Shadows 03 Greek Shadows

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Shadows 03 Greek Shadows Page 17

by K C West

  “She did well,” Mania said, after reciting her version of the trip. “She passed her tests and would make any Amazon proud.”

  “I could have told you that.” Although PJ spoke softly, I could see her jaw tighten. She knew that Marna, as a warrior and the queen’s consort, demanded respect, but she was probably still a little angry with her about giving me the sword scratch on my neck and leaving me alone on the mountain.

  “Yes, indeed,” Marna continued, “Kim’s anger is now under control, especially in the area of her greatest weakness.”

  “Weakness?” PJ sounded confused.

  Marna looked at me to supply the answer.

  “She means you, sweetheart.”

  PJ stared at me. “I’m your greatest weakness?”

  “My weakness. My passion. My love.”

  She put her hand to her lips, and her eyes glistened. “We’ll discuss this further when we’re alone.”

  “Whatever you say.” I couldn’t tell if she was pleased or displeased at the news.

  Leeja rose. Taking it as a sign of dismissal, we all stood. “In the morning, we plan to return to the village,” she said. “Please be packed and ready by sunrise.”

  “We will, Your Majesty.” I lowered my head respectfully.

  “If you start right away, you both should have plenty of time for your discussion.”

  PJ took my hand and pulled me toward the entrance. “Thank you, Leeja. You’re very thoughtful.”

  Judging by their amused looks, it seemed that I had been the only one uncertain about how the rest of the evening would go.

  Several minutes later, I got my first hint when PJ buried her face against my chest. “Oh, dear one, you’re stuck with me forever, I’m afraid.”

  I exhaled in relief. “That’s just fine with me.”


  The discussion about weaknesses turned into another pleasurable hour or two of rolling beneath the skins in our hut. Making love in a hut on a bed of animal skins with the soft pounding of drums as a backbeat elicited something primal within us. Who needed CDs?

  The grotto, especially, enhanced our physical bond in a way no previous therapy had. I hated to leave such a magical place.

  “So what time do you want to get up and pack, Kim?”

  “Pack? Do we have anything to pack?”

  “No, I guess not. My daypack is back at the main camp, and all I have are those flimsy leather strips the Amazons call clothing.”

  I trailed my fingertips across her breasts and watched her nipples tighten. Whew. What were we talking about? Oh, yes. Packing. “Then, it shouldn’t take us long. I have the tunic and some weaponry that Marna gave me.”

  She turned onto her side, facing me. “I want to ask you something. It’s been bothering me a bit, off and on.”


  “How long have we been in this place, and do you think we’ll ever return to our own world?”

  I gave it some thought. “I guess it feels like several weeks… a month or so anyway, even longer since we woke up in that meadow. I think we’ll be sent back once we know all we have to know about our mission.”

  “That’s good to hear.” She took my hand and we laced our fingers together. “When we first came, I tried to believe it was all a dream because I was afraid to think that it might be real. Logic told me it had to be a dream. But so many days have gone by, and so much has happened. It’s kind of scary.”

  “It hasn’t all been scary, though. Do you realize that our lovemaking has been better than ever? You aren’t hesitant at all now.”

  She leaned in to kiss my neck and chin, then continued with playful nips along my jaw, cheek, and forehead. We wrestled together. “I might have known you’d notice that, but you’re right. Maybe it’s coincidence, but I do feel more like my old self.”

  I kissed her. “And that pleases me.”

  “And when you were gone with Marna, the absence only made my heart - and a few other body parts - grow fonder.”

  “You could probably tell that I felt the same way.”

  “Oh, yeah.”

  We were silent for several minutes, happy to be with each other, to be able to touch and feel each other and know that wherever we were, we were together.

  “What do you think, Kim? Is this really happening, or is it a long, bizarre dream?”

  I stared up at the ceiling of our hut. “As far as I’m concerned it’s very real. I can’t explain how it happened, but somehow we have stepped through a veil in time.”

  “And how do we get back?”

  “Honestly, I don’t know.”

  “Shit. I was afraid you’d say that.”


  The day after we had traveled back to the main Amazon village and Kim and I had settled into our large, comfortable hut, I sat outside in a patch of sunlight with my journal propped open in my lap. Several crumpled pages littered the ground around me. Leeja wanted me to write about living with Kim and the surprising connection we had with the Amazons.

  “The truth needs to be spoken,” she had said, “so that later generations know us for who we are.”

  It’ll be easy, I thought, to write about Kim, but it’ll be another thing to write about my Amazon relationship. I didn’t really know what that was all about.

  Kim was off somewhere with Marna, learning firsthand the ways of the warrior. I was concerned about her, hoping she wouldn’t return with another “sword scratch” as she called her neck wound.

  After another night of incredible lovemaking, I had trouble concentrating on my project. Write a poem about my love for Kim. Sure. How hard could that be? Hadn’t I just spent hours… undercover… conducting research? Certain parts of my body throbbed pleasantly in remembrance. Ah, but it had to be about more than the physical part. I needed to write about what made me love Kim, not just the fact that she made me supremely happy in bed. I bit down on the end of my pencil, willing myself to stop thinking about how good the sex was. I had to admit that I was finding it difficult to write about Kim without revealing our most intimate activities.

  “Concentrate, PJ.” I took a deep breath and read over what I had written so far.

  It’s you I love

  with all my heart.

  When you are gone,

  I am lost -

  What else could I say about her? She had a strong, muscular body, firm breasts, and luscious lips that - Hold it right there. There were other things to mention about Kim. It wasn’t just her body and the way it glistened with sweat when we made love.

  “God!” I said, crumpling another piece of paper. “Why can’t I focus on the deeper issues here?”

  Memories of last night kept intruding. The assignment was to consider the important qualities that made me love Kim so much. There was more to it than fantastic sex, right?

  “Yes, of course. But there’s something to be said about multiple orgasms.”

  I looked around guiltily. “Did I just say that out loud?”

  After a few more minutes of writing, a shadow fell across my page, and I looked up to discover Reena standing in front of me. “What’s up?”

  “Queen Leeja requests that you and Dr. Blair join her for a celebratory feast at sundown. She is expecting a special guest to join us then.”

  “Thank you. I’ll alert Kim. Please tell Queen Leeja that we accept with pleasure.”

  “I will. Oh, and it would be preferable for you to wear Amazon attire. It is more in keeping with the event.”

  “Very well.” I gritted my teeth at the thought of parading around in next to nothing again.

  “Her Majesty requests, too, that you to spend some of your free time at archery practice before the festivities.”

  The journal slid off my lap. “Are you certain she said I was to do that?”

  “Yes, Dr. Curtis. She told us you could give us some helpful hints. I must admit that we were surprised to learn of your prowess with any kind of weapon.”

  “It’s been a long time since I
’ve picked up a bow. I imagine I’m pretty rusty.” How the hell had she found out about that? I don’t think I ever told Kim I could shoot.

  Reena folded her arms across her youthful chest. Her expression stopped short of a full-fledged smirk. “If you’d rather not attend practice, I’m sure the warriors will understand. With the threat of enemy attacks, our queen wanted everyone to keep at peak fitness, even those with limited ability. I’m on my way to sword practice now.”

  “Are you? Maybe you’ll see Dr. Blair, then. She and Mama went off to do that sort of thing a little while ago.”

  The young warrior’s whole demeanor changed. One hand clutched the strap holding her weapon and both knees flexed. “I’d better get going. Marna holds competitions for all her superior fighters. Dr. Blair might be too tired by now, but I’d enjoy warming up with her before the more competitive rounds.”

  “You would, huh?” She was so full of herself. If Kim was still down there with Marna, I hoped she’d take Reena on and mop the floor with her. Ever since Reena had found out I was off limits, she acted as if it were my loss and she was the Goddess’s gift to the women in the village. Limited abilities, huh? I’d love to see Kim - or somebody - knock her on her tight little ass.

  “Don’t let me keep you. I guess I’ll head on down to the meadow and see if I still remember how to string a bow.”

  “Be sure to wear Amazon clothing. You’ll look and feel more like one of us that way.”

  She jogged off toward the practice field, and I went inside the hut to climb into my leather next-to-nothings. I couldn’t explain why I resented having to wear the outfit. I was comfortable enough at the grotto, but now that Marna and Kim were back, and we were at the larger encampment, I felt self-conscious again.

  And the strange visitor was arriving. Who was she? The Goddess perhaps. Leeja had talked about the Goddess Artemis. I doubted it, though. She had also spoken about sending for a Bardic Consultant. It was probably going to be some book-wormy type with a stilted imagination, shabby wardrobe, and ink-stained fingers.

  Chapter 14

  “Excellent job, Kim.” Marna took a step back, sheathed her sword, and wiped some sweat from her forehead. “Let me see your weapon.”

  I handed her the sword, hilt first. “Something wrong with it?”

  “No, it’s acceptable.” She handed it to one of the young warriors who were watching us practice. They had formed a circle around us and were very supportive and encouraging to me as we battled. “You may give me that bundle now, Carinna.”

  Marna held a gleaming broadsword up to the light before tossing it to me. I was pleased with its balance and design, though it was not the type of sword I was used to handling.

  “It’s yours. I had it crafted just for you. Keep it with you always. And when you go back to your time, I’ll find a way to get it to you.”

  “Thank you so much, Marna.” I took a few easy swings. “It’s a weapon of distinction. I hope I prove worthy - “

  She waved away my appreciation. “You have already proven yourself, and you should have a suitable weapon for defense. After all, if you are to continue my Amazon lineage into your time, you must be prepared for any eventuality.”

  “I don’t know how useful it will be in my time, but I’ll cherish it.”

  “I have no doubt that you will face the challenges ahead of you with courage and determination.”

  I wondered what challenges she was able to foresee in my future.

  “To be honest with you, there are moments when I wish we didn’t have to go back.” After the words left my lips, I felt guilty about admitting such thoughts when I knew PJ couldn’t wait for our return to modern day Greece.

  “The time will come, Kim, when it will be right and necessary for you to return to your time.”

  I fingered the images carved so delicately on the hilt. It was a weapon of extraordinary beauty.

  “Come along, now,” Marna said, “it’s time to put your new weapon to use.”

  I was happy to comply with her request, swinging the new sword into our mock combat with confidence. Marna had taught me so much in the past few days, and I was eager to show my mentor that I was worthy of her gift.

  Several other warriors had paired off to spar with each other, and across the meadow, an archery competition was underway. Our field grew noisy with the clang of metal on metal, but in the pauses between lunges and thrusts, we could hear muffled shouts as distant arrows found their targets.

  Marna and I continued to draw a small crowd as we dueled. We battled evenly for a while, sweat pouring from our bodies, with neither of us giving an inch. More by luck than any skill I possessed, I had her on the ground twice with my blade to her throat.

  “Go on,” she said, when I had her down for the second time, “draw blood.”

  I hesitated. “It’s enough that I have the advantage.”

  “Go on, it’s better that your first foe be your friend.”

  “I don’t want to hurt a friend.”

  “Mark my neck, Kim, as I marked yours. That way we’ll share a common scar forever.”

  I pressed the blade into her neck, drawing blood from the pinprick wound.

  “Well done.”

  Shouts of praise filled the air. I helped Marna to her feet and offered her a cloth to blot her wound.

  “We are true Amazon sisters now,” she said, smacking me on the back.

  “I hope your spouse doesn’t react the way mine did to this new bonding experience.”

  Marna frowned. “What’s one more scratch among many? Leeja understands this. Your PJ worries over such trivial things.”

  “Indeed. But sometimes it feels good to be cared for in such a way.”

  She pondered my words. “You’re a wise woman, Kim, and a valiant fighter.”

  “Thank you.” We grasped forearms in the Amazon custom of showing friendship and respect.

  “Let’s see what the rest of you warriors can do,” Marna said, glancing around at the assembled watchers. “Stop gawking at us and pair off. Send your final champion to Kim. The two of you’ll fight each other until only one is left standing, or you both collapse.”

  Cheers greeted her words. I took advantage of the short respite to drink deeply from one of the water skins. The liquid tasted sharp and fresh. It was intoxicating, so different from the polluted and chemically treated water of the twenty-first century.

  A tall Amazon entered the competition to my left. I watched her dispatch her opponent with ease and await the winner of the match to her right. As she rested, she looked in my direction, and I saw no warmth in her expression.

  What was that all about?

  Marna joined me in viewing the competition.

  While we focused on our combatants, we heard a burst of noise from the archery range, followed by a resounding cheer. Sword-fighting was suspended so all of us could see what was happening across the meadow.

  “It appears that there is a contest going on over there, too.” Marna gave my hip a nudge. “I think having you and PJ in our midst has brought out the competitive juices in our warriors.”

  “I’m sure it’s just the chance to have a different opponent that makes your warriors want to compete and show off a bit.”

  “Perhaps you are right. I imagine it’s the same for the archers.”

  “Who would be a different opponent for them?”

  “If you take another look, you’ll have your answer, though it might be hard to see with the crowd.”

  We stared at the women huddled around two contesting archers. As the group closest to us pulled back, we could see a thin, dark-haired woman, her bow at rest, watching a second archer.

  “I don’t recognize that one,” I said, “but she did well, judging from the crowd’s reaction.”

  “That’s Jayna. She’s our best archer. Keep your eye on the other one. I think you’ll be surprised.”

  The group surrounding the second contestant broke apart at that moment, and my view clear
ed enough to see a short, muscular warrior draw back her bow, hold it steady for several seconds, and release it to find the target. I held my breath as a huge roar erupted at the result. Several women pounded the competitor on the back, but she ducked under the assault of well-wishers to offer her opponent a hearty forearm greeting, before the mob surrounded both of them. It didn’t matter that the champion was lost from my sight. Her blonde hair was all the evidence needed to identify her.

  I turned to Marna in amazement. “PJ never told me she could shoot, let alone have the skill to beat Amazon warriors at their own game. This is unbelievable.”

  “It would appear that both of you have hidden skills that may come in handy.”

  “Geez.” I shook my head. “This day is full of surprises.”

  “And you’re not finished yet, my friend.” Marna produced a leather scabbard covered in carvings as delicate as those on the sword’s hilt.

  “Thank you again. It’s beautiful.” I sheathed my weapon and swung it crossways so that it hung comfortably on my back.

  “Don’t put that away just yet,” said the tall Amazon with the unfriendly demeanor. “I believe I have earned the right to challenge you for the championship.”

  “Very well.” I did not feel as confident as my words indicated.

  The other competitors formed a circle around us in noisy anticipation. I pulled my sword from its scabbard and we touched tips. “Good luck to you… uh…”

  “Reena,” she said. “My name is Reena, and I won’t need any luck.”


  I hurried to the village healer as rapidly as my weary bones would let me, hoping for a quick patch up job before PJ saw me. Despite the fact that Marna had assured her I wouldn’t be hurt, she didn’t approve of my sword fighting with the queen’s consort or with any one of these warrior women. A few bruises and cuts were to be expected, though, and I would proudly wear every scar. In addition to the pride of accomplishment, I enjoyed the physical effort which could only strengthen my body and mindset. PJ wouldn’t have understood how exhilarating it was to compete with these Amazons and hold my own. I felt younger and stronger, more able to cope with whatever trials might confront me. Perhaps the fact that my anger was now under control added to my well-being.


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