The Boss Vol. 2 (The Boss #2)

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The Boss Vol. 2 (The Boss #2) Page 7

by Cari Quinn

  She might not like me ordering for her, but she had absolutely no problem with me taking charge when it came to sex.

  When the bill came, I took it without glancing at the total and reached for my wallet. The remaining afterglow in her cheeks faded as she watched me withdraw my card.

  “I’ll pay my share. Let me see the bill.”

  I didn’t mean to laugh. She, on the other hand, definitely intended to pinch my tensed thigh, which had the unintentional consequence of causing my cock to jerk.

  “You’re not paying,” I said through gritted teeth. “So unless you intend to do for me what I did for you, save your pinches for another time.”

  “This isn’t a date, and I always pay my own way.”

  “It’s not a date, and I don’t care what you always do. I ordered, I’m paying. And when we leave here, I intend to fuck you so hard you forget how to argue with me.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Your dick isn’t that big, pal.”

  “Oh no?” I grabbed her hand and brought it to the placket of my pants, completely unconcerned at the crudeness of the gesture. Watching her pupils drown out her sea-toned irises was ridiculously satisfying. “Maybe I should start by fucking your mouth.”

  She darted her gaze to her hand as it closed reflexively around my shaft. I nearly groaned aloud. Slowly, she licked her lips. “Maybe you should.”

  Damn, this woman.

  “Next time I’ll pay,” she said as I signed the charge slip. I didn’t laugh this time. Rather, I shot her a speculative glance. Her hand was still on my dick, and she was talking about next times.

  “At lunch in the office or whatever,” she muttered, yanking her hand back and reaching for the lanterns we’d placed on the seat. Only our two remained. We’d given the rest away.

  I said nothing as the waiter took the bill and my card.

  Once he returned my credit card to me, I urged Grace out of the booth and we walked out into the chilly night. She shivered in her light jacket so I offered her my black trenchcoat, which she refused.


  Neither of us spoke on our walk back to Triton Tower. We ascended in silence to the roof, though I saw Grace’s dark mood begin to lift once she spotted the helicopter. I didn’t even have to nudge her to get inside. She’d taken her seat and set aside the lanterns to work on her harness before I even reached the aircraft.

  “Need help?” I asked.

  She shook her head. “I watched you the first time. I’m good.”

  More than a little disappointed I wouldn’t get to cop a feel as I had the first time, I took my seat behind the controls.

  In moments, we were in the air again. Grace was straining against the straps, her fingers clenching and unclenching against her thighs as she took in the view of the landscape below.

  “I wonder what it’s like to fuck up here,” she said above the roar of the rotors and I nearly came in my pants.

  For once, I was absolutely speechless.

  I hadn’t recovered by the time we touched down on the roof of my building. She seemed reluctant to undo her harness, and for a moment, I wished I’d thought to extend our night ride.

  “Next time, we’ll stay out longer,” I said, swallowing hard as she shot me a sharp look. She finished undoing her straps, grabbed the lanterns and got down from the cockpit before I could unglue my tongue.

  I disembarked and joined her near the wall that circled the roof. The view from this high up was stunning. Glittering lights from the myriad skyscrapers that made up downtown Boston competed with the view of the harbor. The sliver of moonlight cast diamonds upon the black sheet of water, and a tumult of dark clouds rushed across the milky gray sky.

  And Grace stood against the wind, her pale hands clutching the wall, her golden hair streaming behind her.

  She was another kind of angel. An angel of the darkness, capable of causing men to fall to their deaths from the highest peaks.

  I moved up behind her, well aware of the cameras that now recorded our movements. But I didn’t care. If I didn’t get my hands on her again, I was going to lose my mind.

  “Let me take you home,” I said against her cheek.

  Unsurprisingly, she bristled. “I got here on my own. I can get home on my own. It’s not your job to take care of me, Blake.” She started to turn, but I stilled her with a hand against her lower back.

  “There’s cameras watching us. You don’t want my security team to see me fuck you.” I rubbed my cheek against hers, allowing my coat to billow around us. As shields went, it was pretty frigging flimsy, but it would cast reasonable doubt on the footage.

  Or so I told myself when my cock was hard enough to rival the steel beams that held up the building.

  When she didn’t move, I murmured, “Unless maybe you do.”

  She moaned softly and bucked her hips against mine, encouraging me to rub my erection against her ass. Slipping her arm back, keeping it close to her body, she jerked down my zipper and freed my cock, tugging it out with unsteady fingers. I was amazed she managed to at all, what with the awkwardness of the angle.

  “Tell me you have another magic condom in your bra.”

  Her shoulders shook as she laughed. “Maybe. I might even have two.” She added out of the side of her mouth, “Two cups, you know.”

  “Oh, I know. I fucking know.” I rarely swore unless I was angry or turned on. She seemed to make me both with frightening regularity. “I want to claim your mouth. Your tits. Your ass. Every fucking part of you.”

  She trembled between me and the wall. “You forgot my pussy.”

  God, even that hesitant version of dirty talk from her was enough to end me. “Oh no, I didn’t.” I dipped my head and bit her shoulder through her clothes, savoring her moan. “Now I’m going to make it remember me.”

  I tugged up her dress and nudged her closer to the wall, briefly taking a moment to thank myself for my foresight in having her remove her panties. Easier access, and shit, I needed it. Any barrier between me and her hot pussy would’ve been destroyed in seconds. As it was, I had to hold on long enough for her to fumble out the condom—still warm from her breasts—and pass it to me, and then I had to jerk it out of the foil and get it on my dick. The action would’ve been difficult enough in such close quarters if my hands hadn’t been shaking like a junkie’s.

  “Pussy addict,” I mumbled and she nearly lost her footing, almost coming out of one of her heels. I didn’t know how’d she gone off-balance, but it didn’t matter because she was giggling, and soon I was too.

  Not giggling, I hoped, but laughing. Christ, I laughed so hard that my poor, underappreciated cock nearly burst through the latex.

  “Did you really say pussy addict?”

  “Grace’s pussy addict,” I corrected, dragging her against me as I slid my rubber-covered cock against her ass. “Put your foot up on the ledge.”

  “They’re going to know.”

  She was probably right, and I probably should’ve given a shit.

  But she put her foot up on the ledge, and I lined up my dick and shoved inside her hard enough to kill the last of our laughter.

  Then all there was blinding heat, and need, and her squeezing me as she went up on her toes to suck me so deep that I couldn’t breathe. Her name was the only thing I could say.

  “Grace,” I murmured, and she shuddered, clamping down on me so brutally that I couldn’t even withdraw enough to thrust. It was like being vised in an inferno, in the best fucking way possible.

  “I need it, Blake, please,” she begged, pushing her ass back against me. “Don’t wait.”

  So I didn’t.

  Somehow I managed to draw back enough to slam home again, over and over until I knew I was ramming her into the stone wall. I regretted it, but I couldn’t stop it. My coat flapped in the wind around us, probably not concealing a damn thing, but all I could think about was the blazing-hot flesh hugging my cock, drenching it. She wasn’t just going to come. She was going to shatter, and
I was going to break apart with her.

  I banded my arm around her waist and pressed the heel of my hand between her thighs, rubbing without finesse. We were two animals rutting, making the kind of noises I’d never heard from myself before. Grunts, shouts. Filthy fucking things that belonged to her alone, because she was the only woman on this earth who could draw them out of me.

  “Squeeze that tight pussy. Squeeze me, goddammit. Harder.” I bit the side of her throat and she whimpered, rocking against me as if she’d lost all control of her body. “Milk my cock. Make me come.” I ground my hand against her center, so roughly I wondered if it would bruise. “Make yourself come. Do it now, Grace. Do it.”

  But my demands held no sway here. She writhed against me, undulating as she rode the pleasure between us. Yet she still didn’t come.

  “Let go, dammit. Let go or else I’ll turn you around and shove your thighs open so wide that every camera in this place will see me shoving my dick inside you.”

  She cried out and gripped my hand, holding it against her clit as she bucked into my strokes. She fell forward, pressing her cheek to the wall, virtually ensuring that it would be obvious to every person who saw this footage that we’d been mating like beasts.

  Finally, she burst apart around my cock, her pussy rippling with such force that I couldn’t withstand her frantic spasms. I threw back my head and roared at the night, furious without knowing why, my hips battering hers into the unforgiving wall again and again as I drained myself into the condom.

  The aftermath was silence. As always.

  I returned to my body at once, snapping violently back into my skin. The afterglow vanished but the anger remained. At myself, at her. At a world where she would always be too good for me, and I would always be tainted by the slums no matter how high I rose.

  That wasn’t all. She was still hiding the truth about why she’d taken the job working for me. I’d given her a chance to come clean at dinner, and she hadn’t. We continued to devour each other at every opportunity, and we were both lying with every breath.

  “Let me take you home,” I said against her cheek, daring her to defy me when I was so on edge.

  She sighed. “Blake—”

  “Don’t tell me no when I’m still balls-deep inside you. I need to know you’re safe.” I need to understand some of the pieces of your life, because you keep hiding the rest away.

  “I will be safe. I’m a big girl.”

  “If something happened to you…” I blew out a breath and closed my eyes. “There’s no reason to take unnecessary risks.”

  “Oh no? Then what is this, exactly?” She elbowed me back, and I pulled out of her with a grunt. I whipped off the condom and shoved it into the pocket square I’d tucked away before slipping both back into my pocket. She tugged down her dress and strode away from me, her words swallowed by the wind.

  “Goddammit, I can’t even hear you. Turn around and face me.”

  She did, and the fury that blazed across her features matched mine. “What is this? Just a way for you to get your rocks off with the hired help? I’m not that kind of girl. Your kind of girl,” she added, throwing up her hands.

  “Do you think I don’t know that? I’m well aware that we don’t fit. That we could never fit.” I’d been cursing the reality of that for so long that I didn’t remember a time when I hadn’t used that knowledge to goad myself into reaching for more. To not sleep, to keep working, keep striving.

  If I took over enough of the goddamned world, maybe I would be good enough for Annabelle Stuart’s granddaughter.

  “Then stop doing this! Stop confusing me and throwing out mixed signals and making me want to forget—” She cut herself off and shook her head, crossing her arms under her breasts so that they swelled, high and proud.

  Making me hard for her all over again, when I hadn’t even yet recovered from the last time.

  “Forget what,” I repeated softly, knowing she probably couldn’t hear me over the rush of the wind.

  “I’m leaving. I don’t want a ride, and I don’t need you in my life. You’re fucking everything up. I had a plan, and now I don’t know anything anymore.”

  Even with my skin still burning hot from her, I chilled. Inside and out, I went to ice. “What was your plan, Ms. Copeland? Tell me. I’m curious.”

  “And that. Ms. Copeland. Fuck that shit. I’m your assistant when you don’t want to bang me, and it’s easy as hell to brush me off when you aren’t in the mood. Only when your dick’s hard can you even bother to call me by my name.”

  “Grace.” I moved forward before I could stop myself. I gripped her shoulders, shaking her. “Grace. Fucking Grace Cordelia Copeland. I’ve known your name longer than I’ve known my own.”

  “How? How do you know my name?” She grabbed my shirtfront, tugging hard enough to rip apart the buttons. “I didn’t put my middle name on the forms. Did you investigate me, you bastard? Do a search on me to make sure I wasn’t going to try to snag your billions?” She shoved me away and the sparkle of tears on her cheeks made my hands fall limply to my sides.

  “Let me take you home,” I said again, because I couldn’t stand to see her cry. If she wanted to pound her fists against my chest, fine.

  I could tolerate anything but her tears.

  “I don’t have a home, don’t you get it? I have nothing. No family that matters, no home, no one who’s mine. Who sees me for me, and says my name like it causes pleasure instead of pain.” She knuckled away her tears and I stepped toward her again, stopping only when she held up a hand. “No. Stay back. Don’t touch me again.”

  “Grace,” I murmured.

  “Now you say it so freely.” She laughed brokenly, shaking her head. “But it’s too late. I’ve been an idiot. Pretending I could actually do this. That I could actually make a decision and make it happen from the force of my will alone.”

  I tucked my hands under my arms. She hadn’t confessed her true intentions yet, but the picture was becoming clearer all the time. I didn’t want to believe she’d been using me. It didn’t explain how she’d all but stumbled into the job, or why she’d fought me so much at every turn. Once we’d been intimate, most women who were on the make would’ve intensified their game, not thrown every kindness back in my face. But maybe she’d researched me and knew such tactics would never work.

  Perhaps my so-called assistant had devised a plan on how to snag me, and I’d fallen right into her hands.

  “Let me make it easy on you then,” I said quietly. “You’re fired.”

  And now…See how Grace reacts to her new reality. Preorder HERE!

  Also by Cari & Taryn

  Lost In Oblivion

  the USA Today Bestselling Series

  SEDUCED (intro)

  ROCKED (book #1)

  ROCK, RATTLE & ROLL (book #1.5)

  TWISTED (book #2)

  UNTWISTED (book #2.5)

  DESTROYED (book #3)

  CONSUMED (book #3.5)

  SHATTERED (book #4)

  Coming soon

  FUSED (book #4.5)

  If you’d like more information about the series & extras, please visit

  About Cari Quinn & Taryn Elliott

  USA Today Bestselling duo, Cari Quinn & Taryn Elliott, have been having a ton of fun with rock stars, but they also love a good office romance. Getting these two authors together always includes some sweet & snarky moments, a lot of angst, and unlimited heat. Now they just get to add a desk instead of a stage.

  Oh, and let's not forget the jaw dropping moments.

  They really love those.

  * * *

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  A fun, sexy reader group for Taryn & Cari!

  Emphasis on the sexy and a little crazy!

  Not for the faint of heart. ;)

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