The Sweeper File (Remote Traveler Series Book 2)

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The Sweeper File (Remote Traveler Series Book 2) Page 7

by Finian Blake

  “Dad has it under control. Even if they freeze mom’s accounts too, they will lock up around 15,000 dollars. That would leave him with 99 point nine-nine-nine percent in other banks. Give them a call and let them know. They both have a set of papers that they have been maintaining for the past twenty some years. With half of the investments in that name, Felix will lose his mind before he finds even one tenth of the assets. Susan has most of the money invested so we are only talking about a few million in cash. Better call Anna first she has a few million that she plays with personally, but Alex hasn’t balanced his checkbook in thirty years. He’s happy as long as he has enough to play his games. He might even be glad that there is a fresh game.” Layla dialed Anna on her cell and relayed the information. After several minutes she received a brief answer.

  Edward was curious, “What did she say?”

  “All she said was thank you enjoy your visit with Tom-Tom.”

  Edward looked out the window, “The limo is here and it looks like Tom-Tom rode along. I don’t think that we will be going to the hotel.” Tom was dressed in a tailored black suit, white shirt and a black tie. He was six foot two with a brush cut that made his squared face and muscular bulk look like the stereotypical body guard.

  Arnold was the first to greet Tom. “Are things so busy that you have to work for a living?”

  “No I had to make a delivery to Cherry. It was not too far away so I came straight here. Tom opened the trunk for the luggage revealing several bags of groceries. “I have been batching it while Helen and Susan are at the Inn for the summer. I was hoping that you would stay out by the house. It has five bedrooms and with one person it gets real lonely.”

  Sera stepped up, “We would love to stay if it wouldn’t be too much work for you.”

  “No, I have a maid come in once a week and a man that cuts the grass and cleans the pool. You would really be doing me a favor. Cherry was supposed to stay with me, but she thinks that Felix may follow her and wants to stay away from the house.”

  Layla was worried, “What if he comes to your house?”

  Tom held his hands together moving them down and apart as if breaking a stick. “I am not as nice as you are.” On the drive over to Tom’s house the talk turned to news of Helen and Susan from Sera and Arnold. Lynn one of the founders had been set up by her daughter Susan who wanted to cure her mother’s depression. Lynn had unofficially adopted Little Susan and her family. Helen and Little Susan had spent the summer touring and horseback riding in the UK with several visits to the Continent. Tom had to acknowledge that it was going to be hard bringing the young lady back to reality. Tom was prepared for a barbecue and after getting settled in everybody poured drinks on the patio as he went to work on the grill.

  Arnold started with business after an hour of casual conversation. “Tom it looks like Felix has spotted a connection between Alex, Four Diamonds, and you. We would like you to keep Helen and Little Susan at the Amazon Inn for another week so that we can see what he is planning. Would there be a problem with that?”

  “Arnie I have two problems with that: One I really miss my family. Two at the request of the CIA and FBI, I hired four terrorists out of Saudi Arabia so that we can track them. Having a ‘loose cannon’ from Justice poking around may scare them off and we may never find them again.” Arnold put his head down in thought.

  Arnold lifted his head gesturing toward Edward and Layla. “Could you use our two ‘Travelers’ to track the Saudis?”

  Tom brightened knowing that he had just struck gold, “It would make the operation a slam dunk. Even if they bolted we could find them. Edward would you and Layla do it?” Tom knew the rule which was always ask knowing what the answer would be.

  “I can give you full time, but Layla has a commitment to Susan which should end at any time.”

  Layla locked eyes with Sera. “All of that out of body burns a lot of energy. I know that you are so much more, but could I prevail on you to do the cooking?” Seraphina was a highly adept French chef and Layla had been after her for lessons.

  “If it will help you survive this ordeal, I would be happy to contribute.” Layla and Edward saved her life twice two years ago with their out of body work so there was no way that Sera would refuse the request.

  Tom brightened at the idea of Seraphina’s offer. “Just tell me when dinner is and I will put the world on hold.” After a whole summer of bachelor cooking eating a home cooked meal was a lock, especially if it was prepared by a real chef. Tom slipped back into his business mode. “Edward can be an interviewer and Layla can be his assistant.

  Layla made a face. “Edward could be my assistant.”

  “Sorry Layla you know the Saudi attitude, men are in charge and women are for making babies.” Layla maintained her frown. Tom held his hands as if in prayer.

  Layla’s face broke into a huge smile punching him in the shoulder. “If it will unite you with your daughter faster, I’ll do it.”

  Alex called his daughter Calypso who was one of the leading defense attorneys in southern California. She had been adopted by Alex and Anna from an operation that occurred twenty-five years ago in Chicago. The sisters formed a Law firm after being talked into becoming attorneys by their adopted parents. Alex and Anna had started them out with a $6,000,000 retainer to start the firm. Athena gave up her position to become a U.S. District Attorney and Penelope took a position as an assistant DA for LA. Alex had given all the girls a satellite phone for their secure communications and then never used it to call her so Calypso was surprised when she saw his number come up. “Dad did you figure out how to use your toy?”

  “No I am finally going to tap that retainer that I gave you. The Justice Department is going to lock up my personal accounts under the USA PATRIOT ACT. It seems that Felix Owens over at Justice seems to feel that I am a terrorist.”

  “When did they do that?”

  Alex laughed, “Your sister in law Layla will tell me two days from now.”

  “Athena told me about that moron. Has he really opened the Sweeper File? What would you like me to do?”

  “Yeah, she was not happy with Luke Pearson when she picked him up.”

  Calypso laughed, “Athena was much more graphic than that. I believe she took a full five minutes to express herself. She will be hotter than a fire cracker because if I am not mistaken her office must serve the warrant.”

  Alex laughed, “If she is going to send someone out to the house have her send that putz Luke. I would like to embarrass him a little more. I would like to screw with Felix’s mind. If you could think of something to do without compromising your sister have some fun.”

  “Alright let me have your information.”

  “Let me put your mother on I don’t even know what my account numbers are. All that I know is that between Susan and your mother I haven’t bounced any checks and the bank wouldn’t recognize my signature if I signed in front of them.”

  Calypso couldn’t help laughing. “Put mom on and I will get her information.”

  Alex passed the phone to Anna. “It’s Calypso she wants to get technical.”

  Anna passed Calypso all of the information on the local accounts and hung up after about thirty minutes. “Were you kidding her that you don’t even know the balance of your bank account?”

  Alex laughed, “With you and Susan doing the investing I have no idea of what I am worth. I gave Momma Lynn access to my Roman account for something to play with. God only knows what is going on with that.”

  Anna stroked his cheek, “I will call Susan for an estimate.” She dialed Susan’s number on the satellite phone. “Susan, they are about to confiscate Alex’s California account, how much does he have to fall back on.” Anna must have said ‘I see’ fifty times. “She says with the last two year’s record gains you have $105,000,000 including Lynn’s play in your Roman account. I have $135,000,000 to add to that. All of the money is spread out over twenty countries and forty banks in five different names and ten different
numbers. Layla called and gave us the go ahead to sell on that stock that we have been watching them kite so you may have a few million more by the end of the day.” Alex’s $16,000 in LA seemed like a drop in the swimming pool and the account would not be served until Wednesday.

  Lynn’s daughter Susan was just like her mother, she pushed every investment to the max. It was the game ‘Monopoly’ only with real money and she was not above cheating. Susan was in a race with her mother Lynn to see who could net the biggest return, so she pushed Edward and Layla’s ability to the limit. She especially enjoyed cheating the cheaters that created.

  The target was an oil company that knew without a doubt that certain leases would not be granted and they were spreading rumors of absolute success along those lines. The stock had tripled in a month and they were just waiting for their target number which was just two dollars away when Susan would pull the plug. The stock would tank and the board would come short of their desired target and she would repurchase under different names when the stock hit its low because Edward had invaded Department of Energy’s conference room finding out that they were going to get the leases after all. Lynn had a few similar games going with Alex and Anna enjoying the contest between mother and daughter. Edward and Layla would reap the benefits from these transactions also since Edward would go 75% in on deals like this and realized almost 400% profit over each of the last two years. Susan had his money invested through twenty companies in ten different names and four different numbers split between four different stock markets.

  Susan hung up grabbing the satellite phone she went to her mother’s stable. Lynn was showing Little Susan how to brush out her new miniature horse. She had received word from Layla to buy her something that would interest Little Susan. Tom’s family farm was ten acres and zoned for two horses. Lynn offered to teach Little Susan how to care for her new horse and ship it home for her. She dialed Tom’s satellite phone. “Susan, I have your father on the phone.”

  “Daddy, Lynn bought a horse for me.”

  “What kind is it?”

  “It’s a miniature horse. It is just my size and she bought me all of the tack. I need to stay another week so that I can learn how to take care of it. Can I please stay?”

  Tom knew better than to say yes right away. “Have you asked your mother yet?”

  “No not yet, but she is right here.” Susan handed the phone to her mother Helen.

  Helen was thrilled to here from Tom, “Hi dear I can’t wait to see you. Lynn bought her a horse out of the blue and now she wants another week.”

  “Edward, Layla, Arnold and Sera stopped out here to visit. I have been told that Felix Owens from Justice will be having a look at me and Four Diamonds. I think that it shouldn’t take more than a week. As much as I would like to see you, it would be better if you stayed out there with Lynn. What do you think?”

  He could here Susan squealing as Helen told her, “Daddy said yes and he should have a place to keep Pegasus by the time you get home.” Helen moved her conversation back to the phone. “Your daughter will be brokenhearted if Pegasus has to sleep outside.”

  “Alright I will hold up my end of the deal.”

  “Make it for two horses. I told Lynn that I couldn’t let Susan ride alone so she bought me a horse.”

  Tom laughed, “Is there anything else?”

  Helen passed the phone to Susan, “Daddy Lynn promised me one of Shultz’s puppies. He looks just like Shultz and she says that he will protect me just like Shultz did that one time.”

  Tom knew the magic question to ask. “Have you named him yet?”

  “I called him Tom.” Tom knew what his answer would be.

  “Alright I will make a room for Tom in the barn.”

  Rhonda and Cherry made it to Rhonda’s house around two PM after a stop at one of the fancier liquor stores in the area. She kept her purchases hidden in the sack. As the garage door opened a man carrying two suitcases walked within ten feet of the car and waved. “I have Cherry’s luggage. I will just leave them in the garage. He moved the two cases into the garage and left.

  “I called the office from the liquor store and told them to deliver the luggage to your house,” Cherry said brightly, “they picked it up from the airport while I stopped by your office. I have been surviving on cat naps for the last forty-eight hours. One suit case was heavy and the other was exceptionally heavy. It took Cherry two trips to lug the bags to the second floor guestroom. The bed was covered with unfinished projects. Cherry was out of her mind tired, “I hope you have something larger than a single bed, because we are sharing.” She walked down the hall stripping off her jacket and blouse. When she got to the bed, Cherry slipped off her ankle boots and slacks. “King sized good…” Cherry fell back from a seated position with her legs hanging off of the bed. Rhonda grabbed her ankles swinging them on the bed as she did so she noticed several large deep purple bruises all over her body, even her breasts were bruised. “Do you need a doctor? Did someone beat you?”

  “No silly, training…” Cherry grabbed Rhonda’s wrist and rolled over flipping her into bed. Both women were asleep in minutes.

  Rhonda awoke first. She traced the bruises lightly with her fingers. Cherry lightly tapped her hand to stop the tracing. “They’re from training, we train at full speed and sometimes there is unintended contact. I train every day that I am back home.” Cherry rolled over so that she was nose to nose with Rhonda. “I will tell you something personal and then you will tell me something personal.” Rhonda nodded silently.

  “Just after my twelfth birthday, my addict mother sold me to a Russian drug dealer who also ran a prostitution ring. They fed me fertility drugs and hormones that is why my breasts are so large. I was raped repeatedly by both men and women. Just before I turned thirteen, a group of mercenaries killed the bad people and rescued me along with ten others that were being held as slaves. One of the women that rescued me took me back to my mother and bought me for five balloons of heroin. Before leaving I cooked one more fix for my mother. It was a hot load so she was unconscious with a needle in her arm as I was leaving.”

  “And the woman that bought you…?”

  “She treated me like a true daughter giving me a story book life. That is why I train so hard. Nobody will ever do that to me again. Now you owe me a story.”

  “There is no story.” Cherry slipped her hand behind Rhonda’s head working her fingers in her hair. All of a sudden she kissed her forcefully invading Rhonda’s mouth with her tongue. When she withdrew Rhonda forced her tongue into Cherry’s mouth. She firmly closed her teeth on Rhonda’s tongue trapping it in her mouth. Cherry started to probe Rhonda’s body brushing away any attempt to stop her. Cherry’s ice blue eye met Rhonda’s emerald green eye. At first the green eye showed surprise, then panic and finally resignation. Cherry finally released her tongue grabbing Rhonda’s head in her two hands. “I take what I want and give what I please. I gave and now you have no choice. You owe me a story.” Rhonda nodded meekly.

  “There were three of us when my mother married my stepfather. When she became horribly sick he started molesting me. My mother found out but was worried that he would leave us so she said nothing. When he showed interest in my sister she threatened to expose him, but did nothing to stop him from molesting me. I joined the army. After four years I ended up in the secretarial pool at the NSA where Sean Manworth recruited me for his sweeper section. Sean had an excellent eye for spotting the troubled personality and I guess I had all the signs. He managed to get me an ultrahigh security clearance which allowed me to be promoted ahead of all the other people in the secretarial pool. He quickly encouraged me to exercise all the areas of my perverse side, and with that freedom he encouraged me to seduce very powerful men to feed his blackmail files.”

  “As time went on, I recruited one of the sweepers to stuff a small raccoon down the flue pipe of the fireplace resulting in my stepfather, mother and sister dying of carbon monoxide poisoning. I inherited their forty-
acre estate and a million dollars. I think that Sean Manworth set me up on that move. He kept telling me that they had deserved what they got for the way they treated me. The wilder I got the more he encouraged me. When Evan Black took over Sean’s job things got really crazy, and the rest of the story is in the Sweeper File.”

  Cherry made no comment about the story she just left the room and returned with the bottle of Napoleon Brandy that she had purchased on the way home. She brought two glasses with her, but instead of using a glass Cherry took a swig from the bottle and kissed it into Rhonda’s mouth. The taste was familiar and Rhonda looked at the bottle recognizing it instantly.

  “Simone…?” Rhonda said urgently.

  “Yes, it was her favorite drink.”

  “She was my one true regret out of that whole ordeal. She stumbled onto our operation when she came from England with Harry Tildon. Evan drove himself crazy trying to have her eliminated. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t talk Evan out of having her eliminated. I was so far gone at the time that it actually made sense so I said nothing. I really wish that I could have that one back.”

  Cherry poured some of the brandy in a glass forcing her to drink the whole glass down.

  “Vicki said that you acted like a ‘top’ but that you were really a ‘bottom’ all the way, although you like playing the ‘top’. Evan Black used you all the way and he had no compunction about killing you either. I can tell that by the ten-inch scar on your neck.”

  Rhonda stared at her dumbly, “top, bottom…?”

  “A ‘top’ is the dominant and ‘bottom’ is the follower, to put it nicely.”

  Rhonda puffed up, “I can be dominant!”

  “I know that you can and you make a good boss, but what I am talking about are personal relationships.”

  “Prove it.” Cherry took a deep swig of the brandy drinking it down and took a second swig roughly kissing it into Rhonda’s mouth once again smiling as Rhonda greedily accepted the liquid.

  Layla was seated at the dining room table working on her lap top. She had an Auto-Cad program loaded in it and was working on a design for the barn that Tom had promised Susan for Pegasus. Sera, Arnold, Edward and Tom were down at the other end working out how they would meet the terrorists without raising their suspicions. Finally, it was decided that they would set Edward up in an empty office and he would give them a one-week review on their new job which would allow them their own assigned patrol cars. That would give Edward and Layla enough personal contact to follow them out of body. Edward called down to the end of the table. “Layla are you good with that?”


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