Pack Rivers: Book One

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Pack Rivers: Book One Page 5

by Bianca Griso

  “Crimson, it is a good possibility that someone else was involved, and they could be involved in this. It’s something worth looking into; it doesn’t make sense for the Cold Ones being involved with the disappearance. They have been gone and not heard of in over a thousand years ago,” Jack tries to explain. Before Crimson can rebuttal, Ethan cuts in, “Look, before things escalate further, let’s take a lunch.” No response was needed; Crimson left the room, leaving tension to linger. Everyone sighs as if we all held our breath.

  Once that happens, we decided to leave for lunch. I mind link Daniel to get lunch ready. I don’t walk very far when Alpha Jack stops me. “Mason, I need a word,” Jack said. I can only imagine what this is about. “I am assuming this is about Crimson,” I comment. Jack sighs and nods his head.

  “I am concerned about Crimson starting a civil war between us while in the middle of this war,” Jack starts. Ethan walks over with a few sandwiches in his hand. He hands us both one. “Thanks, Ethan,” I thank Ethan. He nods in response as he eats his food. “I understand I do; I think maybe if you talked to him Jack, he might reason with you. If it’s just the two of you talking,” I suggest. Jack looks like he really doesn’t want that conversation with Crimson, and I can’t blame him.

  “Do you think he would start something?” Ethan asked Jack. It’s a fair question, but I’m not entirely sure if Crimson wouldn’t start a war. “I’m not sure if he would or not, and that’s what scares me,” Jack replies. If Jack is worried about Crimson, I think we all should be scared.

  We get back from lunch, and I know exactly what I’m going to say to them. The other Alphas may disagree with me, but it’s my pack. I am the Alpha of this pack; we are not one pack. I am going to do what I’m going to do, with or without their support. I would like them to wait with me and play it smart, but Crimson sometimes doesn’t think. He does what he wants. “I want to say that I know some of you may or may not agree. I am waiting until I am fully mated along with my pack members, even with this new information,” I tell them.

  Alpha Crimson comments first, “I agree with you, Mason. If there is someone else involved, there’s a good chance that we have two enemies we should be prepared.” His response takes everyone back. Ethan and Jack both agree with Crimson and me. That was easier than I thought; maybe his Beta reasoned with him, or Jack did.

  “Great, I am happy we can all come to an agreement. We will gather as much information as possible while waiting for a month to be fully mated to fight. We won’t inform the pack members until we have more information on the attacks,” Alpha Jack says to start to close up the meeting. We all stand up and get ready to leave for the day. I am happy that we agreed.

  Before I leave, my arm gets pulled. I look over, and it’s Alpha Jack. “Did you talk Crimson?” Jack asked. I look around the room, and Crimson left the room. “No, I thought you did,” I reply. Jack shakes his head. “Do you think Ethan reasoned with him?” I ask Jack. Jack looks doubtful that Ethan talked sense into Crimson. “No, I doubt it, so what’s Crimson up to” Jack confirms my thoughts. Crimson doesn’t just change his mind; he is up to something. The question is, what’s he up to.

  After the meeting, I went to my office to do some work. At least I’m hoping that I can do some work. As I start on my office work, someone knocks on my door. I sigh through my nose and redundantly say, “Come in.”

  I look up from my hands, sitting on my desk, and see Esme. I smile up at her and walk over to her. “Hey, how was the meeting,” Esme greets me. I open my arms, and Esme wraps her arms around me. I hold Esme close to my chest, taking in her scent listening to her breath. I feel the sparks running through my body. I kiss her head and say, “stressful; Jack is worried about Crimson.” Esme looks up at me and smiles. She stands on her tippy toes and kisses my cheek. “We will be okay; everything will turn out okay,” Esme assures me.

  “I wish I can be so confidant like you, Esme. Crimson had a hard time agreeing with our plan with this new information. He seemed to change his mind at the end, which is unlike him,” I explain to my mate. Crimson is a hard person to like and understand sometimes. With this war, it seems to have Crimson on edge lately.

  Esme takes me by surprise and kisses my lips. Her lips are soft and gentle. Her one hand is in my hair; the other hand is on my lower back. My hands find her lower back, pulling her close to me. Esme starts to walk towards my desk. The thought of what I want to do to Esme on my desk makes me harden. I lift her on my desk without a second thought. Esme starts to lift her shirt but gets interrupted by someone knocking. Esme’s words catch me off guard. “Make them go away,” she whispers. I really wish I could, but as Alpha of this pack has responsibilities. “I’m sorry, love. I wish I could tell them to fuck off, but I can’t,” I apologize to my mate. She looks so disappointed. “I promise I will make it up to you,” I whisper in her ear. She sighs and says, “Come in.” She adjusts her clothes and heads out. I look up to see who interrupted us; it’s Alpha Crimson.

  Esme leaves my office so Crimson and I can talk. “You can tell your mate to come back; I wanted to apologize to you,” Crimson starts to say. I smile at Crimson tell him, “Nothing to forgive.” Alpha Crimson looks a little confused but brushes it off quickly. He nods and leaves my office. I sigh as I slide back into my chair. “Please let me make this out alive, Goddess,” I say to myself. “I know Crimson a little bit from people talking and what I observed so far from being here. I think Crimson might have realized he doesn’t have much of a choice,” Esme said. She smiles and pulls me close to her chest.

  I am happy that Esme’s wolf is able to heal everything. She is now fine with her werewolf healing abilities. “Esme let me walk you to bed. I know your mostly healed, but you do need rest still. She nods and follows me to her room. I unlock her door with a special pin, and open the door for her. I stand in the doorway, it’s not the right time for that. It will be soon, but not tonight.

  I say my goodnight, and she says hers. Then I walk to my room and head off to bed to relax. It’s been a long day, and there will be more long days ahead of us.

  Chapter Eight


  It’s been crazy at the pack house; we got new information. Something about cold beings and a conflict that we had with them that happened over a thousand years: Mason, Alpha Ethan, and Alpha Jack think they aren’t involved with what’s going on now. It’s been crazy around here with all the other Alphas still here. They are leaving soon, the party is in two days from now, and they are leaving the day after.

  With everything going on, I decided to pack up my stuff and move into the Pack House. With me being human again, I am seeing my friends who offered to help me pack. They also said they have something to tell when they see me. I am also having my parents come and see me and meet Mason. Mason is inviting them for dinner tonight.

  I get ready to leave to go pack my stuff; a group of omegas is coming with me to help. We aren’t packing up the furniture. We aren’t packing all the kitchen stuff; I told them to go through it. If they need any extra stuff, they can have it. I go out the front door, and someone is waiting outside for me. The four or five omegas are going to be following us in the car behind us.

  Once we pull up to the one-bedroom ranch I used to live in I see, my friends are waiting in Marisa’s car. They see us pull up, and they come out of the car and run up to me. It’s been over a month since they even heard from me. The moment I get out of the SUV, I lose my lungs in a tight group hug. They let go, and I got my lungs back after a few breaths.

  When we get inside of my old home, I notice the red eyes from crying and a missing Cassandra. “Where’s Cass?” I dare to ask. They have me sit on my lumpy couch, and Chelsea tells me the worst news, “Cassandra was taken earlier this week. The police haven’t been able to track where they took her.” My heart drops, hearing one of my best friends was taken. Before I can ask anything, Marisa says, “They took her when Chelsea was at work.” I nod in response automatically.

; I can’t seem to wrap my head around the news of Cassandra. It breaks my heart. My thoughts are interrupted when the Omegas walk in. I do something that I didn’t think I would do; I gave an order to the omegas. “One of you start the bathroom, two of you in my old bedroom, one in the kitchen, and the other in the living room. None of this stuff is the landlords; if it’s not coming with us, donate it or trash it,” I order them. My friends looked shocked, and I surprised myself. What surprises me, even more, is what I say next, “Marisa and Chelsea, your moving in the Pack House too. It’s not safe for you guys anymore. I wish you told me sooner about Cassandra. I could have had Mason help find her. I am going to call and tell Mason to get rooms ready for you guys.”

  “I’m sorry we didn’t tell you sooner Esme, we knew you were probably busy running a pack,” Chelsea said shyly. I sigh and say, “I don’t care if I’m Luna now. You guys are my family; you should have told me. Now I am going to let Mason know about you two moving in. We are going to pack up your stuff today.” They both nod in agreement and help me pack up everything.

  I start dialing my mate’s number, he answers on the first ring. “Esme, what’s wrong?” he asked. I sigh through the phone, not even sure if I can say the words right now, “I will explain later, but Marisa and Chelsea are going to move into the house. It’s not safe for them. Can you get someone to get two rooms ready,” I explain the short version. Mason is silent for a minute, and then he says, “Yeah, I’ll have two rooms ready for them. I am going to send more omegas to their houses, so let them know. Stay safe, Esme; I will see you later. Whatever you guys don’t finish by four, the omegas will finish it.” I tell him, “Okay,” and we say our goodbyes. Marisa and Chelsea look at me for the update.

  “He will get rooms set-up for the two of you, and if we don’t get done by four this afternoon, the omegas will finish it. We have dinner with my parents tonight, so we don’t have all day. Also, Mason is sending omegas to your places to pack up,” I explain to them. They both nod in response, and we start to get to work.

  We didn’t finish packing everything by four; the omegas finished. We started to head back to get for dinner. Before I get ready for dinner with my parents, which I am nervous about. I am not mated to an average person, and I’m mated to an alpha of one of the biggest packs.

  Before I knock on my mate’s office door, I try and figure what I say and how do I explain everything. I am still trying to rack my brain around this; how could this have happened. More importantly, why did someone want Cassandra specifically? One thing is for certain. We will get answers. I don’t even think about it; I swing open Mason’s office door.

  Alpha Crimson is standing in front of Mason’s desk, and Mason is sitting in his office chair. Both of them look at me, surprised. “Mason, we need to talk,” I tell him. Mason looks grim, knowing this isn’t good. I look over at Alpha Crimson and say, “Alpha Crimson,” with a slight bow. Alpha Crimson nods his head and says, “Luna Esme.” Alpha Crimson leaves Mason’s office as I sit down.

  “What happened, Esme?” Mason asked. I sigh through my nose, and I word vomit everything. I tell Mason that Cassandra was taken and went specifically after her. After explaining everything to Mason, he sighs and walks over to me. He takes my hand and helps me up out of the chair. Mason wraps his arms around me and holds me for a while. I don’t know how long it’s been, but I needed this.

  Mason breaks the silence and says, “One of your friends’ mate is Tyler. He is going crazy; talk to your friends, and see if they are the same way. I will get Aaron and Kyle on this; we will get answers.” We break apart, and I nod in response. I begin to leave his office; Mason grabs my arm and spins me around. Now I’m facing Mason, inches apart. He gently holds my face and kisses me. It starts off as a soft, sweet kiss. Mason deepens the kiss, nips on my lips for access. Our tongues collide, fighting for dominance. Mason’s hands on my lower waist, keeping me still and close to him. I’m pressed against him; my fingers are intertwined in his hair. Mason suddenly pulls apart and says, “you need to get ready and talk to your friends. Tyler is going crazy right now.” I sigh and ask, “Is he communicating through the mind link?” Mason nods in response, and I pull away from him. “Okay, I’ll go and talk to them and get ready for dinner. We might be a little late,” I tell Mason.

  Once I left his office, I touched my lips and smiled; if it didn’t feel like we are the end of our very exitance, I would be thrilled. I saunter back to my room. Not sure if I’m ready to see my parents and have the awkward conversations and intimation my dad will try to do.

  I walk into my room, and Chelsea and Marisa are sitting on my bed talking. They stop and look at me and make a small smile. “So on the bright side, one of your guys’ mate is Tyler Blackwood, Mason’s beta,” I start off. Their faces lit up a bit, and they both say, “we both been smelling scents as if our mates are here.” I smile at them and walk over to my bed. Before we could even continue this conversation, a knock on the door interrupts us. I sigh as I get off the bed to open the door.

  Tyler stands in front of me, not even looking at me, just straight at Chelsea. “I’m sorry for interrupting you, Luna Esme, but I needed to see my mate. Mason told me to wait for you to talk to your friends,” Tyler said, finally breaking the weird silence. “It’s alright, Tyler,” I said. I look over at Chelsea, and she can’t take her eyes off of Tyler. I sigh and pull Tyler outside into the hallway and close my bedroom door. “Tyler, I need you to understand something; Chelsea is very valuable right now. Her twin sister Cassandra was taken earlier this week, and she’s going to need you. That doesn’t mean if you hurt her, I won’t hurt you,” I warn Tyler. Tyler smiles at me and replies, “I will never hurt Chelsea, she’s my mate, and I’m hers. I will love and protect her.” I nod in response and open the door, and Tyler walks in. Chelsea stands up and goes over to him. She smiles up at him, and he smiles at her. “You’re my mate,” Chelsea whispers. Tyler cups her face, and her tears are gone. Her smile is bright. Life is being restored to Chelsea a little bit. Tyler kisses Chelsea on her forehead. She looks over at me, and I nod at her. Tyler guides her out of my room and closes my door behind them.

  I sigh, sitting on my bed next to Marisa, and she says, “you think we would all be reunited with everyone again.” I smile at her and say, “I promise we will be.”

  Chapter Nine


  I finish up getting ready for tonight; I’m really nervous about meeting my mate’s parents. Luckily they are more understanding than human parents. Humans can have intense feelings, but it’s not like the mating bond we are gifted to have. When Esme and I met, it wasn’t a very good start. So I want everything perfect from here on out; Esme deserves that.

  Esme is going through a lot right now, her friend is missing, and she’s trying to learn how to be a Luna. I am proud of her; she gave her first orders earlier today. She is starting to accept the role of Luna of Pack Rivers. The pack needs her, and I need her. She is going to be essential for the events coming up. I’m sure we are going to have to rebuild the packs when the war is done. Esme, as Luna, will have a huge part in that, I believe. Once we get a handle on the aftermath of the war, that is when we can settle down a bit and start a family. Before we can do all of that, we have to get through dinner.

  I head over to Esme’s room. Hopefully, she’s ready to go. I do a light knock, and Marisa opens the door a moment after. “Are you ready for dinner?” I ask. Marisa opens the door wider, and I see Esme standing in the room with a weird hairstyle, half up and half downstairs. “Mason, we are almost done; we had a late start. Tyler came by to see Chelsea, come in and sit on the bed,” Esme explains. I sigh, knowing I told Tyler to wait. I guess he couldn’t wait. I walk into Esme’s room and sit on her bed. It’s not as comfortable as my bed. Once Esme and I get to the point where she feels comfortable, to where she wants to sleep with me. She won’t want to sleep here anymore; my mattress is the best you can have.

  I don’t pick what all the guest rooms ge
t. I have to see about her getting a nicer mattress. I don’t understand how she sleeps on this. Esme sits next to me as she puts on her tan wedges. Her hair is straight. Her make-up is light, and it matches her purple floral dress. Marisa has a similar one on, except it’s red. She has red wedges to match. “You look beautiful, Esme,” I compliment. Her smile is big and bright.

  Chelsea and Tyler beat us here, and so did her parents. I sit at the head of the table, and Esme sits on the right of me, and Marisa is on the other side of Esme. Tyler sits on my left, and Chelsea next to him. Esme’s parents are next to Marisa. Everything is going right, a little small talk before we eat. I made sure we had time to talk a little bit to talk. Joe Esme’s father is trying to be imitating. It would have worked if I wasn’t the Alpha. I do want to impress her parents, as Esme is the one I’m going to be with.

  Dinner was going well until Daniel, and the omegas came out. The tension was in the room. Daniel and Marisa just found out they are mates. It’s not going well; Marisa won’t look up from her hands. Daniel can’t seem to take his eyes off of her. Peter, the newest member of the pack, takes over Daniel’s shift. Peter guides Daniel in the backroom, and Peter becomes in charge of the situation. Marisa acts as if nothing has happened. I don’t know much about Marisa, except she used to be an omega. Growing up as a son of the Alpha, I had learned who everyone was and what their rank was. I also remember seeing Marisa in school; my parents made me go to public schooling.

  Dinner still had tension, even with Marisa talking to everyone. Esme even looks like she’s on edge after that. She will probably be busy with her friends after this. Maybe Esme can talk Marisa into accepting Daniel as her mate. I would hate to see Daniel rejected; he deserves better than that.

  Thankfully everyone wanted to get out of dinner fast; everyone declined dessert. We said our goodnight to Esme’s parents when they go home. Chelsea and Tyler went to do their thing, and Esme starts to leave the foyer and heads to her room. Marisa left to go to her room the moment everyone was done eating and declined dessert. I head to my room when Esme left.


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