Pack Rivers: Book One

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Pack Rivers: Book One Page 10

by Bianca Griso

  Selene walks up to me, looking nervous. She comes from a nudist pack; her father was a high-ranked member. She had a lot of change to go through to be a part of this pack and to accept me as her Alpha. “I Alpha Mason Rivers, accept you as one of the pack members of Pack Rivers. As you accept me as your Alpha, Pack Rivers, your home, and your pack will accept the blood oath. We will be connected to one another; if you need me or I need you, will you accept,” I say the blood oath words.

  “I accept,” Selene said. I cut my hand with the silver knife and put it in the bowl, and she does the same thing. When she’s done, she sits back down where she was before. I call Peter next, and he comes over.

  “I Alpha Mason Rivers, accept you as one of the pack members of Pack Rivers. As you accept me as your Alpha, Pack Rivers, your home, and your pack will accept the blood oath. We will be connected to one another; if you need me or I need you, will you accept,” I say the blood oath words.

  “I accept the blood oath, I accept you as my Alpha, I unannounce my title as Alpha of Pack Blue Moon,” Peter said. Peter falls down, screaming in pain as he gets his Alpha gift ripped away from him. His Alpha Power is being taken from him because he announced me as his Alpha, and he disowned his own pack that is gone.

  I help Peter off the ground and tell him that Daniel would be so proud of him for being a part of this pack and moving forward. Someone from the audience brings Peter to the medical wing.

  “Chelsea, please come up,” I said out loud. She comes over to me, and we both cut our hands and let the blood drip in the bowl.

  “I Alpha Mason Rivers, accept you as one of the pack members of Pack Rivers. As you accept me as your Alpha and Pack Rivers, your home, and your pack will accept the blood oath. We are connected to one another; if you need me or I need you, will you accept,” I say the blood oath words.

  “I accept the blood oath,” Chelsea announces. We both drink from the bowl, and she sits down.

  “Luna Esme,” I announce the next person. Esme walks up to me, and both cut our hands and watch the blood drip.

  “I Alpha Mason Rivers, accept you as one of the pack members of Pack Rivers. As you accept me as your Alpha, Pack Rivers, your home, and your pack will accept the blood oath. We will be connected to one another. If you need me or I need you, will you accept,” I say the blood oath words?

  “I accept the blood oath and my title as Luna of Pack Rivers,” Esme announces. We both drink from the bowl, and Esme nearly faints from the power. When you become a Luna, you get a little power boost like being an Alpha.

  When everyone gets to rest from the blood oath, which is draining from our bodies, we celebrate the new members officially.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Since things calmed down a bit, Mason has been going down the basement. I have been meaning to confront him; I just never had to before. It’s very new to me. I will tonight when he gets back. I pace back and forth, waiting for him to get back, and think of a way to bring it up. “Esme, your still up,” Mason comments as he walks in.

  “I am. I have been meaning to talk to you, just haven’t been able to bring it up,” I tell him. He walks in and closes the door. He guides me on the bed.

  “I have a feeling what this is about, so let me explain why,” Mason states. “Esme, I’m crazy about you; you’re my soulmate. I can’t imagine my life without you; I need you. That day of the accident and the rogue attacked you, and I almost lost you. I couldn’t handle it, and I lost my shit. With all this stress, I have been going down in the basement talking to him and keeping him in the cells. I did find out some information from him. I am helping out his mate, and I gave Kyle and Aaron a mission to find her. She’s pregnant with a vampire, she was taken from her home, and when Cassius found Cassandra, he found her too. I’m sorry if I worried you; I’m only trying to protect you,” Mason said, explaining his intentions.

  “We are supposed to protect each other; we are supposed to be a team. No more secrets Mason, okay,” I tell him.

  “Okay,” Mason said as he nods. I wrap my arms around him. He holds me close in his arms. I know he’s been stressed out. He needs to take a step back; he needs a day off from being Alpha. He’s taking out his stress on a rogue because he feels like there isn’t another option.

  “We are going out tomorrow, and I know the place where I can take you,” I tell him.

  “Yeah? You’re going to take me out somewhere,” Mason said as he smirks at me.

  “Yeah, I am, and it’s a surprise,” I tell him. After telling him it’s a surprise, he went to the bathroom to get ready for bed. In the morning, I’m taking him out of the house. He needs a breather.

  The next day, we get ready to leave the house for a little while. He hasn’t asked me where we are going. I give the driver the address, and we drive off. When we get there, Mason looks confused about why I bought him to a plate-smashing place. “It’s where we would take Marisa after her horrible boyfriend choices, and they would end up having a nasty break-up,” I explain. “It is a great way to relieve stress,” I continue to explain. He nods in response, and we head inside.

  When we walk in, I pay for us to throw some plates and pick up some safety glasses. “So I’ll start us off,” I said as I throw a plate. We watch it shatter and laugh. Mason throws a few, and then I threw a few. Today I see what I haven’t seen in a month, Mason smiling. I know being an Alpha isn’t easy, but this year is tough on us.

  After the first round, Mason pays for the second, as the first didn’t take us long. After the second round, Mason wants to take me somewhere. Now he won’t tell me. As we leave, I try and get out of him, but nothing. He has the omega drive us to some open field. Mason helps me out of the car, and I follow him. He hasn’t said anything as to what we are doing. After about fifteen minutes of walking, we stop at a picnic.

  He had set up a blanket, and a basket, with some candles and wine. It makes me wonder what he can come up with when he plans something. We sit on the blanket together, and all I could is smile. “You didn’t have to do this, Mason,” I tell him.

  He shakes his head and says, “Yes, I do; we haven’t had some time together. This is needed. Plus, I’m happy to do it when I can.” I lean over and kiss him. His lips are soft and sweet. He deepens the kiss; his hand is on my lower back, pulling me closer. Before we go too deep with the kiss, Mason pulls away with lust in his eyes. I know he’s pulling away because he doesn’t want to lose control here. Waiting for the mating ceremony to be fully mated is killing me. I want all of Mason, and I know that’s the mating bond with us growing closer to one another.

  Mason had made ham and cheese sandwiches for us and a few snacks. After we finish eating and talking, the moonlight is above us. The stars are bright out here without the streetlights. Mason never been so romantic before but also never really had the chance.

  “Before we leave, I have something I wanted to tell you, and I should have it earlier,” Mason comments.

  “Alright, what’s wrong?” I ask. He has me sit back down.

  Mason pulls me closer to him, and now I’m inches away from his face. He runs his hands through my hair and says, “I’m so crazy about you, and you need to know that I’m utterly in love with you, Esme. I’m sorry I been distant and stressed lately, and I really hope this makes up for that.” I don’t have to hear anymore. In response, I collide my lips with his, and when I break away, I tell him, “I’m in love with you too, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you even if it can only be a short period of time. Any amount of time with you is perfect.”

  Mason finds my lips and deepens the kiss. He pulls me close, and he gets on top. The kiss is rough and raw and filled with lust. As he is wanting both of our clothes to be ripped off, we hear some young people coming close. So we pull away and adjust ourselves.

  After having a whole day to ourselves, we head back and back to our duties tomorrow. In just two weeks, we will be fully mated, and I couldn’t wait.

; Chapter Nineteen


  The past couple of weeks have been crazy when updating the other Alphas, and they didn’t like what they heard. All the information has been overwhelming and stressed out. Trying to run a pack and make sure everyone is safe and trying to win a war.

  Luckily I have a wonderful mate who has been very supportive, has been here for me. I get to be fully mated soon to Esme in a few more days. Today is for the ordinary members of the pack; tomorrow is for Anna and Ethan. They will be coming here tonight for their ceremony tomorrow.

  After the mating ceremonies, I can tell my people what is really happening. Now we know who our enemies are. This is new for us, but that’s because they had whipped our former Alphas memories of the vampire’s existence.

  “Alpha Mason, they are ready for you for the ceremonies,” Tyler Blackwood, my beta, informs me. I dismissed Tyler, and I head outside to the Alpha’s Garden, where all the ceremonies will be held. Luckily for my fast healing albites, I can do everyone; I will be drained afterward.

  I walk outside, and I see everyone who needs to be mated, and they all sit down when I get to the podium. I see Wolf News in the back doing a live broadcast. “Lately has been rough inside the pack house, and there isn’t a lot of good days. Today is a defiantly a good day for us; my pack members will all be mated!” I announce to everyone.

  For the past hour, Peter calls two names to be mated, and I have been cutting my hand, drinking blood, and saying the ceremonial words. Finally, Tyler and Chelsea are; next, they are the last ones. Cassandra and Cassius are doing this at a different time. He did mark her already, so they don’t have to worry about her being in heat. When a woman is in heat, she gets cold sweats, and the wolf side of a male werewolf will want to mark her and be with her.

  Esme brings over Chelsea, and Tyler stands next to me. Esme stands on my right and watches me take Tyler’s hand. “I, as you’re Alpha of Pack Rivers, will have you mated,” I say as I cut my hand. I watch the blood drip in the ceremonial bowl. I continue to say, “Tyler, by asking Chelsea as your mate, you will be together in this life and the next. You will be bonded for all eternity with Chelsea. Do you accept Chelsea as your mate?” I say out loud so the cameras from Wolf News can hear. “I accept Chelsea as my forever mate,” Tyler said as he cuts his hand over the same bowl. “Chelsea, by asking Tyler as your mate, you will be together in this life and the next. You will be bonded for all eternity with Tyler. Do you accept Tyler as your mate?” I say out loud.

  “I accept Tyler as my forever mate,” Chelsea said as she cuts her hand over the same bowl. I take a sip out of the bowl; I hand it to Tyler, giving it to Chelsea. Everyone starts to cheer for all of the couples.

  We will have a small gathering for dinner to celebrate Tyler and Chelsea and many of my high-ranked werewolves. Peter had gotten dinner ready for us; we decided on steak or fish for dinner. When the event was planned, you had a choice, either steak or fish. Esme stands up with her glass, and I follow her lead. “We had a lot of downs in recent months, but tonight we will celebrate all of us finding our mates and to be whole again,” Esme said, toasting for all the couples. We all drink to her toast and clap.

  It was a lovely night; all of the newly mated werewolves are getting ready to be utterly mated tonight. All the men will bite their mate, giving them the mated mark, and show all the single men that this woman is taking. Some werewolves get married after they have been mated to their life partners. It doesn’t matter to me if Esme wants to or not; I’m just happy to be with her. Soon I will be able to mark her. We have to do another ceremony for Esme so she can be the Luna of Pack Rivers officially. We won’t do that until we come up with a plan to strike back.

  At some point in the middle of the night, Ethan and Anna came, and the other Alphas will be here soon. As Esme is in the bathroom getting ready, I’m getting dressed in a nice tailored suit. As I fix my tie, Esme comes out of the bathroom. She comes over and helps me with my tie. “My father taught me just in case my mate couldn’t,” Esme states. When she’s done, I lean down and kiss her. Her lips are soft and sweet. Her fingers get tangled in my hair. As my hands find her lower back, I pull her closer to me.

  Someone knocks on the door, interrupting our moment. I kissed Esme’s forehead and said, “Come in.”

  Tyler is in the doorway smiling and says, “They are ready, Alpha Mason.” I smile, knowing Anna and Ethan will be mated. The Moon Goddess gave Ethan a second mate to love and protect. It doesn’t happen very often. Anna will be mated to an alpha. Once she has her ceremony, she will be the Luna of the Blood Moon Pack.

  As we wait for Anna and Esme to be in place, I have some small talk with the other Alphas. Ethan doesn’t say anything as he remains to get started.

  The music starts, and we all get in place. Ethan stands on the right of me, being in front of me. Alpha Jack, Luna Lorraine, and Alpha Crimson are sitting in the front row. Esme walks down with Anna, I look at Ethan, and he can’t take his eyes off of Anna. He looks nervous and starting to sweat. Ethan takes a deep breath, and he seems calm now.

  Esme hands Anna to Alpha Ethan, and she stands where a bride’s maid of honor would be at a wedding. I say the ceremonial words as I cut my hand. “I, as Alpha Mason of Pack Rivers, will have you be mated.” The blood drips down in the ceremonial bowl. I continue, “Ethan, by asking Anna as your mate, you will be together in this life and the next. You will be bonded for all eternity with Anna. Do you accept Anna as your mate?” There was a moment of silence. Ethan is accepting his fate with Anna and not Allie.

  Wolf News zooming closely on Ethan’s face, waiting for an answer. Ethan finally breaks the silence and says, “I accept Anna as my forever mate.” Tears stream down his face as he officially accepts Anna as his mate, letting go of Allie and his past. Ethan cuts his hand above the bowl and watches the blood drip in it.

  Silence still rings in the air as we wait for Anna. “Anna, by asking Ethan as your mate, you will be together in this life and the next. You will be bonded for all eternity with Ethan. Do you accept Ethan as your mate?” I said.

  Anna looks up at Ethan and smiles; she says, “I accept Ethan as my forever mate.” The crowd breaks the silence with clapping and whistling. I can’t hear my thoughts. It’s so loud. Ethan and Anna kiss, and the noise doubles; they walk down the aisle towards where the reception is being held.

  They wanted a small gathering, so it’s just the high-ranked werewolves from each pack, plus Cassandra and Cassius. Ethan and Cassius have been talking since the reception started.

  Before we start eating, Alpha Jack stands up and makes a toast, “Ethan; you’re like a son of mine. You had lost a lot in a short period of time. We are all happy for you. You had gotten a second chance. Anna will be the light for you in this darkness you have been surrounded by for so many years. Your father, mother, and your brother would be proud of you. You became a wonderful Alpha, your father he hoped you to be. Now you have your Luna, congratulations, Anna and Ethan.”

  As we eat and bullshit with one another, Ethan comes over and sits next to me. Even as kids growing up preparing to Alphas together, this was unusual for Ethan as we weren’t all that close growing up. “Mason, I wanted to apologize for not being here yesterday for Tyler and Chelsea,” Ethan said. It took me by surprise that he would apologize to me.

  “Ethan, there isn’t anything to forgive. I wasn’t expecting any of you to come back here for that. We just wanted a small thing for the high ranked,” I tell him accepting his apology. “Anyway, have fun tonight, this night is for you and Anna, and congratulations on finding your mate,” I tell Ethan.

  Ethan nods his head and sits next to Anna at the table. I know this was supposed to be happy, but the only happy people are Jack and Lorraine, and myself and Esme. Crimson looks miserable that his mate isn’t here. We still haven’t found Emily yet, and Crimson is scared. He won’t ever admit that to anyone but his mate.

  After dessert, everyone goes upstairs to go to bed, or
at least relax in peace. Esme follows me upstairs to where she’s been sleeping with me. I pull her close to me as we walk to the master bedroom.

  Esme goes to the bathroom and changes in her pajamas, and I strip down to my boxers for bed. As I think about tomorrow, I can’t help but to smile. I will have mate forever and always, and I’ll have my alpha strength again. I protect my people better with being on the break of war.

  My mate comes out of the bathroom, all ready for bed. “Are you more excited or nervous for tomorrow?” Esme asked.

  “Excited mostly, but I am nervous too. Come into bed, Esme; it’s late and a big day tomorrow,” I answer. She crawls into bed and snuggles up to me as I turn on the tv for a bit. I hold her close as both drift off to sleep, as it’s going to be a big day for us. I will be a mated man tomorrow, and I couldn’t wait.

  Chapter Twenty


  Today is my and Mason’s mating ceremony. I couldn’t be more excited about it. We will be fully mated and officially announce war tomorrow. Tonight is all about celebrating our pack and us. Mason gets out of bed and heads for the bathroom.

  A knock on the bedroom door gets me out of my head. I get up and answer it. It’s Peter, the Head of Omegas. I open the door wider, letting him in. “Good morning Luna Esme; I have both of your clothes for today,” Peter said, greeting himself. He holds up the clothes for Mason and I.

  I asked for a sundress type of style, as Mason has nice dress pants and a dress shirt.

  “Thank you, Peter, you can just put them on the bed,” I tell him. He does what I told him, then he bows and leaves the room. Closes the door quietly so we can get some privacy.

  “Mason, Peter brought in our clothes for today. Do you want yours in with you?” I asked. He cracks the bathroom door open.


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