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Fury Page 12

by Tammy Coons

  “I’m taking a break,” Phillip blurted and walked out of Steph’s shot just as her camera went off.

  “Nice,” Steph murmured as she continued to photograph the rest of the group.

  After a few minutes passed, Steph turned to Cheyenne.

  “What is he doing?” Cheyenne turned to look into the room and saw Phillip lying on the bed smoking a cigarette.


  To Cheyenne’s surprise, Steph brushed past her, dashed across the room, and pounced on the bed. Phillip nearly dropped his cigarette as Steph stood on the bed straddling him. She began snapping pictures of him from above. The rest of the band filed into the room.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Phillip cheeks were rosy.

  “A few minutes ago you couldn’t get enough of this camera.” Steph continued to snap photos. “This picture is sure to be plastered on quite a few bedroom ceilings.”

  “Do you two want some privacy?” Bret teased.

  “We can put up the ‘do not disturb’ sign on our way out,” Nathan chimed in.

  “Are you hungry, Chey?” Steph dismounted the bed as if nothing had happened.

  “I could eat.”

  “We’ve got a few hours before the concert, let’s go find a café. Steph exited without a word to anyone. Embarrassed by Steph’s curt exit, Cheyenne waved to the band and trailed after her.

  As they rode the elevator to the lobby, it stopped on their floor.

  “Hi, Guys,” Goddess said as she entered the elevator. “Where are you two off to?”

  “We were just going to a café.” Cheyenne replied.

  “Oh that sounds great. Can I come?” Goddess asked. “Stephanie, I want you to see some of the pictures I took.”

  Cheyenne thought of Goddess’s photos of the night before and blushed. She quickly remembered she was the leader of this team and responded.

  “Sure. We really need to talk about the information we have and try to get on the same page.”

  “Awesome,” Goddess replied.

  Steph sighed laboriously. Once in the lobby, Ian approached them, with a paper in his hand.

  “Oh, Shit.” Steph’s cautious tone made Cheyenne instantly nervous.

  “Hello ladies.”

  “Ian,” Cheyenne said.

  “Have you seen this morning’s paper?” Ian asked with a raised eyebrow. Genuinely clueless, Cheyenne shook her head.

  “Have a look,” He responded, holding it out to her. She took it and gaped at the picture. It was taken at the base of the Eiffel Tower. The rest of the band had been cropped out, and the way it was shot made Steph and David look like they were all over each other.

  “What does it say?” Cheyenne asked looking around for help.

  “Hell if I know, I took Italian and Japanese,” Steph mumbled..

  “It says that Fury’s drummer, David Evans and Stephanie Brier, American photographer and Kevin Wyle’s ex were spotted cavorting around Paris,” Goddess said, looking the page up and down. Cheyenne shot Goddess a surprised look.

  “You can’t be serious!” Steph threw her head back in exasperation.

  “I didn’t know you spoke French,” Cheyenne commented, studying Goddess’s face.

  “Uh, I can just read it a little.” Goddess’s answer was dismissive, but her expression convinced Cheyenne she was lying.

  “This isn’t exactly the kind of publicity that Fury was looking for. David has a serious girlfriend and isn’t at all pleased with this turn of events. You need to take more care when in public with the band,” Ian scolded.

  “You know as well as I do that there’s no way to control the paparazzi. They doctor photos and twist the truth,” Steph replied.

  Ian ignored her and turned to Cheyenne.

  “I feel like such a fool but I have misplaced Mr. Brier’s personal phone number and I really need to talk to him. Could I get that from you?”” He crossed his arms.

  “Sure.” Cheyenne dug through her purse and found a pen and a piece of paper. She wrote down the number and handed it to Ian.

  “Thanks.” With a cold look at Stephanie, he walked away.

  Cheyenne and Steph glanced at each other. When Ian was out of earshot Cheyenne stated, “That was awkward.”

  “Yeah it was.”

  The three of them made their way to a nearby café. They were seated outdoors and after ordering, Steph turned to Goddess who was cueing up her laptop.

  “So, Goddess what did the doctor say? Did you have to have stitches?”

  “No, no stitches, he said I was just really tired, more than likely jet lag, no biggy.” Goddess shrugged.

  “It is a big deal. I mean you were a mess yesterday and scared the hell out of everyone,” Steph blurted.

  “It was an accident, and I don’t need a lecture. I know I’m an intern, but I don’t need to be treated like a child.” Goddess stood.

  “We aren’t trying to be your parents, but we’re here to do a job and be professional...” Cheyenne stopped mid-sentence. How dare she lecture Goddess on professionalism? Feeling hypocritical, she clamped her mouth shut.

  “What Cheyenne is trying to say—”

  “Oh, I know what she’s trying to say. And it’s hilarious considering the source. Cheyenne just went on a date with a band member last night, and you just got an ass chewing from their manager for that picture with David. I’m outta here,” Goddess blurted.” I’ll see you at the show.”

  Goddess was on her feet and turning toward the exit.

  “Nathan found your little stash,” Steph hissed. Goddess spun around and slowly took her seat.

  “What are you talking about?” Goddess shook her head.

  “The cocaine…under your mattress.”

  “I…I can’t believe this…someone must have put it there or it was there before we checked in. I don’t use.”

  “Someone put it there? That’s your story?” Cheyenne found her voice. Though she didn’t believe Goddess for a second, the intern seemed completely taken aback.

  “It wasn’t me.” Without another word she walked away.

  “That went well,” Steph remarked as their waiter arrived and placed their drinks in front of them.

  “Something more is going on. I think I just might do a little snooping,” Cheyenne sipped her drink thoughtfully.

  “Just be careful, Goddess could break us both in half with one hit.” They laughed together.

  “She had a point, didn’t she? We’re not exactly fine role models.”

  “True. So tell me more about last night.” Steph inhaled the aroma of her coffee.

  Cheyenne sighed. “I really don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Too bad. I do,” Steph said.

  Defeated, Cheyenne sat down her fork..

  “I really do like Scot. He is very smart and gracious. I just wish I would have kept my clothes on instead of falling into bed with him. I’m not very proud of myself.” Cheyenne poked at her food.

  “Sounds like the only problem with this situation is how you feel about what you did. If you are convinced it was a mistake, forgive yourself and just move on. What did you say to me yesterday? Something about Nathan scaring you? What is that all about?” Steph raised an eyebrow.

  “I hoped you wouldn’t remember that.” Cheyenne sat, wide eyed. “He molested me in your room while we were searching for your medication.”

  “What do you mean…molested?” She leaned forward, intrigued.

  “He attacked me. Pretty much violated my space…grabbed me by the hair and kissed me.”

  “What did you do?” Steph asked, her eyes wide.

  “I couldn’t move. I was so shocked. What the hell should I have done?” Cheyenne sighed.

  “I don’t know, but speak of the devil.” Steph nodded.

  “Hello,” Nathan chimed in from behind her, his thick British accent made Cheyenne quiver.

  “Hi,” Steph’s tone was neutral. Cheyenne looked at her plate and refused to look at Nathan..

  “I just passed Goddess on the street and she seemed extremely upset.” Nathan pulled the chair out closest to Cheyenne and sat. He grabbed a piece of fruit off Goddess’s untouched plate and started eating it.

  “Well, she should be. We confronted her about the cocaine. Of course she denied it. She said someone planted it there.” Steph took a bite of her food.

  “Naturally.” Nathan looked at Cheyenne. “So how did the date go?”

  “It wasn’t a date.” Cheyenne wiped her mouth with a napkin, no longer able to avoid looking at him. His eyes had an alluring quality that held her spellbound..

  Nathan leaned back in his chair. “Scot is a little distant this morning. He won’t talk about it either.”

  Memories of the love making marathon the night before flashed through Cheyenne’s mind. She felt overwhelmed and wanted to run from Nathan’s probing questions.

  “So, what time are sound checks?’ Steph intervened. Cheyenne looked at Nathan as he leaned closer to her.

  “In a couple of hours.” Nathan didn’t even glance in Steph’s direction, as his roaming eyes continued to peruse Cheyenne. “So the day after tomorrow?”

  “Hmmm...?” Cheyenne was caught up in Nathan’s lascivious gaze.

  “My interview.” He brushed her hair away from her face.

  “Oh…yeah.” Cheyenne shifted in her seat. “Looking forward to it.”

  He winked at her.

  “Well I really must be going.” He stood.

  “See you at the after party,” Steph said.

  “Can’t wait.” Nathan walked away.

  Once he was out of earshot, Cheyenne turned to Steph.

  “See I told you.”

  “I don’t think you have anything to worry about. Nathan’s a flirt.” Steph shrugged.

  “Maybe your right,” Cheyenne conceded, but she wasn’t convinced. “But this is getting ridiculous.”

  “Just go with it. It’s harmless right?”


  “It’s not like either of you are married. Just don’t pull a Yoko and break up the band.” Steph was correct. They were all single, consenting adults. Still, she was finding it hard to be remotely objective about the subjects of her assignment. Though she knew she should be focusing on the article, when she thought of being alone with either Nathan or Scot, she wondered if she’d be able to restrain herself.

  Cheyenne’s nerves were raw as she joined Steph in the lobby. They were riding in the band’s limos to the concert, and she dreaded being thrust into another confrontation with Scot or Nathan.

  “What the hell am I going to say to either one of them?” She asked Steph.

  “How about ‘Hi, nice weather we’re having’?” Steph checked her camera bag.

  “Not funny. I don’t know if I can even look at Nathan.”

  “Then don’t.” Steph shrugged.

  “Let’s have a drink in the limo. I’m going to need something to dull the pain while we’re riding with Phillip. We have to go home soon before we both go into liver failure.”

  “Why can’t we just take a taxi?”

  “Because God hates us.” Steph adjusted her camera lenses. “At least Goddess went on ahead and we don’t have to deal with her.”

  “Let’s go get this over with,” Cheyenne groaned.

  As soon as they exited the lobby they heard the screaming fans. Cheyenne and Steph sighed as they were ushered into the waiting limo. Once inside Steph began taking shots of the chaos surrounding them.

  One girl lifted her shirt and had her breasts smashed up against the window, screaming “Phillip I love you!”

  Nathan and Phillip seemed gripped with hysterical laughter and Scot ignored the entire occurrence, his gorgeous eyes seemed glued to Cheyenne. Phillip stopped laughing and Cheyenne noticed him look from Scot to her.

  “I’m guessing the date went well,” Phillip blurted. His observation wiped the smile from Nathan’s face . Cheyenne swallowed hard and looked away from Scot.

  “The only question is—” Phillip began.

  “Get bent, Phillip,” Steph interrupted.

  He shot her a dirty look.

  Cheyenne looked at Scot again. This time she couldn’t take her eyes from his. Preoccupied by the night before, she struggled to focus on anything but him.

  Phillip leaned over to Nathan and began to whisper. Nathan whispered back and Phillip rolled his eyes and glanced at Steph. Cheyenne shifted in her seat praying for the drive to the concert hall to end.

  “Hurry up, D.J. Dave. This won’t be a long ride and we could use a dance party. Some guilty pleasure…80’s music or something.” Bret smoked and tapped his foot anxiously.

  David started the playlist and Steph clapped excitedly.

  “Yay! I love this song!” She danced gleefully as Human League’s ‘Don’t You Want Me Baby’ thumped out of the limo’s speakers. Nathan made a huge production of lip syncing the lyrics to Cheyenne. Soon he was on his knees in front of her. Bret and David jammed obliviously, as if this were a normal occurrence. Phillip smirked, looking highly entertained. Scot shook his head at Nathan as if he were a tragic fool.

  Cheyenne felt incredibly awkward until the female singer began her verse and Steph grabbed Nathan by the shirt singing it loudly at him in a bad English accent. This took the band by surprise and even Phillip chuckled. The following song was a quiet, low-key tune and everyone settled back into their seats.

  “So Cheyenne what do you say we skip out on the after party?” Scot asked.

  Cheyenne glanced at everyone’s expectant eyes on her. She looked to Steph pleading silently for help.

  “You know, I think we will probably both skip the after party. We have mountains of work to do,” Steph chimed in.

  “That’s a load of crap. You have to come,” Bret objected. “Who’s going to take pictures?”

  “We’ll send Goddess along with you guys,” Cheyenne offered.

  “Oh Lord.” Nathan rolled his eyes.

  Soon they arrived at Zenith, the concert venue. Steph stopped to snap some pictures of the architecture.

  “Thanks for saving my ass in the limo.” Cheyenne stated.

  “Sure, I could feel the tension. And Phillip—what an ass! Why does he always have to be such a prick?” Steph changed the batteries in her camera.

  “I don’t know, he is definitely a complete bastard sometimes, I wonder if he is repressing some sort of childhood trauma.”

  Steph looked at her with a raised eyebrow and Cheyenne laughed.

  “Or maybe he’s an egotistical asshat.”

  The lights dimmed, and the fans cheered wildly.

  After three songs, Steph pulled Cheyenne’s close and yelled in her ear.

  “I’m going down front.” Steph pointed toward the stage.

  “Ok. I’m going to use the little girl’s room. I’ll meet you there,” Cheyenne said.

  Steph walked to the front avoiding the crowd as best as she could. As she neared the gate, the hair on the back of her neck stood on end. She groaned when she saw the same roadie who had given them a hard time in London. She suddenly felt nauseous.

  Come on,it’s your job. Boldly advancing to the gate, he eyed her in a way that made her feel violated. She bit her lip.

  “Hello, Red,” he began, looking at her with a mix of amusement and lust.” How did you sneak in here? Do I have to frisk you?”

  Steph glared at him.

  “What’s your name again?” Her voice was calm.

  “ Duncan. Now you know what to scream in your erotic dreams.” He grabbed at her over the fence.

  “Well, Duncan,” she side stepped his grasp and flashed her press pass.” I suggest you let me inside that gate.”

  “I knew you’d come around.” He eagerly opened the gate and waved her in.

  “She zipped through the gate and was enveloped in darkness. The shadowy entrance to backstage was cramped like a small tunnel. Steph’s eyes had no time to adjust to the darkness when he twirled
her around by one arm and pinned her up against the wall. Her eyes shifted from side to side looking for someone to intervene, but there was no one in sight. His touch made her skin crawl. When her eyes adjusted, she noticed he had bruises on his face. It wasn’t surprising at all that someone would want to punch him.

  “Get your hands off of me.” She tried to keep her voice steady, but she felt terrified. He outweighed her by over 100 pounds.

  “How about you put your hand on me? You’re going to pay for that pass one way or another.” He fondled her and made an attempt to kiss her, but she wriggled away and smacked him hard across the face.

  “Get out of my face or I’ll have you fired.”

  He glared at her for a moment, and she wondered if he was going to hit her. Suddenly the scowl became a smirk.

  “You think you’ve got power,” he laughed,” The only power you have is between your legs.”

  Steph’s surprised expression made him laugh louder.

  ”You’re just another whore to them, I don’t care what you do for a living.” He came toward her again and she darted away. He caught her by the hair. As a little screech escaped her, he pinned her again.

  “You’re disgusting!” Steph frowned. “You realize this is sexual harassment!”

  He threw back his head with a husky laugh and released her. Steph pushed past him.

  “Americans. You birds are a riot. By the way, how’s your friend feeling?”

  She turned to look at him curiously when she was safely out of his grasp.


  “Goddess? She looked a little rough around the edges when I last saw her.”

  Steph flipped him the bird and hurried away to the stage.

  Making her way toward the pit at the foot of the stage center stage, she realized that if the fence broke she would be crushed by the immense crowd. Ignoring the threat, she started snapping photos from different vantage points around the foot of the stage. The angle helped her reinforce the imposing ‘Rock God’ image of Bret, who came up close to her and put a foot up on the monitor, handling his guitar in an incredibly phallic manner. Steph took total advantage of the moment, wildly shooting as many shots as she could. Adjusting her shutter speed, she was elated when Scot joined him. He flashed a wicked smile with a furrowed brow and as he threw his head back to get his hair out of his eyes, she captured every bead of sweat. Triumphant, she knew this picture would make the article and that it was sure to be an iconic rock photo, with Bret in the foreground looking criminal and Scot with his arm raised and hair caught in motion. Thrilled with the immaculate shots, she marveled at the stamina of band. They seemed to feed off of the crowd’s energy like virile vampires. Fury performed with all their might, and the result of their efforts was a raucous and potent live show.


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