Hide and Seek (Men of Honor Book 2)

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Hide and Seek (Men of Honor Book 2) Page 9

by Rhonda Lott

  “You said you would leave Kane alone if you got me.” Dawn said, through clenched teeth.

  “I will kill Kane McAdams if it’s the last thing I do on this earth. At Mac’s grave I made that promise and nothing will stop me from keeping it. My son was to inherit all that I have. He was my only child and that bastard took him from me.”

  “Do you think David McAdams will allow you to continue living once you kill his brother? David’s clients are senators, top government officials, billionaire businessmen from around the world and they all owe him favors. There would be nowhere you could hide.

  Esteban stared down at her, stone faced. He turned and pulled a rusted metal chair from the card table, straddling it. He appeared calm, but his eyes were burning black pits of rage or insanity, Dawn wasn’t quite sure which.

  “My cartel family is so afraid of McAdams’ reach, they turned their backs on me. I’m a dead man because I went against their wishes. I’m dead either way, so I have nothing to lose.” He said.

  Dawn had the sudden realization that this man with his calm demeanor and refined mannerisms was lethal. Like a jungle cat, concentrated and steady in his pursuit of his victim. He held no fear of death, no veering from his course. He was a stealthy predator and her beast was his prey.



  Kane and Ace found Dawn’s IPhone about three miles away from the condo. Standing along the highway exit ramp with Dawn’s phone in his hands, he tried to contain the rage that was ripping his insides to shreds. Why did she leave? Dawn was headstrong, but she wasn’t stupid.

  She did this to save him. His beauty put herself in the hands of her worse enemy for him and he had not a clue in the world where to start looking for her. Something truly foreign unfurled within his heart, fear. This was what real fear felt like. All the dangerous shit he did never brought him to his knees with the type of panic he felt at this moment.

  “Kane, get in the car, you’re one lucky son of a bitch.” Ace called to him from behind the wheel of his old ford pickup truck. He held up his cell phone. “That was an informant for one of the cops in my district. Some woman name Alana Ruiz. She saw Esteban’s men bring in Dawn to a house in SW Atlanta.”

  Kane jumped in as Ace’s wheels squealed on the pavement. “How does this woman know it was Dawn and how did she know to call you?”

  “No fucking idea, but she said she was working for Esteban, she sounds like she knows what she’s talking about. She also sounded scared as hell, so in the process of getting Dawn out we might want to bring our helper along, yeah?”

  Kane nodded his agreement. They parked a block away from the location Alana had given them. The house where Dawn was being kept was a run down, one story abandoned structure. It looked like it might have been white at some point but after years of disregard, was a smoky gray. The whole neighborhood was pretty shabby.

  “I can’t believe you and David grew up here. The SWAT is a tough place to live for black boys, let alone two big ass white boys.” Ace commented shaking his head.

  Kane nodded absently, watching the house for activity. He wanted to rush the place but he knew from his military training, you never go in blind.

  “Yeah, it’s shitty for everybody in the hood. But, poverty knows no color lines, man. I made lifelong friends here. There are great people living here, trying to get by and raise their families. So many of my friend’s mothers fed me and gave me a place to stay when my aunt was too high to know her own name.”

  “Yeah, I feel you on that. Yet another reason I thank God for my dad every day. He worked his ass off as a cop to give me and mom a good life.” Ace said, his eyes lost in memory.

  Kane knew that look well. Ace’s dad passed away a year ago and his friend hadn’t been the same.

  “Bro, you good?” Kane asked.

  Ace pulled himself up straight. “Yeah, I’m with you, so what’s our plan?”

  “I can’t wait for David and his team to get here. I’m going around to the back and look for a way inside. You take the side of the building and keep a look out. There doesn’t appear to be but a couple of guys around, we might get lucky.”

  “This feels like a set up. Esteban with only three guys protecting him, no way.” Ace said.

  “I don’t give a fuck if he’s got fifty men in there, I’m going for Dawn.” Kane whispered as they jogged up to the side yard of the house. Ace veered toward the front and Kane went to the back. He gently tried the door handle, locked. Kane pulled out his pocket knife and slid the blade between the lock and the metal door plate, pressure and a forceful shoulder shove and the old wood broke away. The door opened into a tiny kitchen.

  The inside of the house was freezing cold and basically empty. Without a sound Kane made his way through the kitchen keeping to the shadows. The low mummer of voices was coming from the front of the house. A big ass male in dark clothes and skull cap was propped up against the hallway wall next to one of two doors. The sound of a muffled male voice came from behind the door behind the guard.

  When the guard closed his eyes for a second, Kane was on him, slamming the butt of his gun to his temple. Kane caught and eased the man to the floor, he wouldn’t be opening his eyes again for a while. Kane put his ear to the door, and heard Dawn’s voice.

  “It’s too bad Blanco. Sadly Kane is going to have to put you down when he gets here. He’s coming to get me and when he does he’s going to kill you because you’ve touched what’s his and because you’re giving him no other choice.” She said a tinge of remorse in her voice.

  Brave foolish woman, you don’t feel sorry for the damn bad guy. Kane thought. In the next instant the cold metal of a gun was pressed to his temple.

  “Open the door McAdams, the boss is waiting for you.” Hot stale breath assaulted his nose.

  How did this fucker get the drop on him? Kane’s muscles bunched. Kane knew he could disarm the man behind him. Since he was going in the room anyway, why not let this asshole and Blanco believe they had the upper hand. The quickest way to his beauty and he was not going to turn it down.

  Stepping over the unconscious guard, Kane opened the door and walked into the small room. His eyes zeroed in on Dawn. She was sitting on a cot, hands behind her back. Her eyes lit up when she saw, him then filled with worry when she saw the man holding the gun. She blinked away her concern and gave him a, took you long enough, look. She was definitely getting a spanking when he got her home.

  The figure standing in front of Dawn turned to face him. So this was Esteban Blanco, big fucking crime boss. He didn’t look like much to Kane. He’d seen worse, far worse looking criminals. This dude looked like he just stepped out of a men’s fashion magazine. Blanco took one step over to Kane, his eyes traveling up and down Kane’s body.

  “So you’re the one who killed my boy?” He curled his lips in distaste, his beady eyes narrowing.

  Kane folded his arms across his chest. “I took out the trash. He abused my woman and threatened my family.”

  “My boy should not have died at the hands of you. I lost my only child, was turned away from the cartel, I have nothing and no one because of you. You will die this night, McAdams. You and your bitch.” Esteban’s calm demeanor evaporated, fury darkened his entire face, his nostrils flared.

  “I was wondering where all you flunkies went. All the ones I didn’t kill that is.” Kane said, his mind calculating his next move.

  It wouldn’t take much to get the gun away from the guy behind him, and Blanco was about to launch into a rant over the death of his precious boy. Yeah, his way would be fairly easy if he didn’t have to worry about Dawn. She looked about ready to pounce. Fear was etched across her face, but who could blame her with all the guns being waved around. Kane could tell she was pissed as fuck as well. A pissed Dawn was never a good thing.

  “I have a few men left, more than enough to burry two bodies. I’m going to savor the taste of sweet revenge when I see the last drop of blood drained from your body.” Bla
nco sneered, reaching behind his back.

  Kane brought his elbow up hard into the arm holding the gun to his head, it flew across the room as the henchman stumbled backward. Kane lunged forward and knocked the man out with one punch to the jaw, swinging back to Blanco.

  Esteban made a grab for Dawn, but like a battering ram, she bent and ran straight into his middle. Esteban doubled over, stumbled back, but didn’t completely fall down. Dawn toppled over, landing with a thud onto her knees. As Esteban raised his arm and aimed his gun at Dawn’s kneeling form, Kane hurled himself in front of her. The bullet felt like fire exploding in his chest.

  Ace burst into the room taking a shot at Esteban who evaded the bullet by inches, tossing his metal chair in Ace’s direction. Blanco stiff armed Ace and bolted out the room.

  “Fuck!” Kane heard Ace curse, “David and the team are right behind me, I got to stop Esteban.”

  “Help me Ace.” Dawn screamed.

  Kane tried to keep his eyes on Dawn’s face, she was crying and screaming but her voice kept fading in and out. Kane felt the pressure of her hands on him, there was no pain, only numbness. Why now? All the times he defied death, why now when he just found a reason to live did he have to go?

  Others ran into the room, black shadow to his dimming vision. He heard David’s frantic orders to the men. He wanted to see his brother, but couldn’t tear his eyes away from Dawn. If this was it, then he wanted the last thing he saw to be her.

  “Hold on, stay with me Beast.” She pleaded.

  Dawn screams sounded distant, disjointed. Slowly, slowly the world faded to black.


  Ace chased after Blanco, when he reached the darkened back door, the explosive blast of a single gunshot rang out right outside. Throwing open the door with his weapon ready, Ace saw Esteban’s body on the ground blood spurting from the bullet hole in his chest. Movement caught his eye, the shadow of a woman with long dark hair flowing behind her darted into the adjacent alley. Ace didn’t have time to find out who she was. His friend lay in the back bedroom bleeding out. At least the prick was dead and no longer a threat to his family. But who the fuck was the mystery woman that killed him.


  The constant beeping of the hospital equipment was driving her mad. Kane lay motionless in the bed, still unconscious after two whole days. The doctor told her that the bullet had missed his heart and that he should by all accounts be conscious by now, and that his vital signs were all normal.

  “Hi, sweetie.” Alex said, peeking in the room. “Any change?”

  Dawn turned troubled red eyes to her friend. “None.” She croaked out.

  “David’s outside, were about to go check on Jordan. Why don’t you come home for a little while and get some rest. I will tell the nurse to call us if, no, when Kane wakes up.” Alex assured her.

  “No, Allie. I can’t leave him. I want to be the first thing he sees when he opens his eyes.”

  “I understand. Don’t think I’ll be able to keep David away for more than a couple of hours anyway.” Allie started to leave, but rushed back in. She hugged Dawn tight and whispered, “We love you both. Keep telling him that, ok?”

  Dawn squeezed Alex. “I will.” She promised. “Tell David I’m sorry, if not for me his brother wouldn’t be here.”

  “David first and foremost is a strategist, he thought through all given outcomes of you and Kane’s situation. At some point he figured that you’re love for his brother might make you trade yourself for him.” Alex smiled gently into Dawn’s shocked face. “He had a team ready to get to you at all times. Kane jumped the gun by taking off with Ace alone.”

  “David is so fucking amazing. I’m glad he’s on our side.”

  “He is amazing. And he’s not angry with you, he’s angry he didn’t get there in time.” Alex placed her hand in Dawn’s giving it a squeeze. “Try and rest a little. David and I will be back soon.”

  Pulling the chair as close to the bed as possible, Dawn placed her head on Kane’s shoulder. “Kane, I’ve been calling you all night and day. I need you to wake up. I don’t want to face this fucked up world all alone.” She grasped his hand and placed it next to her lips, kissing his palm. Her tears wetting his fingers. “I love you so much. I never thought I would find a man that I could love. But you saw me. The woman inside, that no one ever took the time to find. You loved this broken person back to life. Please don’t leave me now. Come back to me.” Dawn pleaded into the silent room. For hours she prayed, cursed, and begged, until her throat was soar.

  With her heart heavy Dawn wondered if after all his time spent chasing death if Kane had finally found it. She counted his breaths as his chest moved up and down. Dawn couldn’t help but lovingly stroke his beautiful brown hair spread out on his pillow. She caressed his handsome face, willing his eyes to open with everything she had in her heart.

  Dawn placed her lips on his. This was their special thing, just touching and breathing in each other. The spark was gone. She pressed her lips down firmly, but nothing. Her beast was slipping away. The tears fell, her vision blurred, but her focus never left his face. Fuck it, she would stay right here forever calling to her beast. He had to come back.

  “D?” Kane rasp.

  Dawn jumped, her heart all most stopping. Kane was awake. His blue gray eyes were cloudy and unfocused but he was awake.

  “Kane, oh thank God!” Dawn cried out. “Let me get the doctor.”

  “No, not yet.” Kane’s voice was very gravelly. “A little water please.”

  “Yes, oh I have some ice for you.” Dawn grabbed the cup she had waiting for him. It was about the tenth cup she had to get because all the rest had turned to water. But she was determined to have some for him when he was up.

  “How do you feel? Are you in pain?” Dawn asked while placing a few ice chips in his mouth.

  “Babe I need to tell you something.” Kane’s voice sounded slightly stronger.

  “Save you’re strength, you’re awake and that’s all that matters right now.” Dawn kissed his lips softly. Pulling back, she felt the connection between them pulse to life once more. Yeah he was back.

  “I heard you. I heard you’re voice calling to me Dawn. I was in a void with white light all around me. Something was pulling me into a brilliant swirling space. Every time I took a step forward, I would hear your voice. There was an energy beyond that light, it made me feel at peace, loved. I couldn’t enter it though. I couldn’t leave you behind, not yet.” Kane rushed the words out as if he needed to tell her right then or he would forget.

  “I’m so damn glad you came back to me. I promise you Kane I’ll make you feel loved every day for as long as I live.” She vowed, but Kane was out again. Only this time in what seemed to be peaceful sleep. Dawn smiled down at her beast. There would be no more hiding for either of them. No more hiding from the Blanco family and no more hiding from their past. The future was whatever they wanted it to be. She and Alex were the luckiest women alive when they happened upon the McAdams brothers.


  He sat on the bed as Dawn packed up all her belongings and place them in one small suitcase. Six weeks had passed since he woke up in that hospital bed with Dawn begging him to wake up. Six weeks in which his body healed. He was back to his old self, no permanent damage from the gun shot. Bright sunlight filtered through the curtains and touched Dawn’s caramel brown skin, her eyes sparkled. She smiled more and more every day. His beauty was happy. Starting school again for Library Sciences was something that brought her great joy. Something she had to put aside because of Mac Blanco and then his father. Now as she packed her things to move in with him in his apartment above the book store, she hummed and smiled over at him.

  Her body drew all of his attention as usual. Slowly she was moving away from her black armor. Today she wore a tight russet brown sweater that dipped low enough to display her ample cleavage and fell directly above her thighs. Those thighs were wrapped in creamy tan tights. Kane felt a flood of d
esire for her. That never changed. She only had to look his way or walk into a room and his dick was instantly ready, jumping to attention. Six weeks without making love to his beauty and he felt as if his poor prick was on the brink of eruption whenever she was near.

  “Hey, Kane did you hear me. I’m all ready to go.” Dawn called to him.

  Kane snapped out of his thoughts. “I hear you, like I heard you calling me out of the light.” He stepped to her and pulled her body up against him. “I couldn’t leave this, not ever.” His voice came out rough to his ears. Placing his palm over the v of her thighs he felt her heat through her clothes.

  “So you came back for the pussy not the love.” She asked, pushing into his hand.

  “For the love of this amazing pussy.” Kane answered, sliding his hands under her sweater to fill his them with her supple breast, nibbling on her sweet neck.

  Dawn pushed back from his caress and laughed. “I can bring a man back from the dead with my amazing pussy power?”

  “Only this man.” Kane scooped her up and placed her on the bed.

  “Careful, don’t hurt yourself.”

  “I’m one hundred percent healed, Dawn. But if I do hurt myself, you can heal me with that amazing pussy power of yours.” He said, hands busy removing her clothes until she lay across the bed breathtakingly nude.

  Kane made short work of removing his pants and sweater. He simply had to get his hands all over his beauty. Damn but the woman could set him ablaze with one sultry look from her slanted brown eyes. So unique, so sexy, so his.

  She scooted to the edge of the bed, licking her lips.

  “Since my pussy is so spectacular, let’s see what my mouth can do.”

  Dawn held his erection in one hand as she slid her lips around the head of his penis. Kane’s knees almost buckled. Her mouth was so hot, she worked her lips quickly up and down his shaft. The shocking bite of pleasure hit his gut like lightening. Kane pumped his hips a few times gripping her hair, then pulled away.


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