Axe to Grind

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Axe to Grind Page 21

by Savannah Skye

  Brenna gasped, pressing her face into my arm, as blood pooled across the floor. I gritted my teeth, stashing my gun away, and broke her grip. She stumbled away, hurrying towards the door, then fell to her knees, and covered her face with her hands.

  Walking over, my heart filled with both relief and agony, I leaned down and picked her up. “I love you, pecorelle,” I whispered into her hair. “I love you.”

  And with Brenna sobbing into my shirt, I carried her from the room, and away from Emilio Ruffino forever.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Stepping out of the car I’d just parked in front of the police station, I thought about how the last three weeks had felt like an eternity. Never mind the minutes slowly ticking by now.

  I’d thought I’d learned how torturous time could be after spending a year on Emilio Ruffino’s leash, but then again, I’d never really had something to look forward to.

  Not like this, anyway.

  Walking around to the back, I hopped up and sat on the trunk of the Maserati, a black Italian sports car that belonged to Axe, and glanced up at the white-stoned building. Any moment now, the doors would swing open, and he’d walk out.

  Swinging my legs, I tilted my face up to the sunshine, and ignored the looks I was attracting from passersby. Whether it was the fancy car or me, I just didn’t care.

  Colt had winked at me when he tossed me the keys earlier.

  “It’s Axe’s,” he’d drawled, patting the hood of the car. “Usually he doesn’t let anyone else drive it, but I think he’d make an exception for you. And I can’t think of a better picture for him to see when he first gets out.”

  Even though I’d been staying with Mama Ange for the last three weeks, spoiled by Capestranas, it had been a struggle to keep a smile on my face. But not today.

  After Axe had carried me from that fateful room in the warehouse and out into the night, we’d been met by an army of police. Sirens had been wailing, the sky lit up with bright red and blue lights, and men darting around everywhere. Somehow, I was handed over to Colt and rushed off the scene. Then Axe was on his knees, being cuffed and read his rights.

  The rest of the night went by in a blur. They’d brought me to Mama Ange’s house and I remembered walking up the front stairs, before my knees gave out, and my hands were pressing on the cold marble.

  Sturdy, strong arms went around me – Colt or Dante. One of them had brought me upstairs. I should have been safe and warm. Filled with relief that Emilio couldn’t hurt me anymore. That this was all over.

  But Axe wasn’t there. And I’d slipped in and out of consciousness, while my heart splintered into pieces in my chest.

  My world was meaningless without Angelino. It had seemed as though I was drowning – the sharp pain in my throat and the pressure on my chest. Meanwhile, guilt ripped apart my stomach.

  That whole day I’d dozed fitfully. Mama Ange and Trina were always there when I woke up, hugging me, pressing hot cloths to my face, bandaging my wounds, trying to get me to eat, and telling me everything would be okay.

  Up till yesterday, I can’t say I believed them. The family had been busy since the whole showdown. Lots of payola, “lost” evidence, and conflicting stories. The cops were so disgusted, they’d all but begged the Feds to take over, and as the crime had crossed state lines at points, they were happy to do it.

  Ellis had been found and was in custody awaiting extradition in Canada.

  And Axe’s father had finally worked out all the little nitty-gritty details with the remaining men on the Ruffino payroll. He’d told us everything yesterday at lunch, looking both exhausted and pleased. The thugs in the Ruffino organization had waved the white flag, agreeing to hand their business over to Salvatore for a percent of the profits. In exchange, the hired help wouldn’t do time. But the rest of the big guns, Emilio’s brother and son who had been at a weapons expo when the whole shit-storm had come down, had gone down with the ship. Even Gabrielle had wound up behind bars. They were now awaiting trial for human trafficking, amongst other things, thanks to their own guys rolling on them.

  A little something Sal and Agent Mike Westfield had come up with together, once we’d confirmed that Ellis had, indeed, been working for the Ruffinos alone. Giving up the guppies to land the big fish.

  As of now, the auction was dismantled, the girls were free, the bounty on my head was gone. I was as safe as a person could be, given my ties to the Mafia, that is. But I was okay with that. Especially considering the last and best news of all.

  Axe would be out of jail within twenty-four hours.

  Sal had ruffled my hair and winked at me when he told me that, as everyone else erupted into loud excitement, dancing around, yelling, and uncorking wine.

  Now here I was. Wearing a gorgeous new coat and dress. I should’ve felt confident, ready to meet my man. Instead, I was jittery and unable to sit still, worrying that maybe Axe wasn’t my man after all.

  Chewing on my lip, I stared up at the building, and jiggled my knees. Maybe he’d had too much time in there to reconsider everything. He had been held without bail for three weeks – waiting on a court date to be tried for murder.

  A murder he’d committed to save me.

  Maybe he realized what a mess I’d made of his life.

  Maybe I should have let his brother pick him up and explain everything.

  Maybe he didn’t feel the same way anymore.

  My thoughts jerked to a halt as the doors swung open and Axe emerged. I sat up straight, then hopped down, as my mouth went dry. He was blinking in the sunshine, looking around as he loped down the steps, and then paused for a moment when he saw me.

  Even though my heart was leaping around in my chest, I was frozen in place as he continued down the stairs and strolled over. Every last inch of him was the confident Capestrana man I’d fallen in love with.

  “You’ve been working out,” I managed to squeak out as he stepped up to me. It was meant to be light banter to quell the nervous tension knotting up my stomach, but Axe did somehow look more muscular than when I’d seen him last.

  “Not much else to do inside,” he said with a half-grin, making his one cheek dimple. I bit my lip, feeling flustered. “I thought Colt was coming for me.”

  “Change of plans.” I shrugged, fighting the urge to throw myself on him. “Um, will you come with me somewhere?”

  Axe was looking at me with a softness to his gaze I’d never seen before. It made my breath catch.

  Hopping into the car, we drove to the coast to music playing on the radio. There was so much to say, and I still had to work up the nerve.

  It was difficult to focus on the road, especially since I could sense how he kept looking over at me. Not to mention, I was finally feeling complete again, my heart overflowing with happiness in spite of the nerves spiraling up and down in my stomach.

  When we reached the shore, we parked in front of the water. We got out and meandered down a path to a little lookout. The wind was light and calm, the sea dancing with ripples. Even though it was mid-afternoon, the sky had a gentle dreaminess to it, the sleepy colors of winter.

  It was as though we’d stepped into a painting of a fairytale. Something in a book my mother might have read to me. And I smiled at Axe, knowing how she would have loved him.

  “This is nice.” He leaned back on a big rock, so that we were almost at eye-level, and returned my smile. “Wanted me to get some air, worried I was going stir-crazy in there?”

  I shook my head, twisting my hands, and plunged in.

  Be brave.

  “I owe you an apology. Again. You ended up in jail because of me.” I tried to stem the rambling but it was no use. “I, um, I spoke to Agent Westfield – Mike, y’know? They know you shot Ruffino in self-defense. And his other guys that got, um, hurt won’t testify. Your gun went missing and they claim that they don’t know who attacked them. I guess Mike and your dad cut them a deal.” I hesitated, looking down. “Turns out the whole o
rganization is kaput.”

  Axe smiled a little, looping his fingers through mine. “I heard bits and pieces, from the family, but nothing was concrete. This is all I wanted for you. You didn’t have to thank me or apologize – I’m the one who’s sorry it even came to all of this.” He gazed at my face and I knew he was seeing those injuries from Ruffino, ones that had finally faded away last week. Axe’s breathing got raspy. “If I just trusted my instincts… Thank God you didn’t get hurt worse.” His lips tightened.

  I paused, shivering a little in the wind off the ocean, and Axe reached up, brushing my cheek with calloused fingers. “I’m fine,” I whispered. “It’s all over. Now I’m just tougher is all.”

  “There’s that fiery pecorelle I know.” Axe tried to smile, but then winced, seeming to force the next words out. “But, you were right about this life. When I saw Emilio holding that gun. You all bloody and beaten?” His hand squeezed mine harder. “God, that was--” I saw his throat working. “I couldn’t even see straight at that point. I understand why you don’t want this life.”

  He bent his head a little and I reached out, rubbing my palm on his face. His eyes closed. “I saw the look on your face.” It was a look that had haunted my dreams. Axe, standing still in the doorway, as though someone had ripped his heart out.

  Axe shook his head. “I’d leave it behind for you, Brenna. But it will always be a part of me. It’s like a stain that won’t ever wash out.” He hesitated and frowned. “I’ve seen too much, I’ve done too much. Can you handle that?”

  My head spun as my heart took off. I could feel the pressure in his hand holding mine increasing.

  I leaned in and kissed him. “I’m never leaving your side. You make me happy. You keep me safe. I want you.”

  Axe’s smile made my heart sing and purr at the same time. He locked his arms around me and we kissed again, with all the pent up relief and fear we’d been holding inside.

  “Listen,” I broke away, gasping a little. “I know we can have a good life together. We’ll figure all that stuff out.”

  Axe nodded, still smiling, and spoke in a low, sexy voice, “I’ve already started.” Heat flared in my stomach as he ran his fingers up my spine and then through my hair. “I’m thinking custom, high-end hot rods. Totally legit. Catering to guys like my dad and the fam, but all on the books.”

  “You don’t have to do that, Axe. As long as there’s nothing awful and we stay honest with each other, I can live with--”

  “No.” His voice went gruff. “I want to be a Capestrana. But I also want a family with you, Brenna. Kids, the whole nine. I want to do this. Not just for you. But for me too. Colt is the one who wants his life to be about the mob. I went along for the ride and because I love my family. But I can love them just as much and find my own way to make a living and provide for us.”

  My throat ached and I nodded, heart so full, I thought it might burst. “Only if you’re sure.”

  “I’m sure.” Axe slid his hands down to my elbows, holding them gently. “Have I told you how much I love you, Brenna Fiore? I love you so damn much, it almost hurts. But in the best kind of way. I didn’t know you could feel like this. I know you think I was the one who did the saving around here.” Axe paused, eyes bright, then said gruffly, almost embarrassed, “But you kinda saved me, too.”

  I smiled tearfully then, putting my hands on his chest, and felt the pounding of his heart. “Since when does a big, strong Capestrana man need saving?”

  “I almost forgot I had a heart till I met you,” Axe muttered. “It’s like you woke me up.” He stared me down, then treated me to his signature cocky smirk. “I hope you know you’re gonna be my wife one day, pecorelle. You better bet I’m never letting you go now – you and me. Together forever. Hope you like the sound of Brenna Capestrana.”

  “Nah, I don’t like it.”

  His brows caved in and he shot me a thunderous frown.

  “I love it. It’s perfect,” I whispered. “And I love you, Angelino.”

  He growled as he kissed my neck and I began to laugh, then squealed with delight. My mind filled with daydreams about our future together, thinking about happily ever after, and the years ahead with the Capestranas.

  A few tears slipped out and I laughed again as we broke apart, gazing at each other.

  Angelino and Brenna.

  Together forever.

  Til death do us part…

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  Want more STEAMY mafia romance? Check out Breaking Colt, coming January 1, 2017!

  Bella Ruffino

  I was finally going home. I’d been shipped off to boarding school at the age of nine and managed to make a great life for myself in France, but I was more than ready to step back into the Ruffino fold. Only now, there is no fold. Because my father was murdered in cold blood and my baby brother is doing hard time in prison…all because of the Capestrana family. So now, I’m coming for them, and I’m going to get’ em where it hurts. Right in the family jewel.

  Colt Capestrana wouldn’t know what hit him.

  Copyright © 2016 by Savannah Skye

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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