Adventurous Proposal

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Adventurous Proposal Page 8

by Laura Barnard

  I begrudgingly wiggle into it, of course over my current bra and knickers. It’s easily a size too small for me. My boobs are bursting over the top, but I’ll have to make it work. It’s still better than confronting him naked.

  I check both ways to make sure no one else is around before running out quickly. I find him setting up his camera in front of a chaise lounge. Right, time to confront him.

  ‘Sorry, but this is— ‘

  ‘Ah, you’re here!’ he says over me. He grabs my arm and places me down on the chaise lounge. ‘Now, look seductive.’

  Seductive? Is he crazy? Does realise that I’m clearly not a lingerie model? He can’t be paying that much attention to detail if he hasn’t noticed my bra underneath the sexy Basque.

  ‘Look, I really don’t see how this is going to help me,’ I insist. ‘I’m just here for—’

  ‘Just pout and think of England,’ he interrupts, already snapping away.

  ‘I beg your pardon!’ I shout, horrified. ‘I don’t see how this is helping me choose you as a photographer.’

  ‘Oh yeah, just there, love,’ he calls enthusiastically. ‘You looked really pissed off. It was hot.’


  ‘Come on, love,’ he snaps impatiently, ‘I need to get this done quick. I’ve got a bride to be coming to view my portfolio any minute.’


  Nadine’s suddenly behind him, mouth agape.

  ‘Florence! What the fuck is going on here?’

  The photographer looks between us. ‘You two know each other?’

  ‘I’m...kind of...the bride to be,’ I admit with a grimace.

  Saturday 10th Dec

  ‘I still can’t believe you actually stripped off!’ Nadine laughs, clutching at her sides.

  ‘He was pushy!’ I protest with a cringe. ‘Plus, he left me with nothing else to wear!’

  ‘Yeah, but getting changed into that Basque! It’ll forever be imprinted in my mind.’ She fakes a shudder.

  ‘It’s not my fault he’d booked in a boudoir shoot just before me, is it? Just stop talking about it!’ I beg on a whine. ‘Every time I think about it I feel like someone’s set me on fire with humiliation.’

  My phone buzzes in my bag. I reach into it and smile when I see it’s Hugh. It’s strange how already he’s managed to worm his way into my heart.

  ‘You’ve really got it bad,’ she comments with a grin. ‘Go ahead, answer to your fiancée.’

  ‘Hi,’ I say, shyly down the phone, fiddling self-consciously with my hair.

  ‘Hey, sexy,’ he practically purrs down the line. ‘How was the photographer?’

  ‘Err...I’m not sure if we’ll be booking him. Kind of a long story.’ That I never intend to tell you.

  ‘Oh, okay,’ he says, surprised. ‘Anyway, are you free? I wanted to show you something.’

  ‘Oh yeah,’ I grin. ‘I bet you do, big boy.’

  Nadine pulls a face and pretends to hang herself.

  He chuckles down the line. ‘No, not that. Well, not yet anyway. Can you meet me at the pub we’re gonna book?’

  I sigh. Just thinking about that place makes me feel low.

  ‘Oh, that beautiful place. I’ll rush right over,’ I laugh, sarcastically.

  He chuckles. God, just the delicious sound of it makes me want to crawl inside the phone and dry hump him.

  ‘I have a surprise for you.’

  I look down at my glass of Prosecco, suddenly eager to down it.

  ‘I’ll just finish my drink with Nadine and head over.’

  ‘Okay, see you soon.’

  By the time I get there its seven pm and already pitch black outside. It’s creepy around here. The pub is in the middle of the countryside, and there’s only one streetlight letting off the slightest amber glow. I try to call him, but it just rings off to answerphone. Damn it.

  I begrudgingly step out of the car and slam it behind me.

  ‘BOO!’ Hugh shouts, leaping out in front of me.

  I jump out of my skin, my nerves completely shattered. ‘N-n-not funny!’ I stammer. My mouth is chattering from both the cold and crippling fear still coursing through me.

  ‘Sorry, but it was too easy.’

  He grabs the collar of my coat and pulls me in for a kiss, his warm lips begging me to forgive him. I let myself melt into him as he kisses me slowly and deeply, his cold hands on my face. It quickly turns into a deep passionate kiss, his warm tongue caressing mine. I groan into it.

  He reluctantly pulls back. ‘Right, now for your surprise.’

  I frown. What the hell could he be surprising me with here? I’d be happy for a quick shag in the car.

  He walks towards the door but instead of going in he leads me around the back.

  ‘Where are we going?’ I ask, mystified.

  He smiles broadly. ‘You’ll see.’

  When we get to the garden, that I didn’t even know existed, I see that it’s lit up with fairy lights.

  Out jump Mia, Kelly, Troy, Jace, and Nadine. ‘Surprise!’

  I turn to Hugh in confusion. ‘What’s going on?’

  He smiles at me, rubbing my knuckles with his thumb. ‘We’re going to show you how our day can still be amazing.’

  ‘Yeah,’ Nadine agrees, rushing forward. ‘Imagine all of this garden lit up with fairy lights.’

  ‘And wait until you see inside,’ Kelly gushes, her cheeks pink with the cold. ‘It’s gorgeous.’

  Troy agrees with a nod. ‘We’ve all said we’ll help decorate it and bring it up to scratch.’

  ‘It’ll be cool,’ Mia nods, with a wink. ‘Just wait and see.’

  Bless them. All coming out and doing this, just to try and please me. What are they like? I can’t help but feel all Christmassy, surrounded by so much love.

  ‘Come on,’ Hugh says, guiding me towards the inside of what looks like a barn.

  The moment the doors open I’m met with candlelight. Tea lights are on every table and church candles on every other available surface, emitting such a soft glow that the ugliness is faded into the background—instead it looks pretty and romantic.

  Hugh takes my hands and looks deep into my eyes. ‘Trust me when I say that if this is the place we have to get married, then I won’t sleep until it’s as good as it can be.’

  ‘How have I ended up with someone so sweet?’

  And can shag like a jackhammer.

  ‘You’re just a lucky girl,’ he winks, slapping me on my arse. ‘Now let’s go back to yours so I can bend you over and fuck you raw.’

  Jesus, someone pinch me! It seems I’ve been a very good girl and Santa has brought my present early.

  Chapter Ten

  Tuesday 13th December

  So, Hugh is eager for me to meet his Grandma Clara. Apparently, they’re really close. Well, closer than him and his mother anyway, which I suppose isn’t hard. He’s taking us to meet at Winter Wonderland and has booked for us to go ice-skating. She must be bloody nimble if she’s able to ice skate. Hugh says she’s only seventy-five, but that’s still old in my book.

  As we walk through the entrance of Hyde Park, I can’t help but feel ecstatic. I come here every year. I love the smell of German sausage and mulled wine. Even though it’s only one pm, there are low-lying grey clouds making it dark enough to make out the glow from the twinkle lights hung all around. It’s bloody magical.

  ‘You’re in your element here, aren’t you?’ he asks, cocking up an amused eyebrow.

  ‘A little bit,’ I admit with a wide grin.

  I can’t help it! Christmas has always been such a magical time for me. It didn’t matter how poor we were when we were growing up, Mum always made sure that we celebrated. We went to every free event, even if we had to take a packed lunch and weren’t allowed to buy anything.

  I remember one Christmas, mum worked extra hard just so that she could afford for me to meet Father Christmas. Well, the one they put on in the shopping centre near us. I remember how he
told me to ‘follow my dreams’. Those words were so influential on the person I’ve now become.

  Whenever I got down and thought I’d end up like my mum, skint and struggling, I’d remember that Father Christmas had faith in me. It helped me work harder. And let me tell you, working your way up as a makeup artist is not for the faint-hearted. Not that I believed in him all the way through my twenties. But...well...I was one of the last to find out.

  Hugh smiles at me affectionately. ‘As long as you don’t sit on Santa’s knee and start professing that you’re a ho ho ho.’

  I gasp and smack him in the arm. ‘Stop! There are kids around.’

  He looks down at a little blonde boy giggling hysterically as his Dad tickles him.

  ‘How many kids do you reckon we’ll have?’

  I stop walking from utter shock. Wow, change in direction or what?!

  ‘I don’t know. How many would you like?’ I suppose we should be having these kinds of conversations. Most couples have it before getting engaged.

  ‘I was an only child, so I’d like a whole bunch,’ he says with a wistful smile.

  ‘Whole bunch?’ I repeat in horror. Shit, is he planning on me pushing out the Brady Bunch? ‘Don’t get me wrong, I was an only child too, but remember it’s my vagina they’re coming out of.’

  He chuckles. ‘And what a lovely vagina it is.’

  A Mum overhears him, her eyes doubling in size. She covers her daughter’s ears and turns to run in the opposite direction.

  ‘Maybe two or three then,’ Hugh says, clearly having missed the Mum’s reaction. ‘I can always pay for you to have vaginal reconstructive surgery.’

  ‘Bahah!’ I laugh, exploding into a fit of giggles. ‘Do you think most people talk like this after only a few dates?’

  He muses for a second. ‘Probably not. But then I suppose most people wouldn’t have got engaged after only one date.’

  ‘Yep, we’re a bit different, to say the least,’ I chuckle. ‘Is your Nan going to think the same thing?’

  I can’t help but worry what she’s going to be like. What if she’s just as judging as everyone else?

  ‘That you’ll need reconstructed vaginal surgery?’ he jokes. ‘I’m not sure.’

  I dig him in the ribs, attempting to frown but only managing to smile. ‘Shut up! You know what I mean.’

  He chews his lip. ‘I’ve told her we haven’t been together long, but no, I haven’t been specific.’

  ‘Great,’ I say under my breath. So, there will be a confrontation.

  ‘And there she is.’ I follow his eye line to find a tall, thin woman with brown hair set in tight curls around her face. She definitely doesn’t look seventy-five. Shit, she barely looks sixty.

  ‘That’s your Nan?’ I ask, needing the clarification.

  ‘Yeah,’ he beams. ‘Come on.’

  He tugs my hand towards her. She turns, spots us and starts waving.

  ‘Grandma, this is the beautiful, Florence.’

  Her eyes light up as she scans me from head to toe. ‘And beautiful she is! Come here, my dear.’

  She grabs me and throws me into a bear hug. Wow, she’s friendly. And strong for such a thin thing. She feels so frail in my arms.

  ‘Right, let’s get to know each other, shall we?’ she says cheerfully, pulling us over to collect our skates.

  Before we know it, we’re on the ice. I forgot to mention that I haven’t skated in years, but it’s just one of those things you remember, right? Like riding a bike.

  ‘Try and keep up with me,’ she sings with a wink.

  Oh, bless her.

  ‘I’ll try,’ I joke back.

  But fuck me, she’s off! I’ve never seen someone skate like it. She’s so long and lithe as she sweeps through the ice. It almost looks like she’s going to...yep she’s doing a spin. A bloody spin!

  ‘Her and my Grandfather used to skate a lot when they were younger,’ Hugh explains.

  ‘Yeah, no shit,’ I laugh, barely managing to stay upright. Every time I attempt to move a foot the other one slides away from me.

  She skids to a halt in front of me, spraying my face with ice. ‘Isn’t this fun.’

  ‘Yeah,’ I say stiffly, forcing a smile. ‘If I could just stop falling over.’

  ‘Oh, you’ll be fine,’ She says, dismissing my concerns. ‘Hugh should teach you. His Grandfather was quite the wiz.’ She winks cheekily. It reminds me of Hugh.

  So, is this where he got his personality from? It would make more sense than his Mum and Dad.

  ‘I like the idea of skating,’ I admit. ‘I grew up watching By the Light of the Silvery Moon every Christmas.’

  Her eyes light up. ‘I love that film! That was one of mine and Herald’s favourite films. That and It’s a Wonderful Life.’

  ‘I love that one too!’ Watching Christmas videos was one cheap thing we could afford to do. ‘We should do a movie night.’

  She looks to Hugh as he skates to a stop by us. ‘She has great taste. I love her already.’

  ‘Of course she does. She chose me, didn’t she?’ he grins, pecking a kiss on my forehead.

  A little later when I’ve been released from the first aiders, we’ve given back our skates and are browsing round at one of the sweet stalls, she turns to me.

  ‘Tell me, Florence, do you love my Grandson?’ Her forehead furrows.

  Woah. Don’t hold back Granny.

  I look over at Hugh on the phone. Do I love him? I mean, I’ve only known him 13 days, but yeah, I’m a bit crazy about him. What’s not to love? But am I already madly, would die if something happened to him, in love with him? Not yet. Can I lie to an old lady?

  ‘Um...I think I will,’ I admit with a hopeful smile. ‘I’m not sure what Hugh’s told you, but this was a crazy idea we came up with on our first date.’

  She smiles kindly. ‘He didn’t tell me, but the way he was avoiding questions I could have guessed something strange had happened. Thank you for not lying to me.’

  Phew. That was obviously some kind of hidden test.

  ‘I’m sorry. This whole idea is kind of mental, but I’ve somehow been swept away by it.’

  ‘Are you having doubts?’ she asks kindly, her eyes imploring me to trust her.

  ‘I don’t know,’ I admit with a shrug of my shoulders. ‘If I were dating Hugh I’d be mad about him, and don’t get me wrong, I am. Its just...marriage is a big deal to me. I plan on only getting married once. If this doesn’t work out, I’ll be devastated, and I suppose I don’t know if he’s really in this for life. Or if he’s thinking divorce can be a get-out clause. Especially now I’ve promised to look at signing the prenup.’

  Her eyes widen to twice the size. ‘He made you a prenuptial agreement?’ Her nostrils flare. ‘I thought I’d raised him better than that!’

  ‘No! It was his Mum that asked me to sign it, and I mean, she’s just looking out for him. If I had a son, I’d probably be just as protective.’

  ‘Hmm,’ she snorts. ‘But I bet you’d deliver it a lot nicer. My daughter has no manners.’

  I stare back at her in shock. ‘She’s your daughter?’

  I just assumed with her being so lovely her son was Hugh’s Dad. Not that monster of a Mother.

  ‘I know,’ she grins like she’s in on the joke. ‘I get that reaction a lot.’ She stares off into the distance. ‘She was such a shy girl when she was growing up and so well mannered. The minute she met Hugh’s father and got some money behind her, she turned.’

  I suppose I can see how money could change a person for the worst.

  ‘We refused her money, so be prepared for a mediocre wedding.’

  She smiles sadly. ‘Darling, the wedding is only a day. The marriage is for life. That’s where the investment should be placed.’

  Is it wrong that I’m doubting whether I love Hugh, but I’m already one hundred percent sure that I love his Grandma?

  ‘I know, you’re right.’ I look back to Hugh, still chatting away o
n the phone. ‘I just really hope he’s all in too.’

  ‘I think I’m going to buy some of this fudge,’ she says cheerfully, completely off subject.

  I look down at the mediocre fudge. ‘My Mum used to make the best fudge when I was younger. Every Christmas she’d put heart shaped fudge wrapped in tissue paper in my stocking. I loved it.’

  She smiles. ‘Your Mother sounds lovely.’

  A text pings through on my phone. I look down at the unknown number. Grandma’s busy filling a paper bag with fudge, so I chance a quick look.

  Florence, Felicity here. I was hoping we could meet for a coffee? There are some things you really need to know.

  Fuck! What the hell does that mean?

  ‘Good news,’ Hugh beams, back with us. ‘I’ve got us a few house viewings for later in the week.’

  ‘Really?’ I frown. We haven’t even talked about an area, yet alone what we’re looking for in a house. ‘I haven’t looked at anything yet.’

  ‘You’ll love them,’ he promises confidently.

  It irks me that he’s assuming I’ll like them. I’m not going to be some agreeable bimbo that he’s been used to in the past.

  ‘Maybe I should select a few too. Just in case.’

  ‘Okay,’ he nods, clearly surprised that I’m doubting him. ‘I’ll text you their details, but I’m telling you, you’re gonna love the ones we’re viewing.’

  Hmm, don’t hold it against me if I don’t take your word for it.

  I look down at the text message. I can’t help it. I reply.

  Tomorrow at 1 pm.

  Chapter Eleven

  Wednesday 14th December

  I tap my finger nervously on the side of my coffee cup. I have no idea what I’m doing here. Going behind Hugh’s back. Hugh who’s done nothing but give me reasons to trust him. Well, apart from being on the phone all the time. I can’t help but find that suspicious. Why does he feel the need to walk away when he answers if it’s just business calls?

  Either way, I know I won’t be able to rest until I find out what this Felicity wants. Even if it is only to cause trouble. My stomach feels in knots at the possibilities.


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