Beast of Dreams

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Beast of Dreams Page 19

by Cynthia Williams

  “Help me, Karrick,” she begged him.

  Karrick rubbed his hand down her back to soothe her. “I’ll have you untied in a minute, honey.”

  “No… I can’t hold off any longer,” she whispered. “I need to come so bad and I don’t want it to be because of Shodan. I want it to be because of you,” she pleaded.

  Though he wouldn’t admit it out loud, the bonds and her submissive stance stirred his blood darkly. He loved her and yet feared what might be inside of him if he took her this way.

  “Please… Help me.”

  Karrick fought a war inside, telling himself that it was for her own good and that she had pleaded with him to take her, but he couldn’t help also feeling aroused to the point of pain, seeing her exposed pussy readied for him and her arms and legs tied so that she couldn’t get away. On some primitive level, he was deeply turned on by the idea of her being sexually submissive to him.

  Karrick pulled off his breechclout, and looked at her swollen vaginal tissues, the plump rolls of her labia dripping with moisture. The scent of her sex musk was devastating to his control. “I want to be gentle but I need you so much.”

  “I want it rough. I want you to fuck me hard, Karrick. I’ve needed this since he put the oil on me and I held back because I didn’t want to come for him.”

  Her feminine command to ravish her stirred his blood and his mind was overcome by his sexual need to dominate her. Like a primitive animal in rut, his cock lengthened and reddened angrily, as he pulled back the hairy sheath from the elongated red stem.

  Amanda moaned, “I need you now! I can’t hold back… Please, oh god, fuck me!”

  Amanda felt the hot head of his erection slide hungrily into her overly sensitized pussy, the fat helmet of his cock massaging against every ridge of her pussy walls as it slid deep inside to touch her cervix. She moaned with ecstatic contentment, now that she was finally getting the sexual pleasure she needed from the man she deeply loved and felt totally safe with.

  As the juices from her pussy soaked onto his cock skin, he could feel a heat building and his nerve endings becoming extremely sensitized. He realized then that this was from the oil Shodan had coated her pussy with, and that she must have used every ounce of her will to fight off the much needed climax. The swell of love and pride he felt for her only made his desire heat that much more.

  She cherished the hot feeling of fullness the heavy, dark red cock gave her every time Karrick slammed his cock in and out, pushing it in all the way to his balls, and then pulling it out almost to the head. He pumped her with increasingly faster strokes, over and over, pounding into her. She felt his knot form, the massive knot that came only upon a male when his woman was fertile or when he was consumed by an intense sexual need for her. She felt him shove the knot deep within her, not asking but exercising control over her completely, and such was her need to have him bind her to him on every level that she welcomed with joy his domination of her.

  As her orgasm hit, Karrick felt her pussy clamp onto his thick cock and knot, squeezing them like a vise, and then heard her low keening moans as she shuddered with the climax she had been holding off, tightening and throbbing around his shaft, letting it consume her in a blazing fire of passion.

  The force of her coming and the tight grip on his cock made him ejaculate spurt after spurt of thick semen into her, and when he was done, he felt she had drained every single bit of sperm out of his balls.

  As he recovered from the red haze of sexual frenzy, he worried that he’d been too rough with her. “Amanda, are you all right, sweetheart?” he asked, massaging her shoulders and laying a gentle kiss on the small of her back.

  “Mmm, I’m more than all right, Beast. Untie me now and I’ll show you just how happy your Beauty is with you.”

  * * * * *

  The next day, the pack elders gathered in the communal hall and sat in attendance as Karrick pronounced the sentence of permanent exile on Shodan. By wolfan law, Amanda was given the choice to attend, since she was harmed by Shodan’s actions. She also had the right to give a victim’s statement and make final approval on Shodan’s punishment. Sirus, Carson, and Nathan also attended, since they participated in Shodan’s capture.

  Jarwok recapped the series of events and called for witnesses both for and against Shodan to come forward. Many spoke against the wolfan, and only one of the older females, who’d cared for Shodan after his parents had died when he was five, had anything favorable to say, and at that, her only defense of him was that she blamed drug use for his behavior.

  Shodan, his arms tied behind him and his feet shackled together, was given the opportunity to speak in his defense. His expression was taut and derisive. “You’re all fools. None of you understand how great a pack this could have become if your elders had only shown the wisdom to choose me as your leader. Go on and live your mediocre lives; you deserve them.”

  Pale and composed, Amanda stood next to Karrick and faced Shodan. She shivered a bit as he stared angrily at her, as if she was his possession and she’d betrayed him. With her voice firm and strong, despite her inner trepidation, she said, “You’re sick and vile. Twice you’ve tried to kill Karrick, and for that, I’ll never forgive you.” She shot him a look of utter contempt. “You think you’d make a great leader, but you aren’t even a tenth the man Karrick is. You are a danger to the women of this pack. You kidnapped me and if it were not for my rescue by Karrick and Uncle Sirus, you would have raped me.”

  Shodan was also given the right to make a final statement before his sentence if he wished. He stood, flexing his wrists to test his bonds. His pale blue eyes clawed Amanda like talons, as he growled in anguish, “I care not for these people anymore but you were destined for me, not Karrick. From the first moment I scented you, I knew you were my alpha, my woman. You turned to Karrick and rejected me, but this is not the last you will see of me.” His eyes filled with a depth of hostility and belligerence that would have driven her to her knees, if Karrick hadn’t been holding her around her waist. Her heart fluttered as she heard him swear, “There will be a time when Karrick is dead and I’ll stand rejoicing in his death, and when you see me next, I vow I’ll take you as mine.”

  Several wolfan gasped and Amanda reached down to grip Karrick’s hand tightly. “Not in this lifetime, wolfan.” Amanda turned to Karrick. “Can you exile him to another continent? I’ll never feel completely safe from him as long as he’s on Palenor.”

  “Yes, if we can get help from Sirus. The aerolift only has enough power to travel one thousand kilometers before it needs to be recharged.”

  Sirus spoke up. “I’ll be happy to drop him wherever you want him to go,” he said, his unrepentant dark eyes exchanging a meaningful glace with Karrick.

  Karrick appreciated Sirus’s help but was no fool. He knew that Sirus, unsupervised, would probably ‘drop’ Shodan from several hundred meters over a rocky canyon or into a swamp full of man-eating marsh lizards, if he got the chance. Though he hated Shodan for what he’d done, he meant to uphold wolfan law. “Carson and Nathan will help you ‘drop’ Shodan off, Sirus.” He bit back the smile that threatened when he heard Sirus grumble under his breath.

  Turning to the elders, Karrick said, “In accordance to our laws, Shodan Konor’s punishment is exile to the Kendor continent, and he will be dropped, unharmed, at the way station that was established and abandoned there by the first wolfan colonization. There are buildings there that can provide him with shelter and a fighting chance to survive. He will be allowed to take whatever he wants or needs from the communal stores, but only up to one hundred kilograms in weight. Furthermore, he is to be removed from here today and has one hour to gather what he needs before he is delivered to his new home.”

  The elders stood and Jarwok, the oldest of the pack, spoke on their behalf. “It is right and good to exile those that would harm the pack. We have seen beyond a shadow of doubt today that Shodan is guilty of the crimes of attempted murder and rape. He made his choice t
o be exiled the moment he carried out those crimes. Pending approval from Amanda Parker, we back your decision.”

  Karrick turned to Amanda. “Amanda, what say you of this punishment?”

  “I approve and support exile to Kendor for Shodan Konor.”

  Karrick faced Shodan one last time. “You are exiled from us forever. Your life is now separate from ours, your blood tainted and unfit to merge with this pack. So I say, so it shall be.”

  Chapter 14

  Sirus smiled to himself as he watched Karrick’s brothers jostle each other for the opportunity to look out the single view window as the shuttle peaked in its trajectory toward Kendor, which was on the opposite side of the planet from the wolfan compound in Palenor. Space travel was routine for him but this was a rare treat for the wolfan who’d spent their entire lives, so far, on one planet.

  Sirus could no longer imagine what it would be like to stay tied to one place, one home.

  Shodan glared at him from the corner of the cabin where he’d been anchored to a metal bar running the length of the back wall. The bar was for use in maneuvering through the cabin during zero gravity. It’d been quite entertaining for Sirus to watch the recalcitrant wolfan slammed against the floor when the shuttle took off from the planet’s surface, then trying not to heave its guts out when the shuttle reached free fall. Sirus had tied a mesh bag over the wolfan’s head so if it threw up, the mess would stay contained yet allow some air inside to keep the wolfan from being ‘harmed’.

  Carson and his brother suffered no ill effects, since he’d given them Suppretol, a medication used to help ease the stomach’s transition from high to low gravity.

  Nathan turned to Sirus and asked, “When do we land?”

  “We’ll start landing procedures in about five minutes. After that, it will be another ten minutes before we land. You should probably wrap up whatever you’re doing there at the view window in a couple of minutes. You’re both going to need to strap yourselves back in for the landing.”

  Sirus checked his readings and it showed that there would be little over an hour of daylight left at the way station, when they landed. His intention was to drop Shodan off quickly, and then take off before the night jackals woke from their slumber to begin their nocturnal search for food.

  Nathan went back to his seat and strapped himself in. Carson swam through the air in zero gravity to Shodan first, to inspect the mesh bag around his face before heading to his seat. “Shouldn’t have eaten those fried narboo curds before we left, Shodan. I warned you,” he admonished the wolfan. He heard a growling response from the wolfan, who was too ill to do more than that.

  Nathan, anxious to go down to the surface and see a whole new part of Eridani, told Carson to knock it off and get his ass in his chair. Carson grinned and maneuvered gracefully through the zero gravity to buckle himself in.

  Sirus brought the shuttle down at what had been a landing strip one hundred years ago, when the first wolfan colonization had established a stronghold for several decades. Now it was semi-clear stretch of concrete, pocketed by growths of weeds and grasses, and in several spots, even a few trees. One near the middle caught his eye, as it stood over twenty meters high and had long thick branches. An idea hit him, and after distributing stun guns to the brothers and himself, he had Nathan and Carson carry Shodan out to the tree. Sirus grabbed a handful of rope and scrambled up the trunk to the first branch, about five or six meters above the ground.

  “Lift him upside down and hold his feet up as high as they’ll go,” he told the brothers. They did as he asked and when Shodan started to struggle, Carson shot him with his stun gun at close range.

  “Shit, Carson, did you have to do that?” Nathan demanded.

  “Hey, he’s still unharmed, I think…”

  “That’s not what I meant. Now he’s dead weight,” Nathan replied, using his brute strength now to hold the wolfan’s legs up instead of just balancing him.

  “Come on, quit arguing. We’ve only got an hour or so before the night jackals come and I want to at least be back in the shuttle by then,” Sirus said, urging them to hurry.

  After several minutes, Sirus had Shodan’s ankles tied securely to the rope and had freed his arms, the wolfan left hanging upside down, his head about two meters above the ground and his arms splaying around. Shodan began waking up and Sirus slid down off the tree, using his heels to slow him down enough to reach the ground safely.

  “Look!” he said, pointing to the east. On the horizon, were a pack of about twenty night jackals stealthily making their way to the tree and the four men they obviously regarded as prey. They were early, the smell of fresh meat having woken them from their slumber.

  The three ran as fast as they could to the ship, none even attempting to shoot at the jackals with the stun guns, which only had a range of about ten meters. A miss would have been a death sentence. They climbed inside and Sirus rapidly pressed the door control, slamming the door shut just as the fastest night jackal was only ten meters away. He opened the shuttle window screen wider and turned on the audio so they could view what was going on and listen to the sounds outside.

  The creatures yelped in an eerie yodeling call and turned en masse to run back to the tree, frustrated at losing three animals but not about to leave the remaining one to other packs, two more of which were appearing at the horizon.

  “Can they climb trees?” Carson asked.

  Nathan and Sirus both responded, “No,” at the same time.

  Sirus told them to hush and watch. The animals, which were roughly the shape of medium-sized dogs, but with twice the number of razor sharp teeth, took turns jumping up at the dangling morsel hanging from the tree branch. One came within a half meter of Shodan’s head and they could hear Shodan’s hoarse screaming as he attempted to pull himself up the rope.

  “Should’ve taken that mesh bag off his face, I guess,” Carson said out loud, wondering if the bag might impede the wolfan’s ability to rescue himself. Just then, a bigger jackal took a running leap and managed to catch the bottom of the mesh bag in its teeth and dangling from the bag, twisted and turned its muscular body in hard jerky motions, trying to pull the prey down into the crowd of jackals, who were all yodeling lustily, thinking that their dinner was almost at hand. Shodan managed to untie the bag and the jackal fell, with the bag still in its teeth, back into the crowd of animals.

  “Where’s his backpack?” Nathan asked.

  “Shit. I forgot to bring it out there,” Carson explained. He looked at Sirus. “What do we do?”

  “You grab it and be ready to toss it out the door. I’ll go to the door control, standing by to close it as soon as it’s outside,” Sirus replied. When Carson stood by the doorway, ready to toss the bag out, Sirus opened the door. Immediately the jackals noticed and several started racing toward the shuttle. Carson gave the bag a mighty heave and Sirus slammed the door shut the moment the bag passed outside the exit. They watched as the animals ripped into the bag, searching for food.

  After a short while, the jackals left the bag, disappointed at finding only a few loaves of bread and some cheese amongst the other debris they’d strewn about. They were meat eaters and would not touch the food.

  Sirus left the others to step into the flight deck to ready the shuttle for lift off. As he began adjustments to the instrument panel for the takeoff, he turned on the intercom and suggested they strap in immediately.

  The two wolfan took a last look at Shodan. They expected to see him in a futile struggle to climb up the rope. Instead they watched incredulously as Shodan’s right arm and hand, already bloodied from bites from the pack’s alpha leader, seized the animal as it attacked in mid leap. With both hands, he twisted its head in a vicious maneuver, ripping the head from its body and spraying the pack below with its alpha’s blood.

  Abruptly the loud yodeling stopped.

  Shodan threw the bloody head of the jackal to the ground and the pack scurried away in fear. Even the other packs coming in hopes
of an easy meal, stopped in shocked silence to stare up at the wolfan in fear, and then turned abruptly away, creating dust in their wake as they raced to put as much distance as possible between them and the ferocious beast capable of tearing apart one of the largest and most predatory of their number.

  Shodan quickly pulled himself up the rope and tossed the still twitching corpse of his prey to lie over the large branch where it joined with the tree trunk. The two men watched in silence for several moments as Shodan, covered in blood from the waist up, sat completely still next to his prey, staring at the shuttle with a look that Satan himself would have understood. Perhaps it was a trick of the light but for a brief second, they saw a glint of light flash from his eyes, raising the hair on the back of their necks.

  Sirus, stepping out of the flight deck to make a last check on his passengers, broke the silence holding them spellbound. “What just happened?” he demanded, sensing their uneasiness.

  Neither felt comfortable answering Sirus’s question. They had come here to vanquish a dangerous foe and wanted to tell the pack that their enemy would never harm them again. In one quick turn of events, Shodan had just reduced that certainty.

  “It wasn’t really anything, Sirus. Shodan managed to climb up the rope and save himself from the jackals,” Nathan said.

  Sirus knew there had to be more, but time was running out if they were to make it back in time for Amanda and Karrick’s nuptials. Takeoff was imminent and he couldn’t stop it without wasting most of his fuel. As he stepped back into the flight deck, he opened his mind briefly to that of the exiled wolfan, but for some reason, he could not penetrate Shodan’s mind, not even to sense the deep hatred that had seemed to be the wolfan’s constant cloak over its mind. It bothered him that he couldn’t read the wolfan’s emotions. It was as if a barrier had been erected.


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