What Hurts The Most 3

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What Hurts The Most 3 Page 9

by Tynessa

  Kacey cleared his throat and said, “Y-yeah. Of course we are.” I frowned and turned to face him.

  “Are you sure? Because you don’t sound too convincing. Do you really want this relationship to work or are you afraid that I might end up with Quintez?” I think Kacey truly did want this relationship to work but I also knew for a fact that if it didn’t, he was afraid I would end up with Quintez. I wasn’t stupid, and I knew how Kacey mind worked.

  “Tan, you know there’s nothing in this world I want more than to be with you,” he said as he kissed my lips. I believed him this time around.

  “Okay, well you’re taking me over there tomorrow.” That was the end of the conversation. No more words needed to be spoken. I turned my back to Kacey and positioned myself back into his arms like I never left them.

  The next morning, me and Kacey decided to sleep in. Well, he did anyways. Me on the other hand, I tossed and turned all night. I was anxious to see this baby Kacey claimed to have. Finally, after noticing I wasn’t going to get anymore sleep, I got up and began preparing breakfast. The whole time we ate, it was unusually quiet. There was no need for me to ask Kacey what was on his mind, because I already knew what it was.

  I really didn’t know what he was so nervous about. He claimed it was me he wanted, and he was letting her know that he didn’t want any dealing with her other than their son, so what was the big deal now? However, I wasn’t about to ask because I didn’t give a fuck.

  As I was cleaning the kitchen, Kacey quietly went and got in the shower. I swear, I couldn’t clean the kitchen fast enough, but once I was done, I went and hopped in the shower and got dressed.

  “I’m ready,” I walked back into the living room and said. Kacey was laid back on the couch walking TV. To my surprise, he got right on up.

  “Tan, when we get over there, don’t be on no bullshit and try to fight that girl,” said Kacey on the ride over to Rachel’s house. I turned in my seat to face him so fast.

  “Nigga, don’t tell me how to act. When we get over here, I should be on yours and her damn ass.” Just that quick, I was pissed off all over again. How do he expect me to act with the woman he cheated on me with? Did this dude really think I was just going to walk in there and be all cool with her?! If so, Kacey had another thing coming.

  “I’m saying that because you’re pregnant and my son with be there. I don’t need you losing my baby, and I definitely don’t need neither one of ya’ll going to jail.”

  Leaning my head against the headrest, I sighed deeply. “I’m not thinking about that damn girl,” I said.

  Honestly, I didn’t know what I was going to do or say once I saw Rachel but one thing was for sure–I was going to let her know how fucked up it was for her to sit up in my face that night we all went out and not say shit about having a child with my man–but then again, how could I be mad at her for not telling when she wasn’t the one that was obligated to me? I wasn’t fucking her, I was fucking Kacey damn near every night, so he should’ve been up front with me.

  “We’re here,” I heard Kacey say as he gave me a light shake. I guess he thought I was asleep being that I had my eyes closed. Opening my eyes, I looked at this gorgeous ass house and a shot of envy struck my body. I looked over at Kacey and he dropped his head.

  Getting out the car, I followed him up to the door step. As we stood there waiting for her to open the door, this nervous feeling came over me. Like, it felt as if I was about to fall out or something. Beads of sweat had formed on my forehead, and my body had began shaking. I never thought I would be approaching a woman that had a baby with my guy. Whatever the bullshit excuse was that made Kacey sleep with her, his ass knew better. At that moment, I thanked God that I didn’t get pregnant by Quintez while we were on our fucking spree, because this shit wasn’t a good feeling at all.

  Hearing the locks being unlocked, I quickly pulled myself together. I wasn’t about to let this bitch see me down. The door came open, and I came face to face with this big ass bitch. I studied Rachel and she studied me. Yes, I called her big, but she was gorgeous, nonetheless. Rachel’s one of those BBW—Big Beautiful Women. Her skin was flawless, and I could tell she carried her weight well. I knew for a fact that I wasn’t an ugly woman, but this lady had me feeling all self-conscious and shit.

  “Hmm, so it took this for you to come by and see your son?” Rachel asked with a snobbish attitude as she stood blocking the door path. I could already tell she was about to be the baby mama from hell.

  “Man, get the fuck out the way and don’t start all the bullshit! I told you I been dealing with some shit. Gotdamn!” Kacey fussed as he pushed past her. I just stood there, not knowing whether to follow him inside or go back to the car. I wasn’t about to sit there while those fools argued about that baby.

  “Yeah well, I don’t wanna hear that. Your son shouldn’t come second to anyone.” She followed Kacey like a mad woman. This chick was drama-filled. She was nowhere near as nice as she was the first time I met her. Fake ass bitch!

  “Shut the fuck up. Damn!” I heard Kacey say. He sounded aggravated and had a look of frustration on his face. “Come on Tan.” I guess he noticed I wasn’t behind him when he walked in, because he came back for me and grabbed my hand, pulling me inside the house.

  Once we got into the living room, I was unable to hide my pain as the tears rolled from my eyes down my face. That baby looked just like Kacey, and my heart was broken in a million pieces. I swear, though I was hurt, I wanted to beat that smile right off that bitch’s face.

  “Tan, this is Lil Kace,” Kacey introduced us. I gave him a weak smile before dropping my head. He was a cute little fella, but I just couldn’t stare at him for too long. Not right now anyways. The wound in my heart was just too fresh. “I-I wanna start getting my son,” Kacey said nervously, never taking his eyes off the little boy as he held him. I watched as Rachel’s whole demeanor changed, from bad to worse.

  “Excuse me? Start getting him for what? Where are you taking him? Because you’re more than welcome to come here and see him anytime you like. You already got your key, so you can let yourself in, like you already been doing,” she said as she cut her eyes at me. Now, I knew she threw that in there only to let me know that they were still fucking.

  “I caught your little hint, sweetie,” I let her know. “And Kacey will no longer need your key anymore because as of today, the only thing ya’ll needs to be discussing is Kacey Jr.” My voice cracked when I said the baby’s name, but I refused to let this bitch see me shed another tear over this little situation.

  “Really Kace? That’s how you feel, or is that your little supposed girlfriend’s doing?” asked Rachel as she eyed Kacey. I let her little supposed girlfriend comment slide. Finally, Kacey looked up at her and they made eye contact.

  “Nah, that my doing.” He stood up and reached into his pockets. Taking out his set of keys to my car, he removed a key and tossed it on the coffee table. “My girl and me is fixing our relationship, so whatever you and me had going on stops today,” Kacey let her know.

  “Oh really? So just like that? How about I just call your P.O, which is my sister, and let her know what’s really going on?” Rachel motioned, like she was going to grab the phone until Kacey laughed. She looked at him like he was crazy.

  “See, I figured you was going to do that, that’s why I called and had my address changed. I called her last week and she came by to look at our crib and everything. I’m good baby, I don’t need your ass for shit!” Kacey said to Rachel. That bitch’s face had turned to the lightest shade of red. Meanwhile, I was sitting here with a smirk on my face like ‘that’s right bitch.’

  “And I stated before, Kacey and you have nothing to talk about if it’s not pertaining his son, and he has no reason to come over here if Kacey Jr. isn’t here,” I added my two cents.

  “Well I have no problem with Kacey seeing his son. But I don’t know where he’s going to see him at if he’s not allowed over here to chill with him
. The only other women my son will ever be around other than me are the ones in my family. No other female will be playing step-mom with this one right here,” Rachel pointed to her son and said. Shit, little did she know, I had no problem with that, because I wasn’t trying to play step-mom to her child.

  “Man, you tripping now Rachel. Tan is the lady that’s going to be in my life and eventually the one that I’m going to marry, so it’s only right that Lil Kace get to know her,” Kacey tried to reason with her ignorant ass. Ol’ girl wasn’t trying to hear that.

  “Marry? Now that’s funny when just a couple of months ago, you swore up and down that ya’ll wasn’t even fucking. Then all of a sudden, you come over here talking about some she’s pregnant. Now you’re sitting here talking about marriage. You’re just confused Kacey, and don’t know what you want. You’re just a conniving bastard! Talking all that shit to me, only to get out and run back to her.” The hurt in Rachel’s voice didn’t go unnoticed. I almost felt sorry for her but shit, I was hurting too. No one felt sorry for me.

  “It’s funny that you’re sitting up here calling him a conniving bastard, but you continued to sleep with him knowing he was still with me, and if you didn’t know at first, when we all went out to dinner you should’ve stopped then. By the way, that was really fucked up to sit there with his homeboy and his girl and not mention ya’ll had a child together,” I stated.

  “Fucked up on whose part? Not mine, because I don’t have to answer anyone–you nor Jay. The only reason I even went out with him is because I needed to open Kacey’s eyes. His head was so far in your ass that he seemed to have forgotten about me and his son,” she said.

  “I’m pretty sure he didn’t forget about his son,” I said smartly.

  “Well I couldn’t tell. When Kacey found out I was pregnant, he had me thinking we would be a family; hell, even before I got pregnant, and that’s mainly why I helped him get out. I had no idea he would get out and run to your ass.”

  Kacey rubbed the top of his head and took a deep breath. I could tell he felt sorry for using Rachel, but his ass knew not to apologize in front of me.

  “Man, I ain’t getting into all that right now, Rachel. Am I going to be able to start getting my son or not?” he asked, changing the subject.

  “I don’t know, I have to think about it. I don’t know if I want him around your girl,” Rachel replied. I no longer wanted to sit there and have a conversation with this woman.

  “Come on Kacey, let’s just let her think this over,” I said as I stood and walked to the front door without giving them a second look. I had a lot of thinking to do, because I was dead ass serious when I said I wasn’t going through any babymama drama, and I could already tell that dealing with this chick was exactly what that will be.

  Chapter 19

  The Set-Up!


  Today was the day my brother and me were supposed to make our rounds and pick up money from our traps. It was also the day Lo and his crew were supposed to make their move on us. We had Rico and B to call him up to see which one of the traps he was supposed to hit and once we had the information, we had all the drugs that were there moved to another one of our spots and wiped everything down in the abandon house so there wouldn’t be any fingerprints that could be traced back to us.

  Rico was to stay outside the house while Lo went in and got the dope and money. I looked at my watch and seen it was 11:45 p.m.; almost show time. I then looked at Tez as he was getting the chopper ready.

  “You ready my nigga?” I asked to him. His arm was healed and my bruh was ready to put in work. Though it was a dangerous side of him and a side that I usually didn’t like to see coming out when we were younger, I was very proud of him. Tez stayed down for whatever.

  “Hell yeah,” he replied nonchalantly, never talking his eye off the gun as he loaded it up. I looked at my nigga and smiled. I ain’t gon’ even lie, I loved seeing this side of him whenever it did come out—which was very rare. Niggas took Tez’ kindness for weakness, and although he was laid back, he was far from a punk. Three things my brother didn’t play about—his life, his family, and his money!

  Sitting in the kitchen area, my phone vibrated indicating I had a text coming through. It was B letting me know that they were on the way, and that there had been a change of plans. I didn’t know what it was, nor did he say. I informed the crew, and nonetheless, we were ready for whatever.

  “Show time ya’ll,” I said, noticing headlights as I rushed towards the back room with Tez, Rico, and the big homie Breezy right behind me. I was surprised when that nigga in particular said he was down and ready for whatever we had in store. I ain’t saying Kace is a punk, but I know he ain’t about this life, either.

  Shortly after we got inside the back room, we heard the front door being kicked in. There were footsteps and rumbling, as if they were ransacking the place. We already knew it was only 2 of them that was supposed to have been entering the house, which was Lo and the nigga Chuck. The footsteps got closer to the back room and once the door opened and the lights flicked on, there stood Darius with four choppers staring him dead in the face.

  Tez smiled. “Surprise muthafucka!” he said.

  Darius looked as if he had seen a ghost, and I could have sworn that nigga pissed on himself. I guess this was the change of plans B was talking about. Here we were expecting Lo and Chuck’s snake ass, but they sent in Darius and B instead. It had me wondering if one of those sucker ass niggas put Lo up on game.

  “Didn’t expect to see us here, now, did you?” I heard Tez ask.

  “If you’re thinking about running, you can dead that idea, now!” I let him know as I cocked the gun back and B rounded the corner.

  “And drop that gun pussy,” B ordered, and Darius placed the gun on the floor.

  “You set us up,” Darius said. “Both of ya’ll some dead men walking once Lo finds this shit out,” he let Rico and B know. I would’ve never thought Darius would do some sneaky shit like this.

  Tez walked over to him with the chopper in is face

  “Now whose idea was it to rob us?” he asked calmly. “I thought we were all cool.” The whole time, Tez was wearing a smile. I just shook my head because my little brother wasn’t wrapped too tight in the head. Any mothafucka that smiled when he was upset was crazy as hell.

  “The whole thing was Lo’s idea. He’s out in the car waiting for me now,” Darius said nervously, causing us all to laugh. It’s funny how niggas would snitch their homeboys out when their backs were against the wall. “I swear man, he set this whole thing up.” I guess he thought we were about to spare his life for the little information he was giving.

  We knew Darius was telling the truth, though. This whole thing had Lo’s name all over it, and it was sad that Darius was about to lose his life all because he was easily influenced. Had he come to us when Lo first came to him with the idea of backstabbing Tez and me, then he wouldn’t be about to meet his maker. I understood his loyalty was with his brother, Chuck, though. I’m thinking maybe Lo got into Chuck’s ear, and that’s how they dragged Darius in.

  “Nigga he’s the one sold you out. Why you think he didn’t come? That nigga don’t give a fuck about you! He knew we were here, and yet and still he sent you to come.” Lo didn’t know shit unless either Rico or B had told him.

  “SHIT!” Darius cursed. “You might as well kill me now, because I ain’t telling you shit about him or my brother. Wherever ya’ll mothafuckas wanna know, then I suggest you find out on your own or get these two snitching ass mothafuckas to tell ya’ll.” He was just snitching Lo out, now he wanted to call Rico and B out. To me, this is the time he should be offering information, but he chose to cover for the nigga instead.

  Tez laughed as he backed back with his chopper still pointed at Darius.

  “I feel you on that, and I’ll be sending both Lo and your punk ass brother to meet you real soon,” I said as me and my brother lit his pussy ass up at the same time. We wer
e some coldhearted killers, and these mothafuckers weren’t nowhere near on our level. Once we was finished with Darius, we cleared the house, set that mothafucka on fire, and hopped in the car and sped off before the cops came.

  I knew Rico and B had tried to help set this shit up, but I still had a funny feeling about those two. How all of a sudden Lo had done changed up the plans? He was supposed to have been coming in the house, but at the last minute he sent in Darius and B. Nah, I knew something wasn’t right, and that’s why my brother and me had something in stores for Rico and B, or at least one. We weren’t going to act on it now, but those niggas were living on borrowed time.

  Chapter 20

  You Ain’t Shit—Breaking Point!


  I thought it was funny and kind of sad that Lo hadn’t been around in a week. The sad part about it was, he was a poor excuse of a man to not come around to see his sons. I didn’t give a damn if the nigga never stepped foot in my house again, but the kids on the other hand were starting to miss him. I didn’t understand why, because when he were here, all he did was curse at them and ignore the hell out of them.

  Now, the funny part of it all was I knew the no good ass bastard was trying to avoid me. I guess his good for nothing, disrespectful ho ass babymama informed him that she threw their engagement in my face. I didn’t understand how Lo could hurt me like that. I’d been with the mothafucker for ten plus years, and for him to propose to some ghetto bitch that don’t have shit and was never going to amount to shit was a slap in my face. I’d called the nigga and left him numerous voicemails, but he still had yet to call me. I swear, I don’t know how I stayed with Lo for so long.


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