A Dangerous Man

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A Dangerous Man Page 10

by Raven Stone

  I’d never seen him look so fierce.

  It did wicked good things to me.

  The Captain, on the other hand, took a step back, looking a bit contrite. “I’m sorry. It’s just,” she glanced at Dakota, “I know he’s a Hunter.”

  My mouth dropped open.

  She had to be saying that Dakota killed vampires. That was the only way this conversation made sense. But why the fuck was he friends with Degarr, then?

  “He’s a former Hunter. Like. Me.” Degarr emphasized, and the woman gaped at him. “And he was there for me when Houston’s Nightfall wasn’t.”


  A tingle went up my spine.

  “Now,” Degarr continued, “if you and your team are going to have a problem working with the likes of us, then I suggest you go home.”

  The Captain gaped at him for another second, clearly trying to get caught up, just like I was. But she recovered faster than me. She closed her mouth and straightened her spine.

  “No. We don’t have a problem working with you and your team,” she replied. “I apologize.”

  Degarr accepted her apology with an almost regal nod.

  “You hear that?” The Captain shouted, turning as her gaze swept the members of her team. “We don’t have any problems working with them, got it?”

  There were a few faces that said they weren’t sure about that, but everyone nodded, all the same.

  “Good,” she said briskly. “I have a belt for each of you.” She waved one of her team members forward.

  He had a selection of belts in his hand. They were black, of course, and had various objects attached to them, similar to a police person’s belt.

  “Thanks, but that’s not necessary,” Degarr said.

  She arched an eyebrow at him. “It’s protocol. Even the King complied.”

  He looked at her for a moment, then gave a small nod and slipped on the belt, obviously wanting to please her. He handed one to Dakota, who put it on with a half-smile. Then Degarr strapped one around me. We all turned to the fourth member of our party.

  Jamie stood there with his back to us, staring up at the moon.

  And he was absolutely, completely, buck naked.

  “Jamie?” I prompted, thinking this was a really odd time for him to strip down.

  He shot me a grin over his shoulder, and then the air around him blurred. I rubbed my eyes, and the blur was replaced by a giant ass dog.

  Did I say giant? I meant the size of a small horse.

  Which perfectly explained my reaction.

  “Holy fucking shit!” I shouted, scrambling backwards.

  Degarr caught me, his arms wrapping around me, his chest solid against my back.

  “Shh,” he said. “It’s just Jamie.”

  “That’s not Jamie that’s a giant fucking dog!”

  He laughed, and his breath was warm against my ear.

  “That’s Jamie, love. And he’s a werewolf, not a dog.”

  Degarr’s sexy tone sent warmth spiraling down me, chasing the fear away. He noticed, and he relaxed his arms even as the giant wolf padded towards us.

  When the wolf reached us, Degarr released me and knelt in front of him. The wolf lowered his head, burrowing into Degarr’s chest as the man ran his hands down the wolf’s back.

  Then the wolf raised his head. Two golden eyes stared up at me. Eyes that were most definitely Jamie’s, and decidedly not custom contacts.

  “A bit of a mindfuck, isn’t it?” Dakota asked.

  I nodded absentmindedly, my brain still busy chewing on this revelation.

  This was the ginger’s secret? This was why he knew all of my tells?

  “You fuck.” I stared down at the wolf with my hands on my hips. “This is why you heard me that first night?”

  The wolf grinned up at me and whuffed. I took that as a yes.

  “Can I touch him?” I asked Degarr.

  He smiled up at me. “Yes, I think he’ll allow it.”

  I knelt, and Degarr opened his arms, letting the wolf pad over to me. He sniffed me at first, then bumped my hand with his head.

  I trailed my hand down fur that was soft, and warm.

  I glanced over at Degarr, absolutely amazed and speechless.

  “His wolf has accepted you,” Degarr said with a smile. “That’s good.”

  “Was there ever any doubt?” I asked, turning my gaze back to the wolf. He stretched under my hand, obviously enjoying my touch.

  I realized Degarr hadn’t answered me yet, and I glanced back at him.

  His expression answered my question. Yes, there had been a chance that Jamie’s wolf wouldn’t like me.

  I swallowed.

  I didn’t need anyone to tell me how close Jamie and Degarr were. That was clear. I could imagine how difficult things could have become if Jamie’s wolf – if a part of Degarr’s son – hadn’t liked me. I found myself incredibly grateful that he had.

  Then I realized that everyone else was watching us. Some of the vampires looked scared. Some of them looked almost sick from it.

  “Why are some of them scared?” I asked in a low voice.

  Degarr’s gaze swept the others. “Some of it’s ignorance. Some of it is experience. Werewolves can kill vampires.” He shrugged.

  “But you’re not.” I caught his eyes. “Is there anything you are scared of?”

  “Sure,” he said.


  He smiled. “I’m not telling.”

  Chapter 35

  Nadia – Chicago

  The vampires kept their distance, maintaining a space between us and them, as the wolf led everyone down the street. Dakota had explained to me that these vampires came from a group called Nightfall. Apparently, they were some sort of investigation arm of the vampires, and they had branches around the country.

  He’d sounded less than impressed by them.

  It was also clear by the looks that they were giving him that they disliked him, and, in some cases, were openly afraid of him. That did seem to please him.

  I couldn’t help but notice that some of them were giving similar looks to Degarr.

  “They’re scared of you, too,” I quietly told him.

  Degarr’s eyes scanned the group, and he grunted. “I have a reputation.”

  “As the Sword of Gabriel?”

  “Among things, yes.”

  “Gabriel, as in King Gabriel?” I asked.


  Amber had nothing to worry about. There was no way in hell this man could ever be considered chatty.

  “Are you going to explain what all of that means?” I asked.

  “Not in mixed company.” His gaze took in the vampires around us.

  I gave a small nod, just as Jamie broke into a trot up ahead, and then howled. No one needed to say ‘run’, we all just did it. My flashlight provided enough light that I could see about five feet in front of me, but combined with the streetlights, that was enough.

  We all rounded a corner and found the wolf had come to a stop about ten feet down an alley. Vampires scattered so they wouldn’t run into him. I would have found it comical, if I hadn’t raised my flashlight and pointed the beam past Jamie.

  At the far end of the alley, a vampire had plastered himself against the brick wall of a dead end. His eyes were wide, and his hands were pressed flat against the wall.

  “Help!” He cried out. “Get that thing away from me!”

  “He’s not a thing.” Degarr rested his hand on the wolf’s head. “And calm down. You’re safe.”

  “Safe my ass! There are Hunters in the area! Real, fucking Hunters!”

  I noticed Dakota grinning, but he didn’t say anything.

  “We know,” Degarr said dryly. “It’s fine.”

  “Shit, you weren’t kidding. His shielding’s completely gone.” Captain Worthington swept past us.

  “I told you,” Degarr replied mildly.

  She studied the frightened vampire, her hands on her hips. “Who did th
is to you?”

  “I don’t know,” he cried. “Can you just get me the fuck out of here?”

  She gave a clipped nod to two of her team. “You two, take him back to the SUV.”

  “Wait!” Degarr said. “There was another vampire with you. Where is he?”

  “I don’t know! He went one way, and I went the other. I hope he fucking got away,” he said, then the two Nightfall led him away.

  “What now?” Captain Worthington turned to Degarr, and I drifted away, back to the alley’s opening.

  It was a beautiful night, with a light breeze and the moon shining overhead. As I stood there, I felt something brushing against my hand.

  I glanced down, and saw it was Jamie.

  I idly petted him until I discovered there was a spot behind his ears that he especially liked having scratched and caressed. I smiled, giving the spot some extra attention, and letting my gaze wander again.

  This was an odd area of the city, clearly on the poorer side, with a blend of storefronts, businesses, some working-class homes, and a few abandoned houses too.

  One abandoned house in particular drew my attention. It was dark, of course, and the wood was rotting. The front porch was sagging. I was sure plenty of people thought that it was ugly, or an eyesore, or even scary.

  To me it looked safe. Like a sanctuary.

  It reminded me of that final place I’d found to hide. I had stayed safe for hours until my uncle had found me, dragging me screaming from the closet, and then handed me over –

  “What are you looking at?” Degarr asked quietly.

  I jumped a little. I’d been so caught up in the house that I hadn’t noticed him joining me.

  He reached out, wrapping his hand around the back of my neck. I’m sure to anyone else that would seem scary or intimidating, but to me it felt reassuring. Warm. Comforting. Solid.

  I relaxed into his side.

  “That abandoned house.” I told him. “If I was scared, if I was on the run, that’s where I would hide.”

  Because that’s exactly what I’d done, so long ago.

  Chapter 36

  Degarr – Chicago

  Nadia’s eyes looked haunted.

  It twisted something in me to see her like that.

  I wanted to make her feel safe, I wanted to take away that haunted look in her eyes, even if it meant burning that little house across the street to the ground.

  Instead, I walked with her to the front steps. I gestured to the others – Jamie, Dakota, the Captain, and Nightfall – to stay where they were.

  “I’m right, aren’t I?” she asked, holding her arms against her body. “There’s someone in there.”

  “Yes. A very frightened vampire, from what I can tell. Shall we?” I gestured to the door.

  “Can I go in first?” she asked.

  A part of her was still in whatever memory was haunting her. “Of course.”

  Nadia walked ahead of me, slowing turning the knob and pushing the front door open. We walked into a dark, empty living room.

  “Where?” I asked, even though I knew exactly where the vampire was.

  “Closet,” she replied. She pointed her flashlight down the small hallway to the right. She walked down it without any hesitation, past every other room, into the very last room. The master bedroom.

  “Safe,” she said quietly. “He would be safe in here.”

  I knew she was still talking about the memory. Her memory. Something tightened in my chest as she looked around, then walked across the room and pushed back the closet door.

  Nothing was there.

  She clicked the light off.

  For a moment, there was nothing but silence. I reached out for her, lightly touching her arm. “How old were you?”

  Her breath hitched.

  “Ten,” she said softly. “I was ten.”

  Gently, slowly, I wrapped my arms around her. “What happened?”

  “Nothing. I,” she shook her head, “nothing that matters.” Her voice was rough.

  She swallowed thickly.

  I tipped her head, and stroked her neck. “I think it’s something that matters very much.”

  Her eyes squeezed shut. “It’s nothing. Nothing that can touch me anymore.” She slipped out of my arms. “That little girl is long gone.”

  We found the vampire in the next room over, huddled in the closet. It was a fact that wasn’t lost on me, or on Nadia.

  She was quiet and pale as Nightfall collected him, as I exchanged pleasantries with the Captain, and as I clapped Dakota on the back and waved him a good night.

  I found it odd when Jamie jumped into the back of our SUV in his wolf form, but I also took it as a sign. I borrowed one of the junior Nightfall members who kept giving me curious glances, and let her drive while Nadia and I joined Jamie in the backseat.

  My feelings proved right when Nadia collapsed into herself.

  I pulled her into my arms, kissing her on the head and tucking her into my side. Jamie crawled partway onto her lap, pushing into her hands until she gave him a fragile smile and started petting him.

  I stared as my wolf rested his head on her lap, letting her pet him, clearly trying to comfort her in his own way.

  Warmth spread through me at the sight.

  Then Nadia leaned into me with a sigh, resting her head on my chest and pretending to fall asleep, even as my shirt slowly became damp from her quiet tears.

  Chapter 37

  Nadia – Chicago

  I woke up the next day, utterly astonished at myself. I never cried.


  But last night I had melted into Degarr’s arms and soaked his chest with my tears.

  He hadn’t mentioned it. He hadn’t said one word as he carried me back to the condo, me in his arms like a princess, that giant ass wolf padding silently by his side.

  Thank God the neighbors didn’t come across us.

  I sat up in bed, the sheets falling away, surprised to find myself in a short, satin gown. A man lay on one side of me, and a wolf on the other.


  That was right.

  That’s why I was wearing a dress to bed, instead of being naked like usual. Degarr had found the gown I’d forgotten I even owned, and slipped it over my head before calling his wolf in. All so I could sleep modestly between him and Jamie.

  His son.

  How could Jamie be his son? Degarr was a vampire, and centuries old. I thought vampires couldn’t have children.

  Then again, I thought vampires weren’t real. For all I knew, anything was possible.

  Vampires, werewolves, Fae. Fuck, unicorns?

  Any of that shit could be real.

  I slipped out of bed, and grabbed some clothes as quietly as I could. I wasn’t sure if it was possible to wake either of them during the day, but I wanted to avoid it if possible.

  I wanted, I needed, some time alone, to think about my little breakdown last night.

  That wasn’t going to happen again, I told myself firmly. I walked to the guest bedroom at the other end of the condo and slipped into the shower.

  From now on, I wouldn’t collapse into tears because of an old house and stupid, fucking memories. That wasn’t allowed.

  That wasn’t part of the plan.

  But Degarr wasn’t part of the plan either.

  Or his giant ass wolf.

  I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off.


  I was in trouble.

  Chapter 38

  Nadia – Chicago

  The wolf padded out of the bedroom in the middle of the afternoon.

  Christ, he was fucking huge.

  He was so much easier to see in the light of day. He had brown and white fur, with black streaks accentuating his ears, his ruff, and his back.

  He came to a stop and stared up at me with golden eyes. Then the air around him blurred. When it settled again, the man stood before me, in all of his glory.

  “Jamie,” I said, averting my e

  He laughed. “I didn’t take you for a prude.”

  “I’m not,” I said, turning my back to him. “I’ve fucked your dad. That means it isn’t right for me to see you naked.”

  He laughed again.

  “Okay, you can turn around.”

  I did, and found he’d pulled on a pair of jeans. He stood there with his chest and feet bare. I guessed asking him to put on a shirt was too much.

  “Do you have any food?” Jamie asked, rubbing his washboard abs.

  I sighed. “I have some leftover Chinese food, or I could order a pizza.”

  “Do you cook?” He eyed me hopefully.

  “Hell no. I live in one of the greatest cities in the world and I have money. Fuck cooking. What do you want?”

  That hand lazily trailed over his stomach as he thought about it.

  “Pizza,” he said finally. “Order two if you want some.”

  I raised my eyebrows.

  “Being a wolf takes a lot of food,” he said.

  I didn’t say anything to that. I just found my phone and placed the order. “It’ll be about thirty minutes.”

  We both settled on opposite ends of the couch. Jamie threw an arm over the back like he lived here.

  “So what happened last night?” he asked.

  “Nothing,” I said firmly.

  “I thought we talked about you lying to me.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “Then obviously I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “I don’t care. We’re going to talk about it.”

  I jumped up, and headed for the kitchen. Jamie followed me.

  Why in the hell had I decided to take a break from drinking?

  Jamie grabbed the back of my neck, and I stopped cold.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I asked.

  His thumb caressed a small patch of my skin. “This calms wolves down.”


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