Ruin Me Please

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Ruin Me Please Page 10

by Nichole Matthews

  No one said a word; each had a look of chastisement on their faces.

  He stared at each of the men as he took a deep draw on his cheroot. “In turn, I will string up anyone that hurts even a hair on one of my sweet, innocent little sisters.” His brows were dark brown slashes across his furrowed forehead. He crushed his cheroot almost violently in the ashtray. “So, someone better start talking and it better be good.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “I trust I have made my point quite clear?”

  “I am innocent.” Seymour grinned wickedly, holding ups his hands in surrender for a second. “Well, at least for the moment.” He took a long draw on his cigar and blew a ring of smoke in the air. “Anyway, I have never been one to seduce virgins.” He turned his eyes towards Declan. “I’m here just for the show. Besides, I have been unable to find a willing maidservant yet.” His white even teeth showed with his wide grin. “You have obviously trained your household staff well.” He stretched his arms above his head. “I am impressed, Ashford. I never expected to be this entertained.”

  “Seymour, this is not the time or the place for your humor,” Parker said without the blink of an eye.

  Declan looked at Parker and swallowed his port in one gulp. Standing, he walked to the French windows. “You know I would not do anything to hurt your sister or our friendship.” He took a relaxing draw on his cheroot.

  “I know you would never do anything to intentionally hurt my sister, however, she is an innocent.” Then Parker asked, “Can I trust you with her?”

  “Absolutely,” Declan said, taking a grateful sip of his port hoping he was speaking the truth.

  “And you, Durham?” Parker waited for a reply.

  Durham glared at Parker for several seconds, but finally replied, “I’m working on it.” He took a large swallow of his port. “Mind your own damn business,” Durham grumbled.

  “Since all of these shenanigans are taking place in my home, I am minding my own damn business,” Parker said his mouth pulled in a thin line. “Now, we have left the ladies alone long enough. So can we all agree to behave?”

  They all nodded their heads in agreement and dully responded with the tone of reprimanded school boys, “Yes, Parker.”

  “Good. Believe me when I say that I will not have this conversation again.” Parker smiled grimly at each one of his friends while on the inside he found the whole situation a little humorous. He now understood what his father went through many times over as they were growing up.

  Seymour rubbed his hands together. “And here I thought this was going to be a dull summer.”


  “This is a disaster,” Freya cried out. “I have ruined this visit for everyone.” She paced back and forth. “I told you I should have taken a tray in my room.” She wrung her hands in agitation.

  Piper sat at the pianoforte and pounded loudly on the keys, pausing before replying to Freya’s comment, “Don’t be ridiculous.” She was missing every third note, her tongue stuck between her teeth as she concentrated. “I daresay the men are clueless to your involvement anyway.” A jumble of notes poured from her less than skillful fingers and she sighed. “I really should practice more…” She trailed off, attempting the popular melody again.

  “Piper dear.” Miss Harris cringed. “Sweetheart, would it be too much to ask that you practice at a later time? Tonight your playing is very distracting. We would not want to scare away all of the men at one time.” She grimaced, plugging her ears with her fingers.

  Practically playing all the keys at once, Piper ended with a dramatic flourish. Then she stood, curtsying to the group with a wide grin.

  Poppy giggled and clapped her hands. “Well done, Sister.”

  Freya burst out laughing.

  “You two will never marry,” Miss Harris said. “You’re both completely hopeless.” She sighed dramatically. “We will all be old maids living in Bath taking the healing waters for our rheumatism.” She shook her head. “You two find great pleasure in provoking me.”

  Chloe interrupted Miss Harris’s humorous tirade, “No Freya, you have not ruined everything darling.” She gave Miss Harris a significant look. “Miss Harris, tell her she has not ruined everything.”

  “Lady Freya, boys will always be boys,” Miss Harris calmly announced. “You cannot blame yourself for their unfortunate bouts of thoughtlessness. You need only concern yourself with learning how to assist with limiting those times. You must learn how to make them feel as though they are making all the correct decisions as you truly direct them.” She smiled secretly. “You hold more power than you give yourself credit for my dear.” She kept a secretive look on her face. “Do you want Lord Durham?”

  “Yes, no, yes, I do not know?” Freya moaned. “I do not mean to be a tease, but he truly hurt me.” With a look of shame across her face, she began to crumple again with tears.

  “If you truly want him, then keep teasing him,” Miss Harris advised. “Men are simple creatures. He will want what he thinks he cannot have. Do not forget,” Miss Harris admonished. “Leave him wanting more and he will come back for it.”

  “Ooh, you are truly wicked, Miss Harris.” Piper laughed. “I knew we needed you for a reason. You are a sly one.”

  “I am also watching you, Poppy,” Miss Harris said shaking her finger with a twinkle in her eyes. “I’ve seen that look in your eyes before and that means there is trouble brewing.”

  Poppy chuckled as she gave Miss Harris a saucy wink.

  “Poppy, you will be the death of me,” Miss Harris moaned. “Here is what we need to do tonight…” Miss Harris strategically laid out their plans like a general in Wellington’s army.


  “I think it could work,” Freya agreed. “Let’s put it into practice tonight.” She squared her shoulders, bracing herself in expectation of an unpleasant encounter. As she waited for the men to join them, she nervously paced back and forth in front of the fireplace, glancing fretfully at Poppy, she warned, “I fear I am going to wear a path in your Aubusson rug.” She glanced at her feet, giggling a little.


  The elegantly dressed men strolled into the drawing room in their usual arrogant and bold manner.

  “Ladies,” Seymour greeted silkily, bowing slightly.

  “Sorry to have been gone longer than usual,” Parker apologized. “We had a few items to discuss.” He looked towards Poppy with a hard set to his jaw. “Were you ladies interested in playing some whist tonight?”

  Poppy lifted her chin, glancing at Declan wishing she could stay and talk but knowing she must first think of Freya.

  Well, there was always tomorrow.

  Slowly standing straight and tall she turned with a knowing look towards Miss Harris, took a deep breath, and pasted a sorrowful smile on her face. “I fear we ladies have exhausted ourselves today.” She covered her mouth with her hand pretending to stifle a yawn. “We are going to retire early, you know with the traveling and all.” Poppy’s mouth turned down in pout. “Our delicate constitutions need to be revived by a long night of rest.” She shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly. “I’m sure you gentlemen will understand.”

  Chloe chimed in with a sweet smile, “It has been a pleasurable evening though gentlemen.” She bobbed a little curtsy. “Pleasant dreams to everyone.”

  Perplexed by their actions, all the men bowed slightly when they left the room in a single file line. Each of the men’s confused gazes followed their exit with stunned eyes.

  Durham stood with his mouth hanging open.

  Pushing up Durham’s chin Seymour stated flatly, “Do shut your mouth or you will most assuredly catch some flies.”

  With a fascinated look in his eyes, Declan turned to the men and laughed. “I believe we have been fairly warned.”

  As soon as the door shut, Parker inquired with his brow raised, “Billiards anyone?”


  Journey’s end in lover’s meeting.

  Twelfth Night


  Poppy climbed into her canopy bed fit for a princess with gauzy curtains that billowed down to shelter her sleep. The delicately carved columns jutted upward in fanciful swirls. With a single candle burning on her nightstand, she lay on her back and stared up at the ceiling, gazing at the delicate scene commissioned by her father that seemed to float above her.

  The cupids searched for someone to shoot with tiny bows and arrows. The smiling cherubs searched for lovers and all frolicked playfully above her bed. They usually made her smile. Tonight, however, her mind occupied with something real instead of with the chubby babies that floated across her ceiling. Her mind inundated with visions of the fascinating emerald eyes of a duke. Oh, but he was so much for than a duke. He was a man filled with an abundance of charm and kindness. He was Declan, a face to put with her dreams.

  She lay there for several moments floating in an out of wakefulness. Just as she started to doze off, the sound of shuffling footsteps paused outside her door.

  Quickly Poppy sat up, waiting quietly for the feet to move on, or for a knock.

  When none came and the sound of footsteps didn’t move further down the hall, she slid softly from her bed, slipped on her wrapper and placed her ear against the door where she made out a slight scratching on the door followed by a faint whisper from a deep, familiar voice. Her heart beat fast as she slowly turned the doorknob cracking the door open slightly to peek into the hallway. Her eyes hit the brass buttons attached to the cream vest covering the wide chest that belonged to only one man; she lifted her gaze until her blue eyes connected with Declan’s intense emerald stare.

  Considerably better in real life.

  She should say goodnight and close the door. He was a gentleman, he would be unable to find fault with those actions, but she was riveted, fascinated, her heart beating far too rapidly, her skin suddenly flushed.

  “Declan?” Poppy could have sworn someone had punched her in the stomach. She couldn’t breathe, which is how her brothers always described that sensation after a bout at Gentleman Jackson’s. “What are you doing out here?” she whispered a bewildered smile spreading across her face. “Parker is going to kill you if he finds you at my door.”

  “I wanted to see you again.” His passion filled green eyes gazed at her longingly. “I missed not being able to become better acquainted after dinner.” He was amazed that after all of his thirty years that this little bitty thing could bring out this insatiable need.

  He could feel her vibrant energy pulling him, his muscles tensed; he shifted a fraction nearer to her temptingly sweet lips.

  Without preamble and throwing caution to the wind, Declan hauled her against his wide chest. He silenced her shocked gasp by claiming her lips possessively. His tongue thrust deep into her mouth bold and hot.

  Her head was spinning. Poppy met his demanding kiss with equal passion. She felt no hesitation as she speared her hands in the hair at his nape. The silky feeling tantalized her fingertips. She moaned in ecstasy, unmistakable warmth pooled between her thighs at the taste of him.

  Cursing his swelling erection, he took one last intoxicating sip from her tantalizing lips, his breath rasped harsh and uneven. His gaze raked her from head to toe unconcerned with her dishabille. She fascinated him.

  Trying to regain control of her senses, she supported her weak knees by leaning against the doorframe. “Declan…,” she protested, drawing a shaky breath at his unsettling nearness. Her breasts rose and fell rapidly as she gazed at him.

  He held a finger to her lips; his voice was slightly hoarse when he spoke, “Goodnight.” Bowing slightly, he walked quickly down the hall.

  She stared after him in innocent wonder. Poppy quickly closed her door leaning against it for strength. Her fingers lightly touched her lips, which still seemed to tingling. She took a moment to recover from the incredibly arousing feeling that flowed throughout her body.

  Climbing back into her bed, she felt incredibly wicked. For a long moment, she took deep breaths, waiting for the wild beating against her ribcage to slow.

  Sitting up, she leaned across and blew out her candle. She fell back against her pillow, pulling the covers to her chin, she snuggled deep down in the dark. Cocooned in darkness, she yawned widely before drifting off to sleep with a contented smile.


  Declan closed the door to his room with only the faintest click, blinking wearily. He advised his valet Finley to retire earlier, so he began undressing himself. He pulled his cravat from around his neck and tossed it on the nearest chair, then grimaced when he noticed the burning end of a cheroot glowing beyond the open doors to his balcony.

  He squared his shoulders preparing for a fight. He didn’t intend to hide his growing attraction, especially from her family. “Parker.”

  Parker tossed down his cheroot putting it out with his boot heel, then sauntered into the room.

  Declan was tired, ignoring pleasantries he asked abruptly, “What do you want now?”

  Parker’s eyes narrowed. “A lot, but that is neither here nor there.”

  Declan scrubbed his hand across his face. “Ash, I’m exhausted. Can’t we talk tomorrow?” He threw himself into his armchair, leaning his forearms on his legs. Stifling a yawn, he insisted, “I’m tired, I understood your lecture from earlier. There is no reason to rehash it again with me.”

  “Surely you cannot believe that I am going to allow my sister to be seduced in my own home?” He circled Declan watchfully.

  Declan stiffened. Had he witnessed their heated encounter?

  “I want what every good brother and guardian would want.” He smiled tightly. “To know what you’re about?”

  He stared at the floor, saying nothing.

  “Tell me you are not playing with my sister?”

  Instead of responding to Parker’s question, he asked one of his own, “Why hasn’t Poppy or Piper married yet?”

  Parker looked at him quizzically, “Probably because I haven’t forced them to.”

  “Why would you assume I would harm your sister?” Declan questioned impatiently.

  “You’ve been in a self-imposed prison for almost three years, for God’s sake,” Parker countered warily.

  “That doesn’t mean I’m going to ravish the first girl I meet or that I’ve been celibate the entire time.” Declan glanced at him with a scowl.

  “I know you,” Parker said quietly. “But, I also know your reputation is well deserved.”

  “Well I know yours too.” Declan laughed. “Our reputations were built together, if you recall. And neither of us has had to resort to unimaginable things to slake our lust.”

  “I love you like a brother Declan, you know that.” Parker’s muscles were rigid. “But know that if you irrevocably harm my sister, I will have to kill you.”

  Declan winced. “I understand.” He couldn’t stop the yawn that erupted, wearily he rubbed his tired eyes. “Can I please go to sleep now, Parker?”

  Parker gave a slight smile, glancing over his shoulder as he opened the door. “I’ll be watching you.” He stepped into the hall and shut the door.

  Declan finished undressing, then climbed naked between the cool sheets. He felt a great sense of peace after his talk with Parker. He lay on his bed, his head propped on his arms staring at the ceiling.

  His chest tightened when it occurred to him he was feeling an odd possessiveness, one that he had never felt before. He pondered the feeling, then shaking his head as if to clear it. This would not do at all. He had only met the girl that morning. Sighing, yet he couldn’t help imagining what she would look like naked on her bed that looked like a ethereal cloud as he drifted off to sleep, unable to stifle the wicked smile on his face. His very own scandalously naked angel, An agnel; or, if not, an earthly paragon.


  Love is like a child that longs for

  Everything it can come by.

  Two Gentlemen of Verona

  *William Shakespeare

sp; The twins had the art of shopping down to a science. Because they knew Ashford like the back of their hands, they ushered the women efficiently from store to store. Now Ashford definitely wasn’t large enough to boast individual stores for each item in a woman’s wardrobe, however, there was a milliner who had many charming bonnets in their window display and Quinton’s could order anything else from London if it was not available in his shop.

  That is why the following afternoon the women found themselves packed into Quinton’s in Ashford picking out ribbons. “How is it that when I see a ribbon, I don’t want it?” Chloe sighed. “But when I want a particular ribbon, it is nowhere to be found?”

  “Perhaps it is hiding from you, my dear. You couldn’t possibly need more ribbons.” Poppy laughed.

  “She’s absolutely right.” Freya nodded. “I’m positive I saw a case overflowing with ribbons alone in your room this very morning. I believe the color you are searching for has yet to be invented.”

  “Who can have too many ribbons?” Adele turned to the girls. “Ribbon is a lot cheaper than a new dress or hat.”

  Chloe gave Poppy a see I told you so grin.

  “When have we had to worry about money?” Piper questioned.

  Freya spoke up, “My father is the most frugal man I know.” She giggled. “He is forever insisting we refurbish everything.” She added on a whisper, “I believe my sister Lillian is wearing all of my gowns from last season.”

  “Even if one has money, there is nothing wrong with frugality,” Adele pointed out.


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