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Blinded Page 13

by E. M. Leya

  "Morning, boys," Corta called from across the room.

  "Good morning, beautiful," Bayne said.

  "Morning, Corta." I sat down in the chair Bayne led me to.

  "Coffee or something else for you two?" Corta asked.

  "Coffee please." I hated having her serve me, but I didn't even want to try and find my way around the kitchen yet.

  "Me too." Bayne sat down beside me. "Have you seen Kurt?"

  "He's with Josh in their room. Said they'd be down in a few." Corta touched my shoulder. "Coffee is in front of you. Can I get you guys anything else?"

  "Thanks, but this is good." I smiled toward her.

  "I hear you may have a lead on who attacked you?" She sounded across the room again.

  "I hope so." I wrapped my hand around the coffee cup.

  "You don't have to hope. We know who he is." Kurt's voice came from the doorway to the kitchen.

  I blew out a relieved breath. "Now what?"

  "I have a call in to Pack Authority to get permission to handle this our own way. Once I have that, then we'll take him into custody and get some answers from him," Kurt said, suddenly sitting beside me.

  "And the second person?"

  "We're hoping that it's one of his close friends. We'll follow him for a bit and try and match the scent. His name is Justin. He's Mary's twin brother. He's a mechanic at Kyser's Automotive, which is owned by one of our pack members, so picking him up shouldn't be an issue. I've called the owner, Tom, and he said we are more than welcome to come take him. He said to let him know when we were on the way and he'd make sure the two other humans who work there are sent on an errand, so they won't witness anything. Once we have him, we'll secure him off-site, and see what answers we can get. As for his friend, it will all depend on if we can catch the scent before we take Justin or if we go after him later," Kurt said.

  "Could this have to do with something with his boss and not Bridger and Mary?" I was hoping that it wasn't something Bridger did to bring attention to shifters.

  "I don't think so. I'm pretty sure Mary is our link, but I'm just not sure how. Like you, I don't think Bridger would lose control. It wasn't like him to put himself or anyone else in danger. He knew what the punishment would be if he did. I'm not sure how Justin found out about us, but however it happened, we need to find out. We can't risk this becoming an issue. We can ignore one person talking about shifters in the forest, but when a group starts talking about it, it becomes a problem." Kurt sighed. "I know you wanted to wait to join pack until we could do an official ceremony, but would you be willing to take me as your alpha now? I'm afraid that once we have Justin in custody, Pete will feel the need to show up and want to hand out his own justice since you belong to his pack. I'd rather you cut all links with him now. That way we can avoid him knowing what is going on or having any rights to be here."

  I nodded. "I'm fine with that. We can do it anytime you want."

  "Finish your coffee, then we can do it out in the main room. The wolves who are here can take part, then you can link with the rest of the pack at the meeting on Friday if you want. The main thing is we break your link with Pete. The easiest way to do that is for you to just take a new alpha," Kurt told me.

  I was excited to join the pack and let go of my old one. In only a week, I could see the difference a good alpha made. I looked forward to being part of such a productive pack and doing my part to make it better. It was strange. I was now blind and unable to do the things I used to, but just the thought of a new pack had me optimistic and feeling as if the future was brighter than it ever had been before. With my mate and a new pack by my side, I could get through anything.

  Kurt's phone rang, and he stood. "I'll be back."

  "Must be Pack Authority," Bayne said.

  "What are the chances we'll get permission to take out a human?" I couldn't imagine that kind of permission was given often.

  "With it being Kurt, the chances are better than if it was another alpha. They know Kurt doesn't act without thinking things through. Plus, the violent nature of the attacks will play a part in their decision. This isn't just some rancher shooting wolves to protect his herd. This is much more violent. This was personal. I've only seen wolves kill a human one other time, and it was a case a bit like this. The human found out what we were and walked into a small pack house and just started shooting. Of course, there was no permission given then to kill. One of the pack members acted to protect the others. Twelve wolves died that day, but the number would have been much higher had that one wolf not made the choice to kill him," Bayne explained.

  "I remember that. It was a pack in South Dakota," Corta spoke from across the table.

  "Yes, and Pack Authority found it all justified. The human was reported missing and never found. It was simple enough." Bayne stood. "More coffee?"

  "No thanks." I sat back. "So, with Justin, he's younger. Can you just have him go missing too?"

  "That will be up to Pack Authority and Kurt to decide. There are several ways to handle this type of thing," Corta said. "They won't act without a full plan in place and they will take every decision very seriously."

  I nodded as I thought about what I wanted to happen. Initially, I wanted to just tear Justin's neck open and leave him to bleed to death, then I decided that torture would be better, and he needed to suffer the way I had. Now, as I thought about it more, I wasn't sure I could or even should be the one to decide what happened to him. Rightfully, Bridger's family were the ones who lost the most, and they should be the ones who have the right to enact justice. I wasn't sure, even as mad as I was, that I wanted Justin's death on my hands. He needed to suffer for what he did, but someone else needed to make it happen.

  "Pack Authority has given us permission to proceed." Kurt's voice cut into my thoughts. "Let's break ties with your old pack, then we can go forward and plan what we are going to do."

  I stood. "I'm ready."

  Bayne laced his fingers with mine, leading me to the main room.

  "Can I get everyone who is here to join me in the main room?" Kurt's voice bellowed through the pack house.

  Slowly, I heard the sound of people gathering around us in the room.

  "I was going to wait until Friday to welcome our newest pack member, but the situation has forced us to do it sooner. I'd like those of you here to join us now. The rest can join us on Friday and complete the linking. Most of you know about Brett and what happened to him on the mountain. He is mate to Bayne, and now wishes to leave his old pack and join us here. I'd like you all to welcome him."

  I smiled as several patted me on the shoulder and congratulated me. I had no clue who most were, but they would soon be my pack brothers and sisters and that was all I needed to know.

  "Brett, are you ready?" Kurt asked.

  I nodded. "Excited and ready." I wondered for a moment if I should have warned my parents, sure they would feel me disappear from the pack link, but they were smart enough to know what I was probably doing. They could feel me through the family link. That would let them know I was safe and alive. I kneeled in front of Kurt.

  Kurt started to speak, "Brett Andrew Fullson, do you pledge yourself to the Terrin Pass Pack?" Kurt's voice was loud, echoing through the pack house so all the others in attendance could hear. "Becoming one with us for the better of all lives? Do you vow to follow pack and universal wolf law, always seeking the right path and the betterment of yourself and those around you? Do you give this blood vow, that you commit yourself to the pack, and welcome them as your family?"

  Kurt's power seemed to surge around me as I knelt before him. "I do."

  Kurt smiled at me as he stepped forward. "Rise."

  I took his hand and stood up and arched my neck.

  I had been young when I vowed myself to my old pack, but I'd seen many others do this over the years. I was ready for what was about to happen.

  Kurt touched my shoulder, then softly whispered, "I'm going to bite."

  I was thankful for t
he warning since I couldn't see it coming. I took a breath just as his teeth sank into my neck, his power flowing through me as our connection was made. I trembled slightly at the unfamiliar power, but I also noticed the difference in how my link with Kurt was compared to the one I'd had with Pete. Kurt's was filled with compassion, love, and understanding. Nowhere did I feel his push to control or need for power.

  As he lifted his mouth from my neck, a surge of pride hit me from my mate.

  "Brett Andrew Fullson, you are now a member of the Terrin Pass Pack. As your alpha, I welcome you."

  "Thank you, Alpha Kurt." I fell back to my knees, arching my neck toward him in submission as I explored the new link created between us.

  "Come and welcome your new brother, Brett," Kurt called to his wolves.

  One by one, the wolves in attendance all came over, kneeling down beside me to lick at the wound on my neck from Kurt's bite. The blood and saliva linked each one of us. We were like family now. While they couldn't feel me the way Kurt or Bayne could, it was enough to feel stronger emotions and know when someone needed help.

  "I'm the last." Bayne was suddenly beside me. "I'm so proud to have you as my mate, and now pack member. I love you."

  "I love you too." I arched my neck even more as he put his mouth to me, licking gently over the wound.

  Once Bayne had moved away, Kurt took my hand and pulled me up. "Congratulations and welcome to the Terrin Pass Pack." He hugged me. "Usually I would lick the wound clean, but I think I'll leave that to your mate. Go be alone for a few minutes, shift and heal. I've got some phone calls to make. Meet me in the kitchen in twenty minutes and we'll work on our plans."

  "Thank you." I hugged him again before Bayne pulled me back into his arms.

  "You okay?" Bayne led me to one of the bedrooms.

  "I haven't felt this good in a long time. The pack link is so different than the other I had. It's refreshing." I had to get my parents to move. This was how pack was supposed to feel. What we had with Pete was nothing more than a way for him to have control and use the wolves under him.

  "It feels right to have you as part of the pack. Like we are complete now." He shut the bedroom door before pulling me into his arms. "Your blood could become addicting."

  "Good thing you can bite me any time you want." I arched my neck in offering to him.

  He licked over the bloody wound. There was no pain, only a jolt of pleasure as his mouth sucked against the skin.

  "Careful or we'll be called vampires." I laughed.

  "Nope, that won't work. I enjoy the sunlight too much." He pulled back. "You better shift and heal so we can get back out there."

  I didn't want to go back out. I wanted to toss Bayne onto the bed and sink inside him. I forced the urge back. We would have time for that once we found Justin and figured out why he'd killed Bridger and attacked me and the others. Protecting the pack had to come first, and we couldn't wait for more to be attacked. The sooner we had him in custody, the sooner life could get back to normal.

  I stepped back and started to strip my clothes. "My wolf isn't happy you aren't shifting with me."

  "Tonight, I'll shift, and our wolves can spend the night together," Bayne promised.

  It was enough. Ready to face the rest of the day, I fell to my knees and shifted. Hopefully, we'd get the answers we needed and by the time we were alone later, this would all be behind us.



  I wasn't surprised to see so many wolves sitting around the main room as Kurt stood to talk. Having someone attack the pack was a big deal. Killing one of us was unforgivable and we all wanted a piece of whoever had done it. While Kurt wouldn't need all of us to help, we were all here and willing to do whatever he might need us to.

  Brett sat beside me. I felt his nervousness and even a little fear about what we were going to do, but I wasn't worried about him. After such a serious attack, he had every right to fear the person we were going to go after. I just hoped that bringing Justin to justice helped calm Brett's nerves and made him feel more secure.

  My biggest fear was that he would never feel safe running in the woods behind the pack house again. I hated that the freedom and security he should have had was taken from him.

  "Thanks for coming today. I didn't expect such a good turnout, but I appreciate all of you wanting to help. We have found out who one of our attackers is. His name is Justin and he is the twin brother of the human girl that Bridger was dating. We aren't sure why he has an issue with the wolves or how he found out about them, but I promise you we will find out. As for the second attacker, we are still searching for his scent. I've got a list of some of the people Justin hangs out with, and we will casually have several of you who know the scent we are looking for track these people until we find the right scent." Kurt looked around the group sitting in front of him. "First thing I need is to have a team at our off-site holding cells. That is where we will take the humans once we have them. I don't expect any issues, but I'd like at least ten men or women over there if anyone wants to volunteer."

  Several hands lifted into the air.

  "Perfect, Susan, Theo, Gretchen, Will, Brian, Zack, Angela, Bryson, Jeff, and Jaren. If you'll head over and make sure the cells are set up for a human. Scout the area, make sure no one has been around. You all know the routine. Angela, I'll call you with further instructions as soon as things start in motion." Kurt smiled at a young woman to the side of the group.

  I liked Angela. She was strong and knew how to fight. She was one of the wolves I liked to work with when doing any kind of security work for Kurt.

  "Brett, I know you want a part in this, but since Justin knows who you are, I think it's best for you to wait at the cells with the others until we bring Justin to you." Kurt stared at my mate.

  Brett nodded, but I felt his anger flare. He wanted in on the action. "I am a liability anyway since I can't see. I'll be happy to head over with them."

  I wrapped my arm around his waist, glad he didn't argue, even though he would have had the right to.

  "Bayne, that leaves you with the choice to go with your mate or join me and a few others when we go to take Justin into custody." Kurt nodded to me.

  I glanced over at Brett. "What do you want?"

  "I want you to go with Kurt. I want to know everything that he does or says when you get him." Brett leaned closer to my side. "Be my eyes."

  I kissed him softly before turning back to look at Kurt. "I'm with you."

  Kurt gave me a single nod. "Steve, Conner, Pat, and Jennifer, you'll come with me as well. Reg, I want you and Gordon to get with Josh. He's got a small list of places to check for the other suspect. Since you two were the first to investigate the scene and know the scent, I want you both looking. Unless you can take him without a scene, call me while you follow him. We'll plan from there. If you can grab him without witnesses, do it and bring his ass back to the cells. Katie and Julie, I want you to call Bridger's family and ask them to meet you here. Escort them to the cells. Whatever you do, don't let them inside the cells if you show up after we have Justin there. I need to talk to them first."

  Katie nodded.

  Tension was high. It wasn't as if any of us were in danger. There was no way a human could take down so many wolves. This wasn't a blind attack like there had been on Brett and Bridger. This was a planned kidnapping that would hopefully go without a snag.

  "Preston and Justice, you both can decide what you want to do. Since both of you were attacked too, you will be able to take part in sentencing. Just keep your tempers under control, whatever you decide." Kurt looked at the two wolves who had been attacked a few days after Brett and Bridger.

  "We'll wait at the cells," Justice told Kurt.

  "Okay, then let me call Tom and let him know we are on our way to pick Justin up at work. We'll leave here in ten." Kurt turned and walked out of the room.

  I wrapped Brett tightly in my arms. "Are you going to be okay?"

  "I'll b
e fine. I'm just glad we'll get justice for Bridger." Brett caressed a hand down my cheek.

  "Sorry to interrupt." Justice was standing in front of us. "We thought that since Bayne is going with Kurt, Brett might like to wait at the cells with us. We can drive him over and help him get around since he's never been there before."

  I mouthed, "thank you," to them. It was a relief to know that Brett would be in good hands while I was gone and that the men he was with would understand what he was going through. Their need for revenge was almost as strong as Brett's. "Are you okay with that?" I asked Brett.

  "Yeah, if you trust them, so do I." Brett stood, holding out his hand in their direction. "Thank you."

  Justice shook his hand, then Preston followed.

  "You have my number if you need to call." I pulled Brett into a hug before kissing him softly. "I love you. I'll be with you soon."

  "I love you too. Stay safe." Brett kissed me again before turning back to Justice. "I'm ready whenever you are."

  "We might as well head over. I'm guessing it won't take these guys long to bring him in." Preston stepped closer. "Do you want my arm?"

  I felt the wave of annoyance from my mate, but it was at himself for needing help, not at Preston for offering. "Thank you."

  I watched as the three of them left. I fisted my hands at my side as I tried to keep from changing my mind and going with them. It was the first time since we'd met that the two of us had been apart and he wasn't even out the door and I was feeling the separation.

  "You'll both survive." Corta laughed as she glanced over at me.

  "Doesn't feel like it." I blew out a hard breath.

  "I know, but it does get easier. He's a strong wolf. Stronger than I think either of you realizes. You found yourself a good mate, Bayne." She touched my arm gently as she headed back to the kitchen.

  I watched Brett walk out the door of the pack house, proud of myself for not running after him like I wanted to. Instead, I focused on what we had to do and looked around for Kurt. He was near the med room talking to Josh.

  I slowly made my way to them, seeing the same look in Kurt's eyes as Josh walked away that I felt watching Brett leave. At least I wasn't alone in fighting for control when it came to our mates. "Tell me this is going to go smoothly, and I don't need to worry about my mate."


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