Loving Quinn: The Lone Wolf Defenders Book 2

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Loving Quinn: The Lone Wolf Defenders Book 2 Page 11

by Alicia Montgomery

  “Yeah, I understand you’re on the rag, jeez, I’m not dumb,” Quinn said, rolling his eyes. He held up the large paper bag in his other hand. “That’s why I got you these.”

  “What did you get me?” she asked, confused.

  “Here,” he shoved it into her arms. “I walked to the pharmacy around the corner and got you a couple things.”

  Curious, Selena opened the bag. The item on top was an electric heating pad. Then there were about a dozen different chocolate bars. But what made her laugh out loud was the boxes of feminine hygiene products. There were about half a dozen brands buried at the bottom of the bag.

  “Tampons? And pads?” she asked, barely able to keep her face straight. “You bought all these? For me?”

  “Yeah, I wasn’t sure I got the right ones. Meredith was always so picky,” he said with a moan. “It was always ‘that’s not what I use’ or ‘that one’s not comfortable’ or ‘it’s the third Sunday when Venus is crossing over Saturn, so I only use this brand.’”

  “Wait … Meredith made you buy her tampons and pads?” Selena bit her lip to keep from bursting out with laughter.

  “She was one of those girls who couldn’t move when she had her period, you know?” Quinn explained. “So, each month, Killian, Connor, and I would have to take turns on who would get her stuff.”

  Selena burst out laughing, the first real one she’d had in a while. “I can’t … I can’t …” Tears were pooling in her eyes. “I can’t imagine Connor pawing through boxes of tampons in the drug store!” The image alone made her crack up.

  “Ha!” Quinn chuckled. “Believe it or not, Connor always got the right ones. I’m the one who always had to go back and find the correct brand.” He scratched his head. “I think she was messing with me.”

  “I … I …” The laughter made it hard to form words, but when she finally calmed down, she let out a sigh. “I stock my own feminine hygiene products, FYI,” she said.

  “Good to know. Let's go to the couch. We can keep watching your movie, and I’ll plug in the heating pad. Maybe you can scarf down all that chocolate until you feel better.”

  He moved toward the living room, but she stopped him with a hand on the chest. “Wait,” she said. “You want to come in? And watch sappy movies with me?”

  “I got nothing else to do,” he said with a shrug.

  “But you know I can’t … I mean … down there.” Her cheeks heated. Oh God, she was going to die of mortification.

  “Are you twelve, Selena?” Quinn asked in an impatient voice. “I know how stuff works down there. You don’t have to be embarrassed you’re on your period. Now,” he took her by the shoulders and pushed her to the side. “I’m gonna order some Chinese food for dinner. You go and do what you need to do to get comfy.” He walked into the living room, leaving a dumbfounded Selena in the foyer.


  As he promised, Quinn ate dinner and watched the movie with her, never making fun of her or mocking the overly melodramatic scenes. He simply handed her a tissue each time she started weeping. When he saw that she looked uncomfortable trying to squeeze herself on the other end of the couch, he gestured for her to come into his side. She curled up against his warm body, sighing as he positioned the heating pad on her aching lower back.

  When the credits rolled, Selena looked up at Quinn’s face. He was very still, his eyes closed. He looked so different to her when he was like this. Handsome, yes, but the quiet strength she never knew was inside him seemed to shine through. The night of the accident, she had experienced that intensity, just not physically. While she had broken down and panicked, he had been calm, despite being in so much pain. Of course, she knew Lycans had accelerated healing, but, in that moment, she had thought he was going to die and she was going to lose him. Tears welled up in her eyes again, not from the movie but real ones that sent a tightness through her chest.

  She took a deep breath to stop the tears and attempted to disentangle herself from Quinn. Tried to, anyway, because when she went to shimmy out of his arms, he just scooped her up and planted her on his lap, making her legs straddle him.

  “Hi there,” he said with a sleepy, boyish smile, as he opened his eyes.

  “Hi there,” she said back, reaching up to push a lock of blond hair that had fallen over his forehead. The air went very still and quiet. Even the noise of the city seemed to fade away as Quinn leaned down to press his lips to hers. She sighed against his lips, opening up her mouth to him. He tasted like the chocolate bars they had shared. She could also feel the growing bulge pressing up against her stomach.

  “Uh, sorry,” he said, pulling away. “I can't help it.” He ran his hands down her back and over her ass. “You’re so sexy, and you smell so good.” He nuzzled at her neck, making her moan aloud and rub herself on him. “Kitten,” he gasped. “You gotta stop or else.”

  Selena had a naughty thought. Well, she always had wicked thoughts around Quinn, but this one was very naughty. “Or what?” she asked, sliding off his lap and onto the floor. She got on her knees and spread his legs apart.

  A golden brow raised at her. “Selena?”

  “Hmmm?” she asked, her eyes never leaving the bulge in his crotch. She traced her hand over it, pressing down as her palm ran over the ridge of his erection.

  “Selena …”

  “Take off your shirt,” she said. She wanted to see his sexy chest and abs, as well as his taut golden skin and his tattoo. Plus, she didn't want him to ruin his clothes.

  Quinn obliged, whipping the tight black t-shirt over his head. He looked down at her, desire burning in his eyes. “Your turn. Show me those gorgeous tits, kitten.”

  She unbuttoned her blouse, slowly, until she was kneeling in front of him in just her bra. Reaching behind her, she unclasped her bra and let it fall to the floor. The exposed nipples immediately tightened under his gaze.

  “Nice,” he said, his eyes never leaving her breasts.

  She swallowed a gulp but continued, scrunching up every bit of courage. Her fingers found the fly of his jeans and popped the buttons one by one, then tugged at his pants and underwear. Quinn lifted his hips so she could pull them all the way down to his ankles. His cock stood at attention, and Selena felt apprehensive. Despite all the times they’d been together, she’d never done this. Quinn never pressured or even asked her to give him oral, and she was relieved because she would hate to be a disappointment.

  Sensing her hesitation, Quinn spoke. “Selena, you don’t have to do this,” he said, though his voice was strained. “You’re not—ugh!”

  Her hand grasped around the base of his cock. “But I want to,” she said, looking up at him as she opened her mouth and took the tip into it. Quinn bucked his hips up, and he let out a pained groan.

  Selena wished she had at least read up on what she was supposed to do, but she supposed she could take a chapter from his book and just copy what he’s done for her in the past. So, she swirled her tongue around the bulbous head. Hmmm … Quinn was moaning now, so it was probably good. She gripped his cock harder and then began to slide her mouth down on his shaft slowly, as he was not exactly a small man.

  “Fuck! Selena!” His hands dug into her hair, fingers curling around the locks gently. He pulled her up, and she followed his lead, sliding her mouth up and down his shaft, teasing the underside with the rough pad of her tongue.

  “Selena … shit … I’m gonna come …”

  Selena clamped her mouth around him harder, her hands gripped the base as she felt his cock spasm. Quinn grunted and pulled himself from her mouth as thick cum began to shoot from his cock. He placed his hand over hers and tugged back on his shaft, causing the cum to spurt all over his chest and stomach.

  “Shit … kitten …” He looked down and let out a small laugh. “You made a mess.”

  “I made a mess?” she asked with a chuckle. “You need better aim.” She stood up and put her hands on her hips. “What am I going to do with you?” She sighed.

bsp; “For starters, you can get me a towel. I don’t wanna stain your couch,” he said. “Then you can sit on my lap, and I can suck on those nipples.”

  “Don’t move,” she said, heading into the bathroom. She came out with a damp towel and stood over him.

  He took the towel from her hands. “Thanks.” He cleaned himself off, dropped the towel on the floor, and then tugged her down on his lap.

  “Hey,” she giggled, “I gotta go and put your jizz towel in the hamper.”

  “Jizz towel?” He laughed. “Well, I suppose it’ll be my towel now.”

  “Yeah, I don’t think Evie will want her washcloth back,” she said. “Quinn!” she cried when his warm mouth encircled a nipple. “Quinn … I want to … but we can’t.” Stupid Aunt Flo.

  He nipped at her bud lightly. “Kitten,” he said, “We don’t have to go all the way.” He slid a hand between them, dipping lower, under her leggings and panties. “There are other ways, you know.” She gasped when his finger rubbed over her clit, but it never strayed lower. “Besides, I read that orgasms were the best way to relieve cramps.”

  She bit her lip and pushed her hips at his fingers. “We should keep that jizz towel handy then.”

  He laughed.


  Quinn shifted uncomfortably on the narrow mattress. Selena was not kidding when she said they had twin beds in the bedroom. For them to fit in one bed, Selena had to squeeze up against the wall and he had to lie on his side. Still, that also meant she was pressed up against him all night long, and he loved feeling the soft curves of her body, especially her plush ass. He groaned as his cock started to get hard again. He already came twice last night, yet he was still horny.

  Selena moaned and twisted around, nearly knocking him off the bed. He steadied himself, and she buried her face into his chest, rubbing her nose on him. Now her naked tits were smashed against his chest, and he could feel her nipples grazing his skin. Jeez, this wasn’t much better. When was he going to stop wanting her all the damn time? He was counting the days until she was better and he could drive right into her again …

  He pushed those thoughts aside and looked over at the other bed. Quinn supposed that he would be much more comfortable on the other bed, but he doubted Evie would appreciate that, especially after what he did to her washcloth. Quinn chuckled, thinking about how he wanted to burn the damn thing, but Selena insisted on keeping the jizz towel as a souvenir.

  He let out a heavy sigh and closed his eyes. He wasn’t sure what was going to happen after this, but he did know he wasn’t going to stay away from Selena. After the accident, when he thought she was hurt or worse, he almost lost it. He had to break down her walls and convince her that they were good together. And whatever together meant, they could figure out later.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Quinn thought the best way to show Selena that they should be together was to stick with her as much as possible. For the next couple days, he picked her up at the library as soon as she was done at work and then went home with her. It was a good thing Evie decided to extend her visit to Kansas because—hooray—that meant more blow jobs. But he was getting tired of squeezing into the twin bed with Selena. He didn’t dare suggest they go back to his place because whenever they were out in public together, she seemed nervous and wouldn’t even hold his hand. They seemed like purely platonic friends whenever they were out.

  “Burgers or Japanese?” Quinn asked as he strolled up to her desk.

  “Burgers,” she said without looking up from her computer. “But I want ice cream afterward, too.”

  “Whatever you want, kitten.”

  Selena closed up her computer and followed him out of the library. They went to a burger place around the corner where the food was good and reasonably priced (at least for New York). Afterward, Selena insisted they take the subway uptown to an ice cream shop.

  “You already paid for dinner,” Selena said. “You need to stop spending money on me and do something more useful with your cash. Your rent alone must be a fortune. I don’t even want to think about how much you’ve spent on Uber with your credit cards.”

  Quinn bit back a retort. None of the other girls he went out with cared if he were spending too much money on them. In fact, many of them demanded it. Yet, here was Selena, worried about his credit score. He chuckled to himself and wondered if he should tell her how rich he was. Not billionaire rich, of course, but he was certainly flush enough to take her on all the Uber rides she wanted.

  “Fine, whatever you want.” The traffic in the city would be horrible anyway, and the subway made more sense. They took the train to the Upper West Side and walked to the ice cream shop. There was a long line outside, and, although Quinn rolled his eyes, he followed Selena to the end of the queue. She seemed excited about having ice cream, so he couldn’t disappoint her.

  “What is this place?” he asked.

  “They just opened a week ago. They specialize in alcoholic ice cream,” Selena said with a sparkle in her eye.

  “Oh, is that so?” he asked. “Are you trying to get me drunk on ice cream? So you can take advantage of me?”

  She let out a laugh. “There’s not enough liquor in the ice cream to get anyone drunk, much less a Lycan.”

  “All right, lady,” he chuckled. “But I’m watching you. You better keep your hands to yourself.”

  They waited in line patiently, and it went by faster than he anticipated. As they stood there, Selena’s phone rang a few times, but she ignored it. After a few more rings, she finally turned it off with an annoyed huff. Who the hell could be calling her over and over again? A weird feeling settled over him, but he ignored it as they reached the front of the line.

  Selena got an Irish cream flavored ice cream with sprinkles, while Quinn opted for one made with chocolate stout and pretzel bits. They stood outside the shop, leaning against the wall as they enjoyed their ice cream, Quinn finishing his in three bites.

  “Want a taste?” Selena asked, offering him her cone.

  “Sure,” he said. As she pushed her cone at him, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her to him instead. He was taking a risk and it might scare her away, but, why not? He caught her lips with his, savoring the cold and sweet taste of her mouth as she opened to him. The ice cream cone dropped to the ground, but when he tried to pull away, she snaked her arms around his neck instead and pulled him closer. Pushing her up against the wall, he buried his hands in her hair and angled her head so he could slant his mouth over hers and slide his tongue into her mouth.

  “Quinn,” she whispered as he pulled away.

  He leaned his forehead against her and opened his eyes. “Sorry about the ice cream. I’ll get you another one.”

  “No,” she said. “Take me home? To your place, I mean.”

  His heart thudded in his chest. “Are you sure?” Maybe she was coming around and getting used to this together thing.

  She nodded. “Evie’s back home. And … Aunt Flo is gone.”

  “Who?” He paused, then realized what she was saying. “Oh. Why didn’t you tell me right away?”

  “Would you have taken me for ice cream?” she asked cheekily, which earned her a nip on the ear. “Quinn,” she moaned when his tongue snaked out to lick the shell of her ear.

  “I would have taken you for ice cream … eventually. I can’t wait to be inside you,” he said, pressing his lower body to hers. He was already half hard, thinking about sliding into her.

  “Then what are we waiting for?” she asked.

  Quinn took her hand and dragged her down to the corner. “Dammit,” he cursed when two cabs went past them. He took out his phone. No Ubers anywhere near them, either.

  “It’s rush hour. We’ll never get a cab,” she said. “Let’s take the subway; it’ll be faster anyway.”

  “Fine,” he growled. Besides, he wasn’t sure if he could control himself if they were in the back of a car. He wanted her now.

  They walked two blocks to the nearest subway stati
on that would take them downtown to Quinn’s loft. After getting Quinn a MetroCard, they walked through the turnstiles to the main train platform.

  As they stood on the platform, Quinn suddenly felt uneasy. The desire and impatience he was feeling had ebbed away, but not because he didn’t want Selena. No, the hairs on the back of his neck were raised, and he felt like he was being watched. He glanced around, but there were so many people, he couldn’t be sure.

  The train arrived, and they moved inside one of the cramped cars, but, still, the feeling wouldn’t go away. He put an arm protectively around Selena, and when she looked up at him with her brows knitted, he gave her a tight smile. No need to worry her, especially if he was just being paranoid.

  They had to switch at Times Square, which was probably a mistake. The platform was hot and crowded and filled with annoyed New Yorkers coming home from work and confused tourists looking at paper maps or gawking all around.

  Quinn tuned out the din of the crowd and concentrated on the sounds from the rail. Using his enhanced senses, he heard the incoming train, even before there was an announcement over the speakers. Knowing that the train would be pulling in any time, he moved them closer to the edge, so they would be the first ones in.

  “Quinn, you’re so impatient,” she joked.

  He didn’t answer her because the hairs on the back of his neck were bristling now and Wolf stood at attention. A low, rumbling growl ripped from his chest, which took Selena aback.

  “Quinn? What's wrong?” Her eyes were wide, searching his face for an answer. “Are you—”

  It all went by fast. Too fast. He saw a figure in a gray hoodie rush behind Selena as they fell backward. The man’s face was obscured by his hoodie, and Quinn scented the air, trying to identify something because there was no way a human could move that fast. The other Lycan smelled of dirt and something pungent, like mildew.

  The air knocked out of him as he landed on the subway rails, Selena on top of him. Someone screamed, and lights were coming in fast to their right. Wolf growled and snarled in warning.


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