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Fury Page 9

by Tammy Coons

  “Excuse me, children, we really should go,” Ian said, pointing down at the fans swarming at the base of the tower. They hurried to the elevator. On the way down, the elevator jolted. Steph bumped into David, who grabbed her as she nearly lost her footing.

  “Sorry.” Feeling like an idiot, Steph blinked at the flashing lights in her peripheral vision. Fishing for her sunglasses, she winced, her headache raging.

  “It’s fine, really,” David replied.

  “Hey, Steph. How do you think my pictures are going to look? I can’t wait to see them,” Nathan blurted.

  “Narcissist.” Bret sniffed.

  “They looked great through my lens,” Steph replied weakly. Nathan smiled and jumped, which rocked the elevator causing everyone to groan and complain.

  When the doors of the elevator opened there was an eruption of screams. Steph’s head throbbed, nausea gripped her, and she staggered. She was coherent enough to recognize the situation for what it was—a full blown migraine.

  “Stephanie?” David’s voice seemed too loud in her ears. Barely aware of her surroundings, she felt her knees buckle and the sensation of being picked up and carried away. The familiar sound of cameras snapping was the last thing she heard before losing consciousness.

  Back at the hotel, Cheyenne flopped down on the bed. She could still feel Scots lips on hers and his touch on her skin. Never had she been touched so tenderly. She stared at the ceiling as if in a trance.

  Someone pounded on the door. She sat upright, pulse racing, and ran to the door. She peeked through the peephole; outside stood David and Nathan. David held Stephanie in his arms like a princess in some child’s fairytale. She flung the door open.

  “What’s going on?” Cheyenne asked as Nathan and David hurried in.

  “We were at the tower with a ton of fans lurking at the bottom. As soon as we got off the elevator she passed out,” Nathan explained.

  “I had to carry her to the limo.” David placed Stephanie carefully on Cheyenne’s bed.” Should we call a doctor?”

  “No it’s probably just a migraine and exhaustion,” Cheyenne said. “She needs medicine, quiet and total darkness can’t hurt.”

  “Are you sure?” Nathan crossed his arms. “She puked on my Italian shoes.”

  “Just put her on the bed. I’ll get everything.” Cheyenne opened the adjoining door to Stephanie’s room. Nathan followed her; she searched for Steph’s medical kit and found it in her bag. Turning, she accidentally dropped it and medical supplies spilled everywhere.

  “Dammit!” She bent over to pick them up.

  “Nice view.” Nathan purred from behind her. Cheyenne stood and turned to him.

  “Excuse me?”

  Without words, Nathan approached her moving like a stealthy cat. His eyes seemed to molest her as he brushed his body against hers. Cheyenne shivered. With a coy smile, he grabbed the back of her head, pulling her hair a little. Cheyenne couldn’t speak; she was frozen in place. Roughly, he pulled her against him and kissed her hard. His tongue was deep in her mouth. She found herself moaning.

  “Mmm, delicious.” When he released her from his grasp, he took the medical kit from her. “I so look forward to our interview.”

  Grinning lasciviously, he left the room. Shaking, Cheyenne’s knees buckle and she collapsed onto Steph’s bed. Scot’s advances earlier had aroused her, and Nathan’s aggression had her body aching for more caresses. What the hell? She blinked back tears. The sheer sexual tension she was experiencing scrambled her mind. She gathered herself, and then went back into her room. David was handing Steph pills and water. Nathan was nowhere to be seen.

  “Will she be alright?” David whispered, turning to Cheyenne.

  “I’ll be fine,” Steph, moaned, looking like death warmed over with her half open eyelids and insanely messy hair.

  “Yes,” Cheyenne concurred, pushing her dark hair out of her eyes. “She just needs rest.” Minutes later, as she gave Steph a shot, she realized her hands were still trembling. Still reeling, her stomach sank when she realized Steph wouldn’t be able to go to dinner.

  “I guess I’ll check on her later. Is something troubling you, Cheyenne?” David’s concerned expression nearly cracked Cheyenne’s well-built walls.

  “I’m fine. Thanks for all you help.” Cheyenne felt guilty that she wanted him gone so she could talk to Steph alone.

  “She reminds me of my kid sister.” David nodded at Stephanie, and then left the room.

  “You sound upset.” Steph mumbled. “What’s wrong?”

  “Are you sure you want to know?” Cheyenne moaned, brushing her hair violently from her eyes.

  “Please, while I am coherent.” Steph grumbled, her eyes closed..

  “Ok, I’ll make it quick. I have a dinner date with Scot tonight. He kissed me and then few minutes ago I was almost bedded by Nathan.” Steph’s eyes shot open.

  “What? Ouch!”

  “The only way I agreed to go to dinner with Scot is if you would go.” Cheyenne continued.

  “Why the hell would I go?” Steph whined.

  “To take his picture.”

  “Evidently some people are taking this ‘City of Lovers’ thing a little too seriously.”

  “I’m so turned on right now, just about any man would do. I’m afraid if Ian knocked on our door right now I might jump him.”

  Steph didn’t respond.

  “Steph…Steph?” Cheyenne realized Steph was out and fell back on the bed. Nathan’s advances had startled her. Aroused and troubled, she hoped Stephanie wouldn’t remember their conversation when she woke.

  Phillip agonized as he lay staring at the ceiling, smoking a cigarette. He could feel the concierge roll over and press her naked body against him, but he didn’t bother to glance in her direction. Banging her had been a a bad move and he needed to get her out of his suite before Ian found out and got all cheesed off. He’d been pleased when she’d turned up at his door for a shag after her shift ended, but was horrified that his thoughts kept returning to Stephanie whilst in the throws. Ms. Brier was undoubtedly a pain in the arse, but she seemed to have burrowed under his skin for some frustrating reason.

  As he showered, he reflected on his last encounter with Stephanie. He’d been out of line when he’d verbally attacked her family. He was quite close to his own family and suspected he’d crossed a line with her; he wouldn’t be able to make amends for it anytime soon. His motives for lashing out at her were unclear, even to him. He considered that he’d grown accustomed to being respected and admired and Stephanie seemed to think he was a joke. He found her maddening and this brought out the worst in him.

  As he left the shower and finished grooming, he made as much noise as he could muster to wake the stranger in his bed. It worked and she was dressing when he headed out into the suite and toward the bar to get pissed. Unfortunately, the scantily dressed girl refused to leave without a kiss.

  As he impatiently obliged, Nathan sauntered in looking pleased with himself as always. He cleared his throat. The girl jumped then turned to look at him.

  “Oh! Mon Dieu! Nathan Clayton!”

  “Hi’ya.” Nathan’s expression was positively vulgar.

  “Yes, isn’t it fabulous? How terribly exciting for us all….” Philip rolled his eyes.

  “A picture with you, Monsieur Clayton. S’il vous plait?”

  “Sure,” Nathan replied. “Anything for a fan.”

  The bird pulled a camera out and handed it to Phillip. Philip began searching his pockets for a cigarette; he quickly found one and lit it. The concierge blathered on to Nathan in French as Phillip took their photo. He smirked at Nathan, who rested his head on her sumptuous cleavage.

  “Ok, Darling. Off you go,” Philip chimed in, waving her toward the door. She held up the camera as if to request his photo and he shook his head.

  “No fair,” the girl replied. Nathan smiled, then gave the girl a kiss on the cheek.

  Phillip handed her some money. Nathan
shot him a look of mock disapproval.

  “For the cab, of course.” Taking the money, she looked from Nathan to Phillip, who waved her on again.

  “Whatever helps you sleep at night, Mate,” Nathan joked.

  She quickly gathered her things and rushed out the door. Nathan burst into fits of laughter.

  “That was a lovely bit of minge. Poaching from the hotel staff…aces.”

  “Up yours, Wanker.” Philip took a long drink from a bottle of whiskey.

  Nathan poured himself a shot of vodka. “Enough about you and your conquests, I need to fill you in on all the antics that occurred while you were up here getting laid Do you want to hear about my afternoon?” He lit a cigarette and sat down.

  “Not really. But I’m going to anyway, aren’t I?”

  “Up yours.. The photo shoot went well; I believe David fancies Stephanie.” He downed his shot. “And also, I could have bedded Cheyenne if we’d been alone.” Judging by Nathan’s expression, the thought excited him tremendously.

  “Huh? I thought Cheyenne stayed behind? And what about David?”

  “While we were at the blasted tower, a mob of fans turned up. Steph passed out on the elevator. David carried her to the limo, and placed her in bed when we got back here.” Nathan poured himself another drink.

  “Ah.” Phillip felt gutted. David, though a quiet chap, was capable of chatting up any girl he set his mind to. “Is she alright?”

  “According to Cheyenne, yes. Keep your pecker up, Phil…I believe Stephanie prefers you.”

  Phillip considered this and dismissed it.

  “How about a wager? It’ll improve your mood.” Nathan carried his drink across the room to where Phillip lounged.

  “What the hell are you going on about, Twat?” Philip grumbled.

  “I want to make a bet with you.” Nathan smiled.

  “What kind of bet?” Philip was tired, but intrigued. Nathan was often ridiculous, but his antics helped pass the time.

  Nathan leaned forward in his chair, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

  “I’ll bet you 500 pounds that I’ll bed Cheyenne before they leave us.”

  “What? You’re daft… she’s a prude.” Philip laughed and took another drag. Nathan’s ego knew no bounds.

  “I beg to differ.” Nathan waved a finger at him. “I could have had her just a few minutes ago.”

  As he watched Nathan, who seemed lost in his thoughts, Philip exhaled smoke and shook his head. “She’s all business and most likely frigid. Scot’s been trying to roger her since Liverpool.”

  “Scot couldn’t suss out what gets Cheyenne off if she painted him a picture.” Nathan often slagged on Scot. The two blokes were opposites and not close friends.

  “I think your mistaken there, chap. So you’re on. This will be the easiest 500 pounds I have ever made, nancy boy.” Philip laughed. They shook hands Nathan leaned back in his chair.

  “I also know Steph drives you mad,” he added. Phillip knew Nathan was harassing him. He quickly rolled his eyes.

  “That hardly makes you Sherlock Holmes, she’s beastly.”

  “No, I mean you fancy her.”

  “What are you on about now, you idiotic git?”

  “She’s your ‘Dream Girl’. From that song you wrote that the producer said was too soft for ‘Freudian Slip’. ‘Hair red like fire, eyes blue like the sky.’”

  Nathan reciting his lyrics made Philip freeze in place.

  “You were furious that they wouldn’t release it, raving on and on about your little muse. It describes her perfectly.”

  Philip himself hadn’t made this connection, and he felt ill at the realization that Nathan was dead on.

  “I hadn’t thought about it,” Phillip said glumly. “I’m surprised you aren’t trying to bed her, being a fanboy and all.”

  “She’s a fit bird, but she’s on a pedestal for me. It would be sacrilegious.”

  “So how are you going to get Cheyenne all alone? Scot’s always buzzing around her.”

  “Give me time. I’m confident she won’t resist my charms. I think deep down she’s very naughty,” Nathan commented thoughtfully. Nathan kept the group on their toes; he enjoyed gallivanting and causing chaos. It was clear to Phillip that Cheyenne was into Scot. Phillip planned to sit back and watch him fall on his face.

  Scot entered the room with a smile on his face.

  “Hey, Chums. How’s it going?”

  “Fantastic, what’s up with you?” Nathan asked. Scot beamed and Phillip could see he was elated.

  “Got a date,” Scot replied, then headed for his bedroom. Nathan stared after him, gobsmacked.

  Phillip chuckled enthusiastically and slowly applauded this turn of events.

  Cheyenne slid into a black dress. Feeling confused and lost, what happened with Nathan earlier intrigued her. It had been a long time since she’d been with someone, and all this physical provocation had her body craving more. Though Nathan’s forcefulness had been exciting, she could still feel Scot’s soft lips on hers. Looking at herself in the mirror, Cheyenne silently wished Steph was awake. She needed her confidant as a sounding board for her erratic thoughts.

  After a series of calls and texts with Goddess, she had finally convinced the intern to come to dinner in Steph’s absence. She glanced at the clock which read 7 pm. A knock on the door made her jump. Taking a deep breath she looked through the peephole. There stood Scot holding one red rose. Her heart skipped a beat. Quietly she opened the door and silenced him with one finger to her lips, pointing to Steph who was asleep in her bed. She ushered him into Steph’s room.

  “What’s going on with Ms. Brier?” Scot asked once inside.

  “She has a migraine. It happens now and then. She takes medicine to prevent it, but the time zone changes are probably not helping.”

  “Oh my, that must be rough. So she won’t be going with us?” Scot smiled, his eyes lilting fiendishly.

  “No, but I recruited Goddess to come along.”

  “Oh.” Scot’s disappointment was obvious. He held out the rose to her.

  Cheyenne smiled wryly and took it. Scot looked gorgeous, dressed in charcoal grey Armani.

  “We need to stop at the conference room; I need to let Ian know where we’re going.”

  “What are you going to tell him?” She smelled the potent rose and put it aside.

  “I’m just going to say that Goddess is meeting us for dinner to do a photo shoot. Are you ready?” Scot held out his arm.

  Cheyenne took it. Touching him seemed like the most natural thing in the world. “We have to stop by Goddess’s room. Do you think Ian will be upset?”

  “He’s totally wasted right now, so probably not,” Scot retorted. “Come on, let’s go.” They stopped at Goddess’s door. Before they could knock, she had it opened. Her camera bag was slung over her shoulder.

  “This is so cool,” she said, in typical Goddess fashion.

  “Remember if anyone asks questions....” Cheyenne prompted.

  “You are going to wrap up Scot’s interview and I am going to take his pictures because Steph is sick. I got it.”

  When they entered the conference room, Ian was dancing a jig to the Irish drinking song on the stereo. The other members of Fury laughed and applauded.

  “Scot!” Philip exclaimed drunkenly.

  Nathan waved. “Hey, come do a shot with us.”

  “Do you mind?” Scot asked Cheyenne and Goddess.

  “No, it’s fine.” She felt Nathan’s eyes on her and avoided looking in his direction.

  “I’ll wait in the lobby. I need to make a phone call,” Goddess said.

  “What would you like?” Scot asked.

  “How about a shot of vodka?” Scot handed her a shot glass.

  “That’s my girl.” Nathan downed a shot and as she shot him a glance, smiled conspiratorially at her.

  Cheyenne eyed him, her body still aching for his rough touch. She wondered if it was true that certain women would
always flock to men who were bad for them.

  Scot was at the bar talking to Ian who appeared unhappy.

  “So, you two are going out tonight? Fabulous,” Phillip said. “Right, Nathan?”

  “I’ll have a turn soon.” Nathan’s confidence made Cheyenne cock an eyebrow at him. She downed her shot and she leaned across Nathan, her face an inch from his. As he gave her a lusty smile, she sat down her shot glass abruptly on the bar and stood upright. Nathan stuck out his lower lip. Phillip burst out laughing. Cheyenne blushed momentarily then moved away from him.

  “How’s Stephanie?” David asked.

  “Still asleep.”

  David nodded sympathetically.

  ”Here’s my room key so you can check up on her if you like.” As David took the key, Phillip began laughing.

  “I can’t believe you just did that,” Phillip smirked.


  “Gave Davey Boy your room key…right in front of Scot. While rubbing your tits all over Nathan…who’s next?” He laughed again.

  “Steph’s asleep in Cheyenne’s room, Phillip,” Scot retorted. He looked at Cheyenne.“Are you ready?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “Hey… I was just kidding!” Phillip called from behind them.

  “You are seriously drunk, my friend,” She heard Nathan say as they left.

  “I’m sorry, he can be such a tosser,” Scot stated, as they left the room.

  “That’s not exactly a state secret.” Cheyenne murmured, but she wondered if Phillip was onto something.


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