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Crowns in Conflict Page 28

by Theo Aronson

  12 Ibid.


  1 Fischer, Germany's Aims, p 301

  2 Manteyer, Austria's Peace Offer, p 74

  3 Brook-Shepherd, Last Habsburg, p 74

  4 Viktoria Luise, Kaiser's Daughter, PP 102–3

  5 Paléologue, Memoirs, Vol III, p 157

  6 Bulygin, Murder, pp 94–5


  1 Balfour, The Kaiser, p 375

  2 Boothroyd, Philip, p 50

  3 Nicolson, George V, p 403

  4 Rose, George V, p 174

  5 Bocca, Uneasy Heads, p 170

  6 Cammaerts, Albert, p 227

  7 Viktoria Luise, Kaiser's Daughter, p 104

  8 Lloyd-George, Memoirs, p 514


  1 Katz, House of Savoy, p 210

  2 Artieri, Il Diario, p 67

  3 Daily Mail, 18/1/1916

  4 The Times, 15/12/1916


  1 Brook-Shepherd, Last Habsburg, p xi

  2 Taylor, Fall of The Dynasties, p 343

  3 ffoulkes, All This, p 80

  4 Rose, George V, p 216

  5 Cammaerts, Albert, p 287

  6 Ibid., 229

  7 Palmer, The Kaiser, p 204

  8 Muller, Kaiser and his court, 11/8/1918


  1 Madol, Ferdinand, pp 254–9

  2 Brook-Shepherd, Last Habsburg, p 213

  3 Ibid., p 214

  4 Ibid., p 224

  5 Taylor, Fall of the Dynasties, pp 355–6

  6 Bentinck, Ex-Kaiser, p 15

  7 Rodd, Memories, p 372

  8 Oglander, Keyes, p 259


  1 Pope-Hennessy, Queen Mary, p 592

  2 Viktoria Luise, Im Strom, p 286


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