The Chasing Game

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The Chasing Game Page 2

by Meghan O'Brien

  “What’s that, darling?” Jamie transferred both wrists to one large hand before returning the other between Lucy’s legs. Stroking possessively, she pushed two thick fingers inside, the penetration so deliberate that Lucy had to force herself not to beg for more. “Poor thing. You’ve gotten yourself into quite the predicament, haven’t you?”

  “Let me go.” Lucy squirmed, twisting and turning in a genuine attempt to get away. She shouldn’t have pushed Jamie so hard before when her hands had actually been free. She would learn from that mistake, for next time. Immobilized, she had very few options to turn the game in her favor. Just role-playing, she decided. Maybe it was time for a little improvisation. “Please, my wife will be home any minute.”

  “Nice. Maybe I’ll make her watch.” If the suddenly husky timbre of Jamie’s voice was any indication, she approved of the direction their dialogue had taken. “Would you like that? I could tie her up and let her hear how you scream when I’m fucking you.”

  Lucy gasped, momentarily unable to speak because of how powerfully the fantasy affected her. When she was finally able to draw a breath, she could only whisper. “Don’t.”

  Jamie moaned, running her hand between the cleft of Lucy’s buttocks. “I think that’s exactly what I’ll do.” Unexpectedly, she released Lucy’s wrists to reach beneath her chest, grab hold of her breasts, and squeeze. “By the time I’m done with you, your wife won’t want what’s left.”

  It was time to act. Pushing herself up on her hands, Lucy twisted at the waist to make eye contact with Jamie. Easily calling up real tears, she shook her head and said, “Please, what if I just—“ Mid-plea, Jamie’s hands left her body completely, one pulling at the waistband of her pajama pants, the other reaching again for the back of Lucy’s neck.

  This time Lucy didn’t hesitate. Using all her strength, she drove herself backward against Jamie’s solid body and, without waiting to see whether her attack would be successful, scrambled over the arm of couch and across the cushions. She hit the ground running on the other side, using both hands to pull up her panties so they wouldn’t tangle around her knees and trip her as she dashed into the kitchen with her heart in her throat.

  “You bitch!” Jamie growled, though Lucy could hear the pride in her voice. She knew without a doubt that Jamie was impressed by that little maneuver, that she’d earned a measure of respect. But respect didn’t equal a free pass. She’d barely made it halfway across the kitchen when Jamie caught up to her again.

  So close. The thought echoed through her head as Jamie grabbed her around the waist and threw her onto the table where they did their bills, mere feet from the door Lucy had been trying to reach. Rolling as she landed on the wooden surface, Lucy came up fast but Jamie quickly shoved her down. Nostrils flaring, Jamie tore Lucy’s bra off over her head—blessedly unconcerned with being gentle—and flung it savagely against the curtained window. “You want to make this harder than it has to be? Fine.”

  Furious to have been overtaken yet again, Lucy drew back to slap Jamie across the face, but Jamie caught her by the wrist before she could make contact. “Let go of me!” Lucy snarled, unleashing every last bit of her energy to try and get away.

  With familiar, maddening strength, Jamie resisted her efforts with ease, instead guiding her onto her back so she was lying on the cool tabletop with her legs dangling over the side. “Relax, sweetheart. I’m about to end this.” She winked and again trapped Lucy’s wrists in one large hand. “Before someone gets hurt.”

  Damn it. Once—just once—she would love to top Jamie. Was that too much to ask? Really? Mind racing with potential last-ditch dirty tricks, Lucy watched in frustrated silence as Jamie loosened the drawstring on her pajama pants to lower them past her knees before stepping out of them altogether. Lucy’s panties were her next target, at first pulled aside to allow a long, vaguely embarrassing examination, then yanked off altogether when Jamie apparently decided that would be easier. Determined to maintain her last line of defense, Lucy clamped her thighs together as Jamie attempted to wrench them apart.

  Slapping above her knee, Jamie barked, “Open your legs.”

  “Fuck you!” Lucy shouted again, out of clever things to say.

  Openly amused, Jamie stroked the shaft of the dildo while continuing to force her other hand between Lucy’s quivering thighs. “Oh, baby, this is going to be so much fun.”

  Unsure at this point whether she was more annoyed or aroused, Lucy chose to stay silent so she could focus entirely on keeping her knees locked together. Though Jamie’s superior strength would eventually wear her down, she refused to surrender without fighting to the bitter end. Her gaze slid around the room in a frantic hunt for something she could use to her advantage.

  As though the universe was eager to answer her silent desperation, the dark computer monitor on the counter next to them came to life as a loud ringtone announced an incoming video chat. Stunned by the interruption—something that had never before happened during the chasing game—Lucy turned her head along with Jamie to see who was calling. Paul, according to the label at the top of the insistently ringing window. Paul, Jamie’s eldest brother, the socially conservative black sheep of the family, had decided to request a video chat at the very moment his younger sister was attempting to force her way inside an unwilling woman. Thrilled that such a delicious opportunity had presented itself, Lucy scrabbled backwards across the table and reached for the counter to grab the mouse.

  Jamie bleated out a girlish scream. “Lucy, don’t!”

  Taking note of how quickly Jamie’s hands let go of her thighs, Lucy made a halfhearted attempt to guide the cursor over to the button that would answer Paul’s call. Apparently too panicked about the possibility that their sweaty, naked, lesbian bodies might be revealed to her big brother to worry about leaving Lucy unguarded, Jamie scurried around the table and snatched the mouse away so she could terminate the request.

  At the realization that this was her very last chance at victory, Lucy jumped off the table and sprinted out of the kitchen and down the hallway that led to her final destination: the garage.

  Jamie took a second too long to follow, entering the hall behind her just as Lucy wrenched open the door at the bottom of the steps and ran through. Jamie’s workbench was on the other side of their parked vehicles. So, so close, yet still far enough away that Lucy’s heart threatened to crash through her chest with every slap of the loud footsteps close behind. Eyes on her final destination, Lucy ran around the bed of Jamie’s pickup truck, past the trunk of her gas-efficient commuter car, and grabbed onto the workbench with wildly shaking hands. With a cry of triumph, she scooped up the cell phone just as Jamie came around the rear bumper of her truck, cock bobbling ridiculously with every step she took.

  Jamie skidded to a stop and gaped at her. “Shit.”

  Despite her trembling fingers, Lucy managed to open the camera app on her phone with a flick of her thumb, aim, and snap a celebratory photo of her half-naked, strap-on wielding wife. “Say cheese.”


  “You play dirty.”

  Twenty minutes later, after a quick shower to wash away their game, Lucy soaked in a hot, fragrant bath while Jamie sat in the tub behind her, massaging her shoulders with a firm but tender touch. Still tickled by her surprise upset, Lucy replied, “I can’t imagine what rule you think I violated.”

  “An unspoken one.”

  Lucy chuckled. “You’re bigger, stronger, and faster. I just happen to be more ruthless.”

  “Apparently.” Jamie wrapped her arms around Lucy’s stomach and nuzzled her neck. “So…”

  Lucy let the word hang in the air despite knowing exactly what Jamie was fishing for. Delighted to be in control—even more delighted that Jamie was willingly relinquishing that control to her—she resolved to savor every bit of the experience. Sighing, she leaned against Jamie’s shoulder and closed her eyes. “So, this is nice.”

  “Very nice.” Teasing fingers trailed across her sto
mach, tickling below her belly button. “So…” Jamie repeated some time later. “What exactly do you have planned for me tonight?”

  Lucy smiled without opening her eyes. “Worried?”

  “A little,” Jamie murmured. “But also excited.”

  Surprised by the sincerity in her wife’s voice, Lucy craned her neck to study Jamie’s face. “Really?”

  “Honestly.” Jamie shrugged as color rose in her cheeks. “It’ll be fun to try something new. To…see what you get out of it.”

  “Yeah, it will.” She nipped Jamie on the shoulder. “So why didn’t we do this sooner?”

  “I told you, I like to win.” Jamie tugged Lucy closer to cover her neck and face with soft, worshipful kisses. “And I needed you to earn it, before I could…” She tensed subtly, then exhaled. “You know submission doesn’t come naturally to me.”

  “I know.” Touched by the obvious trust Jamie placed in her, Lucy held a hand over her wife’s heart. “That’s exactly what makes this so exciting.”

  “I agree.”

  “Who knows?” Lucy seized Jamie’s nipple between her thumb and forefinger and pulled lightly. “Maybe you’ll even like it.”

  Jamie shivered, intense and unblinking. “We’ll see.”

  Sensing a real undercurrent of anxiety beneath her placid surface, Lucy placed her hands on Jamie’s upper arms, rubbing soothingly. “Hey. I have a pretty good knowledge of your limits and don’t ever intend to betray them. Certainly not when you’re allowing me to top you.”

  Jamie nodded, staring deep into Lucy’s eyes. “I know.”

  It was imperative that Jamie feel more comfortable before they began. Lifting her hand to kiss the palm, Lucy murmured, “Just in case, tell me what you don’t want.”

  Sheepishly, Jamie broke their eye contact with a shrug. “Wasn’t the deal that you get to be in charge? You did win, fair and square.”

  “That doesn’t mean I want to do something you won’t like. Just like you wouldn’t ever want to do anything I don’t enjoy.” Lucy ran the backs of her fingers along Jamie’s jaw line, cradling her cheek until Jamie leaned into the caress. “Everyone has their limits. Even me, and you know that.”

  “I know.” Jamie’s leg jiggled nervously. “It’s just that I do want to understand what it’s like for you.” She lifted a shoulder again, still embarrassed. “As much as I can, anyway.”

  Guessing that Jamie was alluding to the fact that she wasn’t comfortable allowing Lucy nearly the same liberties with her body that she’d always been offered in return, Lucy said, “It’s not like I need to penetrate you.” When Jamie visibly sagged in relief, Lucy ached that she’d been worried at all. “Baby, you can trust me. I know you don’t like that.”

  “No, but—“

  “No buts. You do that to me because I love how it feels.” She tangled her fingers with Jamie’s. “But you don’t.” Giving her a reassuring squeeze, she said, “And that’s more than fair, regardless of who’s on top. Now, what about slapping?”

  “On the face is good. Anywhere except my butt, really. Other than that…” Jamie thought for a moment, then said, “That’s it for limits…I think.”

  Lucy brought Jamie’s hand to her mouth and kissed the back. After ten years of marriage, she was fairly certain she knew her wife well enough to make tonight good for both of them. But she also needed to be sure that Jamie would stop her if she felt at all overwhelmed. “You know that if something else comes up, you only have to use the safe word. And you will, with no shame, if you need to. Right?”

  “Right.” Now Jamie gazed at her like she’d hung the moon. “I really love you, Lu.”

  “I really love you, too.” Then, because she didn’t want Jamie to be even a little uncertain about her intentions, Lucy leaned forward to lick the tip of her nose. “To be honest, I’m most interested in giving your tongue a vigorous workout. I hope you’re ready to eat my ass and pussy for a solid hour, maybe even two.”

  Jamie brightened. “Yes, ma’am.”

  Oh, but she could get used to hearing that phrase from her wife’s mouth. “After you get me good and warmed up, maybe I’ll let you watch as I fuck myself on your cock. And maybe after that I’ll jerk you off with my hand, let you come too.” She flicked her gaze down to their entangled bodies, then back up to meet Jamie’s eyes. Summoning up her coldest stare, Lucy settled into the dominant role with surprising ease. “Or maybe not.”

  Jamie’s chest rose and fell as her breathing grew heavier. “Whatever you want, ma’am.”

  “That’s right.” Lucy straddled Jamie’s thighs, looping both arms around her neck. “Whatever I want.” She captured Jamie’s lower lip between her teeth, biting down hard as the rush of being in charge swept through her. Jamie moaned, grabbed her butt, and squeezed sensuously. Eager to assert her authority, Lucy eased back and slapped Jamie across the face. Not terribly hard, but enough to sting. “Get your fucking hands off me. Did I give you permission to touch my ass?”

  Startled but blatantly aroused, Jamie immediately let go. “No, ma’am.” She bowed her head. “I apologize.”

  Drawing inspiration from every disapproving look she’d ever received while role-playing, Lucy regarded Jamie with pure disdain. “You have a lot to learn, boi. I’ll enjoy teaching you.”

  Jamie’s breathing hitched. “Yes, ma’am.”

  Easing off Jamie’s lap, Lucy gestured for her to stand. “Get me a towel.”

  Without hesitation, Jamie rose to her feet and climbed out of the tub. Water sluicing down her broad chest and muscular thighs, she grabbed a fluffy bath towel but made no move to dry herself, instead turning and holding it open for Lucy. Lucy almost offered her a grateful nod, but since Jamie seemed to enjoy her harsh persona, she remained stone-faced as she stepped into the warm cotton.

  “May I help dry you, ma’am?”

  Lucy smiled. Maybe Jamie didn’t have that much to learn about submission, after all. With a dismissive shake of her head, Lucy moved out of reach and began to towel off her wet skin. “That won’t be necessary.” She paused, pleased that Jamie simply stood there and waited for the next direction. Having fantasized about this night for years, Lucy knew exactly what she wanted to happen next. “Go to my nightstand and put on the leather collar. Attach the leash to it and wait for me on your knees beside the bed.”

  Jamie’s face turned bright red. “Yes, ma’am,” she whispered.

  Feeling the need to check in, Lucy asked in a slightly softer tone, “Yes?”

  A resolute nod. “Yeah.”

  “Such a lack of respect.” Lucy delivered another mild slap across Jamie’s flushed face. “Yeah, what?”

  “Ma’am.” Jamie shuddered, nipples hardening under Lucy’s gaze. “I’ll wait for you by the bed, ma’am.”

  Lucy seized the tip of one her breasts and gave it a firm pinch. “Go.”

  As soon as Jamie left the bathroom, closing the door behind her, Lucy sagged against the sink and took a steadying breath. Truthfully, she felt every bit as nervous about switching roles as Jamie seemed to. Topping was a huge responsibility, always, for anyone, but after their discussion earlier in the evening about the chasing game, Lucy felt tremendous pressure to ensure that Jamie enjoyed every single second of her first submissive experience. What better way to make her wife understand how good surrendering could feel?

  She forced herself to keep Jamie waiting for at least five minutes. When she couldn’t stand to draw things out any longer, Lucy dropped her towel, put on a stern face, and walked into their bedroom with a sense of purpose. As instructed, Jamie knelt on the floor at the foot of their bed, head bowed, wearing only the soft leather collar she’d given Lucy for their five-year anniversary and the long leash they occasionally clipped to it. Turned on by the sight of her powerful woman in a position of total subservience, Lucy stood and took in the scene. “You’re gorgeous,” she murmured.

  Jamie rippled with embarrassed pleasure. “Thank you, ma’am.”

in slowly, Lucy bent to take the end of the leash, then gave it a little tug. “Come closer.” When Jamie shuffled forward on her knees, Lucy praised, “That’s a good boi. Why don’t you put your face between my legs and give me a sweet little kiss?” She drew in a quiet breath as Jamie obeyed, then roughly grabbed a fistful of her hair when she felt wet, delicious heat press subtly between her labia. Growling, she dragged Jamie away from her pussy and forced her head backward so she had no choice but to look up into the censure of Lucy’s fiery gaze. “I don’t remember telling you to lick my cunt.”

  “No, ma’am.” There was a mischievous gleam in Jamie’s eyes. She was definitely enjoying this—being defiant, at very least. “You didn’t.”

  Unwilling to cede the upper hand, Lucy seized Jamie’s chin and squeezed. She lowered her face so they were inches apart and murmured, “Test me and I promise to make you sorry. This is my night, my way. Respecting your limits doesn’t mean going easy. And lest you forget, I know you better than anyone. That means I know exactly how to make you suffer.” She waited a beat, then said, “Look at my eyes. Do you believe me?”

  Jamie’s throat worked for a moment before she managed to speak. “Yes, ma’am. I do.”

  “Good.” Lucy straightened and gave the leash a hard jerk. “You need to show me you deserve to eat my pussy before your tongue is allowed to touch it again.”

  Jamie followed her to the bed, watching as Lucy climbed onto the mattress to lie on her stomach. “I want to, ma’am. Just tell me what to do.”

  Lucy completely understood why Jamie always enjoyed eliciting this type of verbal compliance from her. All these ma’ams had her positively throbbing. “Yeah? You want to show me how obedient you can be?”

  “Yes, ma’am, please.”

  Gratified by Jamie’s rising desperation, Lucy lifted her hips off the mattress and wiggled her bottom back and forth in the air. With a lazy yank on the leash, she said, “Should I allow you to stick your tongue in my ass?”


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