Edgar Aeternum, Book 1: Tales of Aeternal Love

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Edgar Aeternum, Book 1: Tales of Aeternal Love Page 22

by Jay Belle Isle

  "What about Jarvis?" Maddi asked. "She going to Xanser once you find her? It doesn't sound like you feel too sorry for her, Edgar."

  Edgar took a calming breath. He wanted Maddi to understand, yet he couldn't fully explain. Getting angry wasn't going to solve anything; of course, Maddi couldn't possibly know what it was like facing such threats dozens of times over the last four centuries. He wanted so badly for Maddi to stay, but he had a feeling he was on the verge of losing the happiness he'd only just discovered.

  He let out the breath slowly before responding. "If she's as much of a threat as we believe she may be, Serina Jarvis won't leave Earth. If she's not, we'll see." It wasn't perfect, but he knew a change of mind on Jarvis' death sentence was still possible.

  Maddi slowly shook his head. "This is too much to process, Edgar. You're basically telling me you're above the law and have had at least one person killed! How am I supposed to react? I'm working to become a healer; how can I handle this disregard for life? There are systems in place to handle this stuff, Edgar, whether you want scrutiny or not. What have you got to hide that's more important than someone's life?"

  Edgar looked at the floor. Short of telling Maddi of his immortality, he had no reply. Maddi, sensing that Edgar was holding back, said, "Well? Anything?"

  "Maddi," Edgar began, "I know you don't understand and I don't blame you for being upset. I wish it was different, but sometimes life isn't always black and white; there are shades of grey, especially once you reach a certain status. I don't like it, honestly, but despite my efforts at just living and letting others live, to some people I have a big target on my back. Is it an excuse? No, but it's the best I can do right now. Please understand," he said. Adding to the pain that he might lose Maddi, the fact that he was now violating the Code hurt, too.

  "I'm not sure I can understand, Edgar. This is so far removed from my life. I'm so sorry, but I need some time to think. It's like that cruel joke from earlier! Being with you feels so right and I don't want to walk away from it. I just don't know..." Maddi hung his head, sadness replacing anger.

  Edgar felt as though his heart had been ripped out. "Maddi, I..." he began.

  He stopped when Maddi raised his hand. "No, Edgar," he said. "I need time to think with my head, not my heart. I'm not saying goodbye, not yet. I have to go now. Please call me when your rep lets you know about the comm tap. If she's got you tapped, call and leave a message; just say 'yes'. That way, I'll know not to call the authorities if I notice your merc team following me. Say 'no' if there's no tap. If I haven't contacted you before this whole thing is over, say 'clear' when it's done. I hate this, Edgar; I'm so sorry."

  "Me too, Maddi," Edgar said. "I'll respect your wishes, of course," his voice cracked. "Just so you know, if the mercs are called in, you won't notice them; they won't interfere with your life in any way. Neither will I if you decide you're done with me. For what it's worth, Maddi, I'll never forget you. I'll get your clothes from the laundry center." He left Maddi in the kitchen, returning a moment later with Maddi's clothes.

  "Thanks, Edgar," he said, looking up, a tear rolling down one cheek.

  "You're welcome, Maddi," he replied, forcing himself to refrain from reaching out to comfort the younger man.

  Maddi dressed quickly and went to the door. He stopped, just before touching the pad to open the door and turned back to face Edgar. He took a breath to steady himself before he spoke, "No matter what, Edgar, I'll never forget you, either." He turned, palmed the pad and was gone.

  As the door whisked shut, Edgar finally lost the fight against his own tears as they spilled, hot on his cheeks.


  After securing the apartment, he instructed the HC to hold all calls, including those from Evans. He headed for the bedroom, calling these instructions as he went, including the closing of all drapes and the killing of all active lighting. Try as he might, he couldn't bring his emotions under control; the last time he'd felt pain this deeply was when his first and only mate had been killed.

  He fell onto the bed, burying his head in the pillow, sobs wracking his body. That he should be so upset about possibly losing Maddi surprised him, given their discovery of each other was so recent. As the CoL were fond of pointing out, though, emotions were never logical. The last thing he remembered before sleep finally took him was thinking that maybe, just maybe, the Children of Logic had the right idea.

  A seldom-heard alarm shocked Edgar awake. He was disoriented for a moment, alone in the dark, the sharp klaxon blaring. He finally came to his senses, ordered the lights on and asked the HC to ID the emergency caller and kill the aggravating alarm. "Comm ID: Barrister Evans; security hold override code: Omega-omega-six-two-four."

  "Open all drapes and tell him to hold one moment," Edgar said. The HC chimed in compliance and the drapes slid open on the coming dusk as Edgar went to relieve himself. When he was finished, he grabbed his robe and headed to the kitchen for some water. Once he'd taken a few swallows, he sat on the sofa and ordered the HC to put through Evans' call.

  "Mr. Aeternum!" the barrister's normally even voice showed the concern he obviously felt. The tone immediately put Edgar on guard. "I'm relieved to hear your voice! What's happened that you weren't taking my calls? It's not like you, sir!"

  "I'm sorry, Evans," Edgar said, "but I needed some time alone." He felt his stomach turn, remembering Maddi's words.

  "Is everything alright, sir?" Evans' tone was starting to worry Edgar.

  "Not really, Evans," he said, "but it has nothing to do with Jarvis. Mr. Bristow and I, ah, had a disagreement. He spent the night; it was possibly the start of something good, but when I told him about Miss Jarvis, he asked questions. 'Does it happen often? What do you do about it?' and others. He's also Andro, Evans; between that and the fact that this could've been something serious, I had to tell him. Your name didn't come up. This is just hitting me harder than I expected. I realize I shouldn't have blocked you, especially with Jarvis out there, but I couldn't face anyone. And now, I'm babbling. You have things to discuss, you don't call for no reason and I'm blathering on about my personal life." He paused, drank half the glass of water and continued, "I assume, since you're calling, that my comm's not tapped?"

  Evans waited to be certain Edgar wasn't going to start talking again. "Frankly, it's worse, sir; much worse, given what you've just told me." The barrister pressed on before Edgar could interrupt. "Miss Jarvis isn't simply unbalanced, Mr. Aeternum. Nor is she really 'Miss Jarvis'. The young lady's true name is Mariposa Campbell. Miss Campbell is a reformed criminal; she passed her psy'er treatments, barely. Enough so that they couldn't sen-depot her; not enough to not relapse. Mr. Aeternum, she's a first-class psychopath, a master hacker, and a former military computer specialist.

  My apologies, sir, I should have thought to check this but, despite the mil-grade firewall we put into place, your HC was compromised. She's been spying on you since her suit was dismissed; apparently, the clerkship at the bank was a convenient means for her to find victims to extort. When she found you, she thought she could retire early. I've taken the liberty of expunging her from your HC which, no doubt, she's discovered by now. This was hours ago, sir; it's seven-thirty and I've been trying to reach you ever since. Forgive me, but I took the liberty of checking your apartment for vital signs as soon as I regained control of your HC. When I found you in, I exercised the security override."

  Edgar jumped in before Evans could take another breath, "Wait! If she had the HC hacked, she had access to the comm line! We need to get those guards on Maddi and the others! How..."

  Evans cut him off, "I'm afraid that's where it gets worse, sir. I'm terribly sorry to have to tell you this, but the team guarding Mr. Bristow was almost in place when someone matching Miss Campbell's description intercepted him. The team was too far away to intervene and they lost him in the crowd. The other teams are in place, but it's my opinion that she has what she wants and will likely leave the others alone. I've mobilized
every resource I have, sir; we will find him and we will get him back. You have my word."

  Edgar was on his feet immediately. "How the hell did she take him in the middle of a crowd?"

  "They were in the restaurant district, sir. The team said Mr. Bristow appeared to be stumbling, as though drunk. She probably hit him with a shot of Trizine and the crowd thought he was drunk. Sir, I am terribly sorry. I know it's irrelevant, all of the people on your list are important, but I feel especially badly about this happening to someone..."

  Evans seemed to be at a loss for words. "No need, Evans," Edgar said, finally reining in his fear; he needed to think clearly now. "You had no way of knowing. I didn't even know until last night. I appreciate you telling me and pulling the trigger on a rescue plan. Obviously, no Altair Security."

  "No, sir," replied Evans. "While I admit their tracking ability is quite good, they're bound by their own rules. As we both know, that restriction often slows progress."

  "I agree, Evans," Edgar responded. "What else did you discover?" He found shifting the focus to the business end of the matter helped calm him further.

  "Other than what I've told you, sir, not much, yet. Given her expertise, she's remarkably good at covering up information," the barrister said. "However, I happen to be rather good at uncovering information. I expect to have more soon. At present, everything indicates she's working alone, though.

  "Good, Evans," Edgar said. "Keep me informed; I'll remove the call restriction so you won't have any trouble reaching me."

  "Very good, sir," Evans replied, some hesitation in his voice, truly an uncommon occurrence.

  "What is it, Evans? I have the feeling you're not telling me something," Edgar said.

  "Your feeling is spot-on, sir," Evans answered. "This is all speculation, of course, but Miss Campbell's prior criminal activities included sadistic torture of her victims. I certainly hope she's abandoned that particular interest, but I have to prepare you for the possibility that we may find Mr. Bristow in less than optimum health."

  Edgar's stomach lurched and he sat down heavily. "Understood," he said. "My philosophy is to hope for the best but plan for the worst. If he's injured, I'll assume full responsibility for his medical expenses; I want the very best, too."

  "As you wish, sir," Evan said. "Perhaps 'hoping for the best' will work."

  "Perhaps," Edgar said. "Though in my experience, it seldom does. I assume you have full access to Campbell's records?"

  "Yes sir," Evans answered.

  "I suggest investigating her other kidnappings, specifically the locations at which she kept her victims. If they're known, of course."

  "They are, sir," Evans said. "May I ask why, though?"

  "Of course," Edgar answered. "She may derive a perverse thrill from returning to the scene of the crime. Never mind the fact she was caught, she may view these places as her territory. Psychopaths believe they're the kings of their own castles, whether or not reality supports that belief."

  "Interesting," was Evans' only response.

  "I did a piece on the issue some time ago," Edgar said. "It required a fair amount of research."

  "Please send it to me," Evans requested. "It may contain other helpful suggestions."

  "Sure thing, Evans," Edgar said. "Is there anything else I should know?"

  "Not at present, sir," Evans said. "I'll call you the moment I have more."

  "Thank you, Evans," Edgar said.

  "Of course, sir," the barrister replied. "End call."

  Edgar sat, staring numbly at nothing in particular. Rousing himself, he instructed the HC to remove the call block and to send Evans the article on psychopaths. Once done, he forced himself to eat; a cloudy mind brought on by low blood sugar wouldn't help find Maddi.

  The inability to do anything further was maddening, but Edgar knew the matter was in the best of hands with Evans. Still, unable to contain the restless energy brought on by the whole situation, he put it to the best use he could and began working on the Ch'oran Crisis piece. Not only did it give him something to do, it was a great distraction from the scenarios of Maddi, bloody and hurting, that were running through his mind.


  Maddi woke, consciousness returning slowly, to find himself bound to a bed in a darkened room. He could hear voices in the next room, engaged in a heated discussion. One, a woman, seemed to be the person in charge. The man was doing a fair job of arguing, but seemed to be losing nonetheless.

  "...bring him here! What the hell is the matter with you, Serina?" the male voice shouted.

  "Watch it, Ridgley, unless you want to join him in there," the female voice was cold, but somehow familiar.

  Maddi was still groggy, but he was sure he'd heard that voice before. Then it hit him: He was on his way home from dinner at the restaurant where one of his roommates worked and he felt a sharp jab in his lower back. A moment later, a woman he'd never seen put her arm through his, leaned in and said, "You'll be fine, dear; you've just had too much to drink." The next thing he remembered was waking up here.

  The male voice called the woman Serina; the name of the woman stalking Edgar. Fear shot through Maddi and the cold hand of panic seized his throat. He pulled on his bonds to no avail; they were simply too strong. It was then that he also realized he was naked. As the panic threatened to overwhelm him, he forced himself to relax and focus on the argument in the next room.

  Maddi didn't recognize the name Ridgely, but it didn't sound as though the man was too happy to be involved in whatever was happening. "What, you're gonna tie me up, Serina? You've already been sucking my accounts dry, now you're gonna what, suck me dry?"

  "Don't flatter yourself, Ridgely. If your cock is as small as your accounts, trust me, you're safe. Besides, you're getting something out of our little arrangement, don't pretend you're not. Or would you rather the authorities know about your special interests? They tend to frown upon baby-rapers, you know. I hear it's an automatic trip to the nearest sen-depot. Wanna go? I can arrange that," she sneered.

  "Fuck you," Ridgely spat.

  "Now, now Ridgely," Serina's voice held nothing but contempt. "We both know I'm too old for you. Shit, even the child in the other room is too old for you. Tell you what; when I get what I want from his boyfriend, I'll give you back your pitiful accounts and you can buy all the pre-teen pussy and ass you want. If you don't piss me off too much. Deal, dipshit?"

  "Deal, you crazy bitch. What do you want me to do?" the fight had gone out of Ridgley's voice.

  "Simple," Serina said, "keep your dumbass opinions to yourself and follow directions. I have to go out now. He'll be waking soon; make sure he stays put. Those bonds should do it," she paused, "if you don't fuck up and fall for any tricks like, 'these cuffs are too tight, can you loosen them, please'," she said in a sing-song voice, "or other shit only an amateur would believe. Think you can pull your mind away from your crotch long enough to do that?"

  "Yeah, yeah," Ridgely said, defeated. "Y'know, your parents must be really proud of you."

  "I'm sure they would be," she said sweetly, "if I hadn't killed them when I was younger. Of course, I made it look like an accident. Anything else, asshole?"

  "Nah, just run your damned errand and get back here! I'm not a fuckin' babysitter!" Ridgely said.

  Serina laughed, a cruel sound. "That would be the perfect dream job for you, I imagine. Let me modify my instructions just a bit. I don't recommend you shift your age range to include our guest; if I come back and there's so much as a pubic hair out of place... I'll castrate you and feed you your own miserable balls. Clear?"

  "Clear," Ridgely said, sounding to Maddi as though he believed every word of Jarvis' threat.

  "Good. Make sure it stays that way," she said and silence followed.

  Maddi lay still, wondering if he could, in fact, tempt this Ridgely to help him. Then again, the possibility of losing his balls might make the man harder to convince. Still, it was worth a shot. He waited longer, making sure Jarvis
was really gone, before calling out. "Hey! Hey! Is anybody here? Help! Help me, please!" He waited, listening.

  The door suddenly whisked open, a swath of light cutting across the bed, perfectly showcasing Maddi's exposed midsection. A moment later, Ridgely entered the room. "Close your eyes, I'm gonna turn on the lights." He paused a moment for Maddi to comply. "Lights on!" he ordered and then gasped. "Holy shit! Can she pick 'em or what? She may be a crazy bitch, but she's got damn good taste."

  Maddi opened his eyes to the light. The first thing he saw was Ridgely, roughly mid-fifties, disheveled, paunchy and rubbing his crotch while ogling Maddi obscenely. Maddi closed his eyes, willing himself to not appear as repulsed as he felt; the man was disgusting.

  "Don't you look pretty?" Ridgely said, coming further into the room. "Bitch didn't say I couldn't look, did she? Maybe touch just a little..." He came closer to the bed. "Just so I don't leave any signs. Of course, you can't tell her, either; she'll make it bad for us both."

  "Look buddy, I don't know who you are or who she is, I don't even know what the hell I'm doing here! But if you help me, I'll do whatever you want. You wanna piece, I'll give you one; you want I should blow you, I'll be down on my knees in a heartbeat. Just help me!" He made himself look as scared and sincere as possible. "Seriously! Please, mister!"

  Ridgely looked torn between his libido and his forced allegiance to Jarvis. "Such pretty lips..." he mumbled, rubbing his crotch even harder.

  Maddi licked his lips staring into Ridgely's eyes, making himself look young and vulnerable. "Anything," he whispered. "Please..."

  Ridgley looked as though he'd seen paradise as he sat on the bed next to Maddi, reaching out and running the fingers of one hand from the base of Maddi's throat to just above his pubic hair. Maddi closed his eyes and shivered, hoping Ridgely would mistake his reaction for passion. He felt the man's clammy hand brush his cock and dip below to cup his balls.

  "Mmmmm... Yeah," he moaned, encouraging the man.


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