Suddenly (Romance on the Go Book 0)

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Suddenly (Romance on the Go Book 0) Page 2

by Beth D. Carter

  “What do I need to do for shock?” he asked the EMT.

  Knowing he listened, Bellah relaxed and it wasn’t long before he scooped her up in his arms.

  “Bellah, I’ll take you home.”

  She tightened her arms around his neck. She didn’t want to be alone to remember, terrified he’d be there, although the rational part of her brain tried to tell her that would be impossible. She simply didn’t believe in impossible at the moment.

  “I-I don’t want to be alone.”

  “All right,” he said softly, soothingly. “I’ll take you home with me. I’ll take care of you, Bellah.”

  Cradled to his chest, she relaxed as he carried her away. She opened her eyes and looked over his shoulder and saw security men and police swarming around her attacker. He was big and mean-looking, dirty, African-American, and he might have been drunk because he vomited all over himself and the ground in front of him. She shuddered and closed her eyes. All she wanted was to take a hot shower and scrub that man off her skin. She buried her head into Dalton’s neck, so happy he’d come to save her.

  Chapter Three

  Dalton helped her into his bathroom but she was so out of it that she didn’t even comprehend what it looked like. He sat her on the toilet and started to talk to her. Although she watched his mouth move, nothing computed in her brain. All she knew was that she needed to be under a hot shower to scrub that man off her skin.

  She heard the water kick on, felt the steam rising from the shower stall, and began unbuttoning her blouse. She didn’t care if Dalton saw her naked or not because right now, there wasn’t a cell in her body that felt clean. All she could think about was soap.

  “Do you want me to step out, Bellah?” he asked.

  She blinked and looked at him and shook her head no.

  So, he helped her undress, without an ounce of sexual interest in his movements. He unhooked her bra and unzipped her skirt, supporting her as she stepped out of it before holding her hand and leading her into the shower. The hot water immediately pelted down on her head as he closed the shower door.

  She grabbed the soap and began washing herself and once she started, she couldn’t stop. A luffa sponge sat in the corner and she grabbed it, not even caring that it belonged to Dalton because in her mind Dalton was clean. She was the dirty one. She’d have to make sure to buy him a new one because she was a stain, one big tainted, disgusting stain. She soaped up the sponge and began scrubbing. Thank God the monster hadn’t removed her clothes because she didn’t know how she would’ve dealt with that. She scrubbed her face, her hands, her arms. She dug her nails into the bar of soap in an effort to cleanse away any cell of her attacker that remained. In fact, she might need some bleach.

  Tears poured out of her eyes as she scrubbed herself. How could she have been so helpless? How could she not have fought back? Her mind had shut down and she hadn’t known what to do. If Dalton hadn’t shown up, she might have ended up one of those tragic victims on the Investigation Discovery channel.

  Then her terrified mind asked what if it happened again? What if she was attacked and this time there was no Dalton? She couldn’t rely on him. She couldn’t rely on anyone except herself.

  She didn’t know she was sitting in the shower, still scrubbing furiously until Dalton stepped into it with her and picked her up. She blinked, coming out of a dark place in her mind, and noticed he’d kept his boxer briefs on, although they were soaked from the hot spray of water.

  “Stop, Bellah,” he said gently. “Your face is red. I don’t want you to rub yourself raw, sweetheart. Come on now, you’re clean.”

  “I don’t feel clean.”

  He tilted her chin up. “You are, sweetheart. Please. I won’t let anyone ever hurt you again.”

  “You can’t promise that,” she said. “You may not be there next time. How come I didn’t fight back?”

  “Sometimes our minds go blank when we need it most.”

  “This wasn’t public speaking, Dalton. This was about survival. I … I froze.”

  “You did nothing wrong, Bellah.”

  “I didn’t even defend myself.”

  “But you did,” he said. “You screamed for help and that’s when I heard you. But if you want, we can change that, you know. We can sign you up for self-defense classes. Train your mind to not freeze when you need it.”

  For some reason, the vision of The Karate Kid flashed in her head. “Yeah, okay. I want to do that.”

  “We’ll start looking first thing in the morning. Now, let’s get you out of here. The police want to talk to you some more. Can you handle that?”

  She nodded. He turned off the shower and stepped out before holding a big fluffy towel open. She stepped into it and he wrapped her up like a cocoon and kissed her gently on the forehead.

  “I’ve got some clothes here for you,” he said. “They’re mine, so they’re a little big, but they’ll have to do until tomorrow.”

  “Are the police here?”

  “They’re on their way. I’m going to step out, give you some room to get dressed. Will you be okay?”

  She nodded. He smiled at her gently and left her alone, with the towel still wrapped around her and a pile of clothes on the counter. She looked around and realized, for the first time, how big his bathroom actually was. Her apartment could almost fit inside it. It was decorated in tans and browns with tile and marble everywhere. An ivory claw-foot bathtub was separate from the shower and a bidet rested near the toilet. She dried herself off and dressed in Dalton’s clothes, the t-shirt hanging almost to her knees. She pulled the drawstring almost all the way on the sweatpants to keep them around her hips. She’d always fantasized about being in his condo, about being in his home, but this wasn’t how it was supposed to happen and she was angry that stranger took it away.

  When she opened the bathroom door, she saw Dalton sitting on the edge of his bed. He had obviously taken off his wet underwear and dressed in plaid lounge pants and a t-shirt that outlined every muscle. She wondered how he managed to stay in shape since he worked twelve- to fourteen-hour days. She worked just as long as he did and most of the time she crashed as soon as she walked into her apartment.

  Dalton stood and held out his hand. “How are you feeling?”

  She took his hand and squeezed. “Better. Calmer.”

  “Good. Let’s go make you some tea.”

  He held her hand as he led her from the bedroom and into the rest of his house. Spacious. Bright. Not at all what she’d thought his bachelor pad would look like. The kitchen and living room were an open concept with a huge granite-top island. She slid onto one of the bar chairs as he fixed her a cup of tea from his K-cup machine. In a few minutes, she held a hot mug, letting it warm her hands.

  “The police should be here any minute,” he said. “And then, if you’d like, I can run you home or you can take one of my spare bedrooms.”

  She took a sip and looked at him. “Why did you come after me?”


  “In the garage. You don’t park on that level, so you must have come after me.”

  He sighed. “I didn’t like how we left things. It felt too awkward and I wanted to make sure you understood I was serious about going to the game.”

  She bit her lip. Should she tell him she had regretted turning him down? Now, after having some stranger attack her, it seemed wrong to talk about her interest in him. Like somehow her fantasies had translated into something ugly.

  “Bellah? Please, be honest with me.”

  “I … I wanted to say yes,” she said, deciding to go with her instinct and be truthful. “I know there’s a taboo for a boss and an employee to be involved. And if things go south, it could jeopardize my job. But I really would like to go to that game with you.”

  He was quiet for so long that she dared to peek up at him. His gaze burned with an intensity so strong it took her breath away. Was it possible he felt the same zing for her she felt for him?

wish you would have said that in the office,” he finally said. “Not just because it would’ve made me happy, but because it would’ve spared you what you went through.”

  “Do you … feel this thing between us?”

  “I felt it immediately. The first moment you stepped into my office to interview. And for a long time, I struggled with hiring you because yes, having a relationship with an employee is never a good idea. But I couldn’t not hire you.”

  He walked around the bar until he stood next to her and she swiveled in the chair to face him. Slowly, as if giving her time to back away, he reached up to cup her face. Tenderly, he ran his finger over her bottom lip.

  “I don’t want to push you,” he said. “Not after what you’ve been through.”

  “I felt so dirty and now all I want to do is erase his touch. Take his away and give me yours, Dalton. Please? I’ve wanted you for so long.”

  He stepped closer and she parted her thighs so he could fit between them, and her heart pounded with excitement. The fear from just a few hours ago gave way to desire as she watched Dalton’s head descend toward hers.

  He touched her lips with his, softly at first, giving her a chance to back away if she wanted. He didn’t crowd her or push her for more. He simply let her adjust to his presence, let her body relax into his. Sweet, really. Bellah had no doubt that if she pulled away from him, he’d let her go immediately. But that wasn’t what she wanted, so she placed her hands on his shoulders and pulled him closer. Gentle pressure against the seam of her mouth coaxed her to open and he swept his tongue inside, exploring her mouth. This kiss was hot, burning, and made her light-headed. He pulled her more firmly into his body, and being between her thighs in the confines of the chair lent an air of intimacy.

  He broke the kiss to trail a line of smaller kisses down her neck, his lips and tongue leaving a path of tingling sensation over her skin. His fingers brushed over the curve of her breast and she gasped as the sensitive peaks of her nipples hardened. As he pressed into her, she leaned back until the chair halted her progress, allowing him more liberty. His hand touched her waist, and he waited for a moment, and then trailed along her stomach. Goosebumps broke out and she arched into his hand, wanting more. She didn’t wear a bra and when his hand cupped her breast, a small whimper of desire escaped. His fingers darted over her nipple, rolling the little pebble and causing a direct path of need to travel down to her clit. Oh, she had known it would be like this. This good. That zing she’d always felt between them flared to life like a heat-seeking missile, causing her body to explode with white-hot fire. She wrapped her arms and legs around his neck and felt the answering bulge pressing against her core. The knowledge that he wanted her like she wanted him was an aphrodisiac that went straight to her head.

  “I want you,” she gasped in his ear.

  “Oh, sweetheart, I want you too. I’ve wanted you for so long I can hardly believe you’re in my arms right now.”

  He kissed her again, and this time, his tongue surged into her mouth, laying claim. She felt the difference right away and it thrilled her, making her arousal rise even more. She ground her pussy against his hard cock, wishing they could shuck their clothes so he could sink into her right now. But the chime on his door broke through the haze of passion and she reluctantly pulled back.

  Dalton groaned and leaned his forehead against hers, breathing deeply. “Shit,” he mumbled. “That’s the police.”


  The doorbell chimed again.

  “I have to get that.”


  He laughed and pulled away to look at her. “Have you turned monosyllabic on me?”

  She took a deep breath. “I’m a bit dazed.”

  “Good,” he said and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead before stepping back. Reluctantly, she let her arms and legs drop from his body as she released him. “Can you go back to being a bit dazed after they leave?”

  “Most definitely.”

  He reached down to adjust himself and then headed to the door. Bellah made sure that all her lady parts were safe and covered. There were two policemen who walked behind Dalton as he led them into the kitchen. Both men took off their uniform-issued hats as they came to stand in front of her in a nice sign of respect.

  “Hello,” said the first man, an older man with salt and pepper hair. He had kind eyes and she was grateful for that. “I’m Officer Dale and this is my partner Officer March.”

  “Hello,” she said, nodding to both. “I’m Bellah Denoon.”

  “Can you tell us what happened this evening?”

  She nodded and proceeded to tell them everything, starting with saying goodnight to Dalton and ending on how she came to be sitting in his chair. She saw Dalton grow very still as he listened and his fists clenched as she told about how the attacker had dragged her toward the stairs. And the words he’d said to her.

  “And you, Mr. McCoy,” Officer Dale said once she finished. “You saw him?”

  “I came to the garage to talk to her about something and I heard her scream,” Dalton replied. “I saw the man with his arms around her, dragging her backward, and she was clawing at him to get away. I rushed him, pulled him off her, and hit him a few times to make sure he stayed down before I called security.”

  That was a surprise to her and Bellah glanced at his knuckles. Sure enough, the skin had been broken with a bruised appearance. Something soft unfurled in her chest, knowing he’d beaten someone to protect her.

  “Your attacker is a man by the name of Sylvester Turnier. Do you happen to know him?”

  Bellah blinked and Dalton cursed. Officer Dale turned to him.

  “You know him, Mr. McCoy?”

  “I have an employee named Jaclynn Turnier,” Dalton explained. “She was angry that Bellah had a promotion over her.”

  The cop nodded and wrote something down in his little notebook.

  “I had a run-in with her this morning,” Bellah said softly. “In the elevator. I knew she’d been spreading some falsehoods about me, so I confronted her and told her to stop. I never thought she hated me enough to have someone attack me.”

  “All right, thank you, Ms. Denoon. We’ll be in touch.”

  The officers thanked them and assured her that they would look into and investigate Jaclynn, to see if she had anything to do with the attack. Dalton walked the police out the door. Bellah came up next to him and picked up his hand to kiss the scraped knuckles.

  “I’m sorry,” she murmured.

  “About what?”

  “That you were hurt.”

  “Are you kidding? I would gladly fight twenty men if it meant protecting you.”

  “Why are you frowning?” she asked.

  “I’m having a difficult time digesting the fact that one of my employees could stoop so low as to instigate this crime,” he replied.

  “Maybe she didn’t know.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Is that what you believe?”

  Bellah shook her head. “I want to believe she didn’t hate me that much, but it’s hard to reconcile that when the attacker’s last name is the same as hers. Her brother maybe?”

  He shook his head. “Doesn’t really matter. If she’s involved, and his last name doesn’t happen to be a massive coincidence, then she’s fired. I don’t have to go through HR for this one.”

  Weariness hit her suddenly, as if all the air deflated out of her, leaving her struggling to keep her eyes open. After all the horror and excitement of the day, now she struggled to stay awake.

  “You’re exhausted,” he said. “Why don’t you get some rest and we’ll talk more tomorrow?”

  “But … but the kisses,” she protested. “I want to continue them.”

  “So do I, but not with a narcoleptic.”

  Bellah tried to smile, but it morphed into a yawn. “Yeah, okay.”

  “Come on, I’ll show you to the guest room.”

  He led her down a hallway to a comfortable-looking bedroom. Bel
lah placed her hand on his arm.

  “Thank you, Dalton.”

  He leaned over and kissed her forehead. “If you have any bad dreams, I’m here for you.”

  She smiled. He stepped out and closed the door.

  Chapter Four

  The smell of coffee tempted her from sleep and she opened her eyes to see Dalton in the open bedroom doorway, leaning against the frame, holding a cup. He smiled and held it up.

  “Wake up, sleepyhead. We have a fun day planned.”

  She pushed herself into a sitting position. “Fun day?”

  “Yep,” he replied, walking forward to hand her the cup. “Just what the doctor ordered to shake off the remaining fear from last night.”

  “And what’s that?” she asked. She took a sip of the black coffee, careful not to burn her mouth.

  “We’re going to the afternoon game at Busch Stadium.”

  Bellah widened her eyes. “Really? Behind home plate?”

  He nodded. “So come get some breakfast and we’ll head out to enjoy the pregame show.”

  Excited, she hurried out of bed and used the bathroom real quick, before following him to the kitchen. On the table were pancakes and bacon.

  “I didn’t realize you could cook,” she said, sliding into a chair.

  “Don’t get too excited. If it comes from a box with instructions, I can handle it. But I’m no Iron Chef.”

  Bellah chuckled. “I like that show too. They’re the MacGyvers of the cooking world. Come on … who else can make a three-course meal with an ingredient like lima beans?”

  Dalton gave a mock shudder. “Those and Brussel sprouts have no business on this planet. Once we finish up here, we’ll get ready and take the train downtown to the stadium. Sound all right with you?”

  “Yes. Thank you, Dalton. For everything.”

  He winked at her. “I have an extra Cardinals shirt you can wear.”


  They took the train to downtown and walked the rest of the way to Busch Stadium, where they blended in with the crowd to enjoy the revelry of the upcoming game. There was a reason why St. Louis had the best fans in the nation, and the happiness all around her helped negate the darkness from the night before. For a time, Bellah was able to put what happened behind her and simply enjoy the festivities. And sitting behind home plate to watch the game was a thrill she’d never had before. Able to see the players and hear them talk and shout was an experience every die-hard fan should experience at least once in their life.


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