saying yes was easy. I love him, of course I do. But once you say yes, your world changes and spins out of control. You make plans, always knowing what you are planning for will happen later.”

  “Except later has become now,” Colton said. “Matthew, a man in my position, he has such limited time to indulge in the good life. I’m too busy attending to my clients’ needs—and taking their money, of course, which helps pay for my lifestyle—so when I can give back to my friends, it gives my life that much more meaning. And realize this: you are a dear friend, special to me like so few other men. Certainly our initial encounter on board that flight to Paris was fortuitous, even if it was intended to be as fleeting as any transatlantic crossing. But I recognized a sweetness within you that belied your sexual adventures on board. It was like you were trying to stretch your comfort zone…”

  “I’d never done anything like that before. My entire trip was a fluke, really.”

  “And yet here you are. Your life changed. You are soon to get married, have a step-son, all while continuing to build your gallery’s reputation. Of the latter, I have no doubt you will achieve success. You have untapped drive—something I’ll guess you were never aware of.”

  “I was always ambitious, but yeah, I had to find that inner fire.”

  “And you did. I’m proud of you, Matthew. Tomorrow you will marry Anton, right on this very spot, overlooking one of the most wondrous view on this planet. You will profess your love, and I, as a deputized officer of the court, will pronounce you husband and husband.”

  “I cannot wait, thank you, Colton.”

  “Good, good, I’m glad we got that out of the way. Now you can say hello to your friends.”


  From behind the thick brush that led to the rocky bluff and the beach emerged Freddie and another man, one of dark olive-toned skin and a face that belonged in the pages of international magazines and up on the silver screen. They were holding hands, smiles wide.

  “Oh thank God, you’re here,” Matt said, running over to embrace Freddie.

  Freddie hugged him tight, and Matt felt the warmth of enduring friendship envelop him, more so than what the sun could achieve. He kissed his cheek, then pulled back, only to embrace him once again.

  “My God, it’s so great to see you…you look…Freddie, you look amazing,” Matt said, his hand running along Freddie’s curled bicep. “I don’t remember you being so…buff.”

  “The house we’ve been renting in Los Angeles, it has a private gym. Santo works a lot, so I get to work out a lot. Oh, shit, wait, you haven’t met…Santo, come, come over, and finally meet my best friend, Matt.”

  Matt felt the handsome man embrace him before kissing him on both cheeks. “I feel I know you already, from the stories Freddie has told,” Santo said. “But to meet you in person is far better. I know Freddie is happy, and so that makes me so very happy.”

  Matt nearly swooned over Santo’s thick accent. “When did you arrive?”

  “A couple hours ago,” Freddie said, “Colton wanted to keep us a secret. So we were down on the beach. Jesus, Matt, you really landed in the right place. I mean, you just happened to have a friend who happens to own a villa in the South of France, and he agreed to host your wedding. I guess your decision to summer in Paris was a good one.”

  “I could say the same for you about Rome, and I think you have an Abbott sibling to thank as well.” Matt said.

  “Ah yes, Patsy. She actually introduced me to Santo. Of course, she had an ulterior motive, she always does. But I have to say I didn’t mind being so manipulated. I mean…”

  Matt leaned into his friend’s ear and whispered, “I get it. Freddie, totally. I mean, wow. Santo has to be one of the most gorgeous men I’ve ever seen.”

  “Hey, you’ve got your guy, leave mine alone,” Freddie said. “Speaking of…”

  “Oh, shit, yes, come up to the patio by the house, meet Anton, and Henri…”


  “My future step-son.”

  Freddie paused, putting a hand on his shoulder. “You really got all you wanted.”

  “Almost,” Matt said.

  “Almost? What’s missing?”

  “Jake! I mean, seriously, where the fuck is he?”

  Freddie allowed himself a hearty laugh that the wind caught. It echoed out to sea. “That’s the keyword, isn’t it? He’s probably fucking his ass off right now. Like a porn version of My Best Friend’s Wedding. My Best Friend’s Bedding.”

  Always with the jokes, that was Freddie. “God I’ve missed you, Freddie. This is going to be such a special weekend, now that you’re here. Come on, let me introduce you and Santo to Anton, and then we can really get this party started. Honestly, I think I’m living in a fantasy land.”

  Freddie stole a look at Santo, and then he concurred with his friend.

  Matt looked at his friend with joy as he saw Freddie lean in and plant a kiss on Santo’s lips. If the sun wasn’t already beaming down on this day, Matt could have sworn the heat generated by those two men caused the mercury levels to shoot off the thermometer. Yet he detected something else, maybe a nervous energy bouncing off Freddie. Matt had to wonder what his jester of a friend was plotting. Because knowing Freddie meant knowing he was always working some angle, but this time he seemed so…well, serious.



  Three nights in a row, three gorgeous bedrooms in which to sleep, all of them with the hottest man he could think of. Two nights ago they were in Tuscany, last night at the four star Hotel de Paris Monte Carlo, and now in a villa on exclusive St. Jean de Cap Ferrat. Did life get any better than this, or more indulgent? It did when that man in your bed had made love to you each night in both of those places, and the promise for a third night of hot, sweaty sex lay beyond promising. Right now Santo was in the shower, as he always liked to do before bed, which left Freddie pacing the room in a pair of tight briefs and secretly wishing to slip them off and join his lover under the hot spray. But why, when in their room at the end of the hall was this king size bed, plenty of room for them to roll around, touch, caress, kiss, fuck. Just the thought of it was making Freddie hard.

  In his hand was the last remnants of a glass of champagne. He’d consumed so much tonight, he’d lost count. He was also feeling a bit tipsy, whic
h meant he was super horny. It had been a hell of a night, a gourmet dinner that Colton himself had prepared. He’d even done the shopping that morning in the outdoor markets in Nice. The fish had been spectacular, so fresh it could have leapt out of the ocean and into the skillet. A lamb course came paired with fresh mint a lovely, velvety red wine, and of course a tart, cheese, and port had been on offer afterwards. Freddie’s mind was swimming in booze, and he felt so full he was anxious to work off all those calories. He edged near the bathroom, where he could still hear the shower. Santo enjoyed his showers, so he would just have to wait a bit longer. It’s funny, Santo would emerge squeaky clean, and Freddie would just want to dirty him up with some hot sex.

  He had no doubt they wouldn’t be the only people indulging their passion tonight.

  Matt and his sexy painter would surely be getting it on. But then again, maybe not. Matt was a fairly traditional guy, so maybe he wanted them to spend the night before the wedding apart. Perhaps he was already sleep, or worse, staring at the ceiling with a frustrated hard-on, wishing he hadn’t gone the traditional route. Freddie had also noticed that man Gavin, with his hunky boy toy adorned with the Texas twang, thinking there was only one reason the two of them were together. Freddie might be attached, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t look, and what he’d noticed in Stone’s pants was a package any man would sign up for. He figured Gilly and the tattooed Biker too for a round of passion; she’d barely kept her hands off him all night, though truth be told, if Freddie were attending his ex’s wedding, he’d be sure to bring someone along to boink. The girls were no doubt getting some action: Sheeba and Amanda were probably munching carpet right now, Freddie thought with drunken amusement.

  Still impatient, he made his way over to the antique dresser, where their clothes had been unpacked. He opened the top drawer, where his briefs and socks had been placed. Freddie reached over and felt for a sock that had something hidden in it. He slipped the object out, and stared at the ring box again. Stealing a look to ensure Santo was still in the bathroom, he flipped open the lid and stared at the two rings. He’d had them buffed at a jewelers in Beverly Hills before they left, and so they gleamed, even under the dim lights of the room.

  Did he really have the guts to go through with his plan?

  Would Santo say yes?”

  Before he did anything, he needed to talk to Matt. This was his friend’s weekend. The last thing he wanted to do was steal any of his thunder.

  He heard sounds, and panicking, he pushed the box back into the sock and quickly closed the drawer. Spinning around, he expected to see Santo standing there, perhaps naked, perhaps with a towel wrapped around his waist, drying his hair while he looked expectantly at his strange-acting lover. But there was no one there, the bathroom door still closed. Then he heard voices again, and he realized they were coming from outside. The window was open, offering up a view of the back patio. It was dark except for moonlight streaming down and a distant light on the patio; Freddie could still hear murmurs, while shadows crept into his sight.

  The time was after midnight, and he thought everyone had retired to their rooms with the promise of a busy day tomorrow. But a nocturnal rendezvous had been arranged, apparently, and Freddie grew curious about who was getting ready to do what, and to whom. He doused the light that was on in his room, tossing him into darkness. A moment later his eyes adjusted, and he could see the shadows take shape, and who he saw was Gavin Simone, Matt’s friend’s business partner. He wore nothing, and in the glow of the moon the man took on a feral look; he was hairy all over, even more so than Santo, but not as beautifully sculpted. His cock dangled between his legs. Then another man appeared, whom Freddie assumed was the boy toy named Stone. No surprise, as he saw the strong stud walk across the patio; he too was naked, his body smooth and bulky, all muscles and sinew. What was between his legs was long and thick, and he wasn’t even hard yet. Freddie had guessed right. That kid was packing serious meat.

  Freddie felt his loins stir, not because he wanted either man. But he’d watched enough porn in this life to know what was going to happen. Except, maybe he hadn’t seen the latest releases, because his sense of the plot was off. He had pictured the two men going at it, but then came a third man, he too naked, as though all of them had known—prearranged—that this was going to happen. Like secret messages had passed among them between courses. Freddie recognized their host, Colton Abbott, and he was more than ready to take on both men. His cock stood at attention, and he stroked it even harder. His chest was coiled hair, a bushy mix of dark brown and gray.

  The men wasted little time on niceties.

  Colton took Stone into his arms, and he began to kiss him, all while Gavin came up behind Stone, his hardening cock rubbing against his ass. It was clear Stone was the object of desire for both of them. Freddie watched, his body hidden behind the pulled drape to ensure he wasn’t found out. His cock was stretched, straining with the pressure of the hot scene playing out before him. He saw Colton drop down to his knees, and he began to suck at Stone’s big cock. Gavin continued to press his own hardness against the young stud’s rock-hard butt cheeks. With his chest, he drew up, then back, against Stone’s back; Freddie could imagine how that furry pelt felt. After all, he had the Italian Stallion Santo nightly, he knew how hot chest hair felt against a back when you were getting ready to fuck, all friction and fur.

  It didn’t take long for the situation to escalate, and soon Gavin had slipped himself inside Stone’s ass. He pushed his cock at Stone, holding his shoulders to lock him in place. Colton continued to suck him with gusto, and so Stone was getting it from both ends. He could hear their growing sounds of ecstasy waft through the air. Freddie reached down, touched his cock, which was rock hard and throbbing in his fist. This was crazy, the reaction he felt watching these three men fucking, sucking, pleasuring this hot stud, but he couldn’t help himself. He was lost in their world, so much so that he failed to hear the padded steps of Santo creeping up behind him. But he felt the man’s furry arms encircle him, and he nearly jumped, so startled was he.

  “Sshhh,” Santo said, “Don’t let them hear you.”

  He felt Santo lean in, rubbing his heavy beard against Freddie’s neck. Freddie nearly died at his touch.


  “Don’t say anything,” he said.

  Freddie continued to watch the scene unfold beneath him, the three men pumping, sucking, their strained voices urging them toward heady climax. Santo came at him suddenly, from behind, his cock entering Freddie with surprise and aggression. Freddie’s hands grabbed hold of the edge of the windowsill, his grip tight as Santo’s cock pierced him. He wanted to cry out, but he didn’t want to be discovered and turn that threesome downstairs into a five-some upstairs. He felt Santo’s hands settle on his shoulders, holding him in place while he thrust at him from behind. Freddie received each eager thrust, wanting to beg for him to go harder, but Santo’s moves were slow and steady. It was way hotter, being fucked slowly while in their vision another man thrust with high energy, his hips slapping against skin in the quiet of the night.

  “Oh yeah, oh yeah…that’s it, fuck me…suck me…” said Stone, his voice carrying.

  Gavin gave him what he wanted, burying his entire cock inside him, and Colton redoubled his efforts, swallowing the guy’s entire cock. He continued to stroke his own. But best of all, Santo began to increase his movements, as though he were responding to the increased pressure below. Uncontrollable urges took over, both down on the patio and up in their room. Freddie felt Santo’s cock dig in deep, and he imagined Colton deep throating that massive cock, and Gavin sliding the last of himself in. Cocks in motion, everywhere, climax inevitable, and he wondered who would achieve it first.

  That’s when he felt a rush of heat deep within himself, and he realized he was going to be the winner. He reached behind him, feeling for Santo’s ass, pushing him forward, so close their bodies were one. He could feel the harsh brush of Santo’s thick
black chest hair on his back, rug burn in the making. Freddie’s cock erupted just then, his come shooting toward the screen of the window, drops of white catching in the tiny squares, sticking, dripping. Then he felt Santo pull out quickly, and he knew what was next. He felt the hot spurt of come on his back, Santo no doubt grabbing hold of his cock to allow the final drops to seep out. He felt the warm come ooze down his back, sliding between the crack of his ass.

  And still the men downstairs were going at it. None had climaxed yet. They were a jumble of limbs, cocks, furry chests and hardened muscles, a concentration of energy which powered the moon above them. But Freddie stepped away, turned and saw Santo watching him with a curious expression on his face.

  “Are you okay, my Freddie?”

  “Never better.’

  “Forget them. Come to bed. Make love to me, just me. Love is always better with two.”

  “Two people,” Freddie said.

  “No, my love, two hearts.”

  They retreated to the king size bed, and Freddie realized they didn’t need so much room. Not when he climbed atop his beautiful, furry lover and he pressed his raging cock inside him, just as Santo had asked. The sounds from outside faded, but theirs increased with every hungry thrust. They enjoyed loud, aggressive sex, Santo even more expressive when he allowed Freddie to pound him. Santo’s legs were splayed open, Freddie attacking his ass with zeal while his hands were planted firmly on Santo’s broad chest, fingers lost in the thick chest hair. He thought of now, how wonderful this moment was, but then he thought of what tomorrow would bring, and pictured Matt and Anton exchanging their vows. He wanted to do the same, with this man who beneath him took every urgent, wild thrust of his hips, taking his entire cock. And why not, he’d already taken his heart. Now to marry their souls.


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