Tequila Trouble - Nicole Leiren

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Tequila Trouble - Nicole Leiren Page 2

by Danger Cove

  Agnes grinned. "Told you."

  Jonathan blushed from her tease. "Lilly it is then. As I was saying, you're very good at what you do. Agnes has been filling me in on how you've been taking care of things at the tavern while the owner is away."

  "Thank you. She taught me well, and I have a great team."

  "You didn't mention how humble she was, Agnes."

  "Well, Agnes and I haven't been friends for that long, so she still has a few things to learn about me, I guess." I had to bite my tongue to keep from mentioning that he'd used up at least one, if not two, of his precious minutes buttering me up. I wanted him to get to the point. So I can say no and get back to the business at hand.

  "Right, you met when you did the interview for that newspaper article."

  Agnes jumped into the conversation. "Actually, I met Lilly last year when her mother was being held for questioning for murder."


  Jonathan laughed. "Everyone has secrets, Lilly. Some more costly than others. I'm sure your mother was found not guilty."

  I glared at Agnes, who was clearly amused by my aggravation. "For the official record, my mother was never charged, just questioned. She was released, and the real killer was apprehended." I left out the other details about my involvement in that whole matter. I wanted this conversation to be over as soon as possible.

  Jonathan nodded. "I've done my research. I always thoroughly vet potential investors before I approach them. Can't have anything tarnishing the polished silver of my reputation, can I?"

  And there it was—the reason for his visit and the why we should get out our checkbooks. I breathed a small sigh of relief he wasn't even going to try the matrimony angle.

  Agnes, on the other hand, might be disappointed he wasn't at least going to try that angle with her. I swear she was batting her eyelashes at him as she talked. I couldn't be sure how much of that was tequila inspired and how much was just Agnes being…well, Agnes.

  "I don't mean to be rude, but it's a Saturday night, and as you can see, we're very busy. Based on the not-so-subtle hints you've dropped, you're here to ask for money." If Agnes weren't so distracted by his charm, she'd see his intent as clearly as I did. He was just one in a long line that had arrived in Danger Cove looking for a handout. I really should throttle Duncan Pickles for sharing our stories. If Agnes wanted to announce her newfound wealth to the world, that was fine. One of these days I'd learn to stop succumbing to peer pressure. I preferred to live a quiet and simple life. Chef Jonathan represented neither of those.

  He had the decency to look taken aback by my statement. "Lilly, I would never ask you for money. Well, certainly not the two hundred thousand I'm seeking from Agnes. I understand your inheritance was less sizeable than Agnes's lottery win. I'm looking for fifty thousand from you, but the important question is, what am I offering you?"

  First he insulted my bank account, and then he wanted to play twenty questions. This should be good. "Okay, I'll bite. What exactly are you offering me in exchange for my paltry fifty grand?"

  His chest expanded more than a puffer fish's. "What I'm offering you is the opportunity of a lifetime."

  Agnes leaned closer to Chef Jonathan. "Do tell us more. I live for opportunities."

  I swear her smile dripped with syrup—it was so sweet. The question was, opportunities for what?…but I'd save that question for when Agnes and I were alone.

  Jonathan put his hand on Agnes's shoulder and turned the charm up another notch. "I'm expanding my empire by opening a premier restaurant in San Francisco. It will be unlike any other restaurant in town." His pride was evident, and arrogance oozed from every pore. "Of course, with my name on the door, success is guaranteed regardless."

  One corner of my mouth quirked up in an effort to keep my eyes from rolling. I was pretty sure there was an invisible connection between the two expressions. "Of course."

  Agnes leaned back and crossed her arms, a dangerous gleam in her eyes. "Well, I'm not convinced. I, for one, have never had the privilege of eating cuisine you've prepared. You may be famous in other areas of the country, but before I invest my money, I would need you to demonstrate your expertise."

  Jonathan's ego balloon deflated an inch or two, which was highly entertaining. I liked that she aggravated people around her equally, regardless of status. Maybe that was part of the reason she and Rico were already on a rocky road.

  "As much as I would love to, Agnes, I fear I have no place to demonstrate for you. And…" He winked at her. "I didn't come to Danger Cove for the sole purpose of seeking investment capital." He looked directly at me. "I came with the intention of convincing Lilly to come and work for me. I want her to run the restaurant."

  I fought the urge to use one of the plastic swords in the garnish bin to clean out my ears. I couldn't have heard him right. "I'm sorry. What did you say?"

  "I want you to leave Smugglers' Tavern and be the manager of my newest venture."

  The world stopped for just a moment as I contemplated his offer. One part of my psyche reminded me this was Mr. Charm, and he would say or do anything to get what he wanted. You didn't get to be the top dog and as well respected as he apparently was without knowing how to appeal to the ego of others. The other part reminded me that I'd been worried about how I would fit in once Hope returned. Maybe this was the universe showing me a new path? I'd need to ask Ruby. Not only was she Hope's best friend, but her life experience and the way she was in tune with the universe had also provided solid counsel to me on several occasions. My goal was to be at least half as wise as she was, and if I could manage to be as toned, tanned, and tough as she was too, life would be good.

  Agnes turned serious. "Lilly being involved would definitely sweeten the pot, but I simply must taste your cooking before I make a sizeable investment."

  Score one for Agnes. She had Jonathan drooling at her use of the word sizeable. The swoonee had become the swooner. Those probably weren't words, but they were working for me in this moment.

  Jonathan pulled his lower lip into his mouth and chewed thoughtfully before answering. "My reputation should speak for itself. I'd be happy to host both you and Lilly at my restaurant in Los Angeles."

  I shook my head. "I can't make the trip. Sorry. With Hope away, I'm in charge. I take my responsibility very seriously."

  Julie, the young woman who got my job at Charlie's Cove Restaurant and my former apartment when she moved into town was also sitting at the bar. She must've overheard part of our conversation. "I'm sure Uncle Charlie would let you use his kitchen tomorrow morning. Smugglers' is open, but we're closed."

  Agnes clapped her hands together and sat up straighter. "Brilliant! You can showcase your talents for us, and then we can discuss business on Monday when Lilly is off work."

  Jonathan shook his head. "I'd planned to leave town on Monday. I'll have to see if my schedule can be adjusted."

  "I'm confident you'll find a way." Agnes grinned as she closed in on her victory.

  Small beads of perspiration had formed on Jonathan's chiseled jaw. Why was he so nervous?

  About that time, Tara brought out his food. Her hands only trembled slightly as she put the food in front of him. "Here you go, chef. I hope you like it."

  He held up his finger to indicate she should wait. He couldn't see it, but I noticed her foot tapping a mile a minute. I knew she had nothing to worry about, but right now the only confirmation she would hear would be from her idol. He cut into the chicken and lifted the piece to his nose to inhale the seasoning and spice. A moment later, the bite finally disappeared behind those gleaming incisors. If the man did everything as slowly as he chewed, it was a good thing someone else would be running his restaurant, as people would die of starvation waiting for him to finish a meal.

  Finally, his eyes closed as he murmured his approval. "Perfecto. Well done, young lady."

  Forget swooning. Tara practically melted right in front of me. Her mouth opened, but nothing came out. I decided to rescue
her. "She says thank you. We're glad you enjoyed that first bite. Just wait until you consume the whole meal."

  He reached across the bar and clasped Tara's forearm. "Say you'll be my sous chef tomorrow when I prepare a meal for these two ladies."

  Tara finally found her voice. "I always work with my sister. Can she come too?"

  The pomp returned to Jonathan's circumstance. "Of course she can. If she's part of the team that created this savory selection, I would be honored to share the kitchen with both of you."

  "Great. Thank you! I'll let her know."

  He turned to Julie. "If you'll double-check with your uncle…"

  She held up her phone to show the text message exchange. "He's good to go. You can get in there by seven in the morning. Serve breakfast by eight. That way everyone can be here by the time they need to get ready for opening. I'll even help you clean up."

  Agnes clapped her hands together. "It's all set then." She looked at me. "I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be a day that will change our lives forever."


  When I arrived at Charlie's Cove the next morning, Agnes and Rico were already there. I'd brought Tanner with me as we'd had precious little quality time together lately due to how busy we'd been with the tavern and his finals schedule. It was hard to believe he was graduating in just a few short weeks.

  "Good morning, Lilly. Tanner. Good to see both of you." Agnes appeared much happier to be here than her husband.

  I nodded. "Morning, Agnes. Hi, Rico. Good to see you again."

  Rico stood, took my hand, and kissed its back. "Good morning yourself, beautiful. My apologies for not dining in your fine establishment more often. I will remedy that right away."

  I wasn't sure who was more aggravated by Rico's actions, Agnes or Tanner. Tension radiated off both. I took it for what it was…a player being a player. Just because he'd put a ring on Agnes's finger didn't mean he could stop being who he was—at least not for a while. It was no surprise Agnes had been attracted to him. He stood about six foot tall with coal black, close-cropped hair and a five o'clock shadow that had no regard for what time of day or night it was. It worked for him.

  Tanner's blond hair, ocean blue eyes, and lean build worked for me. Which was why Rico's flirtations rolled off me faster than tequila slid down Agnes's throat. I smiled at Rico and grabbed Tan's hand while ignoring the caveman vibes emanating from every muscle in his body. Maybe if Agnes and Rico came to Smugglers' together more often, I could learn more about their relationship and try to help my friend. "That sounds great. I look forward to seeing both of you there."

  About that time, Clara, twin sister to Tara and her right hand in the kitchen, came out. "Lilly, can I see you for a moment?"

  Her serious demeanor put me on high alert. "Sure."

  "In private."

  I squeezed Tan's hand. "Be right back."

  Clara and I moved to the opposite side of the seating area. "Is everything alright?"

  She crossed her arms and scowled. "No, everything is not alright. He's supposed to be the chef of the hour, yet Tara and I are doing all the work. And…" She stressed the word by drawing it out and lacing it with irritation. "When he actually does do something, it's totally wrong. When Tara tries to clarify his intent, he laughs and says he was testing her. I swear, Lilly, you'd think we were the top chefs rather than him."

  While understandable that she was frustrated, her irritation level seemed incongruous with what she'd told me so far. "Maybe he's trying to teach you both? I'm not sure. I don't know how things are done in a kitchen. I never spend any quality time in the Smugglers' or in my own, for that matter."

  Clara leaned in and lowered her voice to a whisper. "Oh, he's testing Tara, alright. He said he wanted to hire her to be the head chef in his new restaurant."

  My stomach, along with any appetite I'd brought with me, dropped to the wooden floor of Charlie's dining area. While he'd mentioned that he wanted me to manage his new restaurant, it hadn't been an official job offer. I saw it more as him offering an incentive to invest the fifty grand he'd mentioned first. Despite his supposed stellar reputation, even if it were an official offer, I wouldn't take it—at least I didn't think so. Gram taught me to never say never. But Hope had been so good to me. I'd made friends, found my family roots, and had Tanner in my corner. No fancy-shmancy restaurant in San Francisco was going to seduce me with its siren song regardless of how beautiful the music might be. "What did she say? Did he offer you a job too?"

  "She's too busy gushing over him. I'm getting sick. Can we just leave? Please?"

  I'd never seen Clara this upset. Since I'd known them, Clara and Tara had done everything together, even finished each other's sentences. The fact that Jonathan wanted to separate them and that Tara hadn't immediately shut him down…not good for one half of the dynamic duo. "Of course, we can. Let's grab Tanner, and we'll leave."

  We walked back to the table and found Agnes and Rico in a whispered, but heated, discussion. This morning wasn't going well at all. "We're going to leave, Agnes. I think you and Rico should come too. This just doesn't feel right."

  Rico stood. "I agree. I want to get out of here. I only came to make my bride happy."

  Agnes crossed her arms. "She will only remain happy if we stay and enjoy the meal that's being prepared for us."

  Clara interjected, "Well, I'm leaving. I don't want any part of this." Even though her words were strong, the moisture gathering in the corners of her eyes gave her away.

  Her emotional distress broke through to Agnes. Clara and Tara's childhood home, and where their parents still lived, was next door to Agnes's house. She nodded. "Okay, dear, no need for tears. We'll go and get this all sorted out."

  Just as we all stood, Tara came out with a tray of drinks. "Hi, everyone. Please take your seats. Agnes, we have a blood orange margarita for you. There's green tea with honey for Lilly. I wasn't sure what the rest of you would like, so I have some options for you to choose from."

  The earnest expression on Tara's face set a battle to raging inside Agnes, if the way she looked from one twin to the other was any indication. I didn't blame her. I didn't think I'd be able to choose between the two of them. We'd never had to until Chef Jonathan showed up.

  Wanting to end the stalemate, I took Clara's hand. "You and your sister both worked hard on the meal. Why don't we eat it, and then we can talk through everything? Will that be okay?"

  Clara's chin dropped perceptibly as she wiped the errant tears. "You stay and eat, but I want to leave. I'm not feeling well."

  I gave her a hug, my way of trying to hold her heart together until we could find a way to do more than a patch job on it. "Do you want to take today off?" I whispered as I squeezed a little tighter.

  She didn't answer, but from the direction of her head movement, I interpreted her response as a no. "I'm going to go to the park for a little bit to clear my head, but then I'll go to the tavern and get started on prep."

  "Okay. I'll be there as soon as I can. Call my cell if you need anything."

  Before she could leave, a blonde woman came in the restaurant. I spoke up right away. "I'm sorry. The restaurant is closed. This is a private event." The last thing we needed was a stranger to witness all this drama.

  The woman completely ignored me. "Where is he?"

  "Where is who?" I felt another round of twenty questions starting.

  She ignored me—again. This time her gaze traveled the room, resting for a moment on each person. As the woman completed her survey, Clara explained to me in a soft voice, "That's Allyson Seavers. She and Jonathan were an item until a month or so ago when they had a very public breakup." She leaned closer to me and lowered her voice. "The tabloids said she cheated on him."

  Okay, never mind about our drama. This woman was bringing enough of her own baggage to fill Samsonite's new fall line. When her gaze landed on Rico, fire blazed. "What in the hell are you doing here? You low-life sack of…"

  "Hi, I don
't think we've met. I'm Tanner Montgomery."

  Tanner, accustomed to dealing with rowdy patrons at the tavern, stepped in to play my favorite role: knight in white cotton.

  Allyson stopped long enough to give Tanner a quizzical glance. Maybe she was weighing what level of politeness she should extend to him or whether to simply ignore him and resume her attack on Rico. Either way, the pause would hopefully de-escalate this situation.

  Oblivious to the action unfolding, Jonathan emerged from the kitchen with a tray full of food. "Brunch is served. We have cinnamon raisin bread with custard and fresh berries and artichoke scrambled eggs benedict. I wanted to make you some of my signature recipes, but I fear that I was unable to secure the supplies in the short time that I had. I will also be serving—"

  "Jonathan, I need to speak with you." Allyson interrupted his menu mantra.

  He ignored her statement—guess two could play at that game—and began placing the dishes in front of us.

  Allyson continued despite his silence. "I made a mistake. I still love you, and I intend to fight for you…for us. I'm sorry."

  "As you can see, I'm very busy."

  Ouch. Score one on the hurt card for Jonathan. To her credit, Allyson held it together. She looked at Rico. "For the official record, I hate you and rue the day I ever laid eyes on you."

  Rico chuckled. "It was more than your eyes, baby."

  Allyson lunged toward him, but Tanner was lightning fast and got in between them. "You should probably go now."

  His voice was calm, low, and sent a spark of sexy right to my core. I needed to get a grip on my hormones before I added a whole different level of drama to this scene.

  Allyson lifted her hands in surrender and stepped back. "I'm leaving." As she got to the door, she turned to Jonathan. "This isn't over. You and I both know it."

  She'd no sooner left than Clara stepped toward the door. "I'm leaving too." With one last heart-wrenching look at Tara, she disappeared.

  Tara had the decency to look a little dejected too. Definitely needed to make fixing this a top priority when we got back to the tavern. Wanting that to be sooner than later, I lifted my fork. "Bon appétit, everyone."


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