Spank Her Very Much

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Spank Her Very Much Page 6

by Holla Dean

  When she returned Brent was asleep again. She felt his forehead and it seemed close to normal. It was time to make some real food.

  Gina started the grill out on her small patio and then chopped the potatoes into small pieces so she could cook them faster in a skillet. Supper was ready in about a half hour and Brent woke up to the smell of onions and potatoes frying in the skillet. He was famished and managed to get up and sit at the table to eat.

  Gina waited on him, bringing him his food, a glass of water, and anything else he needed. She didn’t know what to say to him to tell him how very glad she was that he was going to be all right.

  The last four days had been hell on her. Every time his fever spiked she was tempted to call an ambulance. Every possible bad scenario raced through her head several times a day.

  What if he had an infection inside his arm that she couldn’t see? What if he wasn’t getting enough nourishment and liquids? Could he die? Would he die? What would she do if he died there in her townhouse? She’d be guilty of manslaughter for not seeking medical help for him.

  Gina had sat by his side for four days and watched him as he slept and his body tried to heal. She brushed the soft brown curls from his sweaty forehead and admired the perfect cupid’s bow of his upper lip and the velvety softness of his full lower lip. She touched her finger to the slight cleft in his chin.

  Gina had given him sponge baths daily to keep him clean. He had slept in the bed naked and covered with three or four blankets. She would expose only a small portion of his body to the air while she washed him. She had no idea what she was doing and constantly went on the internet to learn how to care for a fevered person who was mostly unconscious.

  At night Gina would lie next to him in the bed and rest her hand over his chest so she could feel it if he moved. On the third night, she had been exhausted from a general lack of enough sleep. When she lay down beside him, she touched his face and ran her finger over his cheek, down his jaw line, and thought about how very much she loved him.

  Whoa! Where the hell had that come from? Sure she cared about him. He was fun and a great partner in crime. They had some great sex together. But love? No way.

  She settled down to go to sleep and vowed to put all those thoughts of love out of her mind. Her hand was back on Brent’s chest, just in case he had a bad night or his fever went up.

  In the wee hours of the morning, Brent had thrashed about and began speaking in a somewhat slurred way. He mumbled about how the cops were chasing them, how they had to keep running. Then he mumbled, “Run, baby, run. I’ll find you later. I love you, Gina.”

  Holy crap! The same night her head starts telling her how much she loves Brent, he starts mumbling his love for her in his sleep!

  It had to be the fever talking. She was sure Brent wanted to keep their relationship just as it was; a great working partnership and lots of fun with casual sex. Neither one of them needed or wanted any of this love nonsense.

  Gina refused to think about loving Brent or Brent loving her. She needed to concentrate on getting Brent well and making sure his wounds didn’t become infected. She spent that fourth day continuing to care for him and tried to think about what they would do about all that money.

  They couldn’t put it in the bank, or open an off-shore account. That would be a sure way to get caught. She knew a little about laws concerning money and knew any deposits to a bank of ten thousand dollars or more would be reported to the Feds. That meant they’d have to spend the cash little by little, pay for everything in cash.

  She was wishing for Brent’s fever to break and for him to be lucid and able to talk for more than just a few minutes before falling asleep again. But even though the fever had broken, Brent was still weak and by the he’d eaten his dinner he was ready for bed again.

  It wasn’t until the next morning that Brent was ready to have a serious conversation.

  Gina made eggs and bacon for breakfast. She told Brent he should get up and come to the table; he needed to start exercising to get his strength back.

  Fortunately, Brent brought the subject up without Gina every saying a word. Apparently he’d been having dreams about all that money even though he didn’t even know yet how much they had.

  “Did you ever finish counting the money?” Brent asked.

  “Yeah, I did. It’s a lot, Brent.”

  “Really? More than the eighty grand we got from the mansion where we met?

  “A lot more.” Gina took a deep breath and said, “Three point two.”

  Brent looked confused. “Three point two? As in three hundred thousand, two hundred?”

  “, as in three million, two hundred thousand.”

  Brent sprayed out the sip of water he’d just taken.

  “What?! Are you kidding me?”

  Gina shook her head and handed him a napkin. “No, I’m not kidding you. And I’m scared. I have no idea what to do with that kind of money. How to hide it, how to not make people suspicious.”

  “Holy shit!” Brent jumped up, grabbed Gina and swung her around. He quickly got dizzy and had to set her down again. “Man, we’ve got it made! Gina baby, I love you!”

  And with that he gave her a hug and a big kiss. Gina was sure it was just an expression; he didn’t mean the ‘love’ kind of love.

  “So what are we going to do with it? How can we use it and not get caught?”

  Brent sat down again and said, “We’re going to have to be very smart. We’re gonna have to think about it carefully.”

  Tired again, Brent went to lie down and fell asleep thinking of all sorts of possibilities.

  When he woke up again it was time for lunch. Gina had been doing more research on the internet. This time she had looked up information on physical therapy exercises for Brent to begin rehabilitating his arm. She had printed out several sheets of exercises and made him begin doing a few of them before she would let him eat his lunch.

  “I’ve got a great idea for us since we’re filthy rich now.” He told her.

  “Oh, yeah? What’s the great idea?”

  “Since neither one of us has any family, we can just disappear. I’ll sell my house, we’ll get married, buy a boat and sail down to the Caribbean. We can live on our boat or buy a nice home down there and live happily ever.”

  “Married?” Gina exclaimed. “We can’t get married!”

  “Why not? We love each other; it’s the logical thing to do.”

  Gina didn’t know what to say. This love stuff scared her. She wasn’t prepared for it. Having grown up in a series of foster homes, she didn’t really know what it was like to have someone love you on a long term basis.

  “I don’t know,” she said. “We haven’t really talked about any of that.”

  “, come on. I know we haven’t talked about it, but you have to know how I feel about you.”

  “But I’m not sure if we should get married. That’s a forever kind of thing, I don’t know if I’m ready for that. And why do we have to move to the Caribbean? Why can’t we stay here in the States?”

  “We could stay in the States, but we’d have to always be super careful of the money. We can’t put it in a bank account, though we could use a safe deposit box. We’d have to be very careful and not flash too much money around. I think it would be just easier down in the islands.”

  Gina didn’t want to live in the Caribbean or anywhere else outside of the States. She was happy to travel all over the world, but her home was here in her country.

  Chapter Five

  Brent continued to heal. He did the exercises Gina had found on the internet and soon was ready to venture out of the townhouse.

  They went for long drives and took long hikes. They talked about what the future held for them. There would be no more burglaries for them. They had enough money to last them a lifetime if they didn’t do anything stupid. There was no reason to continue burglarizing homes and risk getting caught.

  Brent still wanted to buy a boat and m
ove to the Caribbean. St. Lucia was beautiful. So were a dozen other islands he could name.

  “We can buy a great house and open a touristy shop of some kind. Or just enjoy life in the islands. You’d love it, babe.” He tried hard to convince her.

  “What about hurricanes? Can’t you find a safer place for us to retire to and enjoy life?”

  She had a better idea. “Let’s open some sort of company that we can operate out of our home. Something on the internet maybe; it doesn’t have to make any money. It’d be what we can use to run our millions through.”

  She went on to explain how they could put all their ill-gotten money into a safe deposit box and open a business account for their new endeavor.

  “We can take a small amount from the safe deposit box and deposit it into the business account. We’ll do just enough to squeak by without having to pay income tax. Most new businesses don’t make a profit anyway for the first five years.”

  “Okay,” Brent said as he smiled at her. “We’ll do whatever you want. But right now, I want to go in the bedroom and do things to you.”

  Gina’s eyes lit up. They hadn’t had sex since before Brent had been shot. He was recovered now and she had wondered when they could have a little fun.

  They were snuggled together on the sofa and Brent kissed her on the top of her head while he rubbed her ass.

  “Let’s go to the bedroom,” Gina suggested as she rubbed the bulge at the front of Brent’s pants.

  Without saying anything, Brent flipped her on her stomach and pulled her over his lap. He began spanking her butt through her clothes.

  She knew she should protest, but it felt so good. When Brent slipped his hand inside her waistband and pulled her pants down to her knees, she felt her pussy tremble with desire.

  He gave her a few smacks over her panties and then decided they needed to join her pants at her knees. Now her bare ass was right there on his lap just waiting for him to spank it. It was slightly pink already and he had every intention of turning it into a very deep rosy red.

  He began slowly working his way around every inch of her delectable rear. Alternating cheeks, giving her light smacks and sharp slaps; Gina never knew where to expect the next spank to land or how hard it would be.

  It made things even more exciting for her. Her pussy was getting wet and she was enjoying this spanking more than she had enjoyed any of the others. She wanted more and yet wasn’t sure exactly what more it was she wanted.

  Gina opened her legs a little bit, hoping Brent’s fingers would find their way to the wetness between her legs when he stopped to rub her ass.

  He did stop and rub her ass, and his hand skimmed down to caress her soft inner thighs, but he did not touch her pussy.

  Gina moaned, wanting to ask for more and not knowing really what to ask for. She wiggled and squirmed on his lap, her bottom clenching with every sharp smack.

  “Your ass is a lovely shade of pink,” Brent said. “I want it be even pinker, I want to make it bright red.”

  Gina shivered in delight, “Yes,” she whispered, “ make it red, spank me, spank me until my ass is very red.”

  Brent stopped and helped her up. “Come, love. Let’s go to the bedroom. I’m going to spank you with a leather strap now.”

  Gina’s eyes grew wide and while she thought she should protest, there was a certain excitement at the idea of Brent spanking her with a leather strap. She felt the muscles in her abdomen tighten as she let him guide her to the bedroom.

  “ down on my stomach?” She asked him.

  “Yeah, that’d be good.” He opened a drawer and pulled out the leather strap he’d purchased shortly before their last robbery.

  “Why don’t you put a couple of pillows under your hips?” He added.

  Gina did and now her ass was up in the air, making a perfect target for the strap. She wondered if it was going to hurt much more than Brent’s hand.

  Brent touched her propped up cheeks with the strap and she felt the cool leather on her already warmed bottom. Her cheeks quivered involuntarily in anticipation.

  She felt him lift the strap and knew she would feel the strike of it any second.

  He struck her lightly a few times, more of a test run to get the feel of it since he hadn’t used a strap before. She did not cry out in pain and the next few strokes were a bit harder.

  Gina moaned and her ass lifted up slightly as if to ask for more.

  The strap came down harder, and she moaned again. Oh, it was so much better than a spanking with his hand. It left such a delicious sting on her ass. She wanted more.

  “Oh god, yes!” She cried out as she began to move back and forth on the pillows, giving her clit a little friction to go along with the sting on her bottom.

  “Your ass is gorgeous, Gina. The strap is making it a beautiful color. Do you need more?” Brent asked as he softly caressed her thighs with his free hand.

  “Yes, please, I do want more. But I want you too. Please.”

  Brent gave her five more strikes with the strap, slightly harder than the previous ones had been. His cock was standing at full attention now and he thought he’d be lucky to get it inside her soaking pussy before he came.

  He let the strap drop to the floor and climbed on the bed behind her nicely uplifted ass. He drew his finger down her cleft to her glistening pussy lips. Placing his cock at her entrance, he put his hands on her hips and plunged into her hot sheath.

  As he drove into her repeatedly, he felt the warmth of her red bottom every time his hips slammed into her. He slipped one hand around her hip, found her clit, and played with it. He teased it, pinched it, and rubbed it, bringing her to an explosive orgasm just as he found his own release.

  Gina cried out loudly as she came and buried her face in a pillow to muffle her screams. She had never felt anything like this. The ripples running through her body seemed never ending. She could still feel Brent’s cock pulsating inside her and he had collapsed on top of her with his head on her back. They rolled to the side and promptly fell asleep.

  In the morning, Gina got up first and padded to the bathroom. Like always after a spanking, she took a peek at her still tingling butt in the mirror. It was very pink but not bruised. She smiled at the memory of how her pussy had become even wetter when Brent had said he was going to use the leather strap and how yummy the strap had felt.

  She looked up and there was Brent, leaning against the door jamb, watching her admire the results of the previous night’s play.

  “Looking at that nice pink ass makes me want to do it all again,” he said with a grin.

  Gina blushed at being caught checking her ass out in the mirror.

  “I think my tush needs a break after last night before you start thinking about more spanking.”

  He walked over to her and hugged her. Then he let his hands slide down over her ass and he could feel it was still warm.

  “Your ass is so damn spankable; all I want to do is warm it up.”

  “You did a little more than just ‘warm it up’ last night.” She giggled as she felt his cock harden against her belly.

  Gina put her hand between their bodies and took hold of his growing shaft. She moved her hand up and down in smooth strokes as she knelt on the rug before him.

  Brent sucked in a deep breath. He knew what she was going to do and he caressed her hair as she looked up at him with a smile just before she cupped his balls and wrapped her mouth around his cock.

  She sucked and licked and swirled her tongue around him. He closed his eyes and savored every sensation she was giving him.

  When he knew he was close, he pulled her up and lifted her onto the bathroom countertop. Then he took her legs and wrapped them around his waist and plunged into her while she clung to his shoulders with her arms.

  Gina came first, and just when her spasms were subsiding, she felt Brent go stiff and he kissed her passionately as his hot cum spurted within her.

  They showered togeth
er and had breakfast. Then they counted out a million dollars from their stash that was still hidden under the kitchen sink. They took it to Gina’s bank and opened a safe deposit box.

  They repeated this every week until three million was tucked safely away in the safe deposit box. Their reasoning for making three trips to the bank was that all the money did not fit in one briefcase or even in Gina’s biggest tote bag. They did not want to attract any attention by walking into the bank with a suitcase.

  During the few weeks it took to get the money safely tucked away they made plans to travel. They would travel to Brent’s favorite Caribbean islands and he could show her how wonderful it was. They would go to Costa Rica and other South American countries including Mexico.

  Gina was fine with the travel, would even consent to a second home outside of the US, but she still wanted her main home to be in the States.

  Brent was happy with that as well. He still wanted to buy a boat and planned to do that when they went to the Caribbean. They could island hop and live on the boat and then dry dock it when they were back in the States.

  Three weeks later their passports arrived in the mail and it was time to start packing for their island adventure. Gina went shopping for new luggage and resort clothing for both of them.

  While she was packing Brent’s things she came across the leather strap in his drawer. Her belly did a little flip flop at the memories it brought to mind.

  Brent had used the strap on her ass several times in the last few weeks and she wondered if she should pack it. They would be gone for a few months and she would miss it if they didn’t bring it. She really liked the way it felt when he spanked her with it. Her pussy was getting wet just thinking about it.

  “Are you thinking you need a spanking?” Brent interrupted her thoughts from the doorway with a crooked little smile. “I’d be happy to give you what you need.”


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