Riley: #4 (Kelly Clan)

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Riley: #4 (Kelly Clan) Page 1

by Madison Stevens

  Table of Contents



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Thank You

  Also By

  Author Bio

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents depicted in this work are of the author’s imagination or have been used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, locations, or events is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved.

  Copyright © 2016 Madison Stevens

  No portion of this book may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, or by any means, without the prior written permission of the author.

  Cover designed by Najla Qamber Designs

  Riley (Kelly Clan #4)


  Madison Stevens

  A little one-night stand doesn’t have to mean anything. At least that’s what Anna Jones keeps telling herself.

  Fresh off a terrible marriage, the last thing she’s looking for is love. Instead, she figures a one-night stand with the amazingly hot mobster Riley should scratch her itch.

  The only problem is Riley isn’t planning to leave in the morning. He’s playing for keeps, and Anna is the woman he wants.

  Riley has had his eye on Anna for some time now. He’s always known she was better than her jerk ex and plans on showing her a real relationship.

  Unfortunately, the Russian Mafia is interested in settling an old debt with Riley and targets Anna. The pair must put their pasts behind them to overcome the demons that threaten their future if they are going to make it out of the situation alive.

  Chapter One

  “It would be a good day for a hit,” Riley said as he and Noel scanned the area.

  They made their way around the fenced perimeter of the church, making sure to check every nook and crack for possible signs that someone was up to something unpleasant.

  Despite trying to keep things hush-hush, today had been widely publicized, and there was no doubt the Russians had seen the news.

  Although it had been about six months since the Russian Mafia’s attack at the school where Noel’s girlfriend worked, that didn’t mean anyone was safe. Far from it.

  All it meant was that the Russians were waiting for the right time to strike, like patient little bears.

  The members of the Kelly family knew what was at stake if they didn’t remain vigilant. Their enemies had no problems going after innocent people, whether they were men or women.

  Riley wasn’t usually one to give in to suspicion, but everything had come together. It was a good day for a hit, like the sort one might see in a movie, with a lot of targets gathered in one place, and those targets not exactly concentrating on crime and violence.

  “Let’s just get this shit finished,” Noel said. The huge, scarred man pulled a little at the collar of his tuxedo. “The faster we get this done, the faster I can get out of this monkey suit.”

  Riley nodded. He had to admit, walking the church grounds in a tux was about as uncomfortable as it got, but he just wouldn’t feel safe unless he did the job himself.

  He had a feeling Noel felt the same way. The other man knew better than anyone the brutality of the Russian Mafia. They had gone after his woman, and the scars on his face were proof enough of how sadistic they could be.

  It didn’t help that Ennis, Finn’s traitorous brother, was still out there, although no one really expected any trouble from him today. In truth, his squabble was more with Finn, who had garnered the favor of their father and past boss. Finn had, in turn, inherited the family business and turned it away from a lucrative life of crime.

  Riley and Noel waved to the two other men on patrol and made their way back to the side door of the church. Finn was waiting for them at the open door with little baby Rowan in his arms.

  Watching their fearless and ruthless boss stare down at a tiny baby with such softness was strange. Riley had never seen such softness from Finn. He was many things, but soft was not something anyone would claim, even their enemies.

  “If you two don’t get in here soon,” Finn said, looking up from his child, “I’m pretty certain Claire will have my balls.”


  They turned to see Alyssa standing in the doorway. Finn looked over to the mother of his child. The small woman with the pixie-style cut had her arms crossed and was tapping her foot.

  “I’m pretty sure little Row doesn’t know what balls are… yet,” he said.

  Alyssa held out her hand for the little baby. Finn handed him over to her.

  Conor peeked his head outside the door.

  “You do know Claire will rip your balls off if you’re not where you’re supposed to be, right?” he said to the men.

  Alyssa sighed loudly and shook her head.

  “You’re all just the same,” she said and looked down at little baby Row, as they’d taken to calling him. “It’s fine. We’ll just let Auntie Claire deal with them.”

  Riley snorted to himself, and Alyssa stepped in the door with the baby. One by one, his family was pairing off with their women, and he was left wanting the same.

  Or to be specific, one particular woman.

  For months he had waited for the right time, for her to be over her piece of shit ex. For her to finish with the horrible divorce that got dragged on forever. For her to see that there might be something better out there. Him.

  Tonight was the night. If Anna wasn’t going to see him, then he was going to make her see him.

  “All clear on the walk?” Finn asked.

  Noel nodded. “We’re good.”

  Finn clapped his hands together. “Okay, let’s get this show on the road.”

  Riley followed the other men inside to take his place in the lineup. In just a short time, he would have Anna on his arm, and all would be well.

  * * *

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Claire said as she stared in the mirror.

  Anna looked over her shoulder and frowned at the large pimple on her friend’s chin.

  “I think it must be from stress,” Teagan said.

  Claire shot her a warning look from the mirror. Today was not the day for facts. Today was the day for miracles.

  Something buzzed in Anna’s satchel. She reached in and pulled out her phone.


  No way in hell was she answering the phone. Not today of all days.

  She stuffed the phone back into her satchel and pulled out the bit of makeup she placed in there, despite the fact they had gone to a professional for their make-up. She had figured an occasion like this might arise.

  Anna turned Claire around to look at her and dabbed a small amount of concealer on the raised bump. Carefully, she dotted the red mark until it disappeared. Then she pulled out the small bit of powder she had and carefully blotted it over the spot so as not to spill it on the beautiful white dress.

  She stepped back and stared at her handiwork. “Perfect.”

  Claire turned back around to look at herself in the mirror and gave a wide grin.

  “You are a lifesaver,” she said and turned to give Anna a great hug.

  “Whoa, whoa,” Anna said and held up her hands. “We don’t want to get that dress dirty o
r crush the flowers in your hair.”

  Claire pointed a finger at her and winked. “Okay, but later I’m coming for you.”

  Anna chuckled at her friend. They had always been able to get along like this. It was why she enjoyed working for her as a secretary and campaign manager during her successful city council run.

  Claire grasped both Anna and Teagan’s hands. She beamed at them both.

  “I’m so happy to have you both here with me,” she said. “I want nothing more than to see you both as happy as I am right now.”

  Tegan frowned at her soon-to-be sister-in-law.

  “Not gonna find love when you have me paired off with Noel,” Teagan grumbled.

  Claire rolled her eyes and dropped their hands.

  “We’ve been over this a thousand times,” she said with irritation. “Noel is Conor’s best man.”

  Anna opened her mouth to offer up her partner but stopped when a knock came at the door.

  “Are you ladies about ready?”

  Finn stepped through the door, looking sharp as he always did. There wasn’t a man in the whole damn family that didn’t look amazing in a suit. And she was pretty sure Finn already knew that by the smile on his face.

  Claire checked herself in the mirror one last time before turning back to Finn.

  “I’m ready.” Claire smiled and then took his arm.

  Finn patted her on the hand. “You look beautiful.”

  Despite how often they teased one another, Anna knew that Finn and Claire both cared deeply for one another. As they stepped into the hall, she noticed a small bit of moisture at the corner of her friend’s eyes. Anna pulled out a tissue she’d hidden inside her bra and dabbed the tears.

  “Don’t start crying yet,” Anna said and smiled at her. “I don’t like my mascara to run unless I’m in front of five hundred people.”

  Claire laughed. Anna knew it was what she needed.

  Anna turned and checked herself in the mirror. It wasn’t the worst dress in the world as far as bridemaids’ outfits went. Claire had good taste, and the plum-colored dress matched her pale skin and blond hair very well. They had styled their hair on top of their heads. Small wisps of blond hair framed her face.

  Still, the thin straps over her shoulders didn’t hide the weight she had lost. The divorce had taken a harsh toll on her, and in that dress, there was no way to hide it.

  Finn cleared his throat behind her. Anna turned and found his green eyes staring at her. He gave her a sad, knowing smile, one that she’d seen on many of her friends over the past six months. The one that said they were sorry for the pain she was going through.

  Her phone buzzed again. She frowned and pulled it out.

  Another message from Jason. She rolled her eyes and turned the phone off before tossing the satchel on the couch. She’d had enough of her ex-husband today.

  “You know I could still rub him out for you, right?” Finn said and raised a brow at her.

  Anna grinned back at him. “Not today, but I’m open for tomorrow.”

  Finn gave a little chuckle as they headed toward the nave of the church, where everyone was likely already seated and gathered in the pews. He took his place back at Claire’s side and stopped with her around the corner of the main double doors.

  Her gaze immediately went to Riley. The large, handsome man always seemed to haunt her. As much as she tried to stay away from him, Riley always seemed to find a way to her.

  His piercing green eyes stared directly at her, and it was unnerving. He always seemed so stern, and it was a part of him that frightened her, a dark man who had entirely too many secrets.

  It just wasn’t something she was ready to handle, especially after being with a man who had hidden so many things from her, from infidelity to secret money accounts that only came out after Finn had his people do some digging.

  No, right now all she needed was herself: uncomplicated and somewhat boring. Plus, she always had her BOB for those lonely nights. Nothing like a battery-operated boyfriend that she could shut off and put away when she was finished with him.

  Riley held up his arm to her when she came over. As elegantly as she could, Anna hooked her arm into the crook of his elbow and placed her hand onto his forearm. She glanced over her shoulder as Teagan and Noel brought up the rear behind them.

  The great double doors of the church swung open, and she found herself standing at the old entryway as hundreds of eyes turned their way.

  Her heart sped up. Nervousness attacked her stomach, way more than she expected. After all, she wasn’t even the one getting married.

  The music started to play and just before they took the first step, Riley leaned over to her.

  “You look beautiful,” he rumbled in her ear.

  His words stirred the hair at the base of her neck. A shiver ran through her.

  Now half-terrified, she took a step forward. Her heel caught on the hem of her dress, and she stumbled forward. A strong arm wrapped around her waist and yanked her back to a muscled chest. She could hear several people around them gasp at the stumble. A few struggled to hold back the snickers.

  “Shit,” she whispered.

  “I’ve got you,” Riley said quietly. “Just move forward.”

  He pulled his hand from her waist and wrapped her arm back around the crook of his elbow. This time he placed a hand on top of hers to help stabilize her movement, and she was grateful. Her ankle ached a little from the near fall, and she needed the support.

  Anna passed Alyssa in the front pew with little Row in her arms. The petite woman gave her a thumb's up, and Anna knew just how horrible the fall must have been if Alyssa was trying to convince her it wasn’t that bad.

  Meg sat next to Liam, a pitying look on her face. More evidence.

  No, she was never living this down.

  Riley gave her hand a squeeze as they reached the base of the stairs.

  “Try not to lean on it,” he said quietly in her ear.

  She stared over at him in surprise and watched as he made his way up the stairs next to Conor. She had no idea how he knew.

  Anna stood at the top of the stairs and watched as Teagan stepped in next to her.

  “It could’ve been worse,” Teagan whispered. “You could have pulled the front of your dress off.”

  Anna was pretty sure getting naked in a church meant she was going to hell, so she was certainly glad that didn’t happen.

  The wedding march played, and all eyes turned back to Claire. She looked like an angel in her dress with Baby’s Breath flowers in her hair and the most beautiful sweeping bouquet Anna had ever seen.

  Next to her, Finn smiled at the crowd, proud to be walking her down the aisle.

  But Claire only had eyes for Conor. They smiled lovingly at one another, and anyone in the room could tell they were made to be together.

  Anna blinked hard and tried not to ruin her makeup yet. There’d be plenty of time for that later.

  Conor stepped down to take over the rest of the walk. Finn patted him on the back and walked over to sit next to Alyssa and their child.

  Claire and Conor stood next to the priest, and Anna turned to watch them. She could see Riley just on the other side, his gaze fixed on her. Again, warmth rippled through her.

  The priest droned on and on. The two recited their vows, and the priest spoke once more. Anna shifted her weight onto her good foot and rolled her ankle as he continued speaking.

  The happy couple kissed, and everyone erupted in cheering. She smiled as tears pooled in her eyes and slipped out the corners. Anna pulled out another tissue she’d hidden before and dabbed her own eyes.

  She watched as Conor and Claire made their way out of the church. Riley stepped over to where she stood and took her hand.

  “Lean on me,” he said quietly.

  Anna nodded and took his arm. Slowly they made their way out of the church and stopped just around the corner. They still had about a million pictures to take before everyone traveled to the
reception. As Claire shouted orders to anyone that would listen, Riley leaned over and whispered in Anna’s ear again.

  “Save me a dance,” he said.

  She watched as a photographer pulled all the men into a photo. Still stunned by Riley’s words she watched him as the photographer snapped photos.

  A dance?

  Somehow he never ceased to surprise her.

  Chapter Two

  They had taken so many pictures.

  Anna sat at the table and rubbed her ankle with her fingers. The ache had gone down, but a little soreness remained.

  She downed the last of her champagne and glanced up at the ceiling of the beautiful hotel they now occupied. The building was exquisite. Not that she hadn’t seen beautiful things before, but the ball room was truly a work of art.

  It was no surprise that Finn insisted on the place and put up the money for the whole thing.

  With the bride being one of the few women in the family, Finn made it clear that she needed a wedding and reception worthy of her. No quick ceremony in a courthouse for a Kelly relative.

  Anna sighed and placed her shoe back on her foot. Nothing like another glass of champagne to get her moving. Maybe a plate of food would be good as well.

  She made her way across the dance floor. Loving couples were holding one another and swaying to the music. It all made her want to gag.

  She walked to the other side of the floor and sighed when the bartender came into view. Another glass of champagne and some snacks. That was all she needed.

  “Ms. Jones,” someone called out to her.

  It still sounded strange to her ears. She’d grown so accustomed to Clark during her two years of marriage to Jason.

  She found Maxwell Cross standing just a few steps away.

  She smiled at the older man. This time he was not in his patched jacket but a handsome tuxedo.

  “Well, you clean up nicely,” she said and smiled at him.

  He chuckled and smoothed down the waistcoat he was wearing.

  “I only break this out for truly special people,” he said. “And Claire is certainly that.” He leaned in towards her. “Not to mention I’m slightly afraid to cross her,” he whispered and winked.


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