What Hurts The Most 3

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What Hurts The Most 3 Page 3

by Tynessa

  I was so in love with Jay to the point where I didn’t give a fuck that he went home to his girlfriend every night, or the fact that he slept with other bitches. I was so in love with him that I let him put the blame of him sniffing powder all on me. Yeah, I was sniffing it with him, but I only did it because he wanted me to. He was going through it with his girl and wanted to try something new, so of course I wasn’t going to turn my back on him. To be honest, Jay was so damn rude and disrespectful that I should’ve been turned my damn back on him. Do you know one time, this nigga actually had me to sit in the corner of my damn bedroom and watch him fuck another bitch. In my damn face, like I wasn’t shit. I was so heartbroken, but there wasn’t anything I could do about it. I was in love!

  Being stupid and in love is the reason I’m here at the emergency room with Co-Co, waiting for the doctor to come in and give me my discharge papers, laying here heartbroken and in tears because this nigga had actually beat me and caused me to have a miscarriage. I wasn’t even aware that I was pregnant. This was the last straw. Jay had crossed the damn line and there would be a cold day in hell before I got back with him. I was in deep thought when I heard a lot of commotions. Nurses and doctors went flying down the hall, and of course that grabbed my nosey ass attention. They wheeled the person past my room, and I noticed the face instantly. I would never forget that face because he and Jay looked just alike. It was his brother, Tez!

  “Co-Co give me my phone,” I said with my hand stretched out for her to hand it to me. She looked at me strangely and didn’t budge.

  “For what?” she asked me. This bitch was starting to irritate my asshole. Co-Co was not the girl I’d grown to love as a sister. Jay had been trying to tell me for the longest that she couldn’t be trusted, but I didn’t want to believe him. I was always brushing off his silly comments about her. I should’ve moved out and stopped fucking with her after she fucked Jay, knowing how I felt about him. I guess that’s what I get for being kindhearted.

  “Just give me my damn phone! I have to call Jay. That was his brother they just wheeled back there on the stretcher,” I explained. I know, I probably shouldn’t have even cared, but that was his brother and he had the right to know something was wrong, if he didn’t already know.

  “Why do you even care? Fuck him and his brother. You just had a miscarriage because this nigga whooped your ass, now you wanna call him,” Co-Co’s ass fussed the whole time she was getting my phone. I didn’t give a fuck what she said, and she could take her opinion and shove it up her ass for all I cared.

  I knew what she was saying was true, but I would feel less than a woman, hell less than a person, to see this boy brother being wheeled in here bleeding half to death and I not tell him. Yeah, he did the ultimate no-no and caused me to lose our first child, but I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if something happened to his brother and I knew he was here at the hospital. I didn’t know why Co-Co ass was so upset, though. She acted like it was her issue and not mine. When she stormed out the room, I just shook my head. Jay gave that bitch the right name—Coo-Coo!

  “What man?” answered Jay on the first ring. I don’t know why he was so fucking upset. I should be the only one pissed! Shit, it was me that was beat by his ol’ retarded ass. I was the one laying up there in the hospital bed, pussy bleeding and shit from a miscarriage, and with seven fucking stitches in my forehead. Nah, he had no reason to be mad. And even if I did—which I didn’t—send the picture and approach that damn girl, Jay was all the way out of line. What he did to me was uncalled for.

  “Look, I don’t know what happened, but I’m at the hospital and they just wheeled your brother in here,” I matched his funky ass attitude. The music in his background was turned off and there was silence.

  “What the fuck happened?” he wanted to know. I could’ve sworn I’d just said I didn’t know.

  “I don’t know, but I think you better get down here. He was covered in blood,” I informed Jay. I don’t even think he said bye before he hung up in my face—if he did, I didn’t hear him.

  Sitting my phone in my lap, I threw my head back on the pillow that was behind me. My body was in so much pain from the beating I’d received earlier. What made it so freaking bad was that it was for no reason at all. I really didn’t have nothing to do with the shit Jay was accusing me of, and I just wished he would believe me when I told him that. How the picture got in my phone and the ring in my room–at that very moment, I still didn’t know. Someone had set me up. It was plain to see that Co-Co could’ve been the only one that could have done it; I just didn’t want to believe it. I didn’t want to believe she would do something like that to me. Though she’d been acting strange, the girl was like my sister.

  The doctor came in with my discharge papers and prescription, then sent me on my way; once I was dressed, I called up Co-Co to see where she was. She let me know she was waiting inside the waiting room, and I walked my sore ass up front where she was. Just as the doors opened to the waiting room, I came face to face with Jay, his ex, and the rest of the crew. We made eye contact, and my heart went out to him. I didn’t know what was going on with his brother, but I could tell Jay was hurt. I just dropped my head and walked over to Co-Co.

  “I’m ready,” I said weakly to her. I was mentally and physically drained. I was hurting on the inside, and felt that I would break down and cry at any moment. Not from the beating or Jay, but for the child I’d miscarried. I was hurting.

  Co-Co got up and walked ahead of me out the door. Jay and I made one last eye contact before I disappeared. How could I even feel for him what I was feeling when he was never mine to start, nor would he ever be? The mug his ex, Asia, was giving Co-Co didn’t go unnoticed either. That’s why when I got inside the car, I asked her did she know her.

  “No, I mean, I’ve seen her a time or two, but I don’t know the bitch like that. I saw how she was staring like she had some shit to get off her chest,” Co-Co replied. The whole time she talked, her eyes never left the road. Lord, please don’t let this child have nothing to do with this shit, I prayed to myself.

  “Co-Co, do you know how a picture of Jay got in my phone. He was laying in my bed or whatever, but I know damn well I didn’t take a picture of him,” I asked what I wasn’t sure if I wanted to know the answer to.

  “Girl, how would I get a picture of that nigga; and in your bed at that? Are you still on the fact that me and him slept together that one time? I told you, that was nothing! You know Jay is a dog and don’t give a fuck who he hurt in the process of him doing his dirt. Jay don’t give a fuck about nobody but himself!” Co-Co said what I already knew about Jay.

  I nodded my head up and down, but said nothing in response. The same thing she’d said about Jay applied to her as well. Neither one of them knew the true meaning of loyalty, because she would’ve never slept with him behind my back, and he would’ve never slept with me behind his girl back. So how could Co-Co sit over there and say someone else didn’t give a fuck about nobody but themselves when she was rocking the same damn boat? Shit, she didn’t give a shit if she hurt me during the course of her fucking him, so she could stop trying to down talk Jay when they were walking in the same fucking shoes.

  Chapter 6

  Hospital Drama!


  I couldn’t believe someone actually tried to kill Tez. Like, what the fuck was going on? I knew they were in the drug game, but I didn’t think it was that deep for mothafuckas to gun for him like that. I was getting damn agitated because the doctors and nurses weren’t telling us shit but he was in surgery. I’d grown to love Tez as a brother, so when Jay’vion called me and told me that he had just got the call that he was in the hospital, I jumped in my ride and took off here. I didn’t ask no questions or nothing, just brought my ass here.

  Now, what pissed me off was when I got here, I saw that bitch that had approached me in the mall sitting in the waiting room. She didn’t have the blonde weave, but I would recognize that damn face any
where. I was beyond pissed, and under a different circumstance, I would’ve been all over that ass. And for Jay’vion to sit up here like he didn’t know what the fuck was going on, I was tempted to punch his ass in the ear. All this time he’d been sitting up here questioning me like he didn’t know who I was talking about when the bitch was sitting right in his face. I was in deep thoughts when out of nowhere, the chick I’d been seeing him with walked from the back looking a hot ass mess. Somebody had dragged her ass all up through there!

  When she walked over to the bitch that I had given my ring to, I tilted my head and wondered what the fuck those bitches had going on. They exchanged words before walking out together. Jay and the one that he’s always with exchanged stares before she disappeared. I pressed my lips together and rolled my eyes, then shook my head. After the way Jay came over to my house earlier, I wouldn’t be scared to bet he had something to do with that girl looking all beat up and shit. Hell, lately that’s how he’d been portraying himself to be.

  “Jay!” I called out. He lifted his head and stared at me. Hurt and angry displayed on his face. It wasn’t going to stop me from asking what I wanted to know though. “Did you do that to that girl?” is what I wanted to know.

  “What? I ain’t touched that damn girl!” he lied with a straight face. I knew Jay all too well, and I knew he was lying. He beat that girl’s ass.

  “I know you did, and I’m telling you right now, you beat the wrong bitch ass!” Soon as the words left my mouth, I felt a tap on my shoulder and Jay looked up at the figure that was behind me. It was Ke’unta.

  “Ke’ baby, what are you doing here?” I asked him confusedly. I was kind of shocked that Ke’unta was actually here. After he walked out on me; I was pretty sure he would catch the first thing smoking back to New York. Or even if he didn’t, what was he doing here at the hospital. Like, how did he know where to find me?

  “Nah, fam. This family business! Fuck you here for?” That was Jay’vion’s loud outburst. Yeah, I was wondering the same thing, but Jay was just trying to start some shit like always. He was now standing mugging the shit out of Ke’unta, and I was standing right between them because Ke’ wasn’t backing down. He was mugging Jay just as hard. Now wasn’t the time or place for these fools to be going toe to toe.

  “Jay calm down,” I said to him, then turned to Ke’unta and asked once again what he was doing here. He couldn’t even answer my question, because he was too busy mugging the shit out of Jay. Thank God Tan, Kacey, and Lo came in when they did.

  “Oh my God, We came as soon as we heard. Asia, what happened?” Tan asked with teary eyes.

  “We don’t know anything yet. All we know is he was gunned down and he’s in surgery,” I replied as I pulled her in for a hug. My girl was crying and unable to hide her feelings for Tez. Her feelings were through the roof, and there wasn’t shit Kacey could do about it but sit over there and continue to look pissed.

  “Oh, so ya’ll just don’t give a fuck now, huh? Ya’ll mothafuckas out in the open with ya’ll shit now?!” I looked up to see who Jay’vion was talking to, and that’s when I noticed that Bree chick was there, and sitting with Lo. Jay’vion ass was on ten tonight. I know he was upset about his brother, but he didn’t have to take the shit out on everybody that was there tonight. It seemed like everybody that came, he had a problem with him or her. Shit, it wasn’t anyone’s fault that Tez was laid up in the hospital. They chose to live reckless in the streets, and this was the price he had to pay.

  “Jay, let’s take a walk,” I grabbed his arm, only for him to snatch it away from me. I swear, this man was so damn stubborn.

  “Nah, I ain’t going no mothafuckin’ where unto this nigga tell me what he’s here for. He didn’t come with you because you were already here. So how the fuck did he know where to come?” Jay wanted answers.

  Everybody’s eyes fell on Ke’unta, including mines. Shit, I wanted to know that too. I didn’t call to let him know I was there, so how could he have known?

  “The family of Mr. Davis,” called out the doctor. Jay, Tan, and me rushed over to him and said we were. I was surprised that Tan spoke up and I think she had done so before she knew it. “Mr. Davis’s surgery was a success. He’s a trooper and very blessed to be here because it could’ve been a lot worse. He was struck 4 times—once in the left arm, twice in the right shoulder, and once in the chest. My team and I have done a successful job of removing the bullets, and I can assure you that he will be up and running in no time,” he explained.

  A smile crept across Jay’s face, and I think we all said a small prayer thanking God at that moment.

  “Can I see him? I’m his big brother!” asked Jay’vion. The doctor let him know that Tez was highly sedated, but he could go back for a little while. It was pretty late, so I told Jay we would go on home and be back in the morning. After all, the doctor did say only one person could go back and Tez needed all his rest.

  Jay followed the doctor to his brother’s room, and Tan and me turned to go back into the waiting area. Ke’unta was holding a conversation with Lo, but they stopped talking once they saw us walking up. I didn’t think anything of it, though. That Bree chick seemed to be in her own world, and Kacey was occupied with his phone.

  “What’s up Asia? How is he doing?” Lo asked once I had gotten back to where they sat. Everyone eyes were on me, waiting to see how Tez was doing. I told them what all the doctor had said, and didn’t leave out a single detail. “So do they have leads on who could’ve done this shit?”

  “Not that I know of. When we first got here the police questioned Jay but they didn’t have a lead them. You know how they do it. They might just brush it off as a drug deal gone wrong or something,” I hunched my shoulder. I really didn’t know who could’ve done this, but it was fucked up nonetheless.

  Everyone walked outside and went our separate ways. Me and Ke’ stood there chatting for a while, and I thought maybe he would come back to my house so we could talk, but the mothafucker said he had a little business to take care of, then he was heading home first thing in the morning. Just shot my little ass down. He still seemed to have had an attitude with me, but I didn’t understand why. In honest truth, I didn’t want Jay, and I never gave Ke’unta any reason to believe I did.

  Okay, yeah, I felt some type of way when I saw him and that bitch at the restaurant, but I didn’t want to get back with him. I was going to give Ke’ some time, but I guarantee you that I wasn’t letting him get away from me.

  Chapter 7

  Family Ain’t Shit!


  I’d been so busy chilling with my shorty that I hadn’t had time to get up with my cousin and handle the little business I was supposed to handle with him. Asia was taking up all my time. I don’t know what it was about her, but she had a nigga head fucked all the way up. Hell, a part of me felt where that lame as ex of hers was coming from. Shorty had that touch that would fuck up your whole world. Asia was bad and just so sweet that it took all I had to walk out on her, but I couldn’t keep letting her ex keep trying me like I was one of these sucker ass Georgia niggas out here, so before I ended up hurting her by boding the nigga that I knew she still had feelings for, I decided to just let her go until she was completely over him.

  I’d just left the hospital and was going to meet up with my cousin. I pulled up to the address he’d given me to meet him at. Getting out, I walked up to the door and knocked.

  “Yo cuz man, what the fuck man?” Lo asked once he opened the door and I had done walked in.

  Carlos was my first cousin. His mother and my mother were sisters. I didn’t fuck with the nigga like that, because he was grubby as fuck. His ass was cut from a whole different cloth than I was, and if he ever brought his ass up north with some of the bullshit he got away with down here in ATL, his ass would be swimming with the fishes in a matter of seconds.

  “What the fuck you mean? Shit, how I supposed to have known it was your peoples busting at that nigga,” I asked h
im angrily. I didn’t know the nigga at the bar was the one Lo was beefing with when I was chatting with him. He never told me who the dudes were that he wanted me to murk. He always referred to them as couple of niggas that was sitting on major cash. Shit, he offered me a grip so of course I was going to jump on it. Shit, the plan was that I offed those niggas, got my cut, and went on about my business. I never knew it was the guy I sitting at the bar chatting with.

  “Man, yo’ job was to come down here and handle business, not make no damn friends. Bad enough you done came down here and fell in love with this nigga’s brother bitch. Now I gotta—.” I didn’t even let him finish his late sentence before I hauled back and punched his ass dead in the mouth. Instantly, his hand shot to his mouth to catch the blood before it hit the floor and stained the carpet.

  “Nigga, you got the game fucked up if you think I’m about to sit and let you call shorty out her name,” I let him know. Lo knows I don’t play like that, so I don’t even know why he tried me like that.

  “Okay-okay! Ya’ll needs to calm down cause ya’ll ain’t about to fuck up my shit!” said the girl that wasn’t the one I referred to as my cousin in law.

  “Yea, you right Bree. Aye, go back there and wet me a washcloth,” Lo ordered shorty. Once she was out the room, he said to me, “Yo, all I was saying is you didn’t come here for that. Now I have to fuck this nigga Jay up too, because he keeps coming at you all wrong and shit.”

  “Nah, I can hold my own. I don’t need you trying to check nobody for coming at me no kind of way.” He knew I could hold my own. I wasn’t trying to have beef with my own cousin, but he’d fucked me up when he called Asia a bitch. Whether he didn’t mean nothing by it or what, he was out of line. I ain’t never called Shay out her name and always showed her respect, so he was going to do the same.


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