Loving Quinn: The Lone Wolf Defenders Book 2

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Loving Quinn: The Lone Wolf Defenders Book 2 Page 19

by Alicia Montgomery

  “Thank you …”


  “Thank you, Selena,” Jacob said, taking her hands in his and giving them a squeeze. After one last look at Quinn, he turned and walked away.

  “Quinn?” Selena asked, looking up at him. “Are you all right?” His body was rigid and his jaw tense. “Please, Quinn. Talk to me.”

  His head turned to her, his eyes bright. “I … all my life, Selena. I thought he didn’t want me.”

  “He didn’t know about you.”

  “I'm not sure if I can believe that,” Quinn said.

  “I think he’s telling the truth,” Selena said. “The shock on his face when he saw you was real. And he looked like he was ready to kill Carla.”

  His shoulders slumped. “I just … I don’t know …” He shook his head.

  “Quinn,” she began. “He’s your father. He’s going to be our kid’s grandfather. I think you should give him a chance. Go and talk to him.”

  Apprehension filled his eyes, and he let out a sigh. “All right.”

  “Good,” Selena said. “No matter what, I love you, okay?”

  “I love you too,” he choked, gathering her into his arms. He took a deep breath. “I’m going to spend my entire life making sure you’re happy. You know that, right?”

  Tears blinded her eyes. “I absolutely do.”


  The Prince Albert Hotel’s Imperial Ballroom was bedecked with red, white, and blue streamers, while festive lights were strung across the banisters and the balconies. A live band struck up a lively tune, and the crowd was whipped up into the frenzy as the emcee made the announcement.

  “And now, let’s welcome to the stage, New York’s newest Governor, Jacob Martin!”

  The people in the ballroom went wild, cheering and shouting as the doors opened. The crowd parted, and Jacob Martin strode through the room, accompanied by his son and new daughter-in-law. Father and son were wearing matching black tuxes while the new Mrs. Martin looked positively glowing in her blue chiffon evening gown that showed off her baby bump. The trio went up to the small dais set up in the front, and Governor Martin walked up to the podium after helping Selena to her seat.

  “Thank you, everyone. Thank you for coming to tonight's Inaugural ball,” Jacob said, his face beaming. “Allow me first to thank a few people who I owe a great deal to and, if it were not for them, I wouldn’t be here. First, my campaign team …” Jacob continued with his rehearsed speech, showing his gratitude to everyone who helped get him elected. “Finally,” he said, clearing his throat. “As you all know, we had a bit of a last-minute surprise during the campaign, namely, my son, Quinn. And while some of my staff warned me that acknowledging him might cost me the election, I told them to go to hell.” The crowd laughed. “And I’m glad I did because I’m proud to be the father of such a wonderful young man who beat the odds and turned out well, no thanks to me.” Jacob gave his son a smile, his eyes shining with tears. “And, well, while I didn’t get to see his first walk or hear his first words, he’ll have a chance to do it with his son or daughter. Speaking of which, thank you, Selena. You’ve been instrumental in healing the rift between us. I’m so glad my son found a lifelong partner in you, and, if I leave this world soon, I’ll be happy knowing you’ll be there to take care of him.” Overcome with emotion, Jacob stepped away from the podium and walked to Quinn and Selena to give them both hugs.

  “You’re going off script, Pops,” Quinn whispered. “I think your campaign manager’s about to bust a vein.”

  “Meh, she’ll live,” Jacob said. “Besides, I’m already Governor. I can do whatever the hell I want.”

  “C’mon, Dad,” Selena urged. “They’re waiting for you to open the dance floor.”

  “All right, but save a dance for me, okay?” Jacob’s brown eyes twinkled, his expression reminding her so much of Quinn’s. As she found out, Jacob Martin was every bit as charming as his son.

  “I will. Now go!”

  Quinn pulled Selena closer to him and buried his nose in her hair. “Kitten, you look so sexy in that dress. Your tits look amazing.”

  “I look fat,” she said glumly. “And I’m only going to get fatter.”

  “You do not,” he protested, then placed a hand over her belly. “You’re beautiful and sexy, and I want to pull you into the nearest janitor’s closet and have my way with you.”

  “Quinn,” she admonished, “we’re on a stage in front of three hundred people.”

  “So? They can’t hear me say how I wish I could bend my wife over that podium and screw her silly.”

  Jacob turned his head from where he was standing by the foot of the stage and gave them a wink.

  “Except the Lycans,” Selena said wryly. “Behave, please. And dance with your wife.”

  “Only because you asked nicely.”

  Quinn led her to the dance floor where he gave her a playful spin that set her into a fit of giggles before pulling her close into his arms. As the music played and the other couples danced around them, she laid her head on his chest, tuning out the rest of the world and listening to the beating of his heart.

  The last few weeks were certainly a whirlwind. Between Carla and Paul being sent to Lycan prison, trying to repair the relationship between Quinn and Jacob, getting engaged, having a quickie wedding, watching the campaign, and, of course, gestating a magical Lycan baby, Selena was exhausted. But the worst was over now. Quinn and Jacob were slowly healing, together, and his father’s public acknowledgment of their relationship was a big factor in helping with that. It was horrible at first when the news broke. They were being followed by reporters all day long, but that pretty much died down a few days later when the next big scandal hit the headlines.

  “What are you thinking about?” Quinn asked.

  “About families,” she said.

  Quinn frowned. “Are things okay with your father?”

  Selena sighed. “Uncle Lucien says I'm not banished from the coven. He won't tell me how, but I suspect he had a lot to do with that. So, I’m free to visit Philadelphia and mom anytime.”


  “But … I don’t know.” She shrugged. “I just … he’s my dad, you know? It still hurts …”

  “I know, kitten.” He pulled her close. “Whatever you decide, whether you want to try and work things out or never talk to him again, I’ll support you.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Your stepsisters on the other hand …” He gave a distasteful grimace.

  Selena giggled. “Did they try to get tickets to the ball?”

  “They did, and I told them to fuck off. Then a couple hours ago, I saw them trying to sneak in here, telling security they were the Governor’s son’s favorite sisters-in-law.”

  “Ha! Hopefully, security didn’t let them in.”

  “I circulated their pictures to the staff. They won’t be getting in here.”

  “Good,” Selena replied. Katrina and Alexis would always be part and parcel with her father, something she had to accept if she ever wanted to repair that relationship, but she vowed never to let them or anyone else walk all over her again.

  “I love you,” he whispered in her ear.

  She looked up at him, into his clear blue eyes, and her heart fluttered, even after all these months. She once thought that loving Quinn would only lead to heartache and pain. Sure, there were days when she didn’t know whether to kiss him or drown him, but it was all worth it. Loving Quinn was freedom; it was giving him the best of herself, but also getting the best of him in return. And for Selena, that would be enough for the rest of her life.

  Extended Epilogue

  Five years later …

  “License and registration, please, sir,” the stern-faced cop said as Quinn rolled down the window.

  “I told you you were going too fast,” Selena grumbled from the passenger seat.

  “Well, if you didn’t take so much time getting ready, we wouldn’t be late,” Quinn answe
red as he fished his wallet from his pocket. He took out a plastic card and handed it over to the police officer. “Here you go, sir.”

  The officer took the card and held it up. He frowned and pulled his sunglasses down the bridge of his nose, then gave the license a second glance. “Sir, is this a joke?”

  “What? No officer, I would never joke with you.”

  Selena guffawed.

  “Is that so, Mr. McFuckface?”

  “Mister what?” Quinn grabbed the card and scanned the front.

  “Mommy, daddy, the officer said a bad word!” Four-year-old Lizzie screamed from the back seat.

  “Why is McDuckface a bad word?” her adopted brother, Anthony, asked. Meanwhile, the newest addition to their growing family, little Jacob, gurgled happily in his car seat.

  “Oh my God, you still have that thing?” Selena asked, slapping her hand over her eyes. “I gave you that library card years ago!”

  “Of course,” Quinn said. “It’s the first gift you ever gave me.” He took out his wallet and handed the correct card to the cop. “Sorry, officer. Here’s my real license.”

  “Hmm …” The officer looked at the card.

  “He has to put money in the swear jar!” Lizzie exclaimed. “He said a bad word!”

  “Elizabeth Eowyn Martin!” Selena hissed. “Keep quiet, please.”

  The officer took off his sunglasses. “Well, if I don’t have to put money in the swear jar, maybe I can let you off with a warning?”

  Selena let out a sigh of relief. “Thank you, officer. And, no, you don’t have to put money in the swear jar.”

  “But mommy, that’s not fair! You made me put a dollar in when I called that lady on TV who was mean to Grampa a b—”

  “Shush, Lizzie!” Selena let out a sigh.

  The police officer was trying to suppress a laugh as he handed Quinn his license back. “All right, Mr. Martin, drive safe and have a good day.” He gave the kids a final wave and walked back to his car.

  As soon as Quinn pulled the window up, he breathed a sigh of relief. “Whew. Never thought I could use our adorable children to get out of a ticket.”

  “Yeah, well, now we’re really late, so let’s get a move on.”

  “All right then. Everyone strapped in?” He turned around, looking at his three kids and then Selena. It sounded clichéd, but the sight of them never failed to give him that warm, fuzzy feeling in his chest. He once asked Selena if she regretted not having witch or warlock children, and she replied that all their kids were magical. He certainly agreed.

  He never dreamed he could be so happy, despite the mess and the chaos of having two toddlers of the same age and an infant. They adopted Anthony not long after Lizzie was born. They had been touring a public hospital with his father when they saw him. Anthony had to be put in an incubator because his mother had been an alcoholic and drug user up until she gave birth prematurely. She then died soon after. None of the staff thought he would make it, but he was a little fighter. Selena and Quinn visited him every day and fell in love with him. With their connections and because no one wanted a sickly baby, they were able to take him home and formally adopt him after a few months. Not only had Anthony survived, but he was growing up into a healthy and bright little boy.

  “Finally,” Quinn groaned as they approached the Anderson mansion on Long Island. It was a long weekend, and Grant and Frankie were hosting another of their famous barbecues. The food and drinks were always phenomenal and free flowing, plus, with the amazing views of the ocean, it was always a treat to come here.

  “Look, it’s Jolene!” Lizzie said in an excited voice as she jabbed her finger against the glass, pointing at the black Dodge Ram that was parked a few spots away. “Uncle Connor’s here!”

  “Yay! Uncle Connor!” Anthony echoed.

  “I can’t believe Connor is the ‘fun uncle’ now,” Quinn groaned. “That was supposed to be my shtick.”

  Selena laughed. “Yeah, now you’re just mean daddy, especially when you give them homework.”

  While most people would have thought Quinn would’ve been more the laid-back and carefree parent, he was actually the opposite. He was so worried that his kids would turn out to be juvenile delinquents (like him) that he had become a strict disciplinarian. He wanted his children to grow up smart and with a good work ethic, so he started teaching them to read and count at an early age. He couldn't wait to get them in front of a computer.

  “Hmmm …” He looked over at the jacked-up truck. “Think Connor’ll sell me Jolene this year?”

  “He loves that thing; he’ll never sell it.”

  “What if I tell him why I want it?”

  “Don’t you dare!” Selena turned red. “You will not tell him we conceived Lizzie in his truck,” she whispered. “Remember his reaction when he saw that scratch on the door?”

  “Yes. But remember how fun that night was?”

  She turned even redder. “Yes,” she said with a small smile. “Now, let’s get everyone out of the car and go get some food.”

  “Yeah, before all the pregnant Lycans finish everything off,” Quinn moaned as he unbuckled his belt.

  They unpacked the car and Selena carried Jacob in his car seat, while Quinn had one toddler in each arm. When they reached the backyard, Anthony and Lizzie squirmed out of their father’s arms as soon as they saw their cousins and friends piling on top of Sebastian, playing their favorite game, Catch the Dragon. Connor was chatting with Dante by the grill, handing the chef a cold beer. His brother turned his head when he heard the familiar squeals of Lizzie and Anthony, and then waved to Quinn and Selena.

  Selena and Quinn walked over to the adults who were sitting in the lounge chairs and enjoying the perfect weather. She put the carrier down and picked up Jacob, bouncing the chubby baby in her arms.

  “Daric thinks we’re going to have a girl,” Meredith announced as Selena sat down on the empty love seat. Quinn plopped down beside her and grabbed her legs, draping them over his lap.

  “Did you see it?” Selena asked the warlock.

  “I have a good feeling about this one,” Daric said with a cryptic smile.

  “What happened to you guys, anyway?” Meredith asked. “Why are you so late?”

  Selena rolled her eyes and recounted what happened, including the incident with the police officer.

  “Quinn McFuckface? You really gave him that name?” Meredith chuckled.

  “It seemed like a good fit at the time,” Selena answered, giving her husband a wry look.

  “Well, ha ha,” Quinn mocked. “The joke’s on you, Mrs. McFuckface.”

  Selena laughed out loud. “Yes, I guess it is.”

  The End

  Thanks for reading! Want to read some bonus (hot, sexy and explicit) bonus and extended scenes from the book (including their wedding day)? Sign up for my reading group now! You’ll get access to ALL the bonus materials from all my books AND two free Contemporary Billionaire Romances. Sign up here.

  Members will also get an exclusive sneak peek at All for Connor: Book 3 of the Lone Wolf Defenders, which comes out in late September.

  Author's Notes

  Being one myself, I know exactly what “middle child syndrome” feels like. Quinn is my middle child, not just because his book lands smack dab in the middle of Lone Wolf Defenders, but he really took a lot of my attention, and quite possibly, is the reason I’m wearing a sling right now (ouch, sprained wrist ligament).

  But, just as I thought, he was a lot of fun to write. When I first started writing him back in Tempted by the Wolf, I knew he was going to be a different kind of hero - not the usual dark and brooding character, but someone more lighthearted and maybe a bit (okay, a LOT) of a smart ass. I knew he needed someone who could match him, and I do hope Selena was every bit the brave, sassy, and large-hearted heroine you thought she would be.

  Now, onto Connor! If you noticed something in the extended epilogue and you’re thinking what I think you’re thinking- don’t pan
ic!! I promise all will be explained and he will have his own HEA. I have lots of surprises in store for that book, both inside and out!

  It’s always a joy to hear from readers, so please do drop me a line at [email protected] and tell me what you think. I hope you leave me a review (hint hint) if you enjoyed reading Loving Quinn. But if you didn’t and want to explain why, then I’d love to hear that too. It helps me get to know my audience and gauge their interest, and most of all, get to know who you all are in some way.

  Thanks for reading!

  All the best,


  Other Books by Alicia Montgomery

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  The Lone Wolf Defenders

  Killian’s Secret: Book 1

  Lone Wolf Killian is keeping a secret. His family is finally back together after a tragic loss, but he’s living an empty life, and there’s a pain inside him that won’t go away. When he sets his eyes on the woman who broke his wolf and his heart, old wounds are reopened, but he can’t deny the powerful attraction and hold she has on him.

  The last person Luna wants to see is the man who destroyed her world. When Killian left her holding the bag, she lost her career, her home, and credibility. But, she’s keeping a secret of her own. If Killian found out the truth, he could destroy the fragile life she’s trying to rebuild.

  A chance encounter brings them together again, and Killian discovers what Luna’s been hiding. While the bitter past puts them at odds, their passion is reignited. He wants her back, but she’s not sure she can trust him with her heart.

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