Second Chances

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Second Chances Page 6

by McKay, Kimberly

  She watched Paige deflect his effort to shield her with his jacket from the cold.

  You think you’re too good for him? Her eyes gleamed with anger.

  Linley spun on her heel, unable to watch further, and almost bumped into Poppie.

  “Whoa!” Poppie took a step back, almost falling over. “What’s going on out there?”

  “Watch where you are going!” Linley shoved the curtains back in place, to hide her discretions and shoved past her.

  “Yes, ma’am,” she uttered softly, waiting for Linley to turn the corner before peeking through the curtains for a quick look. When she saw Nick waving toward Paige’s car, as it exited from the parking lot, she let out a soft giggle. It looked like her new friend had an admirer.

  “She’s a lucky girl,” she whispered to herself, before heading to check out for the night.

  Chapter 10

  24 years ago

  Granite Seniors held fast to a long-standing tradition, which allowed them to kiss someone they’d never had a chance with throughout the year. ‘Senior Kiss Day’ was always set for the Friday before graduation, but the guidelines were specific. It was to take place at the senior flag pole, and it was for graduates only.

  Although Nick knew the rules, the only girl who kept coming to mind when making his choice was underclassman, Paige Knight. As he passed the flag pole, he was anxious to bend the rules just a bit.

  Under normal circumstances, when someone was chosen, they’d receive a written invitation to meet at the flag pole. Whoever received it would understand the motive behind it, and have the choice to show up - or not. However, Paige Knight was like no other girl he knew, and there was nothing normal about her. Not only was he breaking the rules, by picking an underclassmen, but he was breaking the bro-code by picking one of his best friend’s little sisters. If Sam Knight knew he had intentions to kiss his sister, he might not make it to graduation.

  Since he couldn’t invite her to Senior Hill, he had to devise a plan to catch her by surprise toward the end of the day. So, now here waited in the bus tunnel, hoping to steal a kiss as throngs of students flooded through the bus tunnel to go home. After 15 minutes, he was about to give up when he saw her with her friend, Natasha, slowly making their way toward him completely unaware.

  He lifted his hand in greeting, as he silently prayed he could get her to stop without her friend tagging along.

  “Hey, Red.” He nervously smiled, calling her by a pet name he’d given her when she was a middle schooler, with long braids and braces.

  “Um, hi,” she said in her usual shy manner.

  “You mind if I talk to you for a second?” He asked and then stared at Natasha, hoping she’d get the hint.

  Natasha easily read between the lines and touched her friend’s arm. “I’ll catch up with you on the bus.”

  Paige nodded toward her friend, and then turned back to Nick, wondering why he’d have any interest in talking to her. She’d had a crush on him for her first two years of school, but as a sophomore, she’d had no luck in getting his attention. Now that he was graduating, she knew her chances were shot.

  “So?” She shuffled her feet and held her books tightly to her chest. “I bet you’re pretty excited about graduation, huh?”

  “Yeah, that’s what I want to talk to you about.” Nick took a step closer and touched her arm.

  Paige’s eyes flew up to meet his. If he stepped any closer, she’d swear he was going to kiss her. She looked to his lips and licked hers unsure of what was happening.

  “Um.” She stammered.

  As Nick pulled her toward him, Davis walked by and did a double-take.

  “What are you doing?” Davis grabbed Paige’s arm and pulled her away.

  Nick took a step back and let out the breath he’d been holding since the second he’d seen her. He sighed and immediately made up an excuse to keep Paige from getting an earful from her boyfriend.

  “Hey, man. It wasn’t what it looked like. I was just about to tell her about something I was planning for Sam, for a graduation prank.” Nick shrugged his shoulders.

  Davis narrowed his eyes and looked from him to Paige. Unable to tell if it was the truth or not, he let go of Paige’s arm and said, “No harm – no foul. Come on, Paige. I’ll make sure you get on your bus.”

  Davis glared over his shoulder at Nick as he protectively led his girlfriend away. Nick sadly watched a missed opportunity slip between his fingers and cursed under his breath. Now he’d wonder for the rest of his life what it would have been like to kiss Paige Knight.

  Chapter 11

  Davis Jefferson thought he had it all. He’d made partner at his firm, was recently divorced and had a sexy girlfriend at his side. He smiled thinking of his hidden assets, and how much he shuffled into a hidden account safe from his divorce. Now, he was sitting pretty - with plenty to go around to live abundantly with Veronica, without any hassles.

  Life couldn’t get any better; he thought as he fumbled with his bow tie. Frowning, he turned away from the mirror toward Veronica.

  “Hey, can you help me?” His eyes traveled down her tight body, as she sat in her lace bra and panties.

  Without a glance in his direction, she raised her eyebrow and continued to apply her makeup.

  “With what?” She pursed her lips to check her gloss.

  “This tie.” He leaned down to kiss her neck.

  Veronica tilted her head, exposing more of her neck to him, letting a sultry laugh escape. She looked incredulously at his tie in the reflection and blinked.

  “Um, I don’t do ties. I can undo them.” She seductively stood and kissed him.

  “I know.” He chuckled, but then pulled back. “Can you try? I’m no good at these, and this is an important event tonight.”

  “Nope. You’re a big boy. Do it yourself.” She blandly sat down, unhappy that Davis rejected her advances. “I’m sure little wifey used to help you with those, huh?”

  “As a matter of fact – she did.” He sighed, temporarily missing Paige’s nimble fingers and ease with his wardrobe.

  “Well, you chose me because I’m nothing like her. So don’t expect me to do anything she would have.” Veronica quietly slipped on her dress and turned her back to him. “Now zip me, please.”

  A few hours into the night, Davis watched his girlfriend work the room, which was full of deep pockets. Tonight’s event was a huge fundraiser for one of his clients, and of all nights - he needed her on her best behavior. However, from the looks of it, Veronica looked like she’d had one too many vodka tonics.

  He quietly approached her, as she clumsily hung on one of his co-workers at the firm. The second Davis came close; Tom turned to him with relief. His eyes were almost bulging as he shifted her weight toward Davis.

  “You need to get her home. She’s making a spectacle out of you.” Tom pulled her arms from around his neck and passed her over.

  “I know. I’m sorry.” Davis lifted her weight from Tom’s shoulder and leaned her toward him.

  “Hey!” She smacked Davis on the arm. “Get off me. I’m having fun talking to Dom!” She tried to put a finger on Tom’s nose, as if she were disciplining him, but missed and poked him in the cheek.

  “Really, Davis?” Tom gave him a look. “Please control her.”

  “Hey! No one controls me!” Veronica frowned at Tom, and then looked to Davis, saying, “Get me out of here. This isn’t fun anymore. You work with party poopers!”

  “You used to work with us, Ronnie. You should know what’s proper behavior at these events.” Tom scolded her.

  “Well, that’s why I left. You’re all boring bunch of stiffs.” She stuck her chin out at Tom, as Davis dragged her toward the elevator.

  As all eyes were on them, he couldn’t help but thinking that nothing like this would’ve happened if he were here with Paige tonight. However, if he were here with his ex-wife – he wouldn’t be going home with his mistress, and that was worth her weight in gold.

bsp; As he expectantly waited for what the rest of the night could hold, Veronica puked down the front of Davis’ tuxedo jacket. He grimaced, thinking that not even all the gold in Mexico was worth this.

  Chapter 12

  The sounds of smooth jazz sang through the speakers as Paige watched her friend, Natasha, set up her ironing board. Paige reached for her hot chocolate and was glad she bundled up for her visit.

  She blinked in disbelief as Natasha plugged her iron in, and reached for one of her husband’s shirts.

  “You’re seriously ironing out by the pool, with these temperatures?” Paige laughed. “I always knew you were particular, but this is just crazy.”

  “What?” Natasha laughed. “It’s not that bad with the sun out. Besides, I do my best thinking out here.”

  “You could do that inside too!” Paige’s eyes went wide.

  “You’ve seen my passel of kids! Lump my husband in with them, and I’m never alone! They don’t bother me out here. And when I’m by myself, I can clear my head.” Natasha nodded toward an aerosol can of starch. “Hand that to me, please.”

  Paige stood and reached for the can from the patio table, and walked it over.

  “If this is your alone time, am I interrupting?”

  She dropped the can in Natasha’s hands and quickly retreated to her seat, away from the elements. Natasha didn’t seem to notice the cold breeze as it swept across the pool – but Paige was thoroughly chilled. She grabbed for a blanket and snuggled into her chair, before almost inhaling her hot chocolate.

  “Of course not!” Natasha beamed from across the patio. “I don’t get any girl-time either. This is still me-time. So, catch me up!”

  Just then Paige heard someone yelling from inside.


  Natasha rolled her eyes and grinned. “The natives are restless.”

  Travis, one of her teenaged twins, stepped outside looking lost.

  “Mom, I can’t find my favorite jeans.”

  Natasha nodded knowingly. “That’s because I washed them.”

  “Mom. I told you not to do that. I have to wear them tonight. Turner and I are going to the game!”

  “I know. That’s why I washed both yours and your brother’s jeans, and they’re folded in your closets. Check where they belong – not where you left them last.”

  A look of relief washed over her son’s face. He quickly crossed the back patio to kiss her on the cheek.

  “Thanks,” Travis muttered, before running back inside. “It’s cold out here.”

  As Paige watched the exchange, her heart sank. To see the inner workings of a loving family, in which a mom effortlessly cared for her children tore at her from the inside out. She tried hard not to tear up.

  Natasha watched her child run back inside with joy. She had such sweet kids and knew how blessed she was. However once she saw the empty stare her friend displayed, as she gazed into the pool – she knew something had struck a chord for Paige.

  She turned the iron off and set it aside before walking over to join her. As she sat down, she set a hand over Paige’s and searched her eyes. Paige gave a smile in return, but there was no light in her eyes.

  “Everything okay?” Natasha kept her eyes locked on Paige’s.

  Paige wanted to confide in her friend but if she opened up everything might erupt. Overwhelmed and disappointed that her idea of her forties was nothing like she’d planned, she sank deeper into her chair. Natasha nodded knowingly. “You alright?”

  “Yeah.” Paige sipped the last of her cocoa and set the mug down on the table, next to her. “It’s just seeing you with your kid…”

  Natasha sunk into the couch next to her friend, knowing how hard it must be to see the life you’d dreamed of that never came to fruition. She sat there knowing there was nothing she could say to comfort Paige. The only thing she could offer was her shoulders to lean on.

  Paige looked up to the sky as a tear escaped down her face.

  “Davis always said we’d start a family as soon as he made partner. Then it was as soon as the next big case was done. It was always something, and then he left me. And now it’s too late.” She laughed and wiped her face dry, before continuing, “I’m not going to find anyone who would want to start a family this late in life. Who am I kidding? I’m done with men. Even if there was someone for me – I’m not sure I’d care.”

  “Oh, Paige.” Natasha pulled her friend in tight.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be dumping this on you.”

  She pulled away from her friend’s embrace, letting her sobs subside. “You have a great family. You’re really lucky.”

  “I do – but you’re allowed to feel your way through this.” Natasha saw her friend stuffing her emotions back down. She stroked her arms, and continued, “If you didn’t - you’d explode. So, tell me how you feel.”

  Paige thought about it for a moment, as she’d never been able to talk to anyone about this. She winced unsure.

  “Trust me, Paige. It will help to talk to someone.”

  She took a deep breath and dove in.

  “How do I feel? I’m pissed. I had a plan for my life!” Paige tucked her feet beneath her, sitting Indian style on the couch. “I was going to be happily married and have babies … lots of them!”

  Natasha nodded and wiped the tears from her friend’s face.

  “I want to shoot Davis for putting it off, and now I’m never going to have my own baby.” Paige choked. “I’m mad at Davis and … God. I did everything right. And both let me down.”

  She could understand. If her husband had treated her the way Davis did Paige, she’d feel the same way. However, she hoped Paige wouldn’t hold a grudge where her faith was concerned.

  Paige instantly felt bad for admitting her anger at God and shook her head.

  “I’m sorry,” she sighed. “I didn’t mean to …”

  “It’s okay. You’re allowed to be mad. God understands it. Just don’t stop looking to Him through it all. He’s got this.”

  Paige shook her head and knew she was right. She had always had a firm grasp on her faith growing up and as an adult. However, lately, she wondered where God was in all of this.

  “Thanks.” Paige let a breath. “I didn’t mean to come over and unload. This was supposed to be girl time.”

  Although upset at herself for divulging any of it – it felt good to finally talk with someone. Even though her family had been there for her – she’d not been able to confide in them without the threat of their over involvement. The last thing she was looking for was a lecture or any advice. With Natasha, she had an unbiased audience, which was a rarity.

  Natasha nodded. “Honey, girl time isn’t just about getting to the good stuff. It’s also about unloading your burdens. So don’t give this a second thought. It's why I invited you over was to see how you are. It’s okay that you’re struggling. Own up to it, feel it, and work your way through it. And I’m here to help in any way. Heck, you can have my kids anytime you like!”

  As if on cue, her other twin stuck his head out the door. “Mom! I can’t find my …”

  “They’re in your closet – folded and clean!” Natasha yelled over her shoulder, without even looking toward the door. She gleamed at Paige, and said, “Please take them.”

  “Thanks!” Turner pulled the door shut, leaving them alone.

  Paige laughed at the rhythm her friend had down to a science within her home. Now she understood why she chose to iron out by the pool, even in the midst of the winter breeze.

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” She smiled. “Thanks for listening. I don’t know how you do it all.”

  “One day at a time my friend – just like you’ll have to.” Natasha raised her eyebrow and stood. From her vantage point, above the landing by the pool, she could see over her privacy hedge to Sam’s house. She smiled at the sight of Nick, as he jogged up the walkway to visit his friend.

  Earlier in the week Paige’s brother, had confided in her that h
e’d been testing the waters with Nick, to set wheels in motion toward reaching out to Paige. Natasha picked up her iron, wondering if they’d crossed paths yet.

  “So tell me. Anything interesting happening in your life now that you’re back in Granite?” She innocently asked.

  “Nope. Just learning the ropes at work, and trying to avoid anyone I know.” Paige grimaced. “I can’t tell you how many times I have to avoid someone at the grocery store, to keep from telling them that ‘yes I live her again’ and ‘no, I’m not married anymore’. I feel like a broken record.”

  Natasha nodded. “So, who have you seen since you’ve been back?”

  “Mostly family friends.”

  “Any classmates?” She approached the subject she piqued Paige’s interest.

  “Just a few people. I actually ran into Nick Granger last week.” Paige raised an eyebrow and absentmindedly smiled. Just saying his name had an effect on her.

  “Really?” Natasha watched her face flush at the mention of his name. Sam might be on to something.

  “Did he look the same? You know … he’s divorced too.”

  Paige looked up to her friend’s mischevious eyes and grinned.

  “He looked the same give or take a few years, and you’re barking up the wrong tree. Besides … he wouldn’t be interested in me. I’m always going to be Sam’s little sister. And … I’m not going to think about dating anyone – let alone Nick Granger.”

  “Why not?”

  Paige gave her a look, to which Natasha held up her hand in defense.

  “Okay – okay. I was only trying to say that you never know. I remember how he used to look at you in school. Now that you’re both grown-ups …”

  As Natasha pressed her husband’s shirt, Paige let her words sink in. She grinned before saying, “Actually, he stopped by the parking lot at work. He was waiting for me after my shift last week.”

  “What?” Natasha placed a hand on her hip. “See? I told you!”


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