The Sweeper File (Remote Traveler Series Book 2)

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The Sweeper File (Remote Traveler Series Book 2) Page 4

by Finian Blake

  Felix finally made it home around seven thirty that evening. In his rage he abandoned his car in a security zone and it was towed to the bomb lot. He emerged from impound in time for peak rush hour traffic making the twenty-five-mile trip at ten miles per hour. His wife Betty brought his dinner and a bucket of ice to the study. He was already well into a liter of scotch. She rounded up the kids taking them to a second dinner at Chucky Cheese until closing time, not wanting his bad day inflicted on them. When she got home she ushered the kids to bed leaving Felix passed out in the study. When she looked in on him at first light he was seated in his office chair repeating the same word ‘screwed’ over and over again.

  “Who is screwed?”

  “I am. Do you remember Colleen Arthur?”

  “Yes, she is the one that spent all that time helping you pass that accounting class for your degree.”

  Felix sunk into his chair, “Well she works at the NSA and I asked her to verify some classified documents promising to get her a job in Justice. Well she verified the documents and I couldn’t deliver on my end. When I asked her to get the documents she wanted money. I paid her with counterfeit money from evidence.”

  Betty developed a worried look on her face, “That wasn’t too smart.”

  “When I needed more documents I blackmailed her by threatening to expose her, so she gave me the rest of the documents. I loaded the documents on my lap top.”

  Betty smiled warmly, “That is a beautiful lap top I saved all year for that.”

  “Well it had what they call a ‘Chernobyl Virus’ in the information and it fried the whole thing.”

  “That bitch I knew that something was wrong with her.”

  Felix hung his head, “That’s not the worst of it the whole thing was a sting operation. I may lose my security clearance.”

  “Well you had better make that gamble pay off,” Betty said quietly not wanting to incite him.



  Felix had a feeling of desperation as he drove in to the Department of Justice. The primary lead was Alexander Chalenger so he had to put his primary focus there. He started with a basic search in Europe because of the time difference he made the standard searches in Zurich, Geneva and Liechtenstein. Felix also ran Alex’s passport number to check his travel. After the standard checks he drove to the FBI headquarters to search for agents Byrne and Wright. Felix was delighted to learn that both agents were highly placed and Agent Wright was in charge of training at Quantico while Agent Byrne was an assistant to the director. Felix decided to see if he could get an appointment. Agent Byrne was very accommodating and always started early. Felix was shown to a conference room being offered coffee and pastries. He had just fixed his coffee when Agent Byrne walked into the room.

  Agent Byrne went straight to business. “Felix how may I help you this morning.”

  “I was hoping that you might have some information from an old case.” Felix was not willing to reveal too much.

  “I can always look. Do you have a name or a case request?” Felix tried to sound as casual as possible.

  “I was hoping to see if you have anything on Alexander Chalenger.”

  Agent Byrne seemed overly calm. “We shipped everything that we have to NSA classified documents section as part of the ‘Sweeper File’ at the orders of the director. Any mention of any of those names was combed from the files and removed including their finger prints.”

  “How can you be sure?”

  “I can be sure because the Director put all of my other cases on hold having me shut down the Sweeper Operation personally with all the information going directly through me by hand to the director. My orders were to shut down the investigation and remove everything to the NSA with orders to discuss the case with the Director only, so today in my morning meeting with the director we will be discussing you. Felix I was ordered to shut this down. Why are you bringing this up?”

  “I believe that Mister Chalenger is engaged in terrorist activities.”

  Agent Byrne looked at the floor shaking his head. “We were ordered to shut down the investigation because of the extreme potential for disaster. I can’t control what you do, but I will not participate. Your name is on the file so put in a requisition and go through channels.”

  Felix had one last hope. “Where do I contact Agent Wright?”

  “Go to the administrative building at Quantico and he will be able to talk to you, but it won’t do any good.”

  “Why not…?”

  “Because I am going to pick up this phone, call Agent Wright reminding him of the Director’s orders. He can either follow them or not. That will be his choice.” Agent Byrne pointed to the table as he opened the door. “Feel free to take some pastries with you. Everybody here is on a diet.”

  Felix just made it to the parking lot when his cell phone rang. “Felix Owens this is Agent Wright. I just talked to Agent Byrne and thought that I would save an over worked government employee some time. All of our files were transferred to the NSA Secure Documents Division. You will have to clear your access with them. If you would like to talk face to face you are welcome to drive out here.”

  Felix was decidedly unhappy. “You are going to give me the same story if I drive out there aren’t you?”

  Agent Wright lost patience, “Felix, I survived this career ending case with a promotion because I closed it without a leak. After two years do you think that I am going to flush that down the toilet just to help you end your career? For a college educated man you are dumber than a box of rocks.”

  Felix tried one more chance. “Have you heard from Harry Tildon at the CIA lately?”

  “Word has it that he died in an auto accident right after the case closed,” Agent Wright said coldly. “There are a lot of convenient accidents out there and I plan on avoiding mine. I plan on dying in bed from old age long after I retire.” The connection went dead before Felix could ask another question so he pointed his car toward Langley.

  After a lot of confusion Felix ended up at personnel and the clerk there referred him to the Director. It only took him an hour to see the Director and that was because of his rank at Justice. “Mister Director I was trying to locate Harry Tildon the former London Station Chief.”

  The director did not even have to check, “Harry took an unapproved sanction and was forcibly retired with prejudice because it was on a member of the DGSE. That is French Intelligence to you. I made a note that all inquiries about Harry or the incident are to go through me because I want the bastard that went around me.”

  Felix thought of running, but the Director would probably shoot him before he made it to the door. “Have you had any requests?”

  “Only one in two years and that would be you.” The Director was enjoying this because he knew that he had his man. “Harry was cremated and the ashes dumped in the Mediterranean Sea. It was an auto accident and he was half burnt anyway. You know the Brits and their damned left hand drive.” The Director smiled blandly, “Did you have any business with Harry?”

  “We did a brief communication on that NSA ‘Sweeper Case’.”

  “Oh that, what a pooch screw, that was Harrys last case. Did he mention anyone putting pressure on him to do something nasty such as kill a foreign agent?”

  “We only exchanged a few words, so I am sure he didn’t mention anything like that.” The Director motioned to the door and Felix almost knocked his chair over looking for a quick exit. When the door closed the Director picked up the phone dialing a twelve-digit number.

  “Arnie this is the Director I believe that you may have a problem. Felix Owens from Justice is looking for Harry Tildon and I believe that he wants to reopen some portion of the ‘Sweeper File’. What are your thoughts?”

  “What did you tell him?”

  “I said that you were forcibly retired with prejudice for the unauthorized termination of a French operative. You died in a car crash with your ashes being scattered at sea. I also told him that I was
looking for the bastard that went around me to get it done.”

  Arnold laughed, “What happened after that?”

  “He damn near broke down the door when it was time to leave. Felix is a bit of a coward isn’t he?” The Director was mostly serious.

  “He’s yellow clear through, however when he has a little authority Felix goes crazy. If you call the Inn, ask for Arnold and my wife’s name is Sera. Harry and Simone don’t exist anymore.”

  “Thanks Arnie you have my private number call me any time.”

  Arnold did not like the Director’s news. He hung up the phone in the security center of the Amazon Inn walking down the hall to Lynn’s office. “Lynn I just had a call from the CIA. Felix Owens from the Department of Justice back in the States is trying to access the ‘Sweeper File’.”

  Lynn had a distant sound to her voice. “I’ll alert Susan to watch for any enquiries, but I would like you to tell Alex in person. Sera has been busting her ass on the lodging for the last two years take her with you for a holiday.” Seraphina took charge of the guest accommodations when she joined the board and it was now a black ink operation. Arnold had been after her for months to take some time off. With the increased demand for secure luxury accommodations things had been booming. It was time to take matters in hand and drag her out of the Inn. Lynn had a thought before Arnold left. “Better have Victoria check out Rhonda Savage to make sure that she is keeping her promise.”

  Arnold was taken completely by surprise. “How did…?”

  “Pauline Rider changed her name to Rhonda Savage. Instead of transferring her to the CIA they kept her with the NSA putting her in charge of documents. She was once a threat to the Inn so periodically I have Layla look in on her. I will send Victoria out there to ensure that she is behaving.” Ever since she had taken over as director after her mother’s death Lynn had proven to be the consummate leader.

  Arnold walked down to Susan’s office finding the door open he knocked and walked in. Susan spoke first, “I will have two first class tickets to LA with an open return for both you and Sera.” The light on the phone was flashing. “I have Anna on hold.” Susan handed him the phone.

  It took Arnold a few seconds to stop laughing. “Anna it looks like we are coming out to LA for a visit should we book a hotel?” Arnold already knew what the answer was.

  “If you take my daughter to a motel I will shoot you right between the eyes,” Anna said laughingly.

  Arnold laughed, “I haven’t had too much luck making my own plans, so I will put Susan on.”

  Arnold sat quietly for five minutes while Susan gave Anna the details, “How did you know that I was coming?”

  Susan put her hands to her temples. “Lynn and I can read each other’s minds.” She broke a smile while shifting her leg. “But then the intercom helps. Lynn are you sure that we should send Arnie first class?”

  Lynn’s voice floated through the air. “Did you just give our secret away to Arnie?”

  “I sure did.”

  “Well swear him to secrecy and give him a first class ticket.”

  Arnold gave a relieved laugh, “it will go to the grave with me.”

  “Then you may go first class.”

  Susan laughed, “We use it on people that try to use double speak on us. Now go pack.”

  “Is it alright if I make a stop in DC to see Tom-Tom and his family?”

  “You know that Helen and Sue are spending the summer here but Tom should be out there. Now get out of here and don’t take any excuses from your wife.”

  As he was leaving he could hear Lynn voice floating through the air. “Victoria I have an errand for you.”

  “You pressed the wrong button again,” Susan responded. You want the pager.” Arnold closed the door not wanting to hear the uncivil conversation that he was sure would follow.

  Felix stormed into his office and his secretary Olivia could tell it was not a good morning. “I was able to get Huntington Beach Police on the line. They checked their files and found the initial report three Quarters filled out. The officer stopped when the FBI took over, but it’s not official since it was unsigned. Do you want it?”

  Felix spun around and hugged Olivia, “Yes that’s the first decent piece of news that I have had all morning. Have them FAX it here as soon as possible.”

  Olivia continued, “Passport Control called and will release the information, but they will need a formal request from us. The airlines will cooperate if you make it a formal request.”

  Felix was feeling somewhat better. “What about bank accounts?”

  “I need to find the banks first. There are a lot of possibilities out there.”

  “Well keep at it this guy is dirty. I know it.” Felix said darkly. “They sent three sweeper teams after him and he ‘bagged’ them all. One guy eliminating three trained, four-man Sweeper teams just don’t figure. Nobody is that good.”

  Olivia had to ask, “Maybe he is government too?”

  “Not a chance, they would have killed the investigation from his side.” Just then the FAX machine started to beep. Felix was reading as it rolled out of the machine. “Great they took his Social Security number down.”

  Olivia shrugged. “You could have gotten that off of his mortgage file.”

  “He rents paying two years in advance and in cash. The security system on the house is so sophisticated that only four other homes have anything like it. They are all connected to his house. The rental agency is owned by his neighbor and her business partner lives on the other side of her. Both of the cars are owned by his wife and she paid in cash. I tried to pull a credit history and he has not borrowed a dime in thirty years and there are no credit card companies that he deals with. Since it is thirty-five years old, she owns the boat which is no surprise. As far as we can tell they have never made a major purchase in the last thirty years. He buys nothing, owns nothing, owes nothing and is self-employed. Take his Social Security number and go after his taxes under the Homeland Security Act. Say that we believe that he is financing terrorists.”

  Olivia frowned. “Soon or later we will have to offer some kind of proof.”

  Felix puffed up, “Well I believe it and that is all that’s required for now.”

  Olivia went into her office typing out the various requests placing them on Felix’s desk for his signature, “As soon as you sign these I will make the requests.” Felix pretended to read some other documents, “You can sign these under my name.”

  “Felix it takes two seconds. If you are in a hurry I suggest you sign them so I can get them in the mail.” Felix scribbled off a quick signature on all three documents. “Thank you mister Owens, I assume that you will not mind signing any of the other requests that you may decide on.” Felix was thoroughly annoyed.

  “The other secretaries sign for their bosses. What is your problem with signing for me?”

  “Mister Owens,” Olivia decided to go for more formal. “If a secretary signs for another boss he will stand behind her signature. Unfortunately, you have a reputation for saying that your secretary signed it without your knowledge. I have no intentions of being caught in a trap by somebody that can’t stand behind their words. You have burned three secretaries with that trap. Now they all refuse to work with you. I am nowhere near as trusting as the others that’s why they assigned me to you.”

  “Olivia, I specifically asked for you.”

  “No Mister Owens, you asked for another secretary after your other one refused to work with you. I am an old hand around here and know most of the tricks so they begged me to take this assignment, otherwise you would not have a secretary. You may be the AG’s golden boy but the other people around here know you for who you are, which is not a good reputation.” Olivia spun on her heel and stormed back to her office leaving an open mouthed Felix to stare at her dumbly as the door closed. Felix was indeed the AG’s golden boy. He had won three or four huge cases, not because of his diligence because he was willing to play any dirty trick in the
book to win regardless of the facts.

  Arnold and Sera walked out of customs at the Bradley terminal to find Alex and Anna waiting for them. They were surprised when Alex turned off at Long Beach and pulled up to the Queen Mary. Anna took Sera’s hand, “I thought that you might like to meet your other sisters. You have already met Victoria, but you have not met their U.S. sisters.” There were six women seated at a long table that had four empty seats at the middle of the table. These are your adopted sisters from an operation that we did twenty-five years ago in Chicago.” Anna went through the introductions. Sera and Arnie were surprised to find there was one District Attorney for LA, one U.S. District Attorney, and three high priced defense attorneys all of whom owned their own law office. There was no doubt that they were all as devoted to each other as they were to Alex and Anna. All of their children were just graduating college having attended law school. Alice was the exception since she was a doctor and a highly successful real estate investor. Cassandra and Jeff had not attended the party but Sera and Arnold had already met them back at the Inn.

  As they started driving to the townhouse Sera had to ask “Why are they all lawyers?”

  Anna laughed, “Alex and I thought that considering our habits it might be a good idea. We paid for law school. All of the girls were being held as sex slaves when we rescued them and they remained bonded to each other through the common experience. Just as it was with you. We made sure that they had a good stake to start them out, with Alice kicking in their office space. We also lined up key corporate clients and they were off to the races. Right now they will do the same thing for their combined seven children. Alex and I have more money than we will ever use so we will give them a $2,000,000 retainer each and we will have seven more successes. Susan and her mother Lynn have been handling the investments. Between Edward and Layla doing out of body spying on the board rooms and Francesca’s high level contacts we have realized some awesome returns. We sometimes top a hundred percent annual return over the last few years. Susan keeps everyone fully diversified with her knowledge of world markets and a little peeking from Edward and Layla.”


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