The Favour

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The Favour Page 2

by Crissy Smith

  Trevor dropped his eyes to her mouth. He wanted to taste her, to dive in and steal her breath, to know the woman intimately.

  Before he realised what he was doing, he was leaning down, his mouth inches from hers.

  “Mr. King.” Her soft voice barely penetrated through.

  “Trevor. Call me Trevor. And Mr. McCoy is Mac,” he told her as he held her eyes. “Those are our names and I want to hear them from your lips.

  “Trevor,” she whispered, the need evident in her voice.

  His control snapped, and he covered her mouth with his. She moaned and moved up to her toes, wrapping her arms around his neck. Trevor thrust his tongue inside as his senses were assaulted. She tasted like honey as her mouth moved under his.

  He pressed his hands against her back and brought her closer, and he knew she would be able to feel his arousal. His lips left her mouth and travelled down her neck. She moaned again as he licked the sensitive skin.

  Mac called for them from downstairs, breaking the mood, and they moved apart. Her well kissed lips pressed together as she pushed the hair away from her face

  Trevor ran his fingers over her cheek as she looked anywhere but at him. “Why don’t you change into something more comfortable, and I’ll go down and help Mac with dinner.”

  She nodded once and grabbed her bag from the bed before closing herself into the bathroom.

  Shaking his head, Trevor headed to the kitchen. He was in the mood for red meat. And Annabelle would need her strength to keep up with him.

  When he walked into the kitchen, Mac stood with his arms crossed over his chest. “You kissed her,” he accused.

  Trevor took long strides to him. “Only so I could share her taste with you.” He grabbed Mac’s head and thrust his tongue inside his mouth.

  Mac rubbed his body against him until Trevor drew away. “Damn, I’m hard,” he told Mac, leaning his forehead against the top of Mac’s head.

  Mac chuckled and turned back towards the stove. “Nothing you don’t deserve. And since you got to kiss her first, I get to fuck her first.”

  Trevor growled. He didn’t like that idea at all.

  Annabelle walked down the stairs with her fingers on her lips. Never had she been kissed like that. Trevor’s mouth had been so powerful, demanding, and erotic that she had almost lost it. If just kissing him had felt like that, what would making love to him feel like?

  Not that she was going to, but she could dream. She wasn’t certain who had kissed whom but didn’t think it mattered. He seemed to enjoy it just as much as she had.

  But she did feel guilty as she made her way quietly to the kitchen. She had a pretty good idea if it had been Mac who had been up there she would have kissed him.

  Stepping into the kitchen, she stopped in her tracks. Mac was bent over the oven giving her the prefect view of his ass. And what an ass it was. She wanted to sink her teeth into it. But instead Trevor was rubbing it and then between Mac’s legs.

  She gasped which had both men turning towards her. Annabelle immediately tried to look away although she really wanted to continue to watch them. She hoped they would touch again. The two men together was perhaps the hottest thing she had ever seen. She wasn’t disgusted like she would have thought; instead, she was incredibly turned on.

  “Busted,” Trevor said, smiling and wrapping his arm around Mac’s shoulders.

  Mac rolled his eyes. “You’ll have to excuse him. He likes shocking people.”

  Annabelle nodded—she was certainly shocked. They were gay, and she hadn’t even had a clue. Then another thought struck her. If they were gay, then why had Trevor kissed her? Unless he hadn’t and she had confused fantasy with reality.

  She laughed out loud at her last thought. Even she couldn’t have dreamt that kiss.

  Trevor lifted an eyebrow, and his lips quirked. “Are you laughing at us?”

  She shook her head but had to cover her mouth with her hand as another giggle escaped.

  They stalked towards her, and Annabelle got the impression of predators stalking prey. Of course that would make her the prey. Trevor stopped right before his body touched hers while Mac moved behind her.

  “I’m not sure if I should be relieved that you’re comfortable enough with us that you’re laughing or insulted.” Trevor’s voice dropped low and she pressed her thighs together.

  “I’m not laughing at you,” she told him, shaking head. “I just never would have guessed. It came as a surprise.

  “Oh, we have much more than that to surprise you with.” He moved and pressed into her, crushing her against the body at her back.

  He kissed her again, and after only a second, she kissed him back. Then she felt another pair of lips at the back of her neck. Oh God. She had both of them. Two hot men who were touching her.

  “Do you like that?” Trevor asked against her lips. “Both of us touching you?

  Of course she did! But these were her bosses. She couldn’t be doing this with them. She felt Mac press his erection against her bottom and had to bite her lip to keep from moaning.

  “Do you?” Trevor asked again, his eyes flashing as he demanded she answer.

  “Yes,” she whispered, afraid to admit it out loud.

  Mac growled from behind her before she was spun around, his mouth suddenly covering hers.

  Where Trevor had demanded, Mac coaxed her response. She found herself leaning into him until strong hands gripped her hips from behind.

  “Mac. Trevor.” She panted their names as she tore his mouth away.

  It was Mac who answered. “Hmm?”

  “You have to stop kissing me.” She couldn’t take much more before she was screaming for one or both to take her.

  He stilled and looked into her eyes. “Why? I know you want me. You want Trevor. Your body tells us that and more.”

  “I…it’s not right.”

  Again, she was spun around, but this time she was facing Trevor, and he didn’t look happy. “What’s not right?”

  Putting her hand on his chest, she tried to put distance between them. She didn’t budge him an inch. “You’re my bosses.”

  Relief flooded his face as she said it.

  “So?” Trevor said as he sent her another heated look.

  “So I have to work for both of you after this weekend. It would…complicate things.”

  “Complicate things?” he repeated.

  She nodded.

  He surprised her by lightly kissing her before he released her. Mac kissed her cheek and started back to the oven. Annabelle blinked at them, confused.

  “This isn’t casual,” Trevor told her, taking her arm and leading her to the table. “Have a seat and I’ll get you some wine.

  Mac watched as Annabelle sipped her glass of wine from his position in the kitchen. She had changed into a T-shirt and a loose pair of cotton pants. He knew deep down that she belonged with him and Trevor. All they had to do was convince her.

  “So you two are partners?” she asked as Trevor walked across the kitchen to the fridge and handed him a beer.

  Mac frowned as he checked the steaks and potatoes, unsure how to explain it.

  Trevor’s laugh echoed through the room. “All the questions you could ask and that’s the one you come up with?”

  Mac looked back over at Annabelle as she blushed so he elbowed Trevor in the ribs.

  “Oh honey I wasn’t laughing at you.” Trevor set his beer on the counter and walked towards her. As he sat in the chair next to her, Mac relaxed. Trevor would know what to say to her.

  “Yes, we are partners, but we are looking for someone else. A woman who will complete us.”

  Annabelle looked from Trevor to him, and Mac nodded in agreement.

  “You want me to complete you?” she asked, and Mac didn’t like the panic that showed on her face.

  “It’s a little more complicated than just a sexual relationship,” Mac informed her, wanting to tell her the truth. He caught Trevor’s eyes, but his lover shook hi
s head. Mac sighed, but winked at Annabelle. “Which we will explain later because dinner’s ready.”

  Mac set the plates down in front of her and Trevor before going back and getting his own and both men’s beer. Trevor topped off her glass of wine then they sat around the table together.

  As they ate, she kept looking from one to the other. Mac wanted to say something to put her at ease, but he didn’t know what would and what would upset her more.

  While he thrived in the corporate world, he was content to let Trevor handle the things at home. It was one of the things that made them the perfect team.

  When Trevor started a casual conversation with her about the company, Mac listened while he ate, closing his eyes at the sound of their voices as they mixed. When he opened his eyes Trevor was staring at him.

  “You okay?” Trevor asked, looking at him with a funny look on his face.

  Mac picked up his beer and tilted towards him in a salute. “Perfect.”

  Annabelle pushed her plate away. “I’ll clean up before we start to work.”

  “Work?” Trevor asked looking completely confused.

  Mac kicked him under the table.

  “Yes. The files you wanted me to look at.” Her eyes narrowed as she glanced between them. “There are files to look at?”

  Trevor leant back in his chair and laced his fingers behind his head. “Okay, you caught us. We lied.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “You lied!”

  Mac could see this conversation going down hill fast. “We needed to get you out of the city…” he tried to explain.

  She jumped out of her chair, and it fell back onto the floor. “Get me out of the city and what… seduce me?”

  He didn’t answer right away. Because that had been exactly their plan. That and they had to be here for tomorrow’s full moon. “Kind of.”

  Her face flushed red. “Kind of? You lied to me.”

  Trevor stood and started to come around the table.

  “Oh no, you don’t.” She pointed a finger at him. “You just stay over there.”

  “Annabelle, that’s not the only reason.” Mac stood also.

  “How would I know that?” Her voice rose, surprising him. He had never known her to raise it before.

  “I’m telling you…”

  She fisted her hands at her sides. “How do I know you’re not lying again?” With that she turned on her heel and stomped out of the room.

  Trevor whistled at her exit. “Boy, do we have a spitfire.”

  Mac glared at him and started to go after her.

  “No, let her cool off,” Trevor told him softly.

  Mac could hear the worry in Trevor’s voice but that didn’t stop the anger he felt. They had waited so long to claim Annabelle. And he was scared to death of losing her. He couldn’t tell Trevor that though.

  “That was stupid,” Mac complained and grabbed the dirty dishes off the table. Dumping them in hot water, he felt Trevor move up behind him.

  “Well, we did lie to her. Give her time and she’ll settle down.”

  “What if she doesn’t?” Mac shared his fear. “We’ve waited for so long. What if she decides she doesn’t want us?”

  Trevor’s talented hands moved to his shoulders and started to rub out the tension. “Not going to happen. Just give it time.”

  Mac leant against the other man. “I’m tired of waiting. I knew she was the one the day I interviewed her.”

  “Come on.” Trevor grabbed his hand and pulled him to the back door.

  “Where are we going?”

  “We’ll take a quick run and relax you. It will give her time to cool down also.” Trevor opened the back door and pushed him out.

  Reluctantly, Mac followed him down the deck steps. “A quick run, then I want to talk to her.”

  Chapter Three

  Annabelle heard the back door slam and cringed. She tiptoed to the window and watched as Trevor and Mac walked quickly from the house towards the lake.

  She wondered if they were going for a swim.

  She should go down and talk to them. Make them understand that as much as she wanted to spend the weekend learning every inch of both of their bodies, it just wasn’t possible.

  Mac should see that she didn’t belong with them; he was a rich powerful man who could have any woman he wanted. Trevor, too. They had everything, including each other, while she had nothing to offer.

  They might enjoy her body for a while but sooner or later would get tired of her. She was sure she couldn’t live through having her heart broken again. Having anyone else leave her. No, it was just better that they not start anything. Then later, there would be no regret.

  Moving away from the window, she pulled the covers down and lay on the soft, inviting bed. While she was alone in the big bed, they would probably be sleeping together tonight. The image of them touching each other had her rolling onto her back and pushing the covers down. Just the thought of the two of them together, kissing, touching, made her ache. Every fantasy she’d ever had paled to the sight of the two of them actually together.

  She could imagine Trevor on top. He seemed like the more dominate of the two. Closing her eyes, she brought up the picture of the two of them locked together, moving in tandem.

  Her pussy throbbed, and she reached down to rub her clit through her pants. Needing more, she quickly took off her bottoms and panties and spread her legs wide.

  If she had taken them up on their offer, how would they have made love to her? She could almost feel their hands on her as she began to play with herself. Her fingers sliding through her wet folds as she thought about Trevor or Mac’s fingers replacing hers.

  Annabelle pushed her fingers inside, trying to relieve the pressure her fantasies had caused. Moving them in and out, she felt her body tighten and strained to find that sweet release.

  But when her body spasmed and she came, it was empty and unfulfilling. Groaning, she pulled the covers over her head. It was going to be a long weekend.

  * * * *

  Annabelle stared at the clock on the bedside table. Three hours, and she hadn’t been able to sleep. She was certain that the men had returned and were just down the hall. They probably slept naked. Oh! Why had she thought that? She was just torturing herself.

  Rubbing her fists over her eyes, she knew she wasn’t going to get any sleep being this close to them. She rose, pulled her pants back on, and grabbed the cotton robe she’d packed.

  She moved through the dark house as quietly as she could. She didn’t turn on any lights, afraid to wake anyone up, and made her way to the kitchen where the light was still on.

  The moon was bright even without being full that it seemed to call to her, and she stepped out onto the back porch. She hadn’t gotten to see the creek up close.

  The cool night air sent a shiver down her spine but at the same time was refreshing. Her bare feet sunk into the thick grass as she made her way to where she’d seen the men disappear to earlier.

  She kept walking until her foot hit something. She stopped and looked down in shock when she realised she had almost stumbled on a pair of men’s jeans.

  Well, she’d had her chance and turned it down. Depressed at the thought, she headed to the water. The rocks where sharp, so she only took a few steps before taking off her robe and laying it down so she could sit on it. Drawing her knees up to her chest, she wrapped her arms around them as she relaxed.

  Looking out into the calm, water, she wondered what it would be like to grow up in a place like this.

  Other than the guard, she hadn’t seen anyone else. What would it be like to have this kind of privacy? To not hear every fight your neighbours had? She had never thought of living outside of the city she’d grown up in.

  Maybe she should think about it now. No matter how she had wanted this trip not to change things, it had. She couldn’t continue to work for Mac and Trevor. She’d get through the weekend, then on Monday would give her two week’s notice. She was highly qualified
and had good references but that didn’t mean another job would be easy to find.

  Resting her chin on her knee, she sighed. Hearing a noise to her left, she lifted her head and looked over and saw the two biggest dogs she’d ever seen in her life. No, not dogs. They looked more like wolves.

  But there couldn’t be wolves out here.

  Annabelle stayed completely still as the wolf-looking dogs approached slowly. They were huge, and she had a pretty good idea that if they attacked her no one would hear her screams.

  She licked her dry lips and held up a hand. “Nice dogs. Good dogs,” she murmured.

  The bigger black one growled at her. Annabelle pulled her hand back but the smaller grey dog snapped at the other one. Annabelle watched as the one that had growled shook his entire body then, with one last look at her, ran off.

  She was only a little relieved because the other remained and was looking at her.

  “Stay,” she told it, hoping her voice didn’t reveal her fear. She’d heard one time that dogs could sense when you were afraid of them.

  The dog sat, and Annabelle let out the breath she had been holding. She shifted to move, but the animal growled.

  That wasn’t good.

  Annabelle sat still as it lay on his belly, still looking at her, its head cocked to one side. She almost laughed. It looked like he was trying to figure her out.

  When he started to crawl forward, she panicked. “No. Stay,” she demanded.

  He licked his lips and stood on all fours once again. Then the air started to shimmer around him.

  Annabelle watched, as the dog seemed to change in front of her. She blinked several times as the animal’s body twisted and started to take the features of a man.

  She scrambled back and off her robe as the thing rolled on the ground. Then, when she was about to make a run for the house, she saw Mac the six-foot-two man standing where the dog had been.

  Not caring if she was losing her mind, she did the only thing she could think of. She screamed.

  Mac moved quickly to her. She tried to move, but the sharp rocks cut into her feet and she slipped. He almost tripped over her as she fell. His hard naked body covered hers while his hand covered her mouth.


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