Spice & Wolf VIII (DWT)

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Spice & Wolf VIII (DWT) Page 10

by Isuna Hasekura

  “She is using her status as a fallen noble to secretly make deals with members of the powerful elite here and there. She alone understands the network of relations between those people, so everyone knows not to cross her or it might stir up trouble in town. I’ve already implied this to you, and my warning still stands.”

  He was of course referring to their earlier discussion about the northern and southern districts of Gerube. He wasn’t speaking about his personal experiences, but rather where the guild stood in the grand scheme of things.

  “Because of this, when I hear that you, Mr. Lawrence, aren’t her business partner, but are just milking her for information about dumb rumors, I’m both relieved and surprised.”

  Keeman spoke kindly, but he was making it perfectly clear that his warning was for Lawrence to not do business with Eve in this town.

  “But it’ll be fine to just get her thoughts on that rumor. No-one along the river should know more than she does.”

  Keeman was conceding that it would be alright to investigate the matter of the wolf-god’s bones; in fact, he was revealing that he didn’t believe in the rumors.

  “Incidentally.. what possessed you to try to strike deal with her? Many do business with Ms. Eve, but it’s difficult to deal with her solitary disposition.. if you were able to catch her eye, then that means there’s another way..”

  Of course Keeman would be interested in that.. Eve was influential, so any company would want a chance to work with her.

  “I didn’t do anything special, she just happened to find me at the right time. I barely managed to see through her before it was too late.”


  “She placated the ruling class, used them to earn great profits without paying them back, and now she can’t.. or she doesn’t intend to. She’s bargaining and competing with those southern misers that just met at the Stream of Gold.”

  Keeman was once again surprised. He raised his hand to his face before nodding.

  “She cheated me in our own deal, involved my companion, and I nearly wound up dead.. she kept her knives hidden until the end. She was only trading with me because a traveling merchant like me is the only kind left for her to cheat. That’s all it was.”

  Logically that would also explain why the Derrink Company agreed to loan them money when they needed quick capital to purchase fur.. she used the power of her name.

  “Hmm. I see, that’s convincing enough.. and yet.. even though she pointed her knives at you, you still have this kind of relationship with her.. I tip my hat to you.”

  Lawrence couldn’t help but admire Keeman’s eloquence. He smiled bitterly.

  “Children who fought over a money-pouch are honest with each other.. even if they’re not friends, they still share a kind of embarrassing relationship over that memory.”

  It wasn’t the whole truth, but it was close enough. Keeman closed his eyes and nodded, putting his index finger against his temple as if thinking it over. Those who owned their own company hadn’t necessarily engaged in such brutal trades before.

  “I understand. Incidentally..”


  Lawrence was caught off-guard by Keeman’s next question.

  “Who are you siding with, Mr. Lawrence? The guild, or Eve Boland?”

  The only word to describe Lawrence’s state right now was “nervous.” For an instant, his mind went blank and he couldn’t even remember who he was speaking with. But it wasn’t because he was surprised by the question, but rather the look on Keeman’s face.

  A cold sweat broke out on Lawrence’s back. It seemed that casually chatting about Eve like had turned out to be a grave error.. Keeman wasn’t after news, he was manipulating Lawrence.

  “Um, the guild, of course..”

  When he finally replied, Keeman didn’t nod. He looked away from Lawrence with the same cold attitude he had shown him when Lawrence donated earlier. Lawrence was trapped.. hoist by his own petard.

  “Then I expect that you, as a member of the guild, will act so as to not damage our reputation. Her social circle is like property.. like capital. And big business relies on such capital.”

  Keeman smiled happily. His tone was steady, but aggressive. Lawrence felt idiotic for dropping his guard and incorrectly judging Eve’s importance to the guild. Now he was cornered into pledging his assistance.. it was like signing a contract of unknown content. There was no way he could be comfortable about this. But it seemed he wasn’t the only one.

  “Eve’s in trouble. She’s worried right now.”

  Keeman continued smiling while he continued casually chatting about Eve. He wasn’t saying this to bargain with Lawrence.. it was too trivial, too useless. Lawrence knew that he had to determine some clue as to what the guild had in store for him, no matter how desperate it made him look. He needed to figure out how they planned to use him. But just as he was about to ask..

  “Mr. Keeman! Vice president!”

  Shouting was followed by worried footsteps, then Keeman’s door was pounded on fiercely and his name called loudly and nervously. But Keeman maintained his composure, and sipped on his now-cold soup.

  “It seems my attention is needed elsewhere. Excuse me.”

  He rose from his chair and calmly walked to the door. Lawrence had missed his chance to ask. He could only stare at Keeman, who suddenly stopped and turned back to him.

  “By the way.”

  His manner was like an actor who could confidently play any part that was demanded of him.

  “Should you reveal any of this conversation to others..”

  He opened the door and listened to the staff member before nodding. Humans didn’t have a wolf’s ears or tail, but some were still perfectly capable of competing with the gods and nymphs. Lawrence was profoundly hit by that realization.

  “..you’ll live to regret it.”

  After Keeman finished his sentence, his expression reverted to his happy trader’s face.

  * * *

  The guild was as busy as a beehive. Several people ran inside, dropped letters off at the bar, and ran back out. Company offices like this were the best place to exchange news about what was going on in a city, but Lawrence didn’t notice what was going on.. he was too busy replaying the conversation he just had with Keeman in his mind. Keeman was good.

  Lawrence’s face was no less calm then those of the other guild members, who were all trying to make sense of what was going on.. but he was gravely worried. Keeman was going to take advantage of his relationship with Eve. Lawrence had intended to use Eve as an ice-breaker, to pry information out of Keeman. And it had completely backfired.

  When Lawrence finally noticed that the atmosphere in the guild had changed, he raised his head and spotted a familiar face approaching him. It was Holo.. hadn’t they agreed to meet back at the inn after finishing their tasks?

  “How may I help you?”

  A merchant by the front door politely asked, mistaking her for a nun confused by the situation. She seemed to be considering how to answer before she noticed Lawrence stand up.

  “I beg your pardon, she’s with me.”

  There were many traveling merchants who tended to the needs of knights and mercenaries, so it wasn’t surprising for one to be particularly rich, be treated by Keeman as a VIP, or even have a nun in tow. As Lawrence reported his name, the others were surely thinking of him as such.. some might even be admiring him as someone who could earn such profits. But Keeman’s face was different.

  Lawrence let his back receive their stares and walked Holo outside. The streets still looked the same as before, but upon closer inspection one could see merchants and their apprentices rushing between people and buildings to deliver messages.

  “What happened?”

  Lawrence walked with Holo through the crowded as he questioned her.

  “The town suddenly destabilized.. how could I leave you alone?”

  His first instinct was to snappishly ask her what that meant. But that wasn�
��t fair, since it seemed like he was always doomed to get swept up into such incidents. Even now he was undoubtedly caught in yet another one.

  “So did you manage to get any useful information?”

  He was using all of his effort to remain calm. He expected Holo to proudly stand tall, but she slouched and shook her head.

  “Barely anything. Being so much lovelier than you, I was planning to get as many details as I could. But because of this mess, I was thrown out. What is going on?”

  He ignored her question, unsure how to answer.. he was far more concerned about what she had said.

  “Thrown out? By the Church?”

  “Indeed. I wonder if there is a demon threatening the Church in town..”

  She spoke gravely, and with such a straight face that it made Lawrence laugh out loud.

  “That would certainly be terrible.. did something happen at the Church?”

  “Well, after I was expelled I tried to investigate.. but a crowd arrived and made it impossible. Some were even carrying lances and sabers.”


  “It seemed so. I suspect they are bringing something important from the river to the Church. It is quite an event.. even that lovely boy who competed with you for my hand in marriage was there.”

  “That guy from Kumersun?”

  His face darkened, his expression clearly stating “don’t mention something I hate so much.” Holo laughed. Even if a similar incident like that was to happen, it wouldn’t spiral out of control this time. But Holo and Lawrence had grown closer as they went through that ordeal, so Lawrence could understand why she would happily bring it up.

  “But I wonder what happened? That’s not your everyday incident.”

  “I’ve no idea. My eavesdropping yielded nothing, so I decided to regroup with you.”

  “I see.”

  Lawrence tried to reconcile Holo’s information with what he just learned at the guild.

  “From what I gathered at my guild, it’s as though a boat from the north was towed along by another boat from a southern company. I figured it was a political issue.”

  Holo’s face contorted in confusion – he was being too subtle.

  “Well, the north and south sides of town are in conflict, but they can’t just draw a border on the river. If fish migrate north, only the north would be able to fish, and vice versa. It’s kind of like when people go to fish, they always compete for the best spot. A fisherman from the south won’t just admire the shape of a northern boat and yield the spot.”

  Holo slowly nodded; it seemed his analogy was doing the trick.

  “They’re towing a boat from the north and delivering something that has to by guarded by soldiers.. and they’re delivering it not to a company, but the Church.. huh.. did they catch a mermaid or something?”

  “A mermaid?”

  Holo’s was unexpectedly puzzled. It seemed she had never heard of mermaids.

  “Hmm.. how should I describe them? Well, they’re mythical creatures. The part of the sea near here is the Winfield Channel, you see, and the northern exit to the channel is so rocky that there are always shipwrecks. Since ancient times the myth is that there are maidens with beautiful voices there to distract the sailors. At first the sailor is puzzled upon seeing a pretty girl on the sea, but soon they see that the lower half of her body isn’t human, but fish-like.”

  Holo’s admiration was plainly written on her face. She knew of the sea, but not this myth. If even she hadn’t heard of it, then it was probably just a silly superstition. As Lawrence came to that conclusion he saw her hum and nod.

  “Human males are always being seduced, are they not?”

  It was said that all mythical creatures beguiled humans, but Lawrence had been arguing with Holo long enough to know that they could still be reasoned with.

  “Compared to that kind of tough life of always avoiding beguilement, I prefer leading a relaxed life.”

  He said this knowing that Holo’s character was to prefer being under the sun to being in a casino. In response, she waved her ears and answered in embarrassment.

  “Quite right. I love wine as well. However-”

  She smiled before continuing.

  “Have you prayed to god? Perhaps by not falling in one trap, you will fall in another.”


  “I am asking if you are hiding something from me.”


  He groaned in realization that he still wasn’t able to hide anything from her. After thinking it through, he explained what had happened between him and Keeman. Her reply was obvious.

  “Foolish mule.”

  Despite wanting to plead that Keeman wasn’t a normal person, he swallowed his pride and realized it would barely qualify as an excuse. But her next words confused him.

  “Still, it will be alright if you refuse anything unreasonable, right?”

  She had an uncanny ability to seem as though her reasoning was the whole truth.. it was difficult to bear. He forced himself to focus and scratched his head. Merchants normally signed paper contracts, but a verbal contract carried a lot of weight as well.

  “The Rowen guild has hundreds of merchants. Some are big shots who earn thousands of gold coins annually.. I’m just a feather on the wind, I can’t refuse their orders. It’s indeed stupid, but it’s what keeps the guild united.”

  Even when he had been on the verge of bankruptcy in Ruvinheigen, and was faced with a life of slavery on a ship or in a mine, he didn’t betray his guild. It was like a good friend, but also like a terrible enemy.. like a group of knights armed with money and quill pens.

  “Indeed. The small potatoes in a regiment cannot disobey their captain.”

  “You think so, huh?”

  “Mmhm. But in their situation they stand to lose much. Since you know that fox, they may wish to do something to you.. and yet they only threaten you to not cooperate with others.”

  One’s mind might be clouded when considering such a problem, but another observer would judge more calmly.

  “On the other hand, it is a basic tactic for leaders to threaten their followers into order. There is no reason for you to fret overmuch.”

  Given that she had once been the harvest god of a village, Holo’s words were quite convincing. Even if she was also a girl who loved food and wine, and cried when she remembered her home.

  “At any rate, I simply move in accordance with the priorities of my heart.”

  She waved her hand and increased her pace, leaving Lawrence behind. It would be wrong to get angry at her capricious ruthlessness, but simply smiling in response wasn’t enough. He replied to her back as she moved away.

  “And if it’s first priority happens to be me, you’ll never admit it, huh?”

  She stopped and turned around.

  “Hmph. It cannot be captivated by you.”

  Her evil smile appeared, complete with fangs. He shivered, worried about whether anyone noticed. The coldness he felt on his back right now was surely not due to it it getting colder outside, but due to his own temperate rising. He sighed as he caught up with her and captured her hand.

  “Had enough? Then let’s go find Cole.”

  As she spun to face him, her expression was just as he expected: angry.

  “That is my line, you fool!”

  * * *

  Luckily the fee to be ferried back to the north was only half the cost of going the other way. If anything was going to happen in town, it would spread quickly, and if it was happening on the south side then people would be heading there out of interest.

  In fact, that was happening now – the boats heading north were almost empty. Lawrence was able to haggle the price down unlike when they headed to the south, and what he saved he spent to buy Holo some more clam meat.

  “Just keep it a secret from Cole.”

  Holo had already finished devouring them by the time he finished speaking.

  It might seem best to stay on the delta or go south
if one wanted to investigate the situation in town, but given what Holo had told him Lawrence suspected there were even better avenues.

  He hadn’t told Keeman where they were staying in town, so he had some leeway. Keeman might have his suspicions, but it wouldn’t be enough to act decisively. But if Cole had been caught, Lawrence would have no choice but to follow Keeman’s orders.

  “Ah.. you’re back..”

  Cole had an odd look on his face, causing Lawrence to wonder if something happened to the boy. But when he noticed the smoked herring and a coin the table, he understood the situation. Cole had asked for information by pretending to be a beggar, and had won their hearts.

  “..so tired..”

  “I know. But it looks like you’ve gathered a lot of information, haven’t you?”

  Holo moved up to Cole, who smiled in exhaustion. She massaged his eyes. Holo had fooled Lawrence before with such an innocent, sleepy face.. but right now it was melting her own seriousness.

  “Um.. right.. I did. D’Jean Company is hoarding food, so the food supply in town is dwindling.. it’s getting tough to find enough.”

  “And they’re selling eggs in the market to offset that recklessness, right?”

  Holo rubbed Cole’s face as she stared off into the distance.

  “It sounds like they are preparing quite a feast..”

  “Maybe. If so, Reynolds is dead serious about the bones.”

  Maybe this was his last-ditch effort? Based on what Keeman had told Lawrence, Eve negotiated with those who stood to gain the most from this situation. In this kind of endeavor, no one would approach her without having an obvious goal in mind.. and it would be a risky gamble to let others in on something like this.

  It was reasonable to think that if Reynolds was helping Eve then he knew who had the bone, but couldn’t contact them without a mediator. That meant they were probably a famous noble or clergyman, who wouldn’t trade with just any merchant.. just those who were nobles or could at least afford a noble’s name.

  Holo seemed to have an idea.

  “This seems to match a rumor I heard.”

  “What’s that?”


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