Montana Mistletoe

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by Roxanne Rustand

  Wanted: a nanny for Christmas

  A Rocky Mountain Ranch novel

  The only job Abby Halliwell can find in her Montana hometown is temporary nanny to two mischievous little girls. But it’s on her ex-boyfriend Jess Langford’s ranch. Jess needs help raising twins suddenly left in his care, so he and Abby are determined to be professional. But between unexpected holiday happenings and two mischievous matchmakers, will their business arrangement turn into something more?

  “You keep looking at me and frowning, Jess. Is something wrong?”

  Abby shifted in her seat and sent Jess a bemused glance.

  You are perfect, Jess thought grimly. And I am in so much trouble.

  She flipped the visor back up. “Well?”

  “I was just...checking the side mirrors,” he muttered. “A habit from hauling the horse trailer.”

  The fabrication was ridiculous and Abby probably saw right through it, but what could he say—that she was the prettiest girl he’d ever seen in his life? And where would that lead?

  A resounding shut-down, probably. And as much as he was tempted to tentatively test the waters, this could not be about him.

  Betty desperately needed her help right now, and the twins did, too. Without Abby, Jess would be back to working 24/7, barely able to keep the ranch and house going.

  Without her, he’d miss the banter.

  The memories that kept slipping into his thoughts.

  The niggling thought that maybe this time, he and Abby could get things right between them, if only he took it slow...

  A USA TODAY bestselling and award-winning author of over thirty-five novels, Roxanne Rustand lives in the country with her husband and a menagerie of pets, including three horses, rescue dogs and cats. She has a master’s in nutrition and is a clinical dietitian. RT Book Reviews nominated her for a Career Achievement Award, two of her books won their annual Reviewers’ Choice Award and two others were nominees.

  Books by Roxanne Rustand

  Love Inspired

  Rocky Mountain Ranch

  Montana Mistletoe

  Aspen Creek Crossroads

  Winter Reunion

  Second Chance Dad

  The Single Dad’s Redemption

  An Aspen Creek Christmas

  Falling for the Rancher

  Rocky Mountain Heirs

  The Loner’s Thanksgiving Wish

  Love Inspired Suspense

  Big Sky Secrets

  Fatal Burn

  End Game

  Murder at Granite Falls

  Duty to Protect

  Visit the Author Profile page at for more titles.

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  Roxanne Rustand

  Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

  And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

  Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

  Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.

  —Philippians 4:6–9

  With love and deep appreciation to my husband, Larry, for his never-ending support, and to our children and their spouses, Andy (Jenni), Brian (Julie) and Emily (Matthew), who are such a joy. I love you all beyond measure!

  And also to Cheryl Kissling, RN. We were so very blessed by her comfort, support and gentle professionalism in the NICU years ago, when we lost our infant daughter, Christiana Leigh. Larry and I both felt we were held in the arms of an angel during those dark times, and I know that Cheryl’s deep faith strengthened my own at a time when I felt devastated and lost. I now owe her additional thanks for providing medical information for this book.


  Many thanks to Emily M. Vasquez, freelance content editor, for her suggestions and advice on developing this manuscript. Any errors are mine alone!

  I would like to thank Bobbi Jo Crouse for her wonderful assistance with research questions on this book—and several previous books, as well.

  Also, I would like to thank my Facebook friends for the times I’ve asked questions about conflicting research sources, and so many of them came forward with the right professional backgrounds or experiences to help me out.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Dear Reader

  Excerpt from Lone Star Christmas by Jolene Navarro

  Chapter One

  Jess Langford stopped outside his grandmother’s room at the rehab center and dropped to one knee. “Okay, girls. Do you remember what we talked about in the truck?”

  The five-year-old twins bobbed their heads vigorously, their long, curly blond hair bouncing, though even now Sophie was edging toward the door, her bright blue eyes sparkling with excitement.

  “We gotta be real quiet, so Gramma gets better and comes home.” Bella wrapped a long strand of her silky hair around a forefinger. She was edging toward the door, too. “And we can’t make her bed jiggly or she might cry. ’Cause she hurts.”

  Jess sighed as he stood. Betty wasn’t hooked up to tubes and wires any longer, so those hazards were over, and she was made of much tougher stuff than anyone he knew. But the rambunctious twins had enough energy to wear anyone out—especially a seventy-seven-year-old woman who had been through surgery two weeks ago for a broken hip.

  “Remember the rules? No running, no climbing on her bed. Promise? And indoor voices only, or we’ll have to leave.”

  The girls raced into the dimly lit room and flung themselves against the side of the bed, chattering excitedly about their day in kindergarten. The pretty new layer of snow outside that looked like the sparkly real diamonds on their favorite Barbie dresses. Their latest adventures with their hay fort in the horse barn...which they currently called their princess castle.

  Jess leaned against the door frame and stifled a yawn.

  Last week, his only ranch hand had quit without warning, saying he’d had it with Montana’s winters and was going back to South Texas, which left Jess alone to run a horse-and-cattle ranch. Amid all of that, he’d been taking care of the house, laundry, meals and the girls, and getting them off to school. These days, even four hours of sleep was a blessing.

  But he hadn’t been a
ble to say no when Betty called at supper time and begged him to bring the girls for a visit tonight because she missed them so much. He owed Betty the moon and stars for all she did to keep the household running, so how could he refuse?

  Seeing their joy and the love in Betty’s eyes made the trip worthwhile every single time.

  Jess straightened and moved to Betty’s bedside to kiss her cheek. “How’s my favorite grandma?” He teased. “Better since yesterday?”

  “Getting better all the time,” she retorted, spunky as ever. “I should be out of here in just a few days.”

  “I sure hope so. We all miss you.”

  He hadn’t done much praying in years—he and God hadn’t been on the best of speaking terms since his little sister, Heather, died when he was nine and his mom passed a year later, but since Betty’s fall he’d been trying a lot harder. Hoping God was listening, he briefly closed his eyes and sent up yet another silent prayer for Betty’s full recovery.

  From the other side of the bed, Bella craned her neck to look at something in the shadowed corner of the room. “Who are you?” she chirped.

  Jess looked over his shoulder, expecting to see a nurse or a tech of some kind. A frisson of awareness ran through him when his gaze landed on a woman in jeans and a sweater sitting stiffly on the edge of an upholstered chair, not someone in blue hospital scrubs.

  Though he couldn’t make out her features, the woman’s long, honey-gold hair and slender build instantly sent him twelve years back into the past. “Abby?”

  She rose slowly and stood there like a startled doe ready to flee, tension radiating from her. “Jess,” she said quietly in the sweet, melodic voice that had haunted his dreams for years.

  He blinked and swiveled his gaze to Betty’s smug expression before turning back to the woman he’d once loved with all his heart. The heart she’d ripped out and crushed beneath her dainty Tony Lama boots. “What on earth are you doing here?”

  “She’s here because I want you to hire her,” Betty announced. “I asked Norma and Frieda from the senior center to put notices all over town. This young gal saw one and she needs a job. So now you just need to find a new ranch hand and we’ll have the help we need. Isn’t this just perfect?”

  Perfect. Not the word he’d use. He blinked again, shell-shocked, as a flood of bittersweet memories tumbled through his thoughts.

  She’d tried to stand in the way of his dreams. She hadn’t believed in him. And her unexpected defection had left wounds that took years to heal. And yet here she was, thinking she could waltz back into his life and work at his ranch.

  Not in this lifetime.

  “I...thought you were married,” he managed after a long, tense silence. “Right after we broke up. Then you moved away. Chicago, right?”

  She nodded, then tilted her head toward the twins and seemed to consider her words carefully. “Honestly, when I inquired about the job, Betty’s phone number was on the flyer, but not her name. And I had no idea that it was at your ranch. I can see this isn’t going to work out, so I’ll just be on my way and—”

  “No,” Betty said sharply. “You two just need to get over whatever happened between you, and think of this as business.” Her narrowed gaze swung between Abby and Jess. “I’m being discharged the day after tomorrow, which means I can come home. But I’ll still need to be driven back into town for therapy a couple times a week, and I will not be capable of cooking, laundry, meals and caring for the girls. Not for months. Well into calving and foaling season, Jess, when you’ll need to be outside 24/7. Abby says she’ll gladly work until the summer—”

  Abby’s startled expression suggested that Betty’s assumption about that length of time wasn’t quite true, but Betty barreled on regardless.

  “—and by then, I’ll be in fine shape.” Betty leveled a stern look at Jess, daring him to contradict her. “But without Abby’s help, I am not going to come back to the ranch and be an even greater burden to you.”

  Yes, Jess needed help. But Abby? “I just don’t think—”

  The older woman folded her arms over her ample chest. “You haven’t found anyone else to help out, and Abby is in a bit of a pickle. So if you don’t hire her, I’ll be moving to the senior citizens’ home over in Waveland, where I’ll be out of the way. For good.”

  “Gramma,” Bella cried, scrambling up the side rails of the bed and curling up against Betty before Jess could stop her. “You hafta come home. Then our puppy can come home, too. Please.”

  Sophie’s eyes filled with tears. “We need Gramma. I don’t like it when she’s gone.”

  Abby watched the girls for a moment, her expression inexplicably sad, then looked up at Jess. “This is awkward for both of us, but it’s true that I could use a job for a few months, until I go back to graduate school. And it does sound like you need help.”

  Right now, caring for the girls and keeping his beloved grandmother out of that run-down senior housing project were more important than anything. And a day didn’t go by that the girls didn’t beg to get their puppy back from the neighbors—who had kindly taken him in when Betty got hurt and life turned upside down at the ranch.

  Hiring Abby might be a temporary solution for all of those worries.

  Yet, serious questions began piling up in Jess’s mind. Questions that would best be asked away from the twins’ all-too-curious ears. He’d already learned that they often heard things that he wished they hadn’t, then asked awkward questions at exactly the wrong times.

  Abby’s father’s ranch was just thirty-five miles away. So why hadn’t he taken her in if she needed help? What had happened to her teaching career—and the man she’d married right after she broke up with Jess?

  But more to the point...just what sort of trouble had she gotten herself into?

  “Let’s discuss this tomorrow while the girls are in school,” he managed on a long sigh. He pulled a Broken Aspen Ranch business card from his wallet and handed it to Abby. “Maybe at Millie’s Coffee Shop, two o’clock?”

  She nodded.

  “Just so you know, I always have a background check done on anyone hired at the ranch. No exceptions.” Her eyes widened, and he realized how harsh his words must sound. “My lawyer insists on it.”

  He’d known her since first grade. He’d loved her once. Imagining her capable of serious wrongdoing was like imagining the twins’ new puppy guilty of bank robbery.

  But the day after their college graduation, Abby dumped him, and he’d learned a hard lesson. He hadn’t truly known her as well as he’d thought.

  “What’s your last name now, by the way?”

  “Halliday.” Her gaze met his briefly, then she turned to rest a hand on Betty’s arm. “Guess I might be seeing you later?”

  “You will.” Betty snorted. “Don’t pay any attention to Jess. He’s had a tough time of it since I got laid up, but he won’t be this grumpy once he catches up on his sleep. I promise you that.”

  * * *

  Grumpy wasn’t exactly the word she’d use to describe Jess, Abby thought grimly as she carefully followed Betty and her cherry-red walker into the Langfords’ sprawling ranch house two days later. Then she got Betty settled in her room for a little nap.

  The trip home had worn Betty out, though she’d staunchly insisted that she would close her eyes for a few minutes and then be rarin’ to go.

  Unsure of what might happen job-wise after talking to Jess, Abby left her luggage in the trunk of her SUV; then, at Betty’s suggestion, she explored the house a bit.

  From the kitchen, a wide arched doorway led into an open-concept dining room that flowed into a large living room with a massive stone fireplace and leather furniture. Oversize windows filled the living room with natural light.

  One hallway off the living room led to Betty’s bedroom, the twins’ room, then several guest rooms and a large bathroom, whil
e another hallway led to a south wing that probably held the ranch office and Jess’s quarters.

  Abby glanced at her watch, made a pot of fresh coffee, then sat at the kitchen table with a cup of steaming brew and her ebook reader.

  The promised meeting at the café hadn’t worked out yesterday—Jess had cancelled because of some ranch emergency—but said she might as well come on out today since her background check was fine.

  What had he thought—that she might’ve been hiding criminal tendencies all the years they’d known each other?

  At the sound of heavy boots clomping up the back-porch steps leading into the mudroom off the kitchen, she took a long swallow of coffee.

  Maybe this wasn’t the most awful moment in her life, but it was definitely one of the most awkward. She’d never expected to see Jess Langford again. To be here as his potential employee was beyond imagination.

  If she’d had any other viable option right now, she would have walked away from his condescending offer. But she’d scoured Pine Bend and the other tiny towns in the area to no avail.

  Jess peeled off his heavy winter jacket and toed off his boots, then walked into the kitchen, giving her a brief nod on his way to the coffeepot. His face was somber, as if he, too, was finding this situation stressful and wanted to be anyplace but here.

  “You look exhausted,” she said, taking in the weary expression etched on his lean, tanned face and the sag of his broad shoulders.

  Even after all the years apart, she felt an unexpected urge to envelop him in a long, comforting embrace. “Hard day?”

  He leaned against the counter on one hip. “A long one, and it isn’t over yet. Thanks for bringing Betty home, by the way. I didn’t expect to have a cattle buyer stop by.”

  The deep, rich sound of his voice was as compelling now as it had been years ago. “No problem. So my background check was okay, apparently,” she said dryly.

  He gave a faint shrug. “Figured as much. But with Betty and the girls here, well...I can’t afford another mistake.”


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