Forced Submission

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Forced Submission Page 7

by Claire Thompson

  M did as she was told. Ellis was pleased she hadn’t uttered a peep of protest so far. He reached for the towel on top of the stack and placed it across her arms. “You will not move from this position while I shower. When I’m done, you will dry my feet and legs while I dry my body. Understood?”

  “Yes, Sir,” the girl murmured faintly.

  “Louder. I can’t hear you.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she said, still not much above a whisper, but, again, he let it pass.

  Ellis showered quickly. He kept his eye on his slave girl through the glass door of the stall. She remained in position, eyes downcast. When he turned toward the back wall of the shower, he peered into the shaving mirror, able to see her kneeling reflection in the mirror over the sinks as he washed his hair.

  Clearly not aware she was being observed, M turned her head toward the bathroom door and then glanced quickly back at him. She looked again toward the door, as if measuring the distance, calculating if she could make it out before he had a chance to stop her.

  Ellis smiled to himself as he watched her. He’d ordered her not to move. Was she going to defy him so soon? Did she really think he’d be stupid enough to leave the door unlocked before he had her fully trained?

  All at once she dropped the towel, moving so quickly she surprised him, despite the fact he’d been half anticipating her action. He kept his back to her as he rinsed the last of the soap from his body. She was fumbling at the door knob, turning it with both hands, whimpering as she rattled the locked door.

  Whipping her head back in his direction, she scuttled back to the bath rug, reaching for the towel she’d dropped there in her haste. Ellis shut off the water and turned slowly, moving toward the shower door. M was breathing heavily, her face flushed, her eyes wild. She’d managed to get the towel back over her arms, which were trembling.

  Ellis opened the shower and stepped out onto the rug in front of her. He reached for a towel, nodding in her direction. She bent forward, rubbing her towel over his feet and moving it along one leg. He let her carry on as he dried his hair, face and torso.

  Dropping his towel, Ellis reached for her wrist, catching it as he crouched down in front of her. With his other hand he reached for her throat, gripping hard just below the jaw line. She squeaked in terror as he squeezed.

  He put his mouth close to her ear. “Did you move out of position while I was in the shower?” Another squeak of raw fear. He loosened his grip around her throat just a little. “Answer the question.”

  “I—no, I was just—”

  Letting go of her wrist, Ellis pulled back and slapped her hard across her left cheek. Tears flooded her eyes. “I will ask again,” Ellis said evenly. “And if you lie again to me, M, you will regret it.” He glared at her as the tears spilled over her flushed cheeks. “Did you move while I was in the shower?”

  “Yes,” she mouthed silently, her face a mask of misery.

  “What happens to slave girls who disobey and then lie about it?”

  She stared at him wordlessly.

  “You don’t know?” Ellis let go of her throat. He slapped her again, this time on the right cheek. “Then I’ll tell you. They get severely punished.”

  M covered her face in her hands, her shoulders shaking. Ellis stood, yanking her upright by the choke collar.

  “I was going to feed you this morning, but you blew that all to hell.” He pulled her toward the bedroom. “Instead you’ll start your morning with a punishment—one you won’t soon forget.”


  Mia couldn’t contain her hiccupping sobs of fear as Ellis dragged her along toward the dungeon. Once inside the torture chamber, he gripped her by the back of the neck and steered her toward the wooden stocks. Keeping his hand on her neck, he flipped up the top half of the stocks. “Go on.” He pushed her head forward. “Bend over and put your neck and wrists in the slots.”

  Holding her in place, he lowered the top half of the stocks, locking her head and arms into place. The stocks were low and in her effort to accommodate the awkward position, Mia started to sink to her knees. Ellis’ bark, punctuated by a sharp smack on her bottom, stopped her. “No, you will stand for this punishment.” Mia had to step back to manage this, forcing her body into a ninety-degree angle, her back parallel to the floor, her bare ass a prime target.

  As she waited for whatever he was going to do to her, Mia’s heart smashed in her chest like a panicked bird beating itself against a glass window. She heard Ellis moving behind her and then he appeared in her line of vision, brandishing a small black-handled whip with a single lash of leather, the tip branching into three small strands of what looked like nylon, each knotted at the end.

  Ellis snapped the whip in the air, making Mia jump. “This will be your designated punishment whip. One of your goals as I train you is to avoid ever seeing this whip. When it appears, you’ll know you’ve fucked up, big time.” His voice softened, a tone of disappointment infusing the words. “I have to say, M, I’m surprised at you needing it so soon. You seemed to have such promise on our first day together.”

  Fuck you.

  The words leaped into her mind with such a vengeance Mia was terrified for a moment she’d said them aloud. She tensed for a blow, but when it wasn’t forthcoming, she breathed a small sigh of relief. She didn’t want to make an already horrible situation even worse.

  “Why are you in the stocks, M? Hmm? What did you do to earn this punishment?”

  Why had she done it? Oh, why, why, why? She should have known the door would be locked, though she hadn’t seen him lock it, nor had she even seen evidence of a lock. Only too late had she noticed the shaving mirror secured at the back of the large shower stall, and realized he’d witnessed her rash attempt at escape. It had been a calculated risk—and it had failed.

  Mia took a breath, forcing herself to reply, “I—I tried to run away, Sir.”

  “That’s right. And what else did you do?”

  “I…” Mia paused, at a loss.

  “You lied,” Ellis thundered. “A slave must always be completely truthful with her Master. You lied!

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispered, terrified.

  Ellis smiled, though his eyes remained cruel. “And that will never, ever happen again, will it, M?”

  “No, Sir,” she managed, her mind blank with terror.

  Ellis held the handle of the small whip against her mouth. “Kiss it,” he ordered. “You will kiss the whip both before and after any punishment, and you will thank me, both before and after, as well.”

  He pressed the whip against Mia’s mouth and, having no choice, Mia forced her lips into a pucker against the smooth, hard leather-bound handle. The whip was removed, and Ellis stepped out of her line of sight, though he continued to speak. “I’m going to give you fifteen lashes. You will count each stroke for me in a loud, clear voice. If you falter or lose your count, we will start over. Are we very, very clear on this, M?”

  “Yes, Sir,” Mia forced herself to say, her voice trembling. “Thank you, Sir,” she remembered suddenly to add.

  The anger that had prompted the unspoken fuck you still lingered. Her name was Mia. What was with this M bullshit? Even as she thought this, the answer slipped into her mind. By calling her an initial, he was further objectifying her. Slaves, she could almost hear him saying in his deep, commanding voice, don’t have names.

  She heard him moving behind her. “Legs wider apart,” he ordered. “And hold your position. Don’t try to move away from the whip. Each time you move, we start over.”

  The first stroke landed like a line of fire across both cheeks. Unprepared, Mia squealed in pain, wrenching her neck and scraping her wrists against the wooden stocks as she instinctively jerked away from the pain.

  “One!” she cried belatedly.

  “You moved. We start again.”

  This time she managed to stay still as a second line of fire painted her flesh. “One!” she gasped. The next lash hit only her right cheek, the tip curl
ing painfully around her hip. “Two!” Mia cried in anguish, tears filling her eyes.

  Each stroke hurt more than the last, some of them catching the backs of her thighs or her lower back, most of them criss-crossing her ass cheeks. Somehow she managed to keep her feet planted flat on the floor as he struck her again and again with the knotted lash. Breathlessly she forced herself to call out the numbers, desperate for the punishment to be over.

  “Fifteen,” she finally wailed, the last snapping stroke especially savage, landing just where her thighs met her ass. Tears were streaming down her cheeks, her nose running, every inch of skin on her ass and the backs of her thighs burning as if she’d been stung by a hundred angry wasps.

  Ellis, his large cock fully erect, appeared suddenly in front of her. He held the whip to her lips and she somehow managed a semblance of a kiss against the handle. “I’m waiting,” he barked.

  Waiting for what? she thought desperately. Then, thank god, she remembered. “Thank you, Sir,” she uttered, her voice coming out in a croaking rasp.

  “For what?”

  “For—for punishing me, Sir.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  He moved closer, standing directly in front of her. Lifting his shaft, he pushed the fat head against her closed lips. In no position to refuse, Mia let them part. He arched his hips forward, gliding his hard cock into her mouth, not stopping until the tip was lodged in the back of her throat. She felt his hands on her head, his fingers coiling into her hair. He began to move, thrusting in and out of her mouth while she struggled to breathe in her awkward position.

  He came quickly, spurting his hot, wet jism down her throat in a series of thrusts. His fingers loosened in her hair, his hands and cock falling away as he stepped back.

  After a moment, he said, “I’ll leave you there a while to consider your transgressions. When I come back, we’ll start your training in earnest.”

  Chapter 7

  Thirty minutes later Ellis strode into the dungeon. M was on her knees, her long dark hair obscuring her face, her hands hanging limply in the stocks. Her eyes flew open, her lips parting as he approached. Stepping behind her, he unlatched the top of the stocks and pulled it open. Grabbing a handful of her hair, he jerked her head back and bent down to hiss in her ear, “I didn’t tell you to move out of position. How dare you disobey me?”

  “I didn’t know!” she wailed. Her entire body was shaking. He almost took pity on her, and reminded himself she was still in the early stages of training. He would cut her a little slack. He let go of her hair and reached beneath her arms to pull her upright.

  He put a supporting arm around her shoulders as he led her to the couch. “That’s true,” he conceded, allowing some gentleness to enter his tone. “I will give you a pass, since I didn’t expressly tell you not to move. But now you have been warned. If I leave you in a position, you will not move from that position until given permission. Understood?”

  M was still trembling, her thick hair a wild mass of tangles, her eyes wide in her round face. “Yes, Sir,” she managed. Ellis considered pushing her down then and there to fuck her. His cock pulsed with the urge to sink itself into her heat.

  Not yet.

  Sir Stephen had only fucked O in the ass. Anal sex was different. It was about power, at least it was for Ellis. Along with fucking her mouth, he would take his release that way until M had been properly trained. Only when she’d proved herself worthy would he grace her with his cock as a lover might.

  The day was already getting away from them, and there was so much to do! Standing, he tugged at M’s leash. “You stink,” he informed her, amused at the rise of color on her cheeks this remark caused. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”

  He led her from the dungeon to the master bathroom. He pulled the round pill packet he’d obtained only slightly illegally from the drawer and pushed out one of the small pills. Though she would have to earn his cock, one could never be too careful. “Take this,” he ordered, holding out the pill. “It’s birth control.”

  He watched the play of emotions move over her face, and he silently dared her to refuse. Finally she took the pill and placed it on her tongue, accepting the small paper cup of water he offered and drinking every drop.

  Once that was done, Ellis had M stand in the middle of the large bathtub. “Please, Sir,” she said in a breathy whisper. “May I speak?”

  Ellis regarded the naked, trembling girl as he made his decision. “All right,” he said finally. “What is it?”

  “I’m still so thirsty, Sir. So hungry. I feel dizzy. Please let me eat something. I need—”

  “You forget, you tried to escape,” Ellis interrupted. “You have only yourself to blame. Now stop whining. You’ve got enough fat on that body to survive without food for weeks.”

  M swayed, her face going white. She looked like she was about to pass out. Ellis reached for her shoulder to steady her. It wouldn’t do to have her conk out and smash her head. “You can have more water,” he said, relenting. “Sit down and I’ll turn on the faucet. You can drink from it before I bathe you.”

  M sank down in the empty tub, licking her lips, which Ellis saw now were badly chapped. He turned on the cold water and she leaned eagerly forward, putting her face into the stream. He stood watching her until he decided she’d had enough.

  Reaching over, Ellis turned off the flow. “Stand up and put your arms behind your head.” He waited while she struggled awkwardly to her feet. She moved about as gracefully as a cow, he noted with disgust. They would definitely be working on that.

  “Do you need to pee?” he asked, eyeing her shaven cunt. Her mons was baby-smooth and no longer red from the waxing. When he looked at her face, the rising color in her cheeks told him all he needed to know, but he’d asked a direct question, and so he waited.

  Finally she admitted, “Yes, Sir.”

  He nodded. “Go ahead. Remain standing.”

  She blew out a breath, but at least knew better than to protest. She shifted in the tub, spreading her legs. She closed her eyes, her mouth pursing in concentration. For several long seconds nothing happened. Then came a stream of urine, which splashed down into the tub. M’s face was red. Was there no end to her blushing?

  When the last of the pee dribbled down her leg, Ellis turned on the cold water again. “You still haven’t earned hot, I’m afraid,” he informed her. He took the scrub brush from its hook on the wall and squirted some liquid soap on the bristles. Reaching for the handheld showerhead beside the faucet, he flicked the small lever at its base to move the water flow from the faucet to the showerhead, and aimed the cold water in M’s direction.

  Predictably, she squealed, angling her body away from the stream. “Back in position!” Ellis admonished, annoyed. “No matter what I do to you, you stay in position. That is one of the prime rules of your submission, M. You. Will. Not. Move. Do it again, and just see what happens.” To make his point, he aimed the stream at her face. She squeezed her eyes closed, bunching her lips together in a pout, but this time she stayed put.

  He moved the spray over her body, wetting her thoroughly before using the soapy scrub brush. He ran the bristles roughly over her breasts and belly and along her thighs. Adding more soap, he scrubbed her armpits and then rinsed her with the cold water. She was shaking now, her body covered with goose bumps.

  “Spread your legs wide and arch your cunt forward,” he instructed. She did as ordered. She had a very pretty cunt, now that he’d waxed all that nasty hair from it. Ellis used his fingers this time, coating them with soap and rubbing them along her delicate, nicely formed labia. He lingered over the small bump of her clit, his mind leaping ahead to the orgasm training he had planned for her later in the day.

  He aimed the water spray between her legs to wash away the soap. “Turn around.” He ran the water stream over her back. “Bend over and spread your ass cheeks.” She did as she was told, spreading her ample cheeks with trembling hands to reveal the small, dark pink pucke
r of her asshole. Ellis scrubbed between her cheeks with the brush and then squirted the cold water along her crack.

  Satisfied she was clean enough, he turned off the handheld showerhead and replaced it in the holder beside the faucet. “Your hair is a mess, one I don’t think I want to hassle with every day. We’ll have to do something about that.” An idea had been forming in his mind. He had thought to wait until she was better trained, but maybe this was as good a time as any to put his plan into action.

  He tossed a towel at her. “Dry off. We’ve got a busy day.”


  Mia touched the chain around her neck and slipped her fingers beneath it as she squirted toilet bowl cleaner into the toilet with her other hand. The skin on her neck felt bruised and tender from his constantly jerking the choke collar against it. He’d left the leash on as well, and she hadn’t dared to remove it; it hung down her back like a braid, the loop at the end of it bouncing against her ass when she walked. There were leather cuffs around her wrists and ankles, the ones on her ankles chained together with a short hobble chain that made it difficult to walk. At least he’d left her alone to do her chores.

  While she’d been making Ellis’ bed and dusting the furniture in his room, she’d longed to open the drawers and hunt for something she could use as a potential weapon, but she’d resisted the impulse. The way he’d managed to lock the bathroom door without her seeing how he did it, plus the fact he’d left her alone upstairs to clean, made her fairly sure he was probably monitoring her, maybe even hoping she’d do something he could then punish her for. Sure enough, as she glanced surreptitiously around the bedrooms and bathrooms as she worked, she saw tiny black plastic devices that she was pretty sure were cameras mounted in various strategic spots.

  Though she hadn’t had anything to eat since the bit of fruit and cheese the day before, her hunger seemed to have abated, or at least metamorphosed into a tight ball of dull pain in her belly. But she was still thirsty. As she sprayed glass cleaner on the mirror over the sinks and polished the faucets, she was dying to bend down, turn on the faucet and scoop handfuls of water into her mouth.


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