Shannon's Fairy-tale Foursome [Sweet Serenity 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Shannon's Fairy-tale Foursome [Sweet Serenity 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 8

by Mia Ashlinn

  “Yes, Master.” Cade bowed his head in what appeared to be deference.

  Oh, boy. Someone’s ass will be red by the end of the night. If only it were mine…

  She might be a virgin, but her innocence didn’t extend as far as many would expect of her. She had done her research in the comfort of her own home with the lights dimmed in the middle of the night. No one needed to be aware of her proclivity for being dominated by the alpha men she fantasized about every night in her naughty dreams.

  It wasn’t like she would act with such abandon in any other man’s arms. She could only give herself over to Jared, Drew, and Randy. With them, she felt real and powerful and beautiful. Love did that for her. She could be vulnerable with them, having the knowledge that they would love her no matter what, that they would love her even more for allowing them to have that side of her.

  They would understand her gift of submission to them and only them. If any other man had the audacity to demand her submission, she would bite his dick in half and sell it to a man-hater with diabolical plans for torture.

  “Home. Now.” Gray’s gruff voice morphed into that of a predator. He sounded dark, sensual, and compelling.

  Cade winked at Gray boldly with mirth dancing in his green eyes as he purred seductively, “Oh, yes, Master.”

  The stroke of three pairs of eyes against her skin returned, leaving a tingling sensation in their wake. Heat suffused every inch of her body until she burned from the inside out. Her eyes strayed downward for what she hoped would be a quick peek at those drop-dead gorgeous bodies. Big mistake. Make that, huge mistake. And that wasn’t the only huge things in the room. Three mammoth cocks were outlined against the denim of sinfully tight jeans.

  Evidently, they felt the same lust she did.

  Her men’s arousal sent her body a message. Get ready, here we come. Her pussy responded instantaneously. An embarrassing amount of fluid gushed from her cunt in eager excitement at the prospect of being filled by those big, hard cocks.

  Intimidated yet intrigued by sheer size, she stared at them, peeling away their clothes until she reached the last layer in her X-rated mind. She couldn’t help but wonder if they wore anything underneath their practically painted-on jeans. By the looks of it, she would vote a definitive no.

  Beginning to wish she had followed their example and chosen to go without panties instead of covering her pussy with a lacey thong, she plotted ways to sneak off to the restroom discreetly and tear the offending things from her body.

  The friction against her highly sensitized clitoris drove her mad with need. Any movement, no matter how tiny, rasped the delicate fabric across the swollen nub, demanding more than a fleeting, unsubstantial stroke that teased more than satisfied. She needed to fuck, long and hard, and those three were the men for the job.

  Reaching the end of her rope, she was willing to beg and plead. Her resolve snapped and momentarily poleaxed her before every muscle in her body seized in preparation for the flight across the room to her men. Unless a bolt of lightning struck, she was ten seconds from jumping Jared, Drew, and Randy in front of everything and everybody present.

  They would more than likely turn her down right now, but she didn’t think about rejection and humiliation. She didn’t fret about inhibitions or impropriety. Her pride flew out the window, her brain went dead. Sensual urges seized her body and soul, bewitching her until fucking was her sole focal point.

  Lust mounted inside of her until she vibrated with need. A woman could only take so much before she broke and ran straight into the building frenzy with her arms open wide, embracing the passionate craze and disregarding good judgment. Entering a world where no common sense existed, a world with no cares for the future or the past, just existing in the moment that no one could take away.

  “Agggghhhh,” Shannon screeched when a soft hand touched her arm.

  In a blink, Jaycee’s concerned face came into view. “Are you all right?”

  “You scared me to death, J,” Shannon scolded, using acrimony to cover her mortification. It would have worked if she hadn’t been watching the three men, who had knowing looks on their faces. They knew exactly where her mind had gone because theirs had gone there, too. She could see it in them, just as they could see it in her.

  Katie-Anne muttered, “Apparently.”

  “Sorry, Shan,” Jaycee apologized with a confused frown.

  Shannon felt guilty for jumping on her friend. “No, J. I’m sorry. Just jumpy, I guess,” she said indifferently with an artificial smile she knew wouldn’t reach her eyes.

  As always, Jaycee wanted in on the secret, but she didn’t ask any questions. She didn’t need to. Following Shannon’s line of vision, Jaycee found her three older brothers. Comprehension dawned and she lit up. “Oh, okay.” A mischievous smile appeared on Jaycee’s pretty face. “Well, the three of us were going to head out. Can you hold my purse? I have to get my coat. Don’t want the pregnant lady to catch cold, right?”

  Shannon didn’t trust her friend for a minute. Jaycee was up to something, but she didn’t know what. Not wanting to seem rude after snapping at her, Shannon mumbled, “Sure,” and took Jaycee’s clutch. Holding the bag in the same hand as her own, she waited for Jaycee to come back from retrieving her coat from James.

  Before Jaycee had time to return, a short, rounded Italian woman approached them. “Excuse me, girls?” Stellina asked with a friendly smile. “Are you all planning on eating here or should I cancel your orders? We’re backed up so I haven’t started cooking it yet.”

  “Please cancel our orders,” Katie-Anne replied politely. “Thank you.”

  The gray-haired owner of Dolce Serenità said, “After that exciting show, you have to be hungry. I’m just so sorry that I got behind and won’t get to feed you now. I need to get some help around here before my granddaughter arrives in a few weeks. She’s planning on opening a new restaurant, and I am going to help her. Things are going to get so hectic. I just don’t know what I’m going to do.”

  This is my chance. I want to cook for her. Well, there’s no time like the present. “Stellina, I—” she started to say but stopped when she noticed that the elderly woman had already wandered back toward the kitchen without saying good-bye. Fuck a damn duck.

  Suddenly reappearing, Jaycee cut Shannon off with an exclaimed, “Thanks!” Then she snatched both purses from Shannon’s hands and darted for the door. “Turnabout’s fair play, sister! Jared! Drew! Randy! Looks like Shannon needs a ride home!” Jaycee cackled demonically before disappearing from sight.

  Oh, hell no! I need some time to plan, damn it. I need to get used to my epiphany. If I get in that car with them, I’m going to make an ass out of my horny self and lose any chance I have of winning them over.


  Katie-Anne placed her hand on the small of Shannon’s back, steering her toward the six men. “Hopefully.”

  Behind them, Sarah choked on something. Shannon didn’t know what it was, but she knew why she had. Landon’s sister was obviously innocent in a way that most of them had never been, and it extended far beyond mere sex.

  “What Sarah?” Katie-Anne asked. “Shannon needs to get laid. Then we need to work on you, my dear. Being innocent in Serenity should be outlawed.”

  “Oh sugar,” Sarah muttered. “What have I gotten myself into with you guys?”

  Ignoring Sarah, Shannon warned Katie-Anne ominously, “Your day is coming, my friend. Just remember that.”

  “Sure, sure. Whatever you say. Shane, Landon, and Katie-Anne sitting in a tree, f-u-c-k-i-n-g,” Katie-Anne sang liltingly with an ethereal voice that distracted the listener from the mocking and patronization in her lyrics. “First comes love. Then comes marriage. Then comes baby in a baby carriage.”

  Katie-Anne snorted, not the usual sarcastic snort or the occasional disbelieving snort. This tiny, forlorn sound came from deep within the melancholy soul that she hid from the world.

  Before Shannon’s eyes, another
leak sprung in the dam of Katie-Anne’s emotions.

  “A baby in a baby carriage? Kitten, you need to share something,” Landon teased, his reserved demeanor disappearing as Katie-Anne approached the group of men with Shannon and Sarah.

  The men widened the circle, making room for them. Katie-Anne moved to stand by Landon even though he stood the furthest away and had the least room surrounding him. A huge smile spread across his normally somber face at her nearness. He leaned toward Katie-Anne, whispering to her. A bright smile matching his lightened her face at whatever he said.

  Something had definitely changed between Landon and Katie-Anne. It didn’t make sense. How could two people go from tense silence to teasing and secretive smiles in a short span of time? Then again, look who was talking. She went from one extreme to the other, from “When hell freezes over,” to “Hell froze over. Take me! Take me! Take me!”

  Love didn’t make sense, so who was she to judge her best friend?

  “N–n–no, Landon,” Katie-Anne stammered nervously. “I was talking about Jaycee and her baby.”

  Apparently planning to cover for Katie-Anne’s white lie, Sarah nodded. “She’s telling the truth, Landon. It was just a joke,” she said as she followed behind Katie-Anne, moving in between her and Deke on the other side of the circle. Sarah stiffly settled into her place, but she kept darting her anxious eyes toward Deke, who appeared to be studiously ignoring her. With a blush, Sarah seemed to give up. She lowered her head then dropped her eyes to the floor. Clasping her hands in front of her, she went completely still and silent.

  Shannon felt for Landon’s foster sister. It was obvious by the adoration in her gray eyes that she was in love with Shane’s foster brother. It was, also, obvious that Deke wasn’t interested in the least. Poor Sarah.

  “Yeah, Katie-Anne was talking about J,” Shannon agreed. She didn’t want Sarah reprimanded for lying to protect a friend, and she certainly didn’t want Katie-Anne thrust into the hot seat by Shane. His scowl was intimidating enough. She couldn’t bear seeing what he could do right about now.

  Shifting the conversation seemed to be a good option so she did. “I think it’s about time to head home. Katie-Anne, I need a ride.”

  “Sorry, Shan. I can’t.” Katie-Anne didn’t sound the least bit sorry. In fact, she smiled at Shannon. Either she was happy to throw Shannon to the wolves or she had plans or, maybe, a little of both. “I have to run Landon and Sarah home.”

  “Deke or I can take them home,” Shane snapped. “You do not need to do it.” His fury ruined what would have been a nice, and helpful, offer. He didn’t want Landon and Katie-Anne alone together, even with Sarah chaperoning them. That was obvious.

  Landon’s arrogant smile scared Shannon. Whatever he planned to say would set Shane completely off. “I thought you were going out with Leila.”

  Shane turned ten shades of purple. Uh-oh. Time to run.

  Randy snagged her elbow, pulling her the hell out of Dodge. “Baby doll, I suggest we get out of here before he blows the roof off of this place.”

  It’s just a car ride. I can keep my hands and other body parts to myself for tonight. Right? Then I can start Operation: Fairy-tale Foursome tomorrow.

  In the next thirty minutes or so, she would repeat that to herself a lot.

  “Sure, Randy,” she replied with a shaky smile. “I would appreciate that.”

  “No problem,” Randy said. “Let me get Jared and Drew then we can head out to the back parking lot. Would you prefer to ride with me and Jared in my new truck? Or do you want to ride with Drew in his?”

  Well, now, I get it. Obviously, Shannon had been set up once again. Someone had apparently gotten the men to park in the back lot. Two holy terrors come to mind—Jaycee and Katie-Anne.

  Whoever it was had probably done it so she wouldn’t suspect anything. Besides, even if they had parked out front, she wouldn’t have recognized their new trucks. Her men had driven the same trucks for a while now. The brothers might be wealthy, but they were not wasteful. They would run the wheels off a work truck before replacing it. Apparently, one or more of the trucks had finally given up the ghost or were teetering on the edge of a complete breakdown. Otherwise, they would still be driving them and not something new.

  Shrugging, Shannon murmured, “It doesn’t matter. Either way is fine with me.”

  “Okay.” Randy touched her arm with a tenderness that tugged at her heart. He wanted her still, but he would never have her without his brothers. She knew it. He knew it. And so did his brothers. “Why don’t you get your jacket?”

  Following his suggestion, she headed to the coat closet without a backward glance.

  Chapter 9

  Randy was glad Shannon didn’t return from the coat closet. He didn’t want her to be an accomplice when he picked his brother apart, piece by fucking piece, in the middle of a restaurant with a crowd of Serenity’s finest. She probably wouldn’t want to spend the rest of the evening in the clink.

  Randy asked the one question in his mind at the moment, “Why the hell do you have to act like this, Drew?”

  “Because I am not some goddamn toy she can lay down and pick up on whim. I have more pride than that, unlike some people.” Drew glared at Jared with a look that could strip paint off a wall.

  Drew hadn’t taken the news well that Jared had realized Shannon was worth fighting for, even if he had to sacrifice a little more pride. Unlike Drew, they saw the changes in Shannon.

  If they offered her their love and bodies once more, she would accept them and love them for the rest of their lives. He saw it in her eyes and in her body language. She was desperate to ask, but fearful of their answer.

  “Drew, stop being such a bastard,” Jared spat. “If you can’t get over yourself, you are going to lose her. And us, too.”

  Shock held Randy immobile. An ultimatum? His brother had never given Drew an ultimatum. They were a package deal, always had been. He’d believed they always would be. However, this felt right. Sometimes life took tough love.

  Drew paled. “Are you saying what I think you are?”

  “Yes, Drew. I am.” The silent finality of Jared’s words had Randy’s heart rate skyrocketing. Either way his brother chose to go, Randy’s life would be changing as soon as they talked to Shannon. It was exhilarating and nerve-wracking, but invigorating as well.

  “You would tear our family apart over this?”

  Jared shook his head sadly. “No, Drew. You would be the one tearing apart our family. You would be the one turning your back on Shannon and us. I can’t live like this anymore—not even for you.”

  With one last troubled look, Jared left. His slumped shoulders and downcast eyes displayed an emotional turmoil far beyond what words could.

  Jared’s pain radiated into Randy. It was an entity standing in front of him. He couldn’t see it, but he could feel it. Drew could, too. The three of them connected on a level that even other triplets weren’t privy to. If one felt, they all felt.

  Walking away from Drew, knowing he could lose him, was the hardest thing Jared had ever done to one of his brothers. Randy knew that as well as Drew did. Suffering through the excruciating pain with each other, their hearts tore in half.

  They had to do something, but tough love didn’t always work. What happened then? God, he didn’t even want to contemplate the hell they would suffer if this last ditch effort didn’t work.

  “Drew, don’t do this to yourself or Shannon. It’s bad enough for you to do it to us, but don’t do it to her. If you love her, don’t give up. Trust me, brother. It will work out this time.” And, like Jared, he walked away.

  * * * *

  Watching his brothers leave, knowing they would be with Shannon, felt worse than a dagger to his heart. He never thought everything would come down to this, that he would lose the three people who meant everything to him over fear and foolish pride. In a perfect world, he would follow them on his hands and knees, begging and pleading. But, he couldn’t do it.
Could he?

  If he followed them, it would be a big mistake. Reasonably, he recognized that. But how did he stop himself? His woman would be in bed with his brothers tonight. They got the pleasure of delighting in her flesh, gorging themselves on every delicious inch of her luscious body. He heard her moans and groans. He saw them holding her after the orgasms subsided and falling asleep in her arms. In the morning, she would stretch and smile at them before a bout of morning sex that rocked the rafters.

  His cock reawakened, stirring to life. No longer was his heart the only thing giving orders. Chasing her, professing his love, and ravishing her were now at the top of his to-do list.

  No. He couldn’t risk his heart and pride one more time. It was too much. Wasn’t it?

  Confused, Drew stalked from the restaurant, knowing just where to go—Her Majesty’s Pleasure, the pub across town. He just had to manage to spend the night there and not wind up at Shannon’s doorstep until he figured out what the hell he wanted to do.

  * * * *

  “You guys didn’t have to walk me to the front door.” Shannon smiled hesitantly, staring straight ahead at the buttons on Jared’s dress shirt. “I appreciate it, though.”

  Jared ran a callused finger down her right cheek and under the side of her jaw, trailing slowly to her chin. He lifted her chin high enough that she met his heavenly blue eyes. “We wanted to, princess.”

  Princess. She was no princess, and she didn’t want to be one. Being a princess in a far-off kingdom where a title was only a title held no appeal. But, with him, she wanted to be a princess. With him, she was one.

  Jared was her fairy tale. And so was Drew. And Randy. They were her princes, and she was their princess. If it weren’t for the villain, she would have had her happily ever after years ago.

  I can have my happily ever after starting now, damn it. If she wanted them, she had to tell them. They put themselves on the line for her—time and again. Why couldn’t she do the same?


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