The Chasing Game

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The Chasing Game Page 4

by Meghan O'Brien

  Instead, she turned up the intensity to the max setting.

  Jamie yelped, pulling against the restraints with so much force that Lucy halfway expected the headboard to crack. But it didn’t, and instead easily held her powerful captive in place even as Jamie struggled to escape the violent buzzing. “Ma’am, I can’t…I can’t take any more!”

  Lucy knew that wasn’t true, or else Jamie would use the safe word. “Sure you can.” She patted Jamie’s quivering thigh encouragingly. “Show me what a big, strong boi you are.”

  Beads of sweat appeared on Jamie’s forehead and ran down her face. She gritted her teeth and arched her back, convulsing repeatedly as one orgasm melted into the next. “It’s…too much…”

  “It’s not.” Lucy grasped Jamie’s nipple and twisted. One, then the other. “You can take a little more, can’t you?”

  Jamie whipped her head from side to side and squeezed her eyes shut. “I…I don’t…can’t…”

  “Ma’am,” Lucy reminded, with a punishing slap across Jamie’s breast.

  “Ma’am.” The word came out almost unintelligible.

  “If you can’t, then ask for my permission to stop.”


  Grinning evilly, Lucy urged, “Ask.”

  “Stop,” Jamie gasped. “Beg…please…” Her hips moved frantically against the bed, trying to escape. “Ma’am.”

  “You’ll have to do better than that,” Lucy drawled. “Tell me what you want and I’ll consider giving it to you.”

  Jamie broke off the end of her sentence with a plaintive moan. She strained against her bonds, harder this time. “Please…can…it…stop…ma’am?”

  Proud of her for pushing through that much sustained, excruciating pleasure, Lucy raised the remote and ended Jamie’s suffering with a single click. She chuckled at the way Jamie’s tense body went boneless the instant the buzzing stopped, then cuddled up to her side and kissed away the tears that streamed down Jamie’s cheeks. “There, there.”

  Jamie shuddered again. “Thank you, ma’am,” she whispered.

  Lucy rested her palm over the center of Jamie’s chest, patting gently. “Good boi.”

  The praise elicited a genuine, albeit exhausted, grin. “I tried, ma’am.”

  “I know, and I’m proud of you.” Lucy exhaled at length, then stretched. She needed a break, but didn’t want to end their game yet. Knowing she would surely pay for this the next time she lost, Lucy sat up and patted Jamie on the stomach. “I’m going to clean myself up for real. Then get something to drink, maybe watch a little TV.” That last part was a lie, but she managed to keep a straight face at Jamie’s growing look of horror. “Doze if you need to. I’ll be back when I’m ready, and then we’ll finish.”


  Perversely thrilled by Jamie’s incredulity, Lucy bent and licked both of her nipples in turn. “You’re shocked? Really?” She looked up and met Jamie’s hooded gaze with a bratty smile. “I happen to remember once being made to wait three hours before I was permitted to come.”

  Jamie set her jaw, no doubt recalling the many creative ways she’d chosen to torment Lucy over the years. “Not shocked, ma’am.”


  “Well, I was…” Jamie beseeched her with eyes full of palpable love and desire. “Hoping to hold you, ma’am.”

  Touched but not fooled, Lucy briefly curled up at Jamie’s side, resting her head on her broad chest without un-cuffing her wrists. “That’s very sweet.” She stretched to kiss the strong line of Jamie’s jaw. “Unfortunately, you haven’t earned that privilege yet.”

  She could practically hear Jamie grit her teeth. “Understood, ma’am.”

  Lucy smiled sweetly. She was going to be in so much trouble later.

  Which gave her all the more incentive to make tonight count.


  As promised, Lucy left the room to take a quick shower, where she washed herself thoroughly while weighing the options for her grand finale. By the time she returned to their bedroom, Jamie had managed to fall asleep despite her awkward position, snoring quietly with her mouth hanging slightly ajar. Regarding the sight with a fond gaze, Lucy toweled off her hair and decided to let Jamie rest for a while—she obviously needed it. Lucy hadn’t been joking about needing a drink, and she could no doubt find some spicy cable programming to keep the sexual tension simmering. After silently confirming that Jamie’s wrists were getting enough circulation, she left the bedroom, closing the door behind her.

  Lucy returned two hours later, wet all over again after watching a surprisingly graphic lesbian romance film from her streaming service of choice. She found Jamie still sleeping, but fitfully. Confusion-filled blue eyes opened upon her entrance, stared at her blearily, then widened as the reality of her captivity came flooding back. Lucy shot her a broad grin. “Look who’s awake.”

  Jamie tried to sit up, then fell back in defeat. “I apologize, ma’am. How long did I sleep?”

  Lucy climbed onto the bed and straddled Jamie’s hips. “No apology necessary. I told you to rest.” She reached between Jamie’s legs, stroking the length of the cock in her fisted hand. “You needed to rest. Didn’t you?”

  A weary groan was her only response.

  “Didn’t you?” Lucy prompted.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Yes you did, because now you’re going to come for me one last time.”

  Jamie held her breath for an extended moment, then released it in a rush. “Ma’am, I don’t know if I can.”

  “No more I can’ts,” Lucy chided. Backing up, she stripped off Jamie’s harness and cock in one swift motion and dropped them over the side of the bed. “You can. You will, because I’m telling you so.” She tossed the vibrator and remote to join the other toys, leaving Jamie bare and open to her touch. As she crawled between Jamie’s muscular thighs, Lucy murmured, “Look at my eyes. Do you believe me?”

  Nodding cautiously, Jamie said, “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Let me show you.” Lucy licked her lips, exaggerating for full effect. Lying on her stomach, she used her hands to part Jamie’s sensitive labia, and her fingers to coax the still-swollen clit out of hiding. “I’ve given head to a boi before. I think you’ll like it.” Jamie’s thighs were already shaking, and Lucy hadn’t even done anything yet. She paused, only millimeters away from her goal, to blow on the heated flesh. “Since you were so good earlier, I’ll even let you come inside my mouth.”

  Jamie’s breathing grew louder, and Lucy watched as fresh wetness trickled out of her opening. “Thank you, ma’am.”

  “See?” Lucy lowered her face, licking close enough to Jamie’s vagina to gather and spread her juices while keeping a respectful distance from her entrance. “There’s something left for me.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Moaning, Lucy licked Jamie’s labia, then around her clit. “So I’ll just…put it in my mouth.” She wrapped her lips around the erect bundle of nerves beneath her tongue, briefly, then backed away to whisper, “And then I’ll suck.” She followed up her words with action, pulling Jamie’s clit between her lips, slurping gently until she shivered. Lucy withdrew to speak one last time. “Be sure to ask my permission before you come.”

  “Yes, ma—ah!”

  Pleased to have gotten such a big reaction from her sudden, firm burst of suction, Lucy backed off slightly while establishing a steady rhythm with her tongue against the tip of Jamie’s clit. Despite Jamie’s protestations to the contrary, her body was still incredibly responsive—in fact, her overtaxed pussy seemed extraordinarily sensitive to even the barest stimulation. Though she sucked on Jamie more delicately than she normally would, Lucy still had to pin her thighs firmly against the bed, forcing them down to keep her from moving away. Finally, drained by the struggle, Lucy surged up the length of Jamie’s body so that their faces were inches apart. “Stop fucking fighting me on this.”

  Jamie shook her head desperately. “I wasn’t! Ma’am, I
just…it just feels so—“

  Lucy curled her hand around the base of Jamie’s neck and glared. “You were. Now stop.” She waited a beat. “Or else I’ll have to cuff your ankles, too.”

  Trembling, Jamie bit her lip and visibly gathered herself. “Please don’t, ma’am. I’ll stop.”

  “We’ll see.” Lucy let go of Jamie’s throat and slid down to resume her position between her thighs. She took her time reopening Jamie to her touch, then finding the correct position for her lips, then a good rhythm with her tongue. By the time she was back to where she’d started, Jamie was once again desperately struggling not to writhe away. A low noise of warning, followed by the hint of teeth against Jamie’s clit and a firm hand locked around her bent knee, finally brought the squirming under control.

  She heard Jamie begin to sob—literally keen in reaction to the overwhelming sensation—but what she didn’t hear was the safe word. Assuming that meant Jamie was still enjoying what was happening, even if she also kind of hated it at the same time, Lucy held her wife against the mattress and bobbed up and down on her clit with noisy enthusiasm. Jamie tossed her head from side to side, wailing, even as her hips thrust hard against Lucy’s mouth. So very proud of Jamie, and therefore suddenly eager to cradle her in her arms and talk her down, Lucy gave one last forceful suck, then increased the speed and rhythm of her tongue until Jamie stiffened.

  “May I come?” Jamie said quickly. “Ma’am, may I come? May I come?”

  Sensing that Jamie would explode with or without her permission, Lucy didn’t bother to answer. Instead she let Jamie repeat the request again and again, each time more frantic than the last, until finally she tensed and shook and came in a wet rush all over Lucy’s face.

  “Shit,” Jamie whined, convulsing as the orgasm ripped through her. “Fuck, I’m so…I’m…fuck!”

  It took everything Lucy had not to giggle while she teased Jamie’s clit through the roaring climax, driving her mercilessly until, at last, Jamie uttered a weak, “Banana.”

  At the sound of their safe word, Lucy moved away from Jamie without hesitation. Reaching for the headboard, she un-cuffed Jamie’s wrists in turn, rubbing each one to help restore the normal flow of blood. Then she stretched out alongside Jamie’s limp body and held her arms open in invitation. “Come here.”

  Jamie came to her willingly, pressing Lucy back onto the mattress so she could rest a flushed cheek against her bare breast. It was a familiar position, as familiar as the loving kiss Jamie gave her nipple before she let out a long, shaky exhalation and curled her arm around Lucy’s middle. “You may have broken me.”

  Lucy laughed, but lifted her head to conduct a careful study of Jamie’s face. “Not really, right?”

  “In the best possible way.” Jamie kissed her nose, shooting her a dazed smile. “That…was one of the greatest sexual experiences I’ve ever had.”

  “I told you the chasing game was fun.” High off an intoxicating mixture of pride and bone-deep relief, Lucy wrapped her arms around Jamie’s shoulders and squeezed as hard as she dared. She’d wanted so badly for Jamie to enjoy tonight, despite her own inexperience on top, that it was almost difficult to believe she’d managed such resounding success. “You mean that, for real?”

  “Honestly.” Jamie gathered her into an even tighter embrace, once again the dominant force between them. “You were really, really good.”

  “Well, I learned from the best.” Easing back, she drew playful circles across the center of Jamie’s chest with her fingernail. “I was impressed with you, too. Who says submission doesn’t come naturally?”

  Jamie blushed. “It doesn’t.”

  Not wanting Jamie to think she desired a change in their normal dynamic after tonight, Lucy said, “I know it doesn’t. But you did so well.”

  Accepting the praise with a graceful nod, Jamie traced the contours of Lucy’s face using the backs of her fingers, then the tips. “I have to admit, tonight I gained a shit-ton of newfound respect for what you do, Lu. Physically, you may be smaller, weaker, slower…but you’re also, without a doubt, the strongest woman I know.”

  Warmed by the acknowledgement, Lucy caught Jamie’s hand in hers and turned it over to kiss the palm. “And the most ruthless.”

  Rumbling with laughter, Jamie said, “Definitely the most ruthless.” She tickled Lucy’s side, making her squeal. “Don’t think that my enjoying your victory means that I plan to ever let you win, though.”

  “I get it. You like winning.” Lucy yawned as a tidal wave of exhaustion swept over her. “One more question before you tuck me in?”


  “So…do you understand now? What I get out of it?”

  “Yeah,” Jamie murmured, kissing her hair. She caressed Lucy’s back and sides with a reverence that communicated so much more than could ever be articulated aloud. “I think I do.”

  “Good.” She closed her eyes and held tightly to Jamie’s shoulders, hoping that she wasn’t planning to leave the bed, not even to wash up. After all, she made such a comfortable pillow. “That’s really good.”

  Jamie adjusted the comforter around their bodies to envelop Lucy in the safest, warmest cocoon imaginable. Then she rocked her, tenderly, and sometime later, as Lucy teetered on the edge of sleep, whispered, “Lu?”


  “I don’t think we’re fucked up.”

  “Good,” Lucy mumbled sleepily, right before slipping off to hopefully revisit this groundbreaking night in her dreams. “Neither do I.”



  Meghan O'Brien is the author of multiple lesbian romance and erotic novels and novellas, including Infinite Loop, The Three, Thirteen Hours, Battle Scars, Wild, The Night Off, The Muse, and the upcoming novel Camp Rewind and novella Delayed Gratification: The Honeymoon, all from Bold Strokes Books. She is also the author of a veritable cornucopia of dirty stories, published both online and in various print anthologies. She resides in Northern California with her wife, son, and gang of loyal cats and dogs.




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