Second Chances

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Second Chances Page 13

by McKay, Kimberly

  Before she lost her nerve, she hit send. It didn’t take long for three dots to appear on her screen. She sat clenching her phone, anxiously awaiting as she finally read: On my way.

  She slid her phone into her pocket and drew in her shoulders with eyes wide. “He’s coming!”

  Natasha watched her face light up and was happy to see Paige investing in someone, who was not only worthwhile but deserving of her love. Suddenly, she felt a tap on her shoulder, as a young man, who looked to be in high school, asked, “Would you like to dance?”

  She looked to Paige, who covered her mouth as the edges began to curl. She, too, tried not to laugh and politely declined. Once he was out of earshot, her face twisted and she burst out in laughter.

  “I could have been his mother!”

  Paige threw her head back laughing, in agreement.

  “Oh my gosh. He might have liked that. Maybe he wanted you to spank him.”

  “Bite your tongue!” Natasha looked utterly helpless and groaned. “I’m so glad I’m married.” As Paige looked to her lap, Natasha quickly tried to cover her flub, wishing she’d kept her mouth shut. “I’m sorry.”

  “No, it’s okay. I’m glad you’ve got someone to go home too.”

  Natasha shrugged, feeling pity wash over her until she saw Skylar on the dance floor, behind Paige’s shoulder. She blinked in awe and couldn’t help but stare, as she was making out with the same young man, who’d just asked her to dance not even five minutes ago.

  “What the?” Natasha was taken aback. “Well from the looks of it – so does your friend.”

  Paige craned her neck and laughed. “Oh - that’s nothing. She’d eat him alive. She won’t go home with him. She’s only toying with him. No – you’ll know who she chooses by how she approaches him not the other way around.”

  “Wow.” Natasha shook her head. “How did you keep her in check when you two used to hang? And more importantly, how did you ever get out of the house? Knowing Davis, he’d never let you out with someone who would be traipsing around like that.”

  Paige thought back to the many weekend trips he took for work, that she now knew were probably with Veronica, and shrugged.

  “He was pre-occupied throughout the last couple years of our marriage. When he was home, I took care of him and his obligations for work. And when he wasn’t – which was a lot – Skylar would drag me out. Being her only married friend, I was the perfect wing-man. It worked out for us both. I didn’t have to spend much time in my empty house, and she, well, she had all the attention.”

  In that exact moment, both women saw Skylar’s body language change. She was almost perched at the bar watching someone from afar, but they couldn’t tell who.

  “Oh – I see.” Natasha said, recalling what Paige had said earlier. “She’s about to pounce on some poor fellow.”

  Paige giggled, craning her neck to see who it was her friend had zoned in on when Nick snuck up behind her.

  “Hey there.” He reached for a stool, to sit next to Paige when he felt a warm body slide up behind him.

  As Natasha watched it all unfold, she bit her lip to keep from smiling. This was going to be good.

  “How about buying me a drink?” Skylar pressed her chest into Nick’s arm.

  Nick blinked unsure of what to do next. He didn’t want to offend anyone, but he wasn’t here to hook up. He only had eyes for one woman. He smiled down at Paige apologetically.

  “It’s okay.” Paige grinned, making the introductions. “Nick, this is Skylar. Skylar, this is my … friend, Nick.”

  Nick sent Paige a curious look, thinking he was much more than her friend, but they could talk about that later.

  Skylar took a step back and did the math. So this was the guy that had her friend’s heart beating again. She laughed off her blunder and stuck her hand out to shake Nick’s.

  “Nice to meet you. Sorry for the uh…”

  “No problem. It’s not my first time,” he joked.

  “Oh, and he’s funny.” Sklar beamed at Paige, happy for her friend. “You got yourself a keeper.”

  Paige blinked in adoration toward Nick, thinking she was the luckiest girl here. “Yes, I do.”

  Nick took a step back and offered his chair to Skylar, who sent him an incredulous look.

  “I’m not about to keep you from her. You just refused the most sought after woman in here.” She flicked her long black locks over her bare shoulder. “So far be it for me to stand … or sit in your way.” Skylar’s dimples deepened.

  “Fair enough,” he said, scooting in close to Paige.

  As Skylar was about to head back to the dance floor, ‘Truly Madly Deeply’ by Savage Garden came pouring through the sound system. She took one glance toward the dance floor, where couples began to congregate and promptly headed for the bar.

  “I’m out. Want anything?” Skylar asked, before quickly retreating to the bar without waiting for a reply.

  “Okay…” Natasha rolled her eyes at Skylar’s back.

  Nick softly took Paige’s hand in his and nodded toward the floor. As he pulled her up, she couldn’t hold back the emotions that were flooding through her. This rush was something she’d never experienced. When she was married, Davis only asked her to dance out obligation – never out of romantic desire. Even then, it was only if she begged him too.

  She quickly shook the memories from her head, as nothing from her past could touch her anymore. Especially with how Nick softly drew her into his arms. With him, she felt an ease like she’d never known.

  As the powerful lyrics bounded through the room, it felt as if it infused their spirits. She knew the thought sounded silly, but it was almost like the music was pulling them center as their bodies swayed.

  As the chorus sounded around them, they locked eyes and slowed to a stop. Although other couples were still dancing – it was as if everything else drifted off to a parallel plane, and it was only the two of them.

  At that point, Paige was only aware of two things: how fast her heart was pounding - and how the lyrics spoke to them both.

  I’ll be your wish

  I’ll be your fantasy

  I’ll be your hope; I’ll be your love

  Be everything that you need

  I’ll love you more with every breath

  Truly, madly, deeply do

  Nick couldn’t take his eyes off of her. As the chorus played, it was like they were speaking their own language, to which no one else heard let alone understood. He ran his hands up her back and internally groaned. He was trying to be a gentlemen, but just being near her was torture.

  He had always been drawn to Paige – but as he stared down into her bold blue eyes, he truly felt like he’d found his soulmate. Gently, he brought his lips down to kiss hers. And as the lyrics wound around them, drawing them in – inch by emotional inch, Nick realized he couldn’t fathom a life without her.

  As the song came to an end, he wasn’t ready to release her. As they slowly pulled apart, every part of his body that had been molded to hers felt cold. He reluctantly dropped his arms and started to take her back to their table, when another slow song came on. Their eyes connected, allowing him to see that the spark he felt was mirrored in her adoring gaze. At that moment, he felt his heart could bound from his chest. He pulled her back into his embrace, hoping they could stay like that forever.

  Skylar slowly approached Natasha with two drinks in hand. She effortlessly slid them on the table, with her eyes glued to the couple on the dancefloor. It was obvious they only had eyes for one another.

  “Here.” She pushed one toward Natasha, whose face registered the shock she felt.

  Skylar sat, letting out a sigh. “I don’t know about you, but those two are something else. Do you see they way he looks at her?”

  Her heart ached. She’d have given anything to have someone look at her like that.

  “I know. And that kiss,” she sighed. “My husband hasn’t ever shown that type of passion or restraint. I�
�m not going to lie. I’m all hot and bothered.” Natasha blinked, and fanned herself.

  “Here.” She slid a cocktail napkin over, and sweetly smiled toward the couple, saying, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen her light up like that.”

  Natasha tilted her head and grinned at the memory of how Nick used to have the same effect on her in high school. She temporarily took her eyes off the two of them to say, “I think the only reason Davis fought to keep her attention, was because his girlfriend was in Nick’s sights.”

  “Really? They were a thing in school?” She pointed to them, in shock. This was news.

  Natasha shook her head. “Nope, but if Nick had a chance with her in school – I know he would have taken it.”

  Skylar blinked and turned her attention back to the dance floor, thankful that the two looked to be finally getting their chance.

  “Well – they’re making up for lost time.”

  “Oooh. I almost forgot!” Natasha fumbled for her phone and snapped another photo to capture the moment. She scrolled through her photos and showed Skylar. “I already snapped a picture of you guys, when you were on the floor dancing earlier. I need to post this one too.”

  She quickly uploaded it to Facebook and turned it toward Skylar with a devious grin.

  “What?” She snatched the phone to searching Natasha’s Facebook wall. “Oh look - the first one already has like 70 likes. Did you tag Paige in it?”

  Natasha’s eyes gleamed. “Of course! That was the whole point. By now, I bet all of our classmates have seen it.”

  “All of them?” Skylar’s face lit up.

  “You know Davis had to have seen it too.”

  Skylar chuckled. “I knew I liked you.”

  “No, you didn’t.”

  “I promise!” She laughed, turning her attention back to Paige. “Seriously, though … will you look at them? They’re meant for one another.”

  Natasha leaned back in her chair and sighed once more. “Yeah, they are. And it’s about time.”

  Chapter 23

  Paige couldn’t stop smiling. Not even Linley could get under her skin today. As she grabbed her gear from her locker, she found herself humming one of the songs from last night.

  “Someone’s in a good mood.” Poppie walked into the break room to stash her purse inside her locker.

  Paige slipped on her sweater and nodded. “It’s been a great day.”

  “Really?” Poppie gave her a look. “Normally after four to five hours with Linley the last adjective any of us would think of is … great.”

  “Yeah, well, after last night nothing could bring me down.”

  “Last night?”

  “Nick and I had a moment.”

  “Oooh. A moment? Is that what people from your generation call it?”

  Paige lightly punched her in the shoulder. “No, it was just a moment. We were dancing, and it was like time just stopped, and it was just us. It was pretty magical.”

  Poppie’s eyes shone with excitement.

  “Listen, I gotta run. I’m on my way to pick up Katie for the afternoon. We’ve got a girly day planned.”

  “Nick’s daughter? It’s getting kind of cozy, isn’t it?”

  Paige pursed her lips, eyes gleaming, and sailed out the door, saying, “Bye! Have a good shift.”

  “Yeah, have fun while I’m stuck here with Linley.”

  Just then, Linley walked in the room with a frown.

  She called to the girls from her office. “I heard that. You’re on bathroom duty tonight!”

  “Great.” Poppie moaned, and slipped her apron around her waist, before following Paige out the door.

  As Paige navigated through afternoon traffic, she drove passed her old middle school, and although the area was more run down than she remembered, it still made her smile. After her divorce, the last thing she thought she wanted was to come back again, but it turns out that her all-intrusive family was just what she needed to get her mind off her failed marriage.

  Paige turned off of Prince Williams Parkway to find herself in the thick of Granite traffic. This was the biggest change she had to get used to. As government contract jobs were highly sought after, more people moved to suburban areas surrounding D.C. for the thriving job market. Not even the traffic could get under her skin today, though. All she had to do to get past the frustration of being the tenth car at a four-way stop sign was to think of the way Nick held her in his arms last night.

  Finally, she pulled past her family’s church and smiled up to the cross, which spanned the skyline above the entry. The more time she spent here, the more she appreciated the obvious blessings in her life - even the divorce. If she hadn't left Alexandria, even under the worst circumstances, she wouldn't have understood how empty her life really was.

  With that realization, she pulled into Nick’s driveway anxious to see him once more. As she opened her car door, Katie flew down the porch steps to greet her.

  “I’m so excited. Thank you again for the best birthday yet.” Katie grabbed her in a quick hug.

  If hearts could smile, Paige knew for sure that hers was. “Absolutely! So is today your actual birthday?”

  “Yup!” Katie ran around to her door and slid into Paige’s car.

  Well, I guess I won’t be seeing Nick til later. She conceded, plopping back down behind the wheel.

  “And look!” Katie pulled a credit card from her purse, almost out of breath. “My mom sent this. It was probably out of guilt, but when she found out a friend of mine was taking me shopping today, she wanted me to be able to buy whatever we wanted.”

  “Wow. That was nice.”

  Katie sent her a look. “She was trying to buy my forgiveness, but whatever … it works, right?”

  “So when you called last night, you said you wanted to go to the mall. So, no movie? Just shopping and then dinner with the family?”

  “Yeah.” Katie blushed. “I’m sure you’ve noticed, but I’m a bit behind the times compared to most of the girls at school.”

  “I think you look great.” Paige wanted her to be comfortable in her own skin. There was no reason to change anything when she was beautiful the way she was and was about to tell her so when she saw Nick from the corner of her eye. He was leaning against the post on his porch, arms crossed, and smiling down at them.

  “Hold that thought.” Paige felt her face flush. “I’ll be right back.” She slipped outside, leaving the car door open behind her.

  “Were you going drive off without saying anything?” He leaned down to wave to his daughter. “Have fun today. I’ll see you tonight for dinner by seven?”

  Katie nodded. “Yes, but we need to go, dad. Love you. Come on, Paige!”

  “Love you too.” Nick stepped down from the porch and reached for Paige’s hand. “See you later?”

  “I’ll have her back for dinner. Save me a seat.”

  “Thanks for this.” He whispered in her ear, before kissing her on the cheek.

  “She’s a great kid.” Paige turned to Katie, and said, “Don’t let that go to your head.”

  Katie impatiently rolled her eyes. “Bye, dad!”

  Nick took a step backward and waved them off.

  “He’s been in a great mood all day … probably the happiest I’ve seen him in a long time.” Katie waved at her dad, as Paige put the car in reverse. When Paige didn’t respond, she finally asked, “So, are you in love?”

  Paige burst out with a half laugh. “That’s none of you business.”

  “I knew it.”

  “I didn’t say I was.”

  “You didn’t say you weren’t!” Katie excitedly turned in her seat, clicking her seat belt in place.

  “It just doesn’t happen like that, Katie.”

  “Well, I’ve never seen him this happy. Ever since you’ve come into his life – he’s different.”

  Those words hung in the air the entire afternoon. Nick’s daughter had seen a transformation in him, and she attributed it to her. The ide
a had her head spinning.

  After they had almost shopped till they dropped, it was clear that another transformation had dramatically taken place. Katie went from a sweet tomboy to a sophisticated young woman, with a new hairstyle, a full makeover, and an entirely new wardrobe. Paige wasn’t sure what the credit limit was on her mother’s card, but she was sure Katie was getting close.

  As Katie stepped from the changing room in her latest find, she had a new air about her. She spun in a circle loving her new look, as she took in her reflection. She peered closer into the mirror, almost unable to recognize herself. Her long dark hair was now cut short in layers, and her normal, natural fresh look had been tastefully remade. She now had smoldering eyes that would stop traffic.

  “Wow. Watch out world.” Paige stood in awe, and nervously asked, “Did your dad give you permission to get this makeover?”

  Now that she saw Katie – she worried that Nick would keel over from a coronary when he realized his little girl grew up overnight. Heck, not even overnight – just in an afternoon.

  “Yeah.” She laughed. “I told him you and I were going to get makeovers.” Katie spun around and faced Paige, realizing so far she was the only recipient. “Your turn.”

  “Oh, no. I’m okay.” Paige had a strict budget now that she was divorced. While it used to be nothing to drop a thousand dollars at the mall, now she was lucky to have a couple of spare twenties to spend. Any extra cash she’d received in tips over that last two weeks was originally tucked away to spend on Katie, but now that her mother had sent her a card, with an unlimited spending spree, she figured she’d save her cash for a rainy day.

  “That’s not how this works.” Katie grabbed her by the arm and pulled her close. “You’ve given me the best gift by spending the day with me and taking my mind off Mom. She gave me a credit card for me - and my friend.”

  Paige’s eyes softened toward the girl, who was quickly weaving a way into her heart. “I’m good, Katie. I don’t need anything.”


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