Her Alphas [Wolf Packs of Fate: Garrett Pack 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Her Alphas [Wolf Packs of Fate: Garrett Pack 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 3

by Jane Jamison

  Laney stalled as the other three customers in the shop regarded her. “I guess Shawna gave you a call and told you I was headed this way.”

  “You guess right. Come on in.” Betsy wrapped an arm around Laney’s shoulder and brought her farther inside the store. “I hear you made an impromptu trip and forgot to pack any clothes.”

  The stares of the other women intensified. Laney did her best to ignore them. It helped that Betsy was so welcoming. “Sort of.”

  “Well, don’t you worry. We’ll get you fixed up right away.”

  The store held a variety of items, ranging from jeans to dresses. Vibrant colors warred with darker, more subdued blacks and grays, but it was obvious that everything was made of quality material.

  Betsy waved at the others. “Ladies, I’ll be right back. Until then, check out the sales section.” She leaned closer to Laney and whispered, “Maybe then they’ll stop staring at you.” She hurried Laney toward the back of the store and the changing rooms. “You let me dress you, okay? I’ll bring you a bunch of different things. You can tell me what you like and what you don’t and then we’ll go from there. Sound good?”

  Laney nodded, overwhelmed by Betsy’s personality. Stepping into a changing room, she decided she’d go with the flow. “Okay.”

  “Good deal.” Betsy’s gaze slid up and down Laney. “Do you need everything?”

  “I do.”

  “No problem. I’ll be right back.” Moving swiftly and gracefully, Betsy hurried back to the store.

  Laney had barely gotten her running shoes off when Betsy returned with her arms laden down with clothes. “Wow. Wouldn’t it be easier if I tried on everything out there?”

  Betsy’s laugh was contagious. “I never could tolerate those stores that only allowed six items in the changing room. I understood why they did it, but it was still irritating. Anyhoo, these will get you started. Try on what you like and hang the others on that second hook on the wall.”

  “Will do.” The number of items was more than she’d ever want to try on. Still, she couldn’t say no. Not after Betsy had gone through so much trouble. “I really don’t need a lot of things.” As soon as she figured out what to do about Harlen and the pills that were now back in the trunk of her car, she’d head home. If the summer heat damaged the pills, then so what?

  “Whatever you think. But I tell you what. You buy five items and I’ll throw in a sixth at half price. How’s that?”

  “Thanks. I appreciate it.” Since she had to buy both underwear and other clothes, getting six things wouldn’t be hard to do.

  Yet instead of leaving as she thought Betsy would do, the woman leaned against the doorframe. “I heard that the Rann men have shown an interest in you.”

  Laney dropped the shirt she’d picked up. “What? Who?”

  Even more interest sparked in Betsy’s eyes. “The man who bumped into you outside Shawna’s place yesterday. That was Brady Rann.”

  As though she could ever forget him. The man had taken her by surprise in more than one way. He’d been gorgeous, supermodel-hot but built like a cowboy who spent his days doing hard manual work. Work that had callused his hands. Hands she’d dreamed about skimming over her skin.

  “Oh. So you do remember Brady? Then again, he’d be hard to forget.”

  Laney blinked, suddenly aware that her feelings, her instant attraction to Brady showed on her face. “I really don’t know what you’re talking about. He introduced himself, that’s all.”

  Realization dawned on Betsy’s face. “So Shawna didn’t tell you that all three of the Rann men showed up at the B&B? Didn’t she tell you that they wanted to talk to you? Hell, from the way Shawna talked, they were about to break down the door to get to you. Sure sounds like they’re interested to me.”

  She struggled to find the right words. “I really don’t know what you’re talking about. Brady introduced himself and that’s all. Besides, I didn’t see any other men.” She scooped to pick up the shirt as much to hide her embarrassment as anything else.

  “Girl, that’s the way it works around here. The men take an interest, and, hopefully, their interest is returned.”

  “The men? As in more than one?”

  She laughed again. “Around here, having more than one man is the norm. I’ve got three.”

  “Three? At the same time?” She’d heard of ménage relationships, had even fantasized about being in a foursome, but she’d never met anyone who was actually in such a relationship. And it was the norm in Fate?

  “At the same time, definitely. Trust me. It’s the best way to go.”

  She wasn’t sure what to think. Three men interested in her? If Brady Rann was one of those three men, it would be exciting. And if the other two men were as handsome as Brady, it would be phenomenal.

  If only she didn’t have the problem with her brother hanging over her head, she might indulge. The attraction between Brady and her had been brief but electrifying. She could only imagine what it would be like with two more men added to the mix.

  “Getting hooked up—and I mean that in every way possible—with the Rann men wouldn’t be a bad thing. In fact, it would be a damn good thing. A hell of a damn good thing. They’re good men, strong, reliable, and sexy as hell.”

  “Betsy, I’m not sure why we’re even talking about them. I won’t be staying long enough to get involved with anyone.”

  “Well, then, that’s a shame. I’d think twice about staying if I were you. You might regret it later on. Provided, of course, they let you make that mistake.” Betsy pushed away from the wall. “Just holler if you need me to take things away or add to them.”

  “I will. Thanks.” Laney stood in the small room and stared at her reflection.

  Three men. Just imagine.

  * * * *

  Laney hefted the large bag filled with clothes from one hand to the other. Using her shoulder to push her way out of Classy Cat, she half stumbled over the high threshold and onto the sidewalk. A firm hand on her arm kept her from falling.

  “Hey, look who’s here.”

  She’d heard his voice only once, but she would’ve recognized the deep sound that resonated through her body. Slowly, she lifted her gaze to Brady Rann’s. “Oh. Hi.”

  The two men with him were just as sexy and masculine as Brady. The weather was already unseasonably warm and they sent the heat index soaring higher. She swallowed, her mouth suddenly dry as she took in their broad shoulders, dark eyes, and rich brown hair. Each of them had taken their cowboy hats off.

  “Laney, these are my cousins, Dart and Ethan Rann.”

  She smiled as best she could with the sudden rush of need scorching through her. Being attracted to a man wasn’t anything new, but these feelings were so much more than anything she’d ever experienced. Intense. Heated. Blazing from the inside out.

  “We’re really glad to meet you.” Dart’s dark eyes brightened, highlighted by bits of amber. “Really glad.”

  “O-kaaay.” At least her mind was working well enough to stay leery. Why were they so happy to meet her? Were they the kind of men who thought the new girl in town would jump straight into bed with them? Yet, as their appreciative and hungry gazes burned holes through her, she had to admit she just might be that kind of girl—for them.

  “You’re beautiful, you know that?” asked Ethan.

  Although she’d been complimented many times before, she’d never been comfortable with it. “Thanks.” They had surrounded her, pinning her between them and the door. “Is there something I can do for you?”

  “Sure thing.” Brady leaned in closer, his scent wafting over her. “You can have a drink with us later on.”

  She hadn’t expected his question, although it wasn’t really a question, but then again, she’d been too thrown after running into them to think of why they’d cornered her. “I don’t think so.”

  “Why not?” Ethan’s grin was contagious, but she fought back the urge to return the gesture.

I don’t know.”

  “Can you think of a better way to get to know us?” countered Brady.

  “I sure as hell can,” joked Dart.

  Brady whacked him across the chest. “Don’t mind him. He talks before he thinks. So what do you say? Meet us at The Wolf’s Den around eight tonight?”

  If she stayed trapped between them, she knew she’d say yes sooner or later. An image of the duffel bag filled with pills came and went. She didn’t have the time to get involved, not even for a short time. Holding her bag to her chest, she held her head high and pushed between Dart and Ethan. “I’ll pass.”

  “Aw, hell, honey, don’t go letting Dart’s big mouth ruin it for Brady and me.”

  “Again, no thanks.” She kept walking, lengthening her stride once she was past them. When she heard the sounds of their boots hitting the stones of the sidewalk behind her, she wasn’t surprised.

  “Laney, give us a chance. Say you’ll meet us for a drink. A drink’s no big deal, right?”

  Normally, she would’ve agreed, but with her brother and his drug problem hanging over her head, even normal didn’t seem possible. “No thank you.” They continued to follow her.

  Others on the street started watching them. Yet no one interfered. Instead, most of them seemed amused. She darted into the next place of business and came to a stop when the women inside all turned their attention her way.

  “Hey, there. Welcome to Stacy’s Hair Boutique and Gift Shop. I’m Melba. Stacy’s not in today, but I’ll be glad to take care of you.” The vibrant blonde sashayed over to Laney and took a strand of her hair. “Your hair is gorgeous, but nothing’s perfect, right?”

  “Oh, no. I mean I don’t need a haircut.”

  The woman’s silver-blue eyes narrowed. “Then what did you need? Maybe a gift? Are you here visiting a friend?”

  Melba wanted to ask more. Laney could tell she wanted to by the twinkle in her eyes and the twisting of her mouth as though she was doing her best not to say anything more.

  “No. No gift.” No friend really, either.

  “Then what can I help you with?”

  “I’ll bet it has something to do with the Rann men.” An older woman sitting under a dryer pointed out the store’s window.

  The Rann men hadn’t followed her inside, but they hadn’t left her alone, either. The three men stood outside, talking, yet obviously staying put.

  They’re waiting for me to come outside.

  “Ooh, is that right?” Melba peered out the window then turned back to Laney, her face filled with excitement. “They want you as their mate, don’t they? You are one lucky girl.”

  “Their mate? I don’t understand.”

  Melba enveloped her in her arms. “Don’t worry about it, sweetie. They’ll tell you in their own time. Until then”—she gripped Laney’s shoulders and forced her to face the door—”you take advantage of your good luck.”

  “Go and get them, girl,” called the older woman.

  Before Laney realized what was happening, she was out the door and, once again, facing the Rann cousins. She didn’t give them a chance to say anything but hurried down the street toward the B&B. Hopefully, since Shawna had kept them away last night, she’d help her again.

  “Darlin’, all we want is a drink with you.”

  She glanced over her shoulder at Brady. “And I said no thank you.”

  “But why not? We’re nice guys. I’ll bet Melba said as much.” Ethan hot-footed it past her and began walking backward as he talked. “It’s only a drink. Maybe a few snacks, if you want.”

  “Will you please leave me alone?” She refused to look at him. If she did, if those soulful dark eyes took hold, she might give in. It wouldn’t take much. A part of her wanted to meet them for a drink. Maybe even more than a drink.

  “We can’t, sugar.” Dart joined Ethan in front of her.

  “Why can’t you?”

  “Because we need you. Because we want you.” Brady joined the other two, sometimes walking forward and speaking over her shoulder and sometimes walking backward like the others.

  She slammed to a stop and reversed direction. “You don’t even know me.”

  “But we will,” protested Ethan. “That’s kind of the point of getting a drink together. To get to know each other.”

  They had to be making a scene. She heard a few chuckles, confirming that people were getting a kick out of watching them. “I’m not staying here for long. In fact, I’m leaving tomorrow.”

  Brady took her arm, bringing her to a stop. “You can’t leave. We just found you.”

  She should’ve been furious that he’d taken hold of her arm, but she wasn’t. She couldn’t be angry when wild, wonderful sensations sizzled from him into her. When she finally pulled herself together, she jerked her arm out of his hold. “You didn’t find me. I came into town. That’s all.”

  His gaze bored into her. “You don’t understand yet, but you will. We’ll explain everything in time. Just say you’ll meet us for a drink.”

  When she started to refuse yet again, he added, “The Wolf’s Den is a safe place. Lots of the local women go there. Even Shawna.”

  If she continued to say no, she realized they’d keep hounding her. They were like dogs with bones. “Fine. One drink. But that’s it.”

  “Great.” Ethan leaned his arm on Brady’s shoulder. “And don’t worry. Brady and I’ll keep Dart from acting like a fool.”

  “Now will you back off?” Her gaze slipped to those around her, most of who had stopped to watch. “Please?” she whispered.

  “Sure thing, darlin’. Then we’ll see you tonight at eight, right?”

  “Yes. Eight.” Yet would she? At that moment, she wasn’t sure if she was lying to get them to back off or if, given the way they made her feel, she just might take them up on the drink.

  “Then we’ll see you later, sugar.” Dart motioned to his cousins. “Let’s leave her alone.” He winked. “For now.”

  She stayed where she was, her body trembling as she watched them stride off like heroes in a western movie. She worried her bottom lip. Instead of relief, she felt disappointed.

  If it weren’t for Harlen’s damn drugs…

  Yet if it weren’t for Harlen’s drugs, she wouldn’t have come to Fate. Was that a good thing or a bad one?

  Maybe I should show up tonight and find out.

  The ringing of her phone interrupted her thoughts. “Hello?”

  “Damn it, Laney, where’d you take my bag?”

  She cringed, noticed that people were still watching her, then lowered her gaze and picked up her pace toward the B&B. She didn’t bother venting the fact that he hadn’t bother asking if she was all right. Sad, but true, he wasn’t concerned about her well-being. The only thing he cared about was the drugs. “I’m not going to let you get into any more trouble.”

  “You don’t get it. They want their money or their drugs. If they don’t get their shit, they’re going to kill me.” His voice was strident, fear lacing his tone.

  “No, they won’t.” At least, she didn’t think so. She checked around her, making sure she was far enough away to keep anyone from overhearing her. “They won’t kill you until they get the drugs back.” She prayed she was right.

  “Laney, please. You’ve got to come home.”

  She stopped, closing her eyes against the heartache. “If I bring it back, you’ll sell that poison and kill others.”

  “Fuck you, Laney! You’re going to get me killed. Hell, you might as well shoot me yourself.”

  A stabbing pain split her apart. Had she done the wrong thing? In trying to save her brother, had she sentenced him to death? “Harlen, there has to be a better way. We can go to the police and get protection.”

  Harlen’s laugh was caustic, resigned. “Fuck you, Laney.” His tone was softer than before, yet it sliced through her like a knife.

  “Harlen, we can get you out of this. Please—” But he had already gone.

  Chapter Thre

  Dart’s gaze followed Carl Garrett around The Wolf’s Den. “Just our luck that he had to show up.”

  “At least Moses isn’t here.” Brady slugged back another shot.

  “Don’t be so sure.” Ethan tipped his head in the other direction.

  Dart followed the gesture to find Moses heading in from the back room where the pool tables were. “Fuck.”

  “Don’t let them get to you.”

  As much as he knew Brady was right, Dart couldn’t relax. They’d known they’d probably run into some of the Garrett Pack, but he’d hoped it wouldn’t be some of the biggest shitheads of the pack like Moses and Carl. “We need to get out of this pack.”

  Brady waved to Krystal, telling her to pour them more drinks. “We will. Give it time. But to do it now would be tough.”

  They’d talked about leaving the pack before, had wanted to do so for a while. Joining the Garrett Pack had been a mistake. They’d joined because their parents had been part of the pack, but the pack had changed a lot since then. Moses’s father had been a fair man and a good leader. Moses was nothing like his father.

  “There’s never going to be a good time. We just have to do it. Especially now that we’ve found our mate.” Dart checked the front door, again disappointed when it was another woman who entered. “The last thing we want is to have her join them.”

  “You guys talking about your new mate?”

  Dart clenched his jaw. Why hadn’t he seen Carl coming up behind them? “We talk about a lot of things. None of which have anything to do with you.”

  “Watch it, Rann. You three are secondary alphas, and maybe, if we let it happen, one day you’ll become primary alphas. But even then, you won’t be on the same level as me. Moses and I rule the pack.”

  Brady leaned against the bar, his gaze down. Dart knew his cousin was doing his best not to react. Like Dart and Ethan, Brady disliked Carl more with each passing day. Not only was the man bad for the pack, he was bad for Fate.

  “Leave it alone, Carl.” Dart dropped his tone to a growl.


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