My Greek Beast

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My Greek Beast Page 6

by Marian Tee

  “Hello, Fredericka.”

  Ah, shit.

  I felt him bend down, and then he was whispering into my ear, “Did I hear you right, sweetheart? Is my girlfriend having boy trouble?”


  “And since I know I haven’t done anything to trouble you…” His voice turned into a silky purr. “Does this mean I have a rival?”

  Alyx And Nathan

  Whenever Alyx was alone with her thoughts, she would find herself doubting what she remembered. Surely Nathan Callis couldn’t be as beautiful as her memories insisted. Surely he had some kind of flaw?

  But then she would see him in person and she’d realize how wrong she was. If anything, the ex-model was even more handsome than her stupid mind was capable of comprehending. The fact that her heart hadn’t stopped bleeding over his rejection didn’t seem to make any difference to her body, which always reacted in all sorts of crazy ways.

  Her face flushing, her breasts becoming heavy, her stomach tightening---

  If Alyx were Eve, then Nathan would be the forbidden fruit, and dammit, dammit, dammit, every time she saw the ex-model, she wanted to take a bite out of him. Or vice versa. She wasn’t really fussy, as long as there’d be biting.

  And it wasn’t any different now.

  Nathan was pulling her out of her chair, and Alyx let him, shock making her unable to think of a reason to protest. “Hello, gorgeous.” Before she could answer, he had already lowered his head and stole a kiss from her lips.

  She started to push him away, but the moment her hands landed on his chest, Nathan chose the same moment to deepen the kiss, the movements of his tongue becoming bolder and more thorough.

  Her blood

  He never did do anything she expected, and her hands clenched as Alyx found herself clutching his shirt instead.

  When Nathan lifted his head, he was quietly satisfied at the way Alyx was staring at him. He didn’t hesitate to take advantage of it either, curling an arm around her waist to pull her closer to him.

  As he turned both of them to face Fredericka, Alyx’s cousin grinned at him. “How impressive.” Both of them knew it took a very special – and skilled – man to render Alyx dazed and speechless, and they were just as certain Alyx would kill herself if she knew how she looked right now.

  “She’s always found me irresistible,” Nathan deadpanned.

  It took more than a moment for Nathan’s words to register, but when it did, Alyx jerked, the ex-model’s too-confident claim shoving her back to the shameful reality of her body’s reaction to his kiss.


  She furiously shrugged Nathan’s hold off her, demanding under her breath, “What are you doing here?”

  “Am I not allowed to miss my girlfriend?” Nathan countered charmingly.

  “Aww.” Freddie was openly enjoying herself. “How sweet.”

  “It’s not sweet,” Alyx growled just before turning back to Nathan, hissing, “Will you stop saying I’m your girlfriend?”

  “But you are,” Nathan said easily. “After all, if you weren’t my girlfriend, then how is it on our first date---”

  Aaaaargh! Her hand quickly slapped over his mouth, and she gritted out, “You’re right. I’m your girlfriend. How could I have possibly forgotten?” Taking her hand off his mouth, she said under her breath, “Satisfied?”

  Not even close, sweetheart, Nathan thought, his amusement only deepening at the furious look that Alyx threw at him. Ah, he could practically see the headlines now. The press would have another field day, being able to take another smiling photo of him. Such pictures used to be as rare as winning the lottery, but ever since Alyx entered his life---

  It was exactly as Fawn, his friend’s fiancée, had blurted out to him earlier. The three of them – Fawn, his friend Reid Chalkias, and Nathan – had been at the waiting room of a renowned surgeon when Fawn had shown him a Facebook video that was fast becoming viral, collecting thousands of likes by the minute. At first, Nathan had been unconcerned, thinking it was a typical fanboy video. But then he saw the teenager getting a little too close for comfort to Alyx, and he had found himself raising a brow.

  Beside him, he saw Fawn whisper something to her fiancé, and afterwards the man that the world knew as the Prince of Darkness turned to Nathan, drawling, “She says it’s the first time she’s seen you so human.”

  “Prince!” Fawn had looked properly aghast.

  In the video, Alyx’s face popped out once more, and this time she was saying rather darkly, “He’s not all that. In fact, any other guy would be better than Nathan Callis---”

  The video ended, and silence fell.

  Finally, Fawn stammered, “I only meant, it’s rare to see you come to life outside your friends’ company or where other people are concerned. Most of the time, you’re like a mannequin, or like you need to keep your guard up like you think you’re even more important than the POTUS---”

  She paused.


  In a very small voice, Fawn had said, “I babbled again, didn’t I?”

  She had, but she had also been right.

  In front of him, Alyx’s lovely face was a picture of smiling determination. “Anyway…” Her voice was even more determined, and he was tempted to laugh out loud. No doubt she had another wonderfully silly idea up her sleeve. And he was certain it would be silly, since all her ideas were anchored in the crazy notion that she could ever get the better of him.

  “Thank you for dropping by.” She looked like she was about to choke on her words, and his lips twitched.

  “I am so touched that you missed me.”

  Ah, it was even worse now. She looked like she was being forced to say the words at gunpoint.

  “But…” The look of disappointment on her face was so badly done, a three-year-old could have probably been more convincing at it.

  “Freddie and I still have loads to do, so…” Alyx cleared her throat meaningfully, hoping the ex-model would take the hint and leave.

  He didn’t.

  “You don’t need to worry about me interrupting your work, sweetheart. I’ll be more than happy to wait.” And be entertained while I’m at it, Nathan added silently. While most women tripped over their feet to throw themselves at him, here was Alyx Marshall, doing her best to get rid of him.

  At least she was trying to be polite about it, Nathan mused. He should take that as a compliment, he supposed, considering how bitchy she could be if she was in a mind to.

  Alyx stared at Nathan in consternation. Either he had his IQ reduced in the past week or he just didn’t want to get her point. “I’ll be really preoccupied, you know.” She did her best to sound emphatic, hoping to shame Nathan into backing out. After not contacting her when he was supposed to, did he really think she’d let him spend time with her just like that?

  But again, the ex-model remained indifferent to her irritation and pointed hints, saying with smiling emphasis, “And I’m really okay with waiting.”

  Alyx’s jaw clenched. That was it! Forget about being polite. She was just going to be blunt and---

  She saw Nathan gesture towards a server, and too late she realized it was none other than Matt. The younger boy had a sick look on his face, and it was easy enough to add one and one to understand where his all-too-visible anxiety was coming from.

  Nathan’s smile had completely disappeared from his face, and replacing it was an icily aloof expression. It was Alyx’s first time to see such a look on the ex-model’s face, but it left her more astonished and bemused than anything else.

  The time she spent in his company had made her think of Nathan Callis as rather carefree, wickedly so, and she would never have imagined he could look this way.

  “Just the boy I’d like to see,” Nathan was drawling lazily as Matt finally reached them, and Alyx frowned at how his accent had suddenly become more pronounced than usual.

  “G-good afternoon, sir.” Matt’s voice came out a squeak.

  Alyx glare
d at Nathan. Stop scaring him.

  A smile that was as much indolent as it was predatory was only the former model’s response. Never.

  Alyx’s irritation gave way to surprise. He had never struck her as someone who was nasty to the staff just because he could afford to be, so what was different now?

  “Matt, isn’t it?” Nathan was asking.

  The teenage server mumbled incoherently.

  “I saw that video you posted on Facebook.”

  Alyx’s eyes flew wide open, and Freddie started laughing. When she turned to her cousin, the other woman mouthed, I told you so.


  After ignoring her, reneging on his promise to call her, he’d actually come running to where she was just because of what Matt did?

  Men and their egos, Alyx thought darkly. Turning her attention back to the two men, she heard Nathan murmuring something about properties and prospects, and then Matt was taking his phone out.

  After a moment, the boy was saying eagerly, “It’s deleted now, sir.”

  “That’s a good boy.”

  Glancing at Matt, Alyx could practically see his imaginary tail wagging at Nathan’s approving tone, and her jaw dropped.

  What the?

  She had known Nathan Callis could be charismatic, but what the hell had he said or done in the past thirty seconds that could have won Matt over?

  “How about an extra chair, Matt,” Nathan was asking, indicating that he wanted to join Alyx and Freddie at their table.

  Matt’s face fell. “I’m sorry, sir. We’ve got a full house right now.”

  Alyx sighed in relief. Thank God for small victories. Turning to Nathan, she said sadly, “That’s too bad indeed.” She could afford to be generous now.

  “Don’t worry, sweetheart. Such things are easily solved,” the former model assured her.

  Shit. The way Nathan’s eyes were gleaming told her she might have been a little too complacent.

  “Can you get me a coffee, Matt?” Nathan was saying. “We can manage from here.”

  They could?

  “Right away, sir.”

  As Matt hurried away, Alyx said hotly, “If you’re thinking of making Freddie or me give up our seats---”

  “Of course not.” Nathan’s tone was pained.

  “Then how---”

  “Like this.” As the ex-model spoke, he sat himself on Alyx’s chair and pulled her down…on his lap, leaving Alyx dumbstruck as she suddenly found herself the center of everyone’s attention at the cafe.

  Freddie was laughing again.

  Shit. Shit. Shit.

  Nathan whispered into her ear, “Now we either stay like this…”

  Why was it whenever he was concerned, she couldn’t ever see the forest for the trees until it was too late?

  “Or you make our excuses to Freddie, and we leave together.”

  She didn’t hesitate, jumping to her feet, and without looking at her cousin, Alyx muttered under her breath, “I’m sorry, but I’ve just remembered there’s, ah, some place I have to go, and Nathan’s going to accompany me.”

  She could barely get out of the place fast enough, practically dragging Nathan with her. Alyx knew she was being rather rude, but she could always apologize to Freddie later. Right now, what mattered was not giving the press more chances to take photos of her on Nathan Callis’ lap.

  “Did you really hate being on my lap that much, sweetheart?” Nathan was asking laughingly as they stumbled out of the cafe.

  “Yes,” Alyx growled over her shoulder.

  But she was lying.

  She was no shy wallflower. If the man she loved wanted her on his lap, he wouldn’t even have to ask her. She’d have been more than happy to give him a lap dance while at it.

  But the problem was---

  Nathan wasn’t the man she was in love with.

  He was.

  And if he saw that, wouldn’t it cause him worry? Wouldn’t it make him think heartbreak had forced her to jump into the fire from the frying pan?

  She knew she shouldn’t even care about what he was thinking. She knew it wasn’t her place.

  But she did.

  Because she still loved him.


  “I have my car parked over there,” Nathan murmured, gesturing to where his sports car was.

  “Aww. Your limousine chauffeur had a day off?” The words might be a jibe, but the shadow falling over her expression made her beautiful face pale.

  He knew what it meant, of course.

  She was thinking about the other man again.

  “I feel like a walk.”

  She didn’t want to, but she couldn’t help it, and now she was doing her best to run away from her thoughts.


  Instead of slowing her down, his words spurred her to move faster. He could have used his strength to force her to stop, but he didn’t, knowing she had to do this. With the afternoon sun settling in and the temperature cooling, the streets were now crowded, causing Alyx and Nathan to walk past countless strangers, most of whom gawked openly at them in recognition.

  Some had the presence of mind to take photos, others grinned and winked as if to say, A pussy-whipped boyfriend in the flesh.

  Nathan didn’t mind. Opinions of strangers mattered little to him. If it had, he would’ve never been able to make it to the top of his former career.

  They walked past his sports car and turned around the corner, which led to one of the quieter blocks in the city. It was less crowded here, the street lined with antiquarian shops, indie stores, and art galleries.

  In front of him, Alyx held her head high, her back held stiff, and her generous hips barely swaying. Nathan didn’t give a damn if she needed to walk all the way to Orlando if that was what it would take to get everything out of her system. But what he did give a damn about right now was making sure she was okay.

  “Alyx.” This time he murmured her name firmly, letting her know that he would need her to answer this time.

  She looked at him over her shoulder---


  It was but a moment, but it was more than enough for Nathan to know that her soul was crying out for him.

  You were supposed to help me forget him!

  Alyx jerked her gaze away, but he caught up with her in the next moment. As soon as he fell into step beside her, she spared him a glance that was more a glare even as her lips trembled.

  His grip tightened. I’m sorry, sweetheart. When Nathan had chosen to come back into her life, he had done so with a promise, one that she might not have known consciously---

  But her soul heard.

  It had known what he was promising, just as it knew now he had failed.

  Nathan’s fingers loosened and tightened one more time, finally prompting Alyx to look at him. “What?” Her tone was mutinous and fragile at the same time.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “About what?”

  “I promised I’d call you, but I didn’t.”

  “It’s probably a thing with you, isn’t it? Like an ego trip?”

  “Actually, no.” Nathan wasn’t lying. “It was only with you.”

  She jerked to a stop, her jaw dropping. “Are you fucking serious?”

  “If it’s any consolation, it was not for lack of desire.”

  Alyx only looked at him.

  “It was simply because I couldn’t make up my mind about what I wanted – needed – to say.”

  Slowly, her lips moved to form one word. “Bullshit.”

  Nathan grinned.

  “I promise it won’t happen---”


  She had yelled the word out this time, causing onlookers to gather around them. Such a scene would normally displease Nathan, but because this was his beautiful virago---

  He only laughed. “I’m sorry.”


  She stalked away, but his long-legged stride enabled him to catch up with her, and he told her solemnly, “This i
s probably going to anger you more---”

  Alyx threw him an exasperated look. “Then don’t bother saying it!”

  “---but I still haven’t quite made up my mind what to say to you yet.”

  No sooner had the words left his mouth that Alyx turned to him furiously, hissing, “Are you serious? Are you fucking serious?” And then she tried crushing his foot with her stiletto. Hard.

  Alyx tore away from him as he grunted in pain, but even though it did slow him down a bit, she was again fooling herself if she thought he’d let her get away so easily just like that.

  He caught her from behind, and she shrieked, “Who do you think you are, asshole?”

  “The man you’ll never get enough of,” he purred into her ear just before yanking her with him into the nearest unlocked door---

  Birds chirped in greeting as they found themselves inside an avian emporium, complete with an open-mouthed lady manager.

  “Well…” The manager’s voice came out faint, her expression wide-eyed as she took in the way Alyx kept trying and failing to pull away from Nathan.

  Nathan’s lips formed a courteous smile. “Good afternoon, err---”

  “B-Beth,” the manager stammered. “It’s Beth.” The woman’s gaze darted to Alyx, who was snarling what sounded very much like Russian at the too-handsome man who held her captive. Was this perhaps the time to call 911?

  “Good afternoon, Beth. Are you the owner or manager?”


  “Even better.” Nathan managed to keep his tone steady even as Alyx, frustrated by her foiled attempts to escape, now started kicking his shin and doing her best to puncture his kneecap with her stiletto. “And are all these birds for sale?”

  Beth didn’t answer, her gaze half-appalled, half-fascinated and focused on Alyx.


  “Y-yes?” The older woman had a visibly hard time pulling her eyes away from Alyx, who was beginning to look more like a would-be murderess than a victim.

  “I’d like to buy all of your birds and donate them to various local charities---”

  His words finally sank in, and Beth gasped. “Oh dear.”

  “And all I ask in return is a small favor.” Nathan paused. “I’ll need to borrow any private room of yours.”


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