His Human Rebel (Zandian Masters Book 4)

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His Human Rebel (Zandian Masters Book 4) Page 6

by Renee Rose

  “M-maybe you’d better punish me for running.” She thought she sounded breathless. Excited.

  A growl rocketed from his throat, and he dragged her backward into her chamber, slamming the door shut and locking it. “Clothes off,” he commanded, but before she could obey, his hands tore at her tunic, helping her strip. He sat on the cot and pulled her over one knee, her torso lying on the cot.

  “Why do you smell so good?” Already she heard the urgency in his voice, the notes of desperation, as if her scent drove him so wild, he couldn’t control himself.

  “It’s the oil Lily gave me.” She could hardly make her tongue form sounds because his huge palm was stroking her bare ass and it felt... So. Incredibly. Good.

  The palm retreated and then fell, harder than she expected. She jerked and bit her lip, humming a little in her throat as the pain bloomed across her skin, heat racing over her buttocks and pooling at her core where her clit pulsed with a persistent throb.

  He slapped her again.

  “Ow. Not so hard,” she gasped.

  Lundric gave a dark chuckle. “Oh, no, little female. You don’t get to tell me how you get spanked. You asked for this. Now I’m in charge. I’m going to turn this pretty little ass of yours bright red. Do you want to know why?”

  Her belly twisted with mingled fear and excitement. She pushed her tiptoes against the floor to lift her ass.

  Another hard slap.

  “Why?” she gasped.

  “For scaring the vecking daylights out of me last night. For driving me mad at all times with those beautiful long legs, this juicy ass.” He slapped said anatomy again, hard. He worked his other hand under her hips and stroked a finger along her dewy slit. She pushed into it, forcing the tip of his thick digit inside her entrance, but he pulled it out and spanked her even harder.

  “Who’s in charge, Cambry?”

  “I am?” She laughed, surprising herself. When was the last time she’d laughed?

  A flurry of spanks rained down on her burning ass and the backs of her thighs at the same time his finger rubbed her clit. “You are not, my little rebel. And I’m not going to stop spanking you until I’m sure you’ll remember who you belong to as you sit through flight lessons all morning.”

  The combination of sting and his possessiveness stole her breath. She wriggled under the onslaught. “Lundric...Lundric!”

  He stopped spanking her, and flipped her over onto the cot before he dropped to his knees on the floor to cup her heated cheeks in his hands. “Open for your male, Cambry.”

  She let her knees drop open, her breath going still at the reverent way Lundric drank in her pussy. He parted her nether lips with his thumbs, still doing nothing but staring.

  “Lundric,” she protested.

  He lowered his head and dragged his tongue from anus to clit, sending her into spasms of pleasure. “Where do you want my tongue, little female? Show me.”

  Her inner thighs trembled, her chest rose and fell in short pants as she reached down between her legs and tapped her clit “Here,” she gasped.

  His eyes gleamed. “Yes, that’s a good place to start. He flicked his tongue over the sensitive bud.

  He suctioned his lips over it and sucked as his thumb pushed into her pussy, his middle finger tapped her anus. Her hips jerked into the air. She grasped both the horns on his head and squeezed.

  He shouted, eyes flying wide, and the horns thickened and pulsed in her palms. “Vecking stars, Cambry.”

  She released his horns like hot coals. Had she hurt him?

  “If you touch my horns again, I’m going to lose it before I ever get my cock inside you.” His irises were pure violet now.

  Her mouth widened in a naughty grin. “Is that so?” She stroked the horns, hooking them in the crook of her thumbs and forefingers and circling their bases.

  Lundric groaned. “That’s it, beautiful female. Now you’re getting my cock.” He stood up and shoved his uniform pants down, letting his impressive length spring free.

  She licked her lips, leaning up on her elbows to watch him climb over her. The moment his head was in reach again, she went for his horns.

  “Veck…” He dragged the head of his cock through her dripping pussy.

  She moaned with pleasure. “Yes, Lundric. Please.”

  He plunged into her tight channel, and she bit her lip on a gasp, squeezing his thick horns with a pulsing grip. “You must want to be vecked hard, little female,” he growled, but she could hear his loss of composure in his voice, sense it in the jerky plunge of his cock in and out of her. He drew in shuddering breaths.

  She arched into him, rubbing her nipples against his skin, hooking her ankles behind his back.

  He stopped moving and shook his head. “Feet down, baby. You don’t get to control.”

  She whimpered but released her legs, dropping her feet back to the cot. His grin was wicked as he braced one palm against the wall behind her head to shove in balls deep. “I’m going to veck you so hard, you won’t walk straight for the rest of the planet rotation, pretty female.”

  “Take me, Lundric,” she moaned.

  He pulled out, flipped her onto her belly, and lifted her up to her hands and knees. He entered her again, holding her hips steady for his hard pumps, flesh slapping flesh as he pounded in and out. Apparently still not satisfied, he picked her up by the waist and walked forward on his knees until they reached the wall. “Hands on the wall, sweet female.”

  She obeyed.

  He braced his hands beside hers.

  Oh veck, yes.

  This was their position. The head of his glorious cock hit the sensitive tissue on the front wall of her channel with each thrust.

  Lundric dropped one hand between her legs and slapped her clit.

  She screamed and tumbled over the edge into orgasmic explosion. Her muscles tightened around his cock, squeezing in quick bursts.

  Lundric roared his approval and vecked her even harder, slamming in another four, five times until he came, filling her with his hot seed.

  When they both had finished, her body turned to rubber, and she fell against the wall. Lundric scooped her into his arms and sat on the cot. His lips found hers, the most gentle of probing.

  She answered it, kissing and nibbling, opening her mouth to his tongue. When they parted, he looked down at her with something akin to wonder.

  “I’d better go,” she murmured. “I don’t want to miss breakfast.”

  Lundric immediately stood and set her gently on her feet. “I would never allow you to go hungry,” he said with the solemnity of an oath. He used the corner of his tunic to clean her of his seed, which was...rainbow hued. Whoa. Well, alien sex delivered, that was all she knew.

  She grinned. “Thank you, warrior.” Her legs wobbled as she attempted to dress herself. Lundric didn’t help, cupping and rubbing her ass with a satisfied growl.

  She twisted to look. “Yes, you left your marks on me. Feel better?”

  His grin was all satisfied male. “Much.”

  Chapter Five

  Lundric finished installing the metalwork he’d bent to hold the Zandian crystal up against the window in his bunkroom. There weren’t many windows in the pod, and apart from the cockpit, this room had the biggest. Plus it held the greatest number of beings, so they could all benefit.

  Since Lily had given it to him, his wound had completely healed, and his energy had returned. He was relieved he wouldn’t need to return to Zander’s palatial pod—he didn’t want to leave Cambry. In the last few planet rotations, he’d grown to admire her even more. She’d picked up flying faster than any other being, and every time he was with her, she let down her guard a little more.

  Still, despite his constant assertions she belonged to him, he could see she didn’t take him seriously. He headed now to the big meeting room, where they were practicing hand-to-hand combat. He vecking hated that Cambry was there. The thought of her in a fight made him want to crush another skull. Yet, he had to adm
it the need for the practice. They were training the humans to be warriors, after all—male and female alike. And despite the fact it made him want to rip beings limb from limb, she would probably see combat. They all would.

  He entered the room, scanning quickly for the flash of red hair that made Cambry easy to spot. There. Rok had them paired off with partners, and they were practicing with long staffs, swinging and blocking each other. Cambry moved with grace, a natural at battle arts, striking out as she circled her older male opponent.

  Brilliant female.

  He didn’t move, not wanting to miss a single moment of watching Cambry.

  “She is fond of you.”

  He startled at the voice just below his elbow and looked down to see Mierna, Rok’s elderly Venusian crewmember. Venusians were known for mind reading and intuition, but every time Lundric had seen Mierna, she’d been drunk on brownbeer. He looked down at her big watery eyes and unkempt hair with a mixture of pity and annoyance.

  “You wish to possess her, but you don’t know the secrets of her heart.”

  He barely restrained the urge to roll his eyes. Fortune-telling wasn’t an art he had any appreciation for. He managed a noncommittal grunt as a reply.

  “Do you know what she seeks?”

  “No,” he said, barely keeping the exasperation from his voice.

  She touched the side of her nose in a gesture meaningless to him. “You cannot keep her until you learn.”

  Her words were meaningless, too.

  He forced a smile that probably looked more like a grimace and stalked away, not toward Cambry, though every cell in his body pointed in her direction, but to Rok, to receive his orders.

  Rok tossed him a staff and swung his in an arc, lowering into a ready stance. Though Rok had no formal training like Lundric and Zander had received from Master Seke, he was a natural warrior who clearly had spent a lifetime fighting. His other crewmates—the two Stornigians who were Rok’s foster brothers—tumbled and wrestled each other in a gleeful tussle.

  Rok came at him quickly, swinging the staff at Lundric’s head. He ducked and swung for Rok’s feet. Rok had swung for the place where Lundric held the staff, and he had to drop it to avoid getting his hands smashed. He stopped it with his foot and flicked it back into the air, catching it and swinging it toward Rok’s exposed middle.

  Rok grunted with approval, dropping into a backward hinge to avoid the strike. He grinned. “You and me. Before your shift tonight.”

  Lundric shook his head. “No offense, but I’d rather be wrestling with a different being when I’m off-duty.”

  Rok smirked, glancing in Cambry’s direction. “Who could blame you?”

  Lundric growled, and Rok chuckled. “Easy, warrior. I have my own human to contend with. Just don’t let your practice slip.”

  “I won’t, Captain.”


  Cambry tossed the staff back into the box, exhilaration from the fighting racing through her. She’d seen Lundric and Rok go at it briefly. Holy star, it had been a beautiful sight! The two males were evenly matched, though Lundric had far more grace while Rok looked more like a street fighter. They both moved with surprising lightness for such massive warriors, and they clearly loved the battle arts. She was learning to love them, too. It almost made her want to stay—just to learn more. But she couldn’t.

  She had learned how to fly. She’d known how to navigate. They hadn’t taught her how to engage the weaponry on the battleships, yet, but she’d manage. Every day she spent on this pod was a day she could be looking for Tal, and, yet, she’d been postponing her departure. She’d told herself she was waiting for the right opportunity—the perfect chance to slip away undetected.

  But that was a lie.

  Her reasons for dragging her feet were only about one particularly possessive and dominant male. She also should acknowledge every planet rotation she stayed with Lundric would make it harder to leave.

  The next opportunity she got, she needed to take. Or she needed to create her own opportunity. Tal had been sold by the factory owners where they both worked. She needed to go to Ocretia and find a way to access their slave database to locate him. It wasn’t much of a plan, but it was better than sitting around and accepting the fate some other being shoved at her.

  Still, the thought of leaving Lundric felt like shards of glass being driven through her chest. She liked to think maybe they’d meet again, after she found Tal. But she knew, even if they did—which was highly unlikely, considering he was part of the suicide mission to take back Zandia—he’d never forgive her. She could no longer pretend his interest was just about scratching a sexual itch.

  Lundric waited for her at the door, his gaze heating the closer she drew to him. “You enjoyed yourself,” he observed, a look of fascinated amusement dancing over his features.

  She shrugged. “Why shouldn’t I?”

  “Fight all you like, little rebel, just know this: I will rip out the throat of anyone who leaves a mark on you.”

  Laughter bubbled up in her—as it had with more frequency lately. His overprotectiveness should bother her, but all she could do was marvel at the fact someone besides Tal cared about her well-being. She wrote it off as hyperbole, like she did with all his absurdly possessive declarations. She breezed past him. “You leave marks on me every planet rotation,” she tossed over her shoulder.

  His huge hand collided with her ass, and this time she giggled out loud.

  Dearest Mother Earth, she’d never giggled before in her life. Particularly not with a male. Lundric made her feel...lighter. His intensity, his protection and care allowed her to relax some of the tight control, the overriding anxiety and fear she’d always lived with.

  He closed his large hand around hers, and she was surprised at how comfortable it felt. How right. “What now, little female? Are you hungry again?” Lundric thought it amusing how often and how much she ate. Once he’d realized she worried about missing meals, he’d started asking every few hours if she was hungry. She hadn’t seen him eat yet. Apparently, the Zandians only ate once a week, so long as they had access to their crystals.

  “No, not yet. But I have to do my chores.” She’d been assigned laundry duty. It was menial work compared to the tasks she’d done at the factory—building complex circuit boards and programming the software for robots—but she didn’t mind.

  “I’ll help.”

  She peered up at him, taking in the sturdy line of his jaw, the long lashes framing his brown-purple irises. “Isn’t it time for you to sleep?”

  “I don’t need sleep. Are you trying to get rid of me?” He spoke lightly, but a shadow had fallen across his face.

  “No, stupid, I just—”

  “Stupid?” His brows shot up, and the world tilted as he scooped her over his shoulder, smacking her ass with his huge, paddle-like hand. “Are you sure you want to call me that?”

  She shrieked and laughed, kicking her feet as he clomped down the corridor, spanking her as he went. They passed a Zandian guard, who looked amused, but the clump of humans they passed stared with what appeared to be dislike. Whether it was of her or Lundric, she couldn’t be sure. Maybe they resented her for cultivating special favors with their guards. Maybe they’d heard he’d killed a human.

  “I’m sorry—sorry! Please put me down.” Her face was surely as red as her hair.

  Lundric lowered her to her feet but held her close, the heat of his huge, hard body radiating through her clothing. He gripped her nape and tilted her head up for a kiss. Though she wanted to be somewhere more private, especially with the group of humans looking on, her body melted into his, pussy turning to liquid heat.

  His kiss was just enough to leave her wobbly-kneed, and he seemed to know it because the smug warrior smirked as he released her. “Let’s go, little female.” He walked with her, through all the cells, where she collected laundry from the bins—blankets and sheets, mostly. Some towels. No being had thrown clothing in, probably because they did
n’t have much extra clothing to wear.

  Lundric insisted on pushing the large wheeled cart. When she tried to force him to let her—because she cringed to think what the other humans would say when they saw she’d convinced a guard to help her do her chores—he tossed her into the cart, too, running to drive it at top speed through the corridors.

  She laughed and stood up in the cart, balancing without holding on, surfing the careening cart.

  They reached the laundry room, and Lundric caught her up as she climbed out, lifting her the rest of the way and settling her with her legs wrapped around his waist.

  “Mm,” he growled against her neck and walked her backward. He pinned her back against the wall and ground his hips against hers. “This is how I’ve been wanting you.”

  Her pussy dampened her panties at the pressure from his cock. “Not here, Lundric,” she protested, even as she rubbed herself over his hardened bulge.

  “You think you have a choice?”

  She brought her fist down on his massive shoulder without real effort. “Yes.”

  “I veck you wherever I like, and you say thank you.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Get off me, you arrogant lug.” Her words might have meant something if she hadn’t been undulating her hips against his in the lewdest possible manner.

  “Naughty girl. I can feel how much you want my cock.”

  Her gaze flicked to the open door.

  Lundric bit her ear. “Don’t worry, little rebel. I’ll shut the door. Do you really think I’d allow any other being to see you?” He eased her to the floor and shook his head with a dark look. “Never.”

  She sucked on her lip and watched his broad back as he walked to the door and shut it. It was hard not to feel like royalty around Lundric. Every day she fell further under his spell. The one that made her forget her miserable past, the loss and loneliness. The need to be ready to defend her life at every moment. Even though she knew it was a false sense of security, an illusion she’d soon be horribly divested of, Lundric was like the magnet that kept drawing her closer.


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